There have been two years, years(!) of immense lies. What will follow after so much deceit? Nothing but a wasteland of the numb minds. I look in my library, all I get is blank stares from everyone who sees it. Someone came the other day and said: “I like books, we should get some. I’m just not sure witch kinds to get”.
There have been two years, years(!) of immense lies. What will follow after so much deceit? Nothing but a wasteland of the numb minds. I look in my library, all I get is blank stares from everyone who sees it. Someone came the other day and said: “I like books, we should get some. I’m just not sure witch kinds to get”.
There have been two years, years(!) of immense lies. What will follow after so much deceit? Nothing but a wasteland of the numb minds. I look in my library, all I get is blank stares from everyone who sees it. Someone came the other day and said: “I like books, we should get some. I’m just not sure witch kinds to get”.