Feel extremely blessed if your spouse shares similar views about shots and the big changes being implemented in the world.

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Yes. Mine doesn't. It's hell.

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I can't imagine. We would have likely divorced.

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She threatens it all the time. She was loyal to me and I'm sticking around to be there when she falls. She'll always be the mother of our kids.

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I have lived the last two and a half years in a 55 and older community in Southern California. I don't know a single solitary person who has died of covid. I've got a 105 year old woman living next door who gets regular visitors.

Meanwhile, among the small segment of my friends and family whom I know have been vaccinated - about 25 people - I know five who have suffered sudden onset serious health impacts post vaccination. Four with heart issues (one required surgery), and the fifth with first acute pancreatitis followed by serious neurological symptoms being diagnosed as "maybe" ALS. Not one of these people seem to believe that the vaccine could be the cause of their heart issues or neurological damage, even though none had co-morbidities, and all were healthy prior to getting the vaccine.

All attempts to share information by email with links to data that in any way challenges the safety of the vaccines, the validity of the PCR testing, or any of the lockdown measures is met with complete silence by my friends and family.

Still, even after clearly being lied to about literally EVERYTHING of ANY importance by all MSM decade after decade - most of my friends and family will simply push a button on their remote, their bottom planted in the couch, and expect "truth" to be delivered to them with the push of that button and no effort on their part. At times I feel like we're simply living on different planets.

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I’m in SoCA too but though I am over 55 I do not live in a 55+ community. I live in a mixed age middle class suburb in San Diego. A elderly (mid 80’s) lady at the end of my street who was twice Jabbed (and likely boostered) was outside her house and she said she wasn’t feeling well, The next door neighbor came to her aid, asked if she wanted him to call 911, she declined and he helped her into her house. The next day she complained again about not feeling well, slumped over in her recliner, and boom was dead. I asked the neighbor who told me about it if she had the booster recently. She said yes she had…but there was no connection to the neighbor between her getting the Booster, then passing away shortly thereafter.

(And this neighbor & her husband (who are retired), got the booster so they could ‘go on a cruise’. And she said if they had to get a 4th one to go on another cruise they would!) These people who got the Jabs & B’s, their cognitive reasoning skills were seriously messed with after getting these shots!

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My sense with my family and friends is that their "cognitive reasoning skills" seemed to diminish in direct proportion to how much MSM covid fear mongering they ingested. And it seemed that once that "fear" response was deeply triggered - no new information was welcomed or allowed to penetrate if it challenged the MSM message of - "be afraid, be very afraid."

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I've commented before that (IMHO) those who consumed the most "media" seemed to be entirely captured by the propaganda being spewed forth daily.

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Maybe there is only so much fear one can handle. Fear of the jab in addition to fear of the virus may be too far. Now we want them to be afraid of the cure for the first fear….

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The thing will reveal the truth: the death and disease increases over past years. Hard to hide that.

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By deduction i conclude the plan is a slow roll of deaths. Goal is to save the planet, coverups of the financial and funny money schemes ie 401ks. They allow us logic sorts to watch while playing with our minds with inconsistency and nonsensicals. As one of liberal values I evolved to this conclusion by my own volution, observing the scientific literature, lack of low hanging measures like vitamins D, censor treatments -ivm hcq, medical personnels reports and several of my first hand accounts of people's adverse effects. facts cannot overcome this farce. I am still trying to figure beneficial actions. knowledge of the effects on innocent people is so unethical and unhuman. my kids are adults so...accept future sorrows. I imagine this may be like knowing their participation in combat. I wonder Why give tax deductions for kids if they want to reduce population? Saving the planet could have been done with community campaigns like "keep America beautiful" which taught me to never litter. As a composter of 25+years, lifelong exerciser, it now makes me laugh at the irony of these efforts.Thanks for listening and allowing bonding with all you substackers. Cheers

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I have found the interview of Yuri Bezmenov to be most informative on this topic. Can the trance be broken when it was designed to be unbroken? Should we invest ourselves in trying to push the rock of reason up the hill?


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Science is inclined to deny religious realities as being mythic, begotten of the collective unconscious. But it created a myth about science, as an universal knowing, for resolving all questions. Science itself loves truth, but scientism is a lie. The learned in solid rank practise the lie, useful and advantageous for their scientific pride. Scientism has replaced faith as secular salvation. Take the jab and be saved from invisible demons. Evidently we remain very primitive and witch doctors of science save us from eternal damnation.

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Ding, ding, ding!! Comment of the year!! Thank you!! Just subscribed

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Thanks for subscribing.

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I hope you don't mind - I posted this comment to fb, duly credited.

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Several months ago I used to think Orwell's 1984 was a good reference for understanding what's happening around us. But even better, by far, is "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Either movie version, 1956 or 1978. No other film better captures the current reality. Once you bought into the lie, once you've fallen into the Covid trance, it's hard to wake up, as so many have already witnessed. Good luck trying to persuade a true believer, even with a mountain of evidence. The true believer is not going to hear you. Here's the original version of the film, as powerful as the later remake: https://ok.ru/video/1664154405486

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I recommend "They Live" (1989), which was directed by John Carpenter. It's supposed to be a science fiction movie but it's really a documentary.

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This is the California legislator attempting to mandate "full vaccination" for anyone who works in this state:


Zealots. They remind me of the women who pushed for Prohibition, which was also done for everyone's good.

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Two of my son's good friends in their early 20's came down w/myocarditis after the booster. They knew his stance, but are involved in health care & believed their betters. They have snapped out of it. We also have a Jonestown survivor in out freedom group here in SF, not surprisingly. She saw the BS from day one.

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Of course she “saw the BS from day one” (the ‘Jonestown survivor’). She has lived through this ‘mass psychosis’ scenario! But even ‘survivors’ of the mass psychosis fatality tragedies like Jonestown cannot sway these people! They are goners! And If the first two Jabs didn’t ‘get them’ or cause them harm, the 3rd & 4th one will. They will be in the grips of Big Pharma’s tentacles for the rest of their lives as well as their children lives.

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The trance can be broken by the same means it was created: if trusted 'authority' figures and peer social groups are perceived to believe in vaccine injury then they will, too.

How will that be achieved though? We slowly build a critical mass out of persuadable people who will listen to evidence or who have a direct experience that wakes them up. Don't be afraid to tell people what you think just don't push them to respond to it right away.

Once people feel like it is socially acceptable to hold 'anti-vaxx' views, the whole spell will crumble. The 'authorities' will flip faster than they are flipping on masks and lockdowns now that elections are coming up. Someone will be scapegoated and some form of reparations or punishment will be levied and then every effort will be made to bring some new shiny ball in front of the public to ensure they forget. It was literally written into the SPARS pandemic planning scenario this way.

Perhaps we can flip the script a bit and scare enough politicians into dismantling the laws providing vaccine liability protection before everyone is lulled back into a false sense of security. That depends on how large the electoral effect is.

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Something I've found to be very effective is speaking as though the downfall of the narrative is imminent, that public opinion has already swayed too far to keep this going, and basically asserting with confidence that being a covidian will very rapidly go out of fashion very soon.

I have no idea if that's actually true, but I seem to make way more progress with people saying stuff like that than I do when trying to use reason, evidence or analysis.

Says a lot tbh. People just wanna be part of the winning side.

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That's encouraging stuff. The Bible says pride is the deadliest sin for good reason.

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I enjoyed reading this piece, especially as it reminds me of one of my favorite writers of our current Covid-era time, CJ Hopkins. I am not sure if you are familiar with his work, but here is a sample: https://consentfactory.org/2021/09/02/the-covidian-cult-part-iii/

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Love CJ Hopkins!

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I really appreciate your knowledge .

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So very true. My good friend across the street died from a pulmonary embolism at home several months after 2 doses of Moderna (and possibly a booster but was unable to ask). She was a vaccine fanatic and 3 weeks before she died we had a heated debate about it on my front lawn. Her family has no idea why it happened but refuses to acknowledge it was caused by the vaccine. Another dad at school aged 48 also died suddenly last August from “blood clots”- no talk at all about vaccines- died from “random bad luck, probably genetic.” Both we’re fine one minute and literally dead the next. Nothing to see here.

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My sister forced her 9 and 11 year olds to get 3 shots and she has the booster. There is no reasoning with her, and the way people have treated me like a disease for asking questions about the vaccines, it's really hard for me to empathize. I tried warning those closest to me, but now it's up to them to find the information on their own. I'm done.

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Doctors who have administered the jab in the past will never tell the truth.

They may realize now that the jab caused problems and was a mistake.

But they will never tell their patients that.

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It’s a weekly occurrence…the sudden deaths now. 44 yr old Mom with 7 kids strokes out ( dead), 3 random moms 30-34 weeks pregnant convinced shots were ok by their docs…babies die. We’ll be considering adopting at this rate. I find some solace in articles like this, and Desmet, just to up on how the psy-op works.

Othering - Mass Formation


Russell Means - Alex Jones Interview / welcome to the reservation


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I think the Covid scandemic is a huge IQ test, with the "vaccinated" garnering the Darwin Award, or at least, they're probably on a "waiting list" to earn it.

Unfortunately, the United States has become a deeply unhealthy society, and all the money we spend on healthcare seems to be making matters WORSE not better.

Meanwhile, people (especially parents) believe the doctors.

A very similar mindset is what allowed pedophile priests to operate in plain sight for DECADES—parents see doctors, like priests, as conduits to God.

Sad and scary.

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