Just like the Republicans back in the Nineties (and beyond), the Democrats today CAN'T win elections honestly—because they're pushing an agenda that repels most voters. What, then, must we do?
There is so much to take in with this necessary article. Thank you for calling it like you see it, and you clearly see it through a lens of extensive research on the subject.
I am someone who has been a lifelong conservative, but who on a couple of occasions voted for a Democrat. Until 2020's brazen election theft, coupled by the complete censorship, I had always believed that Bush won fairly in 2000 and 2004. After all, I voted for him twice and loved him and the elder President Bush for many years.
Once the election of 2020 happened and I saw Sidney Powel's "Kracken" 270-page document, and heard her statement that the computerized election theft went back decades and was used to benefit both parties, I felt in my heart she was being candid with the truth. I then did my own digging and began to understand that W was likely one of those who reaped the benefit of these pre-ordained election results stemming from fraudulent elections.
I now question every single thing he did during his presidency. He had been vaulted to hero status in my mind by his strong and swift response to the unimaginable 9/11 terrorist attack. I used to cringe at those who dared to question whether it could have been an inside job. After living through the administrative state's multiple coup attempts during Trump's presidency, seeing them sabotage their own government and country, I now find myself wondering about this 9/11 "inside job" question too. Especially when you look at who benefitted the most from the attack - the government clearly. With each atrocity, they impose more and more encroachments on people's liberties and rights.
In conclusion, to anyone openminded enough to at least listen to me, I now make a point to tell them that the elections have been stolen for years and by both parties. I emphasize that point to try to make them see that we're in this same boat - we're in it together. Sadly, in today's climate of massive deception, they mostly think I am deluded, as they parrot whatever they have heard on legacy media. However, there will one day be a tipping point, if enough people learn this essential truth. That the cheating has gone both ways and is always for the elites who control things and is always against the people.
So, thank you for this timely article and please do keep pressing the issue.
I think Bush/Cheney were "elected" to do 9/11; and (this will surely piss some people off) I also think that TRUMP was put in place (I'm sure without his knowledge) for the COVID crisis, which never would have worked if Hillary were president. There's pretty solid evidence that Trump LOST in 2016 (as his own team thought—no, KNEW—was going to happen, which is why Trump went home early on that night, and they hadn't drafted an acceptance speech for him to give). Without Trump at the podium, they would have had no Punch-and-Judy shows w/ Dr. Fauci, and couldn't have POLITICIZED "the science" as they did.
I still have to disagree with you on this point. His rallies were huge. Hillary's we're meh. Many people had woken up to the two party corruption in 2016, more than the elite cheaters of both parties could handle. Thus all the b.s. that followed.
In my mind, Trump was and is a thorn in the side of the ruling class, but he got taken with the jab hoax. Probably part of it because he somehow makes out financially....which is ultimately what he cares about
Given Papa Bush was in the CIA and tangentially involved in the JFK assassination it seems, your Bush/Cheney theory seems right to me.
Another possibility regarding trump is that the COVID crisis was rushed into play because Trump did win and TPTB needed something to thwart the populist movement. However, I don't know enough to have any firm convictions about that.
I wholeheartedly agree, Prof. Miller. I have said for 2.5 years that Trump was placed there for what was to come. And his Presidency, and his constant vilification, set the stage for the wholly divisive nation that was needed to pull off the whole c-vid fraud.
The polarity would have been reversed. They wanted to blame the President, so Hillary would have gotten stuck with the blame, and the Democrats would have had to hold the bag.
Not sure how you are so certain of that, but it seems plausible. I guess. It was pretty obvious that Trump appeared, on election night, to be shocked and stunned to have won.
Bianca, thanks for this insightful post... much appreciated. I learned from it, just as I learned from Mark’s post here... YOU keep up the good work. And yes, we are all in this together🇺🇸
When Gore was told to drop the recount, and I saw Jim Baker standing side by side with the Dems, I knew the fix was in, and it was coming from above the party divide. In my mind, it was a huge tell, jaw-dropping.
When I pointed it out to others, they laughed it off, or shrugged.
The parties care nothing for the truth. There are very few willing to look at this and leave their biases at the door, but such is the world that has come to be since Bush v Gore.
It blows my mind when you see those bluecheck Liberals crying that Trump is spreading anti-vaxx messages!
He has done nothing but push them hard over the last 2 years!
I always say to them "Hey didn't you say Trump voters were brainless morons who follow every word from Dear Leader? Didn't you say Trump fans were in another realiity created by whatever the Donald says? And yet they aren't following him when it comes to the vax? He says take it and they either say no or they stop following him. Sounds like they are more independant than you give them credit for"
I became a "conspiracy theorist" or a conspiracy minded person because I wanted TRUTH above all. I was forever seeing new arguments about topics that then changed my mind or I found some new angle or piece of info which flipped the way I saw a person or historical event.
Seeing people being so dishonest disgusts me. Seeing them lie disgusts me.
It is like the people calling Jan 6 the worst thing since 9/11, faux outraged that the right think the election was stolen "This is a threat to our sacred democracy!"
But these same people thought Russia and fraud won the 2016 election. They think Hillary was cheated. They did the same in the 2000's with The Hanging Chads.
And if you asked them they would say "Yeah but those elections were stolen! I have a problem with Trump voters lying about it cause there was no cheating"
So bought into the two party divide that they can't even look at an issue from the other side and can't admit we are dealing with complexity and interpretation which means people are going to see things differently.
They are looking at a mirror and they don't even recognize their own reflection starring back.
They (Biden, Harris) stated their skepticism during the campaign, back when people had hope that the rushed vaccines might actually work, and that pair threw everything they could against Trump. Pfizer (et al) waited for Trump to be out of office, then released their fake vaccine and the Dems executed their planned about-faced and embraced the vaccine as their own, while Trump was mired in a Lord of the Flies "Piggy" vibe: "Hey, where'd you guys go after you pushed me into the mud puddle?" There were a sizable amount of people who really thought the vaccines worked (at first), people who were not in on the pandemic plotting. Not because Im especially smart, I am not, but I saw it was all a scam since the first quarantined cruise ship, but this is the only place I'm
still uncertain: how much did Trump know, or what does he know now... but he was certainly against lockdowns. He looked bewildered as the weeks ground on, and he did not like Fauci's growing following. But I didn't take the vaccine, and I'd think
Agree with you about Emerald Robinson and all media, including the alternative ones where it appears that there is a gag order about saying anything negative about Trump when it comes to scrutinizing his actual actions to see if they match up with his words. Recently both Lara Logan and Tucker Carlson talked about how Biden is pushing for a North American Union, much like the EU. What they failed to mention was how Trump's USMCA contains the groundwork for that to happen. I remember some people saying that it was worse than NAFTA and the TPP combined. I have many unaddressed questions, just like this guy does. The left right drama during his term provided cover and distraction from attention to his actions.
Or no parties, just individuals? How would that work, practically? It seems we always have to be organized, just out of necessity but it’s also not working very well.
People wonder why the trans issue and abortion and gay marriage and BLM marches (Lets dump a bunch of bricks where the protest will be to encourage violence!) became such hot issues so quickly.
It is because our leaders want us fighting each other and hating each other. That way we don't work together to remove them from power.
WSJ has nearly every single article inserted with the phrase "false claim" when discussing anything related to Trump or the 2020 election. There doesn't seem to be any mainstream news source now that is not CIA controlled. Yet if I discuss this with an average person, they call me nuts. People have no critical thinking skills. Everyone's lives would be better without this rampant organized criminality ruining our existence.
My issue with the whole “stolen election” trope (which I do believe to be true) is that the media was extremely unfair, to the point of lying and manipulating quotes.
Democrats called for lockdowns and a destruction of the economy to hurt Trump, BLM was propped up and allowed to burn American cities to the ground, while the media once again ran cover for them, amongst numerous other grievous crimes committed against us.
They burnt the country to the ground to rule over the ashes.
Thanks for an elucidating piece, as well as a reminder to thank you for the amount of work you have done on this issue in the past
I would submit that "rigged" is the most accurate operative term - as it has ever been so. some candidates caterwaul - to a point, some step back . But (imo) the real choice is made by others- outside of Dem/Rep paradigm- not that party operatives aren't utilized in effectuating such
The theft is not from the R's by the D's, or vice versa,
the elections are "stolen" from us by the system that employs the puppet politicians ...
Let us leave Never-Never Land and examine The Very Real and Duplicitous Function of the Two Party System in the American Political Universe.
The two parties play an indispensable role in society's political machinery. This doesn't mean they have any real power, in terms of controlling the state or setting policy. It means that without the existence of the Two Party System, the US could no longer maintain the pretense that it's a "democracy."
If either Party disintegrated tomorrow, the US would be revealed for what it really is -- a One-Party state ruled by a narrow alliance of business interests. Both party's true function is largely theatrical. They don't exist to fight for change, but only to create the illusion that one fine distant day they might possibly bestir themselves to fight for change.
Thus the whole magic of The Two Party Show -- the essential service it renders to the US power structure -- lies not in what they do, but in their mere existence: by simply existing, and doing nothing, they pretend to be something they are not; and this is enough to relieve despair and to let the system portray itself as a "democracy."
As long as the two parties exist, most Americans will believe we have a "democracy" and a "choice" in how we are ruled. They will not despair, and will not revolt, as long as they have this hope for "change within the system."
From the system's point of view, this mechanism serves as the ultimate safety valve -- it insures against a despairing populace, thus eliminates the threat of rebellion; yet guarantees that no serious change to the system will be mounted. Neither Party is the "lesser evil;" they are auxiliary subdivisions of the same evil.
To understand the political system, one must step back and regard its operation as an integrated whole. The system can't be properly understood if one's study of it begins with an uncritical acceptance of the 2-party system, and the conventional characterizations of the two parties. (Indeed, the fact that society encourages one to view it in this latter way, is perhaps a warning that this perspective should not be trusted.)
Any given piece of reactionary legislation is invariably supported by a higher percentage of Republicans during one term or by Democrats the next. Does this show that one or the other is the "lesser evil?"
If one focuses on the noble efforts of a few outspoken dissenters, it's easy to feel that on any given issue one party is somewhat less evil. But in the larger picture, Party D invariably submits to what Party R more ardently promulgates until the next issue where the script gets flipped.
Thus the overall function of the system is not to fight for everyday people, but to participate in this ever shifting totalitarian process. Just as the Harlem Globetrotters need their Washington Generals to make their basketball games properly entertaining, Republicans and Democrats need each other for effective staging of the political show.
Mark! WOW!!!! Thanks so much for this enlightening piece, and for all you have done for election integrity issues.
Even though I voted Democratic in every Presidential election 1972 - 2012, I was not aware until now of the problem as you describe it here.
But during 2010-2014 or so, I did a deep dive into “climate change,” even contributing $100K to a climate modeling effort (that was to include the effect of clouds) at Caltech... and eventually saw what a scam the so-called science behind this issue was. (This helped me, BTW, see the fraud right away in the Covid scam.)
I voted Republican for the first time in 2016 in the hopes of getting the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, and over time, became more conservative on a whole host of issues. So now I am a hard core “MAGA Extremist,” ha! (But, like you and Alex Jones, I do not support Trump in his pig-headed insistence re: the vax... he’s a big disappointment on that score. But preferable, still, over any Democrat out there who pushed for mandates, lockdowns, masks, etc.)
It was the 2020 election fraud that opened my eyes. For me and others, it was blatant and painfully clear what had happened — don’t believe your own eyes, folks, nothing here to see!
I do believe that many, many of us conservatives who are fighting right now to fix our election issues really do want free and fair elections, and do NOT want to win unfairly. So many of us are advocating for paper ballots, same-day voting, etc. etc.
Our eyes are open, and many will be interested in what you have to say here... just as I am.
P.S. Interesting story about John Kerry... what a wuss.
The "denier" epithet, cooked up psywar labs to rhyme with Holocaust denier, is being wheeled out ever more frequently. There's "election denier," as you mention. There's "virus denier," shouted at anyone who exposes virology as a pseudoscience. And, wielded by the less-bright useful idiots, there's lately "vaccine denier." I take it as a Freudian slip that vaccines are a modern Holocaust.
This is grim. We can no more stop whatever is about to happen at the midterms than we can stop the wars or the propaganda. Meeting with and speaking with famous people can often be jarring, some of them aren't at all what they seem in the media. Another reason we need to keep human interaction in person as much as possible for important matters. I imagine there have been few rallies, town halls, and bus tours and old fashioned methods like that. I had one guy knock on my door, a libertarian for a local position. We had a nice conversation, I will vote for the guy that took that time and was genuine.
Dead Voters deserve the same rights and respect as the non dead voters. And yes, all dead voters wear pink t shirts and vote democratic.
Slow Voters are another valid group that votes only for democrats- they send tens of thousands of votes in, but slowly, after the election, and only if an election was won by a republican.
DC needs to be physically broken up. Put Dept of Ag in the Midwest states, ...get rid of all the lobbyists...take every damn fed institution and shove it back to the states.
I am writing today to convey to Professor Miller this, your resume reflects the brilliants of what you stated in this 8 minute video. Every word and every point made was so spot on and delivered so eloquently it inspired me. Thank you for your participation in the Fauci film as well. My sister shared this with me and I conveyed that I have been following you for a good while now.
I wish I had the guts to email this to my sister...she is a rabid liberal flings around conspiracy theory like salt over a shoulder, and no matter how much I tell her it is no longer about left vs right, but totalitarianism v. liberty...she won't believe it.
Great summary, Mark, of all these endless shenanigans. I wish I had more faith that this could be rectified, even partly so. When the joker democrats deride the "concept" of Voter ID, I know they're totally corrupt. Presenting ID to vote, wow, that's TERRIBLE.
Speaking of Democracy Now, was it ME that changed so much or has Amy Goodman become a complete sock puppet of the powers that ought not be?? I don't think Mark would EVER be invited on now, unless to make him look bad in some b.s. segment on "Democrats" gone rogue. Not only won't Amy and DN cover Vax injury and dangers, she's done stories on the poor neglected people in third world countries who aren't getting ENOUGH of this poison shite!! I actually heard her say some months back (it was on in the car) at the end of a show, "Wearing a mask is an act of love." Yes, I thought I was hallucinating but then again reality has become unremittingly hallucinatory.
It's not you. She's long since boarded the same ship of fools that also has Noam Chomsky on board (in a first-class cabin), along with Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Thom Hartmann and so many, many others on "the left."
She did have me on a few times back then, to talk about election fraud, but she was so bored each time that it hurt my concentration.
Ship of fools, indeed. Chomsky became Grandpa Totalitarian, urging that all the Un-shot be Quarantined.
Mark, I suppose that you were ALWAYS an independent-minded thinker and though you were allied with some of those leftists, you knew your North Star would always be the greater Truth. I surmise. Thank you!
There is so much to take in with this necessary article. Thank you for calling it like you see it, and you clearly see it through a lens of extensive research on the subject.
I am someone who has been a lifelong conservative, but who on a couple of occasions voted for a Democrat. Until 2020's brazen election theft, coupled by the complete censorship, I had always believed that Bush won fairly in 2000 and 2004. After all, I voted for him twice and loved him and the elder President Bush for many years.
Once the election of 2020 happened and I saw Sidney Powel's "Kracken" 270-page document, and heard her statement that the computerized election theft went back decades and was used to benefit both parties, I felt in my heart she was being candid with the truth. I then did my own digging and began to understand that W was likely one of those who reaped the benefit of these pre-ordained election results stemming from fraudulent elections.
I now question every single thing he did during his presidency. He had been vaulted to hero status in my mind by his strong and swift response to the unimaginable 9/11 terrorist attack. I used to cringe at those who dared to question whether it could have been an inside job. After living through the administrative state's multiple coup attempts during Trump's presidency, seeing them sabotage their own government and country, I now find myself wondering about this 9/11 "inside job" question too. Especially when you look at who benefitted the most from the attack - the government clearly. With each atrocity, they impose more and more encroachments on people's liberties and rights.
In conclusion, to anyone openminded enough to at least listen to me, I now make a point to tell them that the elections have been stolen for years and by both parties. I emphasize that point to try to make them see that we're in this same boat - we're in it together. Sadly, in today's climate of massive deception, they mostly think I am deluded, as they parrot whatever they have heard on legacy media. However, there will one day be a tipping point, if enough people learn this essential truth. That the cheating has gone both ways and is always for the elites who control things and is always against the people.
So, thank you for this timely article and please do keep pressing the issue.
Thanks so much.
I think Bush/Cheney were "elected" to do 9/11; and (this will surely piss some people off) I also think that TRUMP was put in place (I'm sure without his knowledge) for the COVID crisis, which never would have worked if Hillary were president. There's pretty solid evidence that Trump LOST in 2016 (as his own team thought—no, KNEW—was going to happen, which is why Trump went home early on that night, and they hadn't drafted an acceptance speech for him to give). Without Trump at the podium, they would have had no Punch-and-Judy shows w/ Dr. Fauci, and couldn't have POLITICIZED "the science" as they did.
When you want to do something unthinkable, put a stock villain in.
Both 2016 and 2020 were rigged.
I still have to disagree with you on this point. His rallies were huge. Hillary's we're meh. Many people had woken up to the two party corruption in 2016, more than the elite cheaters of both parties could handle. Thus all the b.s. that followed.
In my mind, Trump was and is a thorn in the side of the ruling class, but he got taken with the jab hoax. Probably part of it because he somehow makes out financially....which is ultimately what he cares about
stable genius in his own words ...
His son and law and daughter made out.
Given Papa Bush was in the CIA and tangentially involved in the JFK assassination it seems, your Bush/Cheney theory seems right to me.
Another possibility regarding trump is that the COVID crisis was rushed into play because Trump did win and TPTB needed something to thwart the populist movement. However, I don't know enough to have any firm convictions about that.
I wholeheartedly agree, Prof. Miller. I have said for 2.5 years that Trump was placed there for what was to come. And his Presidency, and his constant vilification, set the stage for the wholly divisive nation that was needed to pull off the whole c-vid fraud.
They got some tax cuts out of Trump too didn't they? Whoever 'they' is?
you could well be right, but at the end it is just semantics ... they will do whatever they have decided, until they cant...
btw, you might find this interesting ...
Why wouldn't it have worked if ''Hillary were President?'' I think it would have worked exactly the same, maybe even worse.
The polarity would have been reversed. They wanted to blame the President, so Hillary would have gotten stuck with the blame, and the Democrats would have had to hold the bag.
That's not how they wanted this to go.
Not sure how you are so certain of that, but it seems plausible. I guess. It was pretty obvious that Trump appeared, on election night, to be shocked and stunned to have won.
Bianca, thanks for this insightful post... much appreciated. I learned from it, just as I learned from Mark’s post here... YOU keep up the good work. And yes, we are all in this together🇺🇸
Thank you, Deborah!
Bianca, you are me.
When Gore was told to drop the recount, and I saw Jim Baker standing side by side with the Dems, I knew the fix was in, and it was coming from above the party divide. In my mind, it was a huge tell, jaw-dropping.
When I pointed it out to others, they laughed it off, or shrugged.
The parties care nothing for the truth. There are very few willing to look at this and leave their biases at the door, but such is the world that has come to be since Bush v Gore.
Thank you for turning your laser to this, MCM.
Wouldn’t it be nice if NEITHER side could ever cheat again? A girl can dream.
Sure. But we can make it hard for them.
It blows my mind when you see those bluecheck Liberals crying that Trump is spreading anti-vaxx messages!
He has done nothing but push them hard over the last 2 years!
I always say to them "Hey didn't you say Trump voters were brainless morons who follow every word from Dear Leader? Didn't you say Trump fans were in another realiity created by whatever the Donald says? And yet they aren't following him when it comes to the vax? He says take it and they either say no or they stop following him. Sounds like they are more independant than you give them credit for"
I became a "conspiracy theorist" or a conspiracy minded person because I wanted TRUTH above all. I was forever seeing new arguments about topics that then changed my mind or I found some new angle or piece of info which flipped the way I saw a person or historical event.
Seeing people being so dishonest disgusts me. Seeing them lie disgusts me.
It is like the people calling Jan 6 the worst thing since 9/11, faux outraged that the right think the election was stolen "This is a threat to our sacred democracy!"
But these same people thought Russia and fraud won the 2016 election. They think Hillary was cheated. They did the same in the 2000's with The Hanging Chads.
And if you asked them they would say "Yeah but those elections were stolen! I have a problem with Trump voters lying about it cause there was no cheating"
So bought into the two party divide that they can't even look at an issue from the other side and can't admit we are dealing with complexity and interpretation which means people are going to see things differently.
They are looking at a mirror and they don't even recognize their own reflection starring back.
They (Biden, Harris) stated their skepticism during the campaign, back when people had hope that the rushed vaccines might actually work, and that pair threw everything they could against Trump. Pfizer (et al) waited for Trump to be out of office, then released their fake vaccine and the Dems executed their planned about-faced and embraced the vaccine as their own, while Trump was mired in a Lord of the Flies "Piggy" vibe: "Hey, where'd you guys go after you pushed me into the mud puddle?" There were a sizable amount of people who really thought the vaccines worked (at first), people who were not in on the pandemic plotting. Not because Im especially smart, I am not, but I saw it was all a scam since the first quarantined cruise ship, but this is the only place I'm
still uncertain: how much did Trump know, or what does he know now... but he was certainly against lockdowns. He looked bewildered as the weeks ground on, and he did not like Fauci's growing following. But I didn't take the vaccine, and I'd think
Trump wouldn't either.
Yup. Exactly.
Agree with you about Emerald Robinson and all media, including the alternative ones where it appears that there is a gag order about saying anything negative about Trump when it comes to scrutinizing his actual actions to see if they match up with his words. Recently both Lara Logan and Tucker Carlson talked about how Biden is pushing for a North American Union, much like the EU. What they failed to mention was how Trump's USMCA contains the groundwork for that to happen. I remember some people saying that it was worse than NAFTA and the TPP combined. I have many unaddressed questions, just like this guy does. The left right drama during his term provided cover and distraction from attention to his actions.
What if there were more than one side, or two sides of one coin?
Or no parties, just individuals? How would that work, practically? It seems we always have to be organized, just out of necessity but it’s also not working very well.
I just meant we have two parties and they are too much the same.
Diane feisntein was a republican first.
Trump was a demoRat.
Nazie Pelosie is a member of the unilateral one war party.
I want a Grasshopper music and dance party....
People wonder why the trans issue and abortion and gay marriage and BLM marches (Lets dump a bunch of bricks where the protest will be to encourage violence!) became such hot issues so quickly.
It is because our leaders want us fighting each other and hating each other. That way we don't work together to remove them from power.
It works well, sadly.
it is depressing...but a few of us are awake and know it is a game.
WSJ has nearly every single article inserted with the phrase "false claim" when discussing anything related to Trump or the 2020 election. There doesn't seem to be any mainstream news source now that is not CIA controlled. Yet if I discuss this with an average person, they call me nuts. People have no critical thinking skills. Everyone's lives would be better without this rampant organized criminality ruining our existence.
My issue with the whole “stolen election” trope (which I do believe to be true) is that the media was extremely unfair, to the point of lying and manipulating quotes.
Democrats called for lockdowns and a destruction of the economy to hurt Trump, BLM was propped up and allowed to burn American cities to the ground, while the media once again ran cover for them, amongst numerous other grievous crimes committed against us.
They burnt the country to the ground to rule over the ashes.
And that alone constitutes a “stolen election”.
Thanks for an elucidating piece, as well as a reminder to thank you for the amount of work you have done on this issue in the past
I would submit that "rigged" is the most accurate operative term - as it has ever been so. some candidates caterwaul - to a point, some step back . But (imo) the real choice is made by others- outside of Dem/Rep paradigm- not that party operatives aren't utilized in effectuating such
The theft is not from the R's by the D's, or vice versa,
the elections are "stolen" from us by the system that employs the puppet politicians ...
Let us leave Never-Never Land and examine The Very Real and Duplicitous Function of the Two Party System in the American Political Universe.
The two parties play an indispensable role in society's political machinery. This doesn't mean they have any real power, in terms of controlling the state or setting policy. It means that without the existence of the Two Party System, the US could no longer maintain the pretense that it's a "democracy."
If either Party disintegrated tomorrow, the US would be revealed for what it really is -- a One-Party state ruled by a narrow alliance of business interests. Both party's true function is largely theatrical. They don't exist to fight for change, but only to create the illusion that one fine distant day they might possibly bestir themselves to fight for change.
Thus the whole magic of The Two Party Show -- the essential service it renders to the US power structure -- lies not in what they do, but in their mere existence: by simply existing, and doing nothing, they pretend to be something they are not; and this is enough to relieve despair and to let the system portray itself as a "democracy."
As long as the two parties exist, most Americans will believe we have a "democracy" and a "choice" in how we are ruled. They will not despair, and will not revolt, as long as they have this hope for "change within the system."
From the system's point of view, this mechanism serves as the ultimate safety valve -- it insures against a despairing populace, thus eliminates the threat of rebellion; yet guarantees that no serious change to the system will be mounted. Neither Party is the "lesser evil;" they are auxiliary subdivisions of the same evil.
To understand the political system, one must step back and regard its operation as an integrated whole. The system can't be properly understood if one's study of it begins with an uncritical acceptance of the 2-party system, and the conventional characterizations of the two parties. (Indeed, the fact that society encourages one to view it in this latter way, is perhaps a warning that this perspective should not be trusted.)
Any given piece of reactionary legislation is invariably supported by a higher percentage of Republicans during one term or by Democrats the next. Does this show that one or the other is the "lesser evil?"
If one focuses on the noble efforts of a few outspoken dissenters, it's easy to feel that on any given issue one party is somewhat less evil. But in the larger picture, Party D invariably submits to what Party R more ardently promulgates until the next issue where the script gets flipped.
Thus the overall function of the system is not to fight for everyday people, but to participate in this ever shifting totalitarian process. Just as the Harlem Globetrotters need their Washington Generals to make their basketball games properly entertaining, Republicans and Democrats need each other for effective staging of the political show.
Mark! WOW!!!! Thanks so much for this enlightening piece, and for all you have done for election integrity issues.
Even though I voted Democratic in every Presidential election 1972 - 2012, I was not aware until now of the problem as you describe it here.
But during 2010-2014 or so, I did a deep dive into “climate change,” even contributing $100K to a climate modeling effort (that was to include the effect of clouds) at Caltech... and eventually saw what a scam the so-called science behind this issue was. (This helped me, BTW, see the fraud right away in the Covid scam.)
I voted Republican for the first time in 2016 in the hopes of getting the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, and over time, became more conservative on a whole host of issues. So now I am a hard core “MAGA Extremist,” ha! (But, like you and Alex Jones, I do not support Trump in his pig-headed insistence re: the vax... he’s a big disappointment on that score. But preferable, still, over any Democrat out there who pushed for mandates, lockdowns, masks, etc.)
It was the 2020 election fraud that opened my eyes. For me and others, it was blatant and painfully clear what had happened — don’t believe your own eyes, folks, nothing here to see!
I do believe that many, many of us conservatives who are fighting right now to fix our election issues really do want free and fair elections, and do NOT want to win unfairly. So many of us are advocating for paper ballots, same-day voting, etc. etc.
Our eyes are open, and many will be interested in what you have to say here... just as I am.
P.S. Interesting story about John Kerry... what a wuss.
Thank YOU. I'd love to be in touch with those righteous conservatives.
We are right here Mark, and looking for your advice.
Elections are the wrong way to select officials and representatives. The Athenians had the right method, sortition: choose them by lot.
If the powers that be choose to cheat by skewing that system, it would be easy to show that they had cheated because the results were not random.
A fantastic article.
The "denier" epithet, cooked up psywar labs to rhyme with Holocaust denier, is being wheeled out ever more frequently. There's "election denier," as you mention. There's "virus denier," shouted at anyone who exposes virology as a pseudoscience. And, wielded by the less-bright useful idiots, there's lately "vaccine denier." I take it as a Freudian slip that vaccines are a modern Holocaust.
Wonderful essay. Thanks for this.
This is grim. We can no more stop whatever is about to happen at the midterms than we can stop the wars or the propaganda. Meeting with and speaking with famous people can often be jarring, some of them aren't at all what they seem in the media. Another reason we need to keep human interaction in person as much as possible for important matters. I imagine there have been few rallies, town halls, and bus tours and old fashioned methods like that. I had one guy knock on my door, a libertarian for a local position. We had a nice conversation, I will vote for the guy that took that time and was genuine.
Dead Voters deserve the same rights and respect as the non dead voters. And yes, all dead voters wear pink t shirts and vote democratic.
Slow Voters are another valid group that votes only for democrats- they send tens of thousands of votes in, but slowly, after the election, and only if an election was won by a republican.
DC was set up for what purpose????
The States need to control the purse strings. Limit federal government. Fire them all.
DC needs to be physically broken up. Put Dept of Ag in the Midwest states, ...get rid of all the lobbyists...take every damn fed institution and shove it back to the states.
Roger that. DC...it's not even in the United States!
I am writing today to convey to Professor Miller this, your resume reflects the brilliants of what you stated in this 8 minute video. Every word and every point made was so spot on and delivered so eloquently it inspired me. Thank you for your participation in the Fauci film as well. My sister shared this with me and I conveyed that I have been following you for a good while now.
I wish I had the guts to email this to my sister...she is a rabid liberal flings around conspiracy theory like salt over a shoulder, and no matter how much I tell her it is no longer about left vs right, but totalitarianism v. liberty...she won't believe it.
Do it. Email it. What's she gonna do that she hasn't already done, really? I have the same problem with 3 of mine, too....I hear you.
That's exactly it-- too many people, lefties especially are still caught up in that old paradigm. It's stale bread, way expired.
Great summary, Mark, of all these endless shenanigans. I wish I had more faith that this could be rectified, even partly so. When the joker democrats deride the "concept" of Voter ID, I know they're totally corrupt. Presenting ID to vote, wow, that's TERRIBLE.
Speaking of Democracy Now, was it ME that changed so much or has Amy Goodman become a complete sock puppet of the powers that ought not be?? I don't think Mark would EVER be invited on now, unless to make him look bad in some b.s. segment on "Democrats" gone rogue. Not only won't Amy and DN cover Vax injury and dangers, she's done stories on the poor neglected people in third world countries who aren't getting ENOUGH of this poison shite!! I actually heard her say some months back (it was on in the car) at the end of a show, "Wearing a mask is an act of love." Yes, I thought I was hallucinating but then again reality has become unremittingly hallucinatory.
It's not you. She's long since boarded the same ship of fools that also has Noam Chomsky on board (in a first-class cabin), along with Michael Moore, Naomi Klein, Thom Hartmann and so many, many others on "the left."
She did have me on a few times back then, to talk about election fraud, but she was so bored each time that it hurt my concentration.
Ship of fools, indeed. Chomsky became Grandpa Totalitarian, urging that all the Un-shot be Quarantined.
Mark, I suppose that you were ALWAYS an independent-minded thinker and though you were allied with some of those leftists, you knew your North Star would always be the greater Truth. I surmise. Thank you!