Well you see, there are "protest" movements that are photogenic and groovy. They are the ones sanctified (and frankly created) by the media establishment itself. They are the "protest" groups who offer you the chance of identifying with the system's glamorous designated "rebels". They are basically just fashion models wearing dirty - but not too dirty - jackets as they strut up and down the TV catwalk. Follow them and catch a little bit of their thrilling radiance. But don't be ill-mannered enough to mention the real vicitims out there in the darkness. That would be frightfully tasteless. Indeed an unforgivable offence.

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Boy are you right-on about that.

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I have little doubt that sexual blackmail has been used for a long time to keep politicians & bureaucrats in line with the Deep State or the Davos gang that owns them.

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There's considerable evidence that Hoover was thus managed by the Mafia. (The biter bit!)

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That makes sense! It was denied there even was organized crime until a famous raid....

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I think a huge psychological aspect of this is that most people, not being amoral psychopaths, simply can't imagine how amoral and psychopathic our elites and their minions in fact can be on a daily basis. Such a level of amoral criminality is literally beyond most normal people's imagination and understanding. Once you've spent decades studying the history of such elite criminality, you realize that in the ruling classes and their minions the most heinous behavior is simply - "their normal."

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Yes, it's simply hard to grasp depth of evil. We kinda have a glimmer... I am still shaken when I learn more. Sick, diabolical bastards

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I couldn’t agree with you more completely. In fact everyone talks about this sexual blackmail that goes on. I think it’s worse then that, these elites are so warped that they want and look forward to being compromised, once compromised they realize that they are now useful, kind of like job security.

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Absolutely! So many times I have read about a judge saying to some criminal at trial that he/she couldn't imagine what type of monster would do such a thing! I'm astounded that judges aren't familiar with these people. All legal and law enforcement training should include a full course on Psychopathy. Psychopaths/sociopaths represent 1% of the population. There are tens of millions of them. They are responsible for 70% of all violent crime and probably a similar % of white collar crime and likely closer to 100% of "evil" type crime like serial killing, serial rape, child rape. If they happen to be of low intelligence they commit low level violent crimes. If they happen to be intelligent they gravitate to certain professions:


They are responsible for a gigantic percentage of death, destruction and suffering in the world.

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Amen brother. A person with normal levels of empathy simply can't imagine cold heartedly hurting or even killing others without the slightest remorse.

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Here in Canada some politicians are running for office on the theme of making covid vaccines a permanent part of the children's vaccine schedule. They all seem completely clueless.

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Clueless at best.

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Some are. Some are demonic, knowing exactly 💯 what they are doing. Btw, God bless tough, brave, suffering Canadians . Pay per view it when you hang Trudeau. Or make it an elite show and charge 50 percent more.... link in 30 sec


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May 7, 2022
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Smart people who like to deposit checks from Pharma.

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Sage, trapped in Target. Bored. Put on this, loud... around other prisoners...employees


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2nd comment. If they coerce kill shot, even those who claim ignorance will still face trial and, if guilty, the death penalty.

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May 7, 2022
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Willful ignorance, agreed. No excuse. People will pay for it.

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I didn't say they are invincibly ignorant. Invincible ignorance is a pretty select group, in many areas of sin.

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May 7, 2022
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I know otherwise bright folks, my siblings. They are ignorant (except for what I tell them). They are not invincibly ignorant... meaning they have no excuse before God , themselves, their spouses, their children...

They will not watch anything I send them. They have only liberal (read heavily commie) news sources.

When I was in my 20s I read everything from Nation to National Review.

I told my nephew, he was disgusted with my reading conservative sources.

They will never go on Bitchute , substack, CHD...

So, I know my siblings are ignorant . Culpable ignorance....criminally negligent

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May 7, 2022
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I think hell is too good for these monsters. All of them. Could there be a maximum torture and pain wing there? Please God, make it so.

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Not clueless if you are running to serve TPTB. Just opportunistic. Unfortunately clueless would be to run with the intention of eliminating the C19 vaccines. TPTB would never allow it. Clueless is underestimating how determined TPTB are to cull the herd, dramatically.

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It seems to me that most people who work for intelligence agencies, the government, law enforcement, corporations, etc., have been recruited from asylums for the criminally insane.

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A bit much

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Child sex-trafficking is part and parcel of the Deep State:


Many people are skeptical of Pizzagate but there's plenty of evidence it was real- just like the Franklin Coverup from the Reagan/Bush administrations. Our so-called government has been evil since at least 1913 when it was taken over by the satanic cabal who own the Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks.

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Even before 1913. The Civil War was a setup since the Confederacy didn't even have a gunpowder plant until 14 months into the war by which time Union troops were patrolling New Orleans streets. The Union also had 10X more industrial might and 3X more troops. Sam Houston tried to warn Texans the inevitable outcome and for his insightful advice, they deposed him from the governorship. Wash DC collected war tributes ($$$) from some southern states for 70+ years.

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Civil War gave national government unprecedented support. Quite evil... solutions at most local level feasible. Common sense. County level whenever possible. Family sacrosanct

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True. The annual interest paid on the national debt after the Civil War equaled the entire national budget in 1860. The bankers won the Civil War.

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You know your stuff.

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Since satan owns this world now abuse and rape of children is right up his alley. But he is not God. He needs humans to operate. He found some.

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Slavery. Abortion

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The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.

Nelson Mandela

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I know nothing of “Franklin”, but are you implying that the McMartin preschool matter was a genuine case of organized, Satanic pedophilia? Really?

Up till that paragraph, I thought your argument was straight on. Now? Not so much.

McMartin was the result of mass hysteria, created by media and vicious prosecutors. Actually the media was quite vicious too. And the McMartins lives, the lives of their associates and friends, were utterly destroyed. Shameful! Shameful.

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Very powerful interview. I was a victim of sexual trafficking because I escaped that night I do not know what their ultimate intent was. This corruption branches out just like the Covidcon into media, government, big tech, both political parties, and investigators. It's a big network but like a pyramid at the top

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asking parents to muzzle their toddlers, and allow them to be treated with rundeathisnear, and give their older kids injections which will either kill or sterilize them is just conditioning. if we condone torturing children on a mass scale, then it's perfectly ok to rape and kill them. see the recent bills introduced in meryland and california which would legalize infanticide. all because a bunch of oligarchs are getting senile and afraid they won't live long enough to realize their loony transhumanist agenda.

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The McMartin thing WAS bogus. & if there was anything to it, WHAT??? How about all the states who continue to spend taxpayers' money on infant circumcision? Do you care about THAT...?

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Well done, Mark. There’s a saying you probably know that goes, “when there’s a big story in the media, look behind it to see what they’re hiding with it”. Covid, and now its attention-grabbing replacement are BIG stories. But they needed to be, particularly in the case of Covid, to hide what could have been, should have been, the potentially pyramid-shattering exposure of the Maxwell/Epstein network. The international financial and political system that the network was woven though, described in detail by Unlimited Hangout’s excellent analysis (https://unlimitedhangout.com/epstein/), is the tip of a black iceberg. You’re right, Pizzagate is white-hot, but it was still just as professionally demeaned and dismissed. The job was so swiftly and determinedly done because the facts about this aspect of the upper levels of society’s pyramid are something that could unite people of all kinds against their common predatory enemy. Given the power and influence of the players, all the way to the top, it should be no surprise to see the feds, the media, NGOs and all other gatekeepers doing their job.

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Hey Mark, did you cover the CEO Bourla is arrested to story that came out a little while ago? To me these stories appear wildly false on their face with the childish language they usually employ. Anyhow, it’s happening again and people are falling for it quite easy. This time it’s the VP of Pfizer all from an astroturf vancouvertimes website. Have you covered this type of impeccably timed propaganda before? It seems to exist to poison the well.

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Politicians and media not much interested in the kids being trafficked over the southern "border".

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Lex Fridman on his third podcast with Eric Weinstein mentioned the absolute silence on the MIT campus even now, after Epstein spread so much money around MIT and in the science community generally. Eric Weinstein reminded Lex, think about the near absolute silence all across the society, and ask yourself what that says about the elite we live under.

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May 7, 2022
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I listened to the Dr Jay Bhattacharya podcast and it sounded to me that Lex felt bad about not pushing back on Collins more, adding that Joe Rogan gave him a hard time for not asking harder questions of Collins, and I have heard Lex in other podcasts pointing out how disappointed he was about how Bourlas' answers were so shallow. Lex also talks about the power of Love a lot, and is more interested in healing than revenge. He is also young and finding his voice. Anyway I was mostly pointing out how others are calling out the silence.

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May 7, 2022
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Bourlas and Collins are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be made examples of to send a message to all of so-called official Health Care, I agree. You might also give Lex a break, looking at it like, compared to many of his guests, what shameless spin masters Bourlas and Collins are. Lex also had a good convo with Bret Weinstein, who unlike his brother Eric, is one of the most important leaders critical of Covid Policy, which Covid Policy I think we both agree killed and is killing A LOT more people than the virus.

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I listened to both. I gave Lex a B for the Bourla interview, but a C for followup questions. It was not his fault Bourla's answers were pathologically disingenuous. I gave Lex an F for the Collins interview. That was a free pass, and even a build up of the mythology.

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I will admit I have listened to about 20 Lex Fridman podcasts, and I enjoy it because he interviews some incredibly intelligent people in the science community, and that has been a great and worthy challenge for me. I have not listened to the Collins and Bourla interviews, maybe because I think they are both monsters but I will surely listen to both this week.

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I remember many months ago talking with my father about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and how he was looking forward to finding out all the people involved and what really happened. I remember saying to my father that I have a feeling that the whole story is going to quietly go away with no news coverage and the disappearance of all evidence.

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