This entire mess is so blatantly obvious to anyone who is awake but the BIG PROBLEM is that way too many people (GOOD people, folks we care about and talk to every day) are refusing with every fiber of their being to see what is right in front of them. They do not want to wake up to the reality that many of us here on Substack have been living the last almost 3 years now. THEY. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. SEE. Or know. Or even talk about the possibility that we are under attack and that our government is largely responsible for that attack. It’s really frustrating.

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Humanity is like a bag of popcorn being irradiated by the microwaves of truth. It takes a while to get even a few solitary pops, but then, all of a sudden an avalanche of pops occurs. We are entering that avalanche period now. We are undergoing a metamorphosis, if you will, casting off our hard, impenetrable shells to reveal the soft, fluffy goodness hidden within.

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Man i hope so....

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I like your analogy BUT I hate that you believe there's goodness inside a corn seed. All seeds are dangerous for your health due to their high toxicity, (plant defense chemicals like oxalates).

The food pyramid, the industry sponsored narrative about eating vegetables because they're good for you is also a ginormous fallacy. Seeds, vegetables, branches, leaves, etc. should be reserved as foods of last resort. All of the vitamins and minerals found in plants can be found in animals and particularly in the organs.

Let me give you just a simple example of what I'm trying to warn you guys about; Chris Hemsworth-the actor who plays Thor in the Marvel movies-developed kidney stones as a direct result of ingesting spinach and kale smoothies when he was convinced by his girlfriend to become a vegan. This is because the oxalates contained within those plants are there to deter consumption by any animal or insect. Our bodies cannot process these defense chemicals properly and they can cause all kinds of symptoms similar to autoimmunity, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, stiff joints, arthritis, etc. This is just one anecdote obviously but there are thousands of failed vegans out there who succumbed to so many detrimental side effects due to ingesting way too many different toxins found commonly in plant based foods, you can find this evidence online, just dig deep because it is heavily censored/ignored.

It is safer to eat an animal that has already eaten these plants and vegetables and processed the defense chemicals safely so that they don't attack our immune system. I'm also not suggesting you eat factory farmed animals either, they need to be from a regenerative farm where the animals are allowed to graze openly on grass, weeds, vegetables, fruits, whatever they can forage as God intended.

If you want to learn more about truly healthy eating please visit Dr. Paul Saladino's website/podcast/youtube show. He is known as the CarnivoreMD and he reads from the latest medical/food studies on his show to discuss the latest info on this topic. If you're thinking he's just a keto pusher you'd be wrong. He now advises eating fruits and honey to replace carbs and glucose lost from the ketogenic diet.

Sorry for the essay I wrote here, just trying to get the word out!

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That's what your kidneys and liver are for. Are apples good for you? Does eating apple skins kill you? No. The natural toxins in apple skins and most green leaves are irritants that stimulate the production of phlegm and aid in eliminating waste. It is better to eat a wide variety of food than to depend too much on the availability of certain foods. You can eat meat and vegetables. You can eat seeds and nuts. You can eat ants and termites. You can eat berries and leaves and mushrooms (all of which have some toxins, but are extremely beneficial) Be what you are...an omnivore.

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are you sure? It's easier to catch vegetables then to catch a deer running away from you.... it's been like this since the beginning.

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This is actually a strong talking point concerning why plants would need to produce defense chemicals in the first place! They can’t run, bite or scream.

Did you know that if you forced livestock to eat the same plant foods everyday that they would soon get sick and eventually die?

Yet we force them to do this very thing while held in factory farms before slaughter. For this reason and the poor living conditions, we inject them with antibiotics and other God knows what just to keep them alive.

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Weston a price foundations nutrition principles arE similar to those described.pottengers cats study demonstrated generational and fertility effects of diets.

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I am reporting your comment for not mentioning the essential buttery topping of righteousness.

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And you don't wanna be one of the burned kernels at the bottom of the bag. Too many of those.

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Oct 26, 2022
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As Aseem Malhotra calls it and admitted to ... "I was willfully blind, until I wasn't."


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Also willful ignorance. I found this definition on urban dictionary march2019

Noun: Making the conscious decision to deny facts and reality because you have such a fragile ego that if you admit you are wrong your whole world would implode in a fiery mess of gore.

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Willful ignorance, otherwise known as denial.

A person knows something is true, but because that knowledge makes them uncomfortable, frightened, or terrified, they suppress that knowledge. It becomes unconscious. But it takes considerable psychic energy to keep knowledge unconscious. The more important or painful the truth is, the more energy it takes to keep it unconscious. The person becomes more and more psychotic as the process continues. This is what we're up against: billions of psychotic people all over the planet in extreme denial.

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Malhotra was a vax shill. Now the tide has turned, he's pivoted and feigns contrition in an attempt to save his ass from future litigation and censure. "Dr" John Campbell is another one. Don't let these MF's deceive you.

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Oct 26, 2022
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His full presentation is like reading The Real Anthony Fauci ... insomuch he describes regulatory capture, the corruption of Peer Review ... yadda ...


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I question the goodness of people who fail to look out for others. If they truly don’t care about themselves, I’m sorry for them. But if they choose to look the other way while others are suffering and dying, that’s something truly despicable.

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Well I spent about 45 minutes talking to my hairdresser (whom I’ve known 20+ years and is a truly lovely person) today about some of these things and her final comment about it was “well I don’t really know anything medical (I’m her pharmacist ffs so she KNOWS that I ACTUALLY DO know medical stuff). I just wanted to cry for her whole family because they are all under the illusion that their doctor knows best, the government wouldn’t actually LIE and everything is FINE! Sigh. I have the same problem with my mother and I’m feeling a little frustrated by the whole goddam thing right now. They don’t even SEE that people are dying. They don’t see it. 🤷‍♀️

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Isn’t that hauntingly similar to many cases of Child Sexual Abuse where the Parent, usually the Mother, claims she had no idea what was happening because the Child never told her?

Yeah, that’s what all enablers claim. Yet the odds are they were aware something was off but refused to investigate and instead refocused their uneasy mind onto more pleasant thoughts.

There’s a quote by T.S. Eliot I heard in High School I’ve never forgotten: “After such knowledge, what forgiveness?”

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And yet forgiveness is all we can do for those who have no eyes to see; for soon they will have no lives to live and we will forge on. We can’t forget that they have been lied to at every turn. It’s just so painful that they choose to trust the devil rather than the decent human they actually know, standing right in front of them.

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Their ignorance will lead to everyones loss of body autonomy. We are all in same ship sinking into a world I imagine that might include mandated medications, injections in exchange for food water ect….

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Wow what an appropriate quote! Thanks for that

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These times are a real test of character.

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"I question the goodness of people who fail to look out for others."

So go and get your shot to keep me safe.

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Amen to that, irunthis1

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It has something to do with a herding instinct. To be on the edge of the herd, where they can see the occasional predator, feels so dangerous that they can't even think about it. It's that fear which the perpetrators have masterfully manipulated people with. The perpetrators are using military grade propaganda and psyops. The media is engaged in crime and genocide. We have to depend on dissident voices now and some just cannot handle that. I personally don't believe in pandering to their incredulity.

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Well said Tommy!

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Send them a free guest link to Epoch Times . Excellent way they can start learning “ on their own “.

Secondly forward them an article to Children’s Health Defense that they may like or pertains to them or their children.

It may work.

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I have. I’ve even told them all about RFK jr being the guy behind and in front of said organization as a lifelong democrat and son of a veritable icon but he’s been maligned as well. My hairdresser has the same problem with her voice as he does (thought it might give her a reason to look into his life and work). Nothing.

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One day they may come along. A certain percent do. It will likely be too late for them.


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RFK was on a podcast and the interviewer mentioned that rFK had been vax injured as a child and that hurt his voice.

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Amen brother. Truer words were never spoken

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Plato's cave...

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Good observation

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Summed up my thoughts precisely.

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ThTs who hitler was depending on. Look what blindness did there

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I just finally had it out with my mom and sister who insisted that I am a science denier and they absolutely refuse to discuss any aspect of the Scamdemic with me. One of my sisters excuses is that she has three people in her inner circle that are battling cancer. I have been trying to warn her of such dangers for well over a year now. I literally gave them an ultimatum to have an adult conversation with me or we simply will no longer speak. They both immediately chose the latter. There is no previous bad blood between us and we always got along fine. My only conclusion is that they know deep down that they have been duped and simply can not confront that reality. I don’t care what people choose to see or not, but I simply could not tolerate their snickering condescension all while knowing how unbelievable ignorant they both are. I told them that I couldn’t possibly hang out and laugh and swap stories with people that would see me and my family totally ruined over completely made up data. I tried to point them to EU data and Our World in Data but they will never even glance at anything that challenges their extreme blindness. At least I gave it my best shot.

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It is of no comfort, but know you are not alone. Millions have lost family and friends over their ignorance and inability to listen that they could possibly be in the wrong.

The truth is never told, it is learned, and some people have to learn the hard way.

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Chiadrum, I feel your pain , stay strong.

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I actually feel quite the sense of relief now that I have hardcore confronted them. I have literally done everything in my power. They have made their choice and will be forced to live with the consequences.

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Good 👍🏼

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I would, but for the "snickering condescension," advise that people in this situation not let this end relationships. It's not always easy but why let THEM destroy our families. That's what THEY want!!

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While I agree and that was my initial position, I simply can not break bread with people who would literally cheer the demise of me and my family based on a mountain of lies. When discussing the Canadian trucker protest my mom's response was (after a long pause and a heavy sigh) "well I guess these people just need to find somewhere else to live". How tolerant and accepting. I had to draw the line in the sand so that I could rest at night knowing that I did every possible thing in my power to make them see the light. What happens next time? Concentration camps for the disobedient? and meanwhile my "loving" mom an sis applaud as we are carted away? I have always been the black sheep, 3rd class and considered a clown in my family anyway. I actually feel a lot of peace now. I have spoken. They have chosen to bury their heads in the sand.

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Leave them with a "parting gift". Tell them "When you get concerned about the damage that the spike proteins are doing to you, check out the "Protocols" tab at flccc.net and try the "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" one.

Leave it at that and wish them "Good luck. We're all going to need it".

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I love it but at this point I actually believe that they would rather die than admit even the smallest error in judgement. They are well aware of mine and my families Ivermectin experience. Surely they write it off as dumb luck, sneering themselves to sleep.

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I did too, with my family. I don't expect to ever see any of them again, and that's perfectly fine with me. They are sick people, cruel, brutal, psychotic beyond belief.

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For me family is family, and I will not let even this plandemonium come between us, so I took the opposite tack. After telling my sister all I knew about the dangers of the depop shots, and then later her telling me that she got injected anyway, I said *no more covid talk with me*. I told all the family that if they have any covid discussions they can leave me out of it. Its worked beautifully. I can still see them, talk to them whenever, and I don't have to listen to any of their nonsense about covid.

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Oct 27, 2022
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Thanks Frederick for that comment

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Indeed, I am believing this more and more each day. I see the consequences of being a non believer and they are devastating.The cherry on top of all of this is my sister simply "doesn't have the time" to engage with me because one of her best friends and her brother in law are battling cancer. Exactly what I so desperately tried to warn her about. I did my part. These sheeple will literally follow their heroes straight into the depths of hell, sneering the whole way, still convinced that they are the smart ones. The disconnect is incomprehensible.

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Were US Citizens Tracked Via Secret 'COVID Decree Violation' Scores?


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Put the smartphone in a Faraday cage.

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Why not just stop using it?

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I don't have a smartphone.

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Neither do I.

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Every day, I learn something that enrages me. EVERY. DAY.

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Oct 26, 2022
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Sagehana… Oh My God , I wondered why they are starting to appear!

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Oct 26, 2022
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I get it but what I'm thinking now is -- HOW LONG are we going to hide? How long till we say NO, we're not hiding ANYMORE.

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The only time I purposefully leave my phone and watch inside is to converse outside about things I don’t want heard. Maybe twice in the last three years. I have very little to hide. But I also live in the middle of the US, have never traveled anywhere to attend any sort of rally, and my political involvement is limited to reading, talking to people and voting. Of course if I were going to commit a crime I wouldn’t take my stupid phone or watch. Duh. And I limit my conversation with feds to mandatory conversations with the DEA involving work. Which hasn’t happened in more than ten years now that I think about it.

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Oct 27, 2022
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That's not the way you answered that post -- nor is it in the context of the thread. Faraday pouch, which is fine, indicated concealing one's location.

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Oct 27, 2022
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Let's not get into semantics. You were remaining private, concealing where you are, 'cause you didn't want these f--kers spying on you.

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Sorry to plug another one of my own articles, but I think it's significant that the Southeastern Conference accepted "blood money" from Pfizer, which is now a "corporate sponsor" of the league. This means all 14 colleges in this league must endorse Pfizer's continued vaccination of student athletes.


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Universities, colleges , hospital systems , medical schools … you name it they love the money .

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Bill - I hope you have made friends with Lucia and her partner.......


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Bill, please don't apologize for bringing any of your posts to our attention. I thank you for doing so.

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And I thank you for your great support of my new little Substack site!

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also: NYTimes not a word!

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Get rid of "times state Supreme Court" and it comes up just fine.

Search "NY state judge blocks mandate"

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I found a lot of results on Google as well by using "ny state supreme court unvaccinated." I searched the Times itself as well as used a Google search operator, even for terms like Adams and mandate, and they don't seem to have covered it at all, natch.

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Yeh. I notice he put 'NY Times' in the search. Drop that and make it more generic. You get WaPo, Guardian, Politico etc.

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It was in state supreme court. that should not mess up the results.

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and this is google. it corrects pure gibberish. I search for news articles many times a day and know how to do it.

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Google does play games with search results. Did you try Brave or some other engine to compare?

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That's not the point, dude. Most people DO use Google.

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Thanks. I rarely use it

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The eeriest part of all is Americans believe we live in a free country with freedom of speech--because our leaders tell us we do. Our politicians are guarding our democracy--than heaven for that! We do not have propaganda like those evil countries we demonize. There are archenemies and communists swirling all around. Our masterful leaders want to bring humanitarianism and democracy to all.

I just went out to Wikipedia--that uncensored website--------! They were asking for money and used the word humbly. We humbly ask for $2.75 for a donation. Had there been a comment section, I would have told them I would gladly give if they retracted all the lies and deletions from individuals' accounts that did not fit their agenda. What a crock!

Thank you Mark Crispin Miller for being a super hero. You are highly valued for your staunch stand for Truth.

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This has been happening a lot lately. I could not find the story about Megyn Kelly’s sister having a life ending heart attack after seeing a mention of it on Twitter on Google or DDG even entering in the New York Post where I knew the story was. I had to go to the Post to find it.

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Good catch. I'm simply going to start asking: "What pandemic? What vaxx?" when other people bring it up. This thing is being memory-holed so fast, and I didn't expect it.

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If this was a Twilight Zone episode it wouldn't be weirder. So tough to break through to some kind of shared reality when the media acts as firewall. So 'effing slow.

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I noticed that. I searched it as soon as I heard the news and not one major news site carried that news, or Google didn't. Either way, it should shock anyone with a brain.

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They do not want the truth about infection and transmission out. The judge stated the shortcomings of these shots in the ruling.

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This is a continuation of what the plaintiffs are going after in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA about government censorship. Hope they can add it their case in real time!!

The government cannot stop their control, manipulation and running from the truth.

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That's because there are too many secrets they don't want the general public to know about

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Search on DuckDuckGo not much better

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Try Brave. Also for stuff that the US government would rather you not see, use Yandex, which is Russian.

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