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Thank you very much. These are excellent videos to prove we are being attacked and burned and murdered. Who is doing it ? Dr. Evil or aliens or ...our Federal gov ?

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The corrupt sociopathic money ADDICTS in power have an EMBEZZLING SCAM they have been doing for decades, enriching themselves and their buddies with fiat government money, while telling the public that government money is "our taxes" and other lies re supposed "national debt" and scary "deficit".

All the entities set up to be the electronic prison they are finalizing to subjugate us are "privatized", and privatization is their major embezzling scam, sold to us with MORE lies. (Lies like privatization will be "more efficient", will "save money", etc.)

Vax companies, all the entities to track and control us under the guise of "helping the climate" - digital IDs, social credit, ESG, carbon tracking, digital bank currency, 15-minute cities and more - are privatized .The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we could not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity.

The US sociopaths have been taking over countries for many decades to embezzle from more governments, which is why the puppet leaders they install immediately announce "privatization". Corrupt people handling fiat money can bill the government ANY AMOUNT for running a system, service or asset that should be run by ETHICAL GOVERNMENT; systems such as healthcare, military, postal service, infrastructure, require FIAT money and can not generate a profit unless there is corruption.

So corrupt sociopaths overbill to provide massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, which is why the entities typically go on the Stock Market - Wall Street knows that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money!! So does almost every traitor in Congress, at least after they have been there for a few years. Many governors and others know, as Rick Scott and Chris Christie knew even before they were governors, and ensured MORE embezzling when they got into office. smh

EXPOSE the embezzling scam and the truth re government money to be effective in this fight for our lives: Henry Ford said that there would be "revolution before tomorrow morning" if the people know how the money system actually worked.

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Right on ЁЯОп

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Oh geez. ItтАЩs not God.

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If a parent directs his adolescent son to steal an item, who is to blame? Is it not the person in command? If the killing of persons is directed by an organization, yes, naturally, the ones with bloody hands are guilty, but punishment is rightly weighted just as heavily or possibly even more so upon the order-giver. One might find it difficult to imagine a God of Mercy would "order" the killing of EVERY man woman and child....even the cattle belonging to a certain city, but history documents that very thing. How is that equitable or how does that square with His perfect Character? It was for these reasons: The Pagans were AGAINST the God of Heaven, choosing to worship idols of stone and wood, over their True Creator. But more so, they would have posed a great threat to the Hebrew nation, if left to re-populate. And more so even yet, that God's mighty "arm" would exonerate Himself amidst the enemies of Truth. Further, it was a test of obedience placed upon King Saul, and Joshua.

More recently, the plan of Satanic origin has come to surface in the Covid fiasco and incidents such as by way of plagues, conflagrations (fires) floods, and earthquakes. Not all that the eye sees is as it truly is. Satan is able to do some rather unbelievable feats when allowed to do so. WE can expect a ramping up of "natural" disasters in advance of those things which are also allocated by him to deceive souls in these "End Times." God has warned us in specific. Read, read, read!


PS. Alien beings visiting earth is Satan's deceptive ploy. And the government has been infiltrated fully, just as the regulatory agencies, and EVERY other system of import in society. Look toward the highest "commander" of evil to find the answers to questions such as the ones posed.

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