oh wow. just started watching. so Dane Wigington is like the Robert Malone of climate issues ? ЁЯШЭ look up Sage Hana substack if you don't know what I'm talking about. thanks for posting this. I saw this guy on Reinette Senum's stack. Was really impressed.
This is what happened.
government employees attacking with wind, rain, hail etc to cause havoc and death.
These employees are your and my neighbors and possibly acquaintances.
oh wow. just started watching. so Dane Wigington is like the Robert Malone of climate issues ? ЁЯШЭ look up Sage Hana substack if you don't know what I'm talking about. thanks for posting this. I saw this guy on Reinette Senum's stack. Was really impressed.
ok you lost me there. I don't know how much more information I can handle!