Interesting, until you got to the "once the masses see this..." part. Most Americans, like everyone else on the globe, believe what they are told by what they perceive to be "authority." Getting these people -- probably 60 percent of the population -- to come around will be impossible, in my view. What we are going to wind up with is a k…
Interesting, until you got to the "once the masses see this..." part. Most Americans, like everyone else on the globe, believe what they are told by what they perceive to be "authority." Getting these people -- probably 60 percent of the population -- to come around will be impossible, in my view. What we are going to wind up with is a kind of civil war, one where the lines drawn will be marked by differing views of reality. I really fear a bloodbath in this country.
Interesting, until you got to the "once the masses see this..." part. Most Americans, like everyone else on the globe, believe what they are told by what they perceive to be "authority." Getting these people -- probably 60 percent of the population -- to come around will be impossible, in my view. What we are going to wind up with is a kind of civil war, one where the lines drawn will be marked by differing views of reality. I really fear a bloodbath in this country.
That will not be as bad as the alternative.