Because trees are alive, and full of water, and houses are made of extremely dry wood, especially dry because plenty houses old. You ever try and burn a live tree? They don't burn. I understand what you're trying to say, but this fire, this situation isn't the one. Other fires in maybe were what you're saying,but not this one
Because trees are alive, and full of water, and houses are made of extremely dry wood, especially dry because plenty houses old. You ever try and burn a live tree? They don't burn. I understand what you're trying to say, but this fire, this situation isn't the one. Other fires in maybe were what you're saying,but not this one
Because trees are alive, and full of water, and houses are made of extremely dry wood, especially dry because plenty houses old. You ever try and burn a live tree? They don't burn. I understand what you're trying to say, but this fire, this situation isn't the one. Other fires in maybe were what you're saying,but not this one