It's assured. The Roman Empire in its expanding infancy was a force to be reckoned with. But in its decline, circumstances led to the partial handing of her power over to the religious arm, which became the "Holy Roman Empire." Since then it has been her practice to incorporate pagan symbolism and the worshiping of idols to supposedly appease both Christians and Pagans. But there was, and still is, a deceptive, movement behind the scenes, facilitated and performed by the Jesuit Order (the RCC's secret military arm) to undermine the "damage" done to the RC Church by way of the Reformation, which Luther ignited half way through the 16th century. The associated history of such, can still be acquired, but the majority has been diluted, scrubbed, and decimated. If anyone would like to delve into the particulars, they need only to acquire "The Great Controversy" by E.G. White. Find the oldest version possible (1905?) and read "Fox's Book of Martyrs." for a close look at the atrocities performed in the name of "the church" and by the "Society of Jesus" aka the Jesuit Order.
Do not be deceived...Satan is at the commanding helm of the pyramid seen on the back of every dollar bill, being the "all seeing eye of Lucifer." Those submitting and falling in line under the rule of the devil, even those who do not believe they are, are in fact taking part of his scheme; his plan to destroy God's people, His Creation, and his gift to the oppressed followers of the Truth. WE know that gift to be America, but that was THEN, when the nation held a higher moral ground. The covenant between the nation and the Gift Giver, has been annulled, and yet God's Hand is still not fully withdrawn. When that does happen, and that time is surely coming, there will be witnessed ALL of that which is prophesied in Mat. 24, once protection wanes more fully.
Have read that the Roman Empire is still in business. Plus many other suspects.
It's assured. The Roman Empire in its expanding infancy was a force to be reckoned with. But in its decline, circumstances led to the partial handing of her power over to the religious arm, which became the "Holy Roman Empire." Since then it has been her practice to incorporate pagan symbolism and the worshiping of idols to supposedly appease both Christians and Pagans. But there was, and still is, a deceptive, movement behind the scenes, facilitated and performed by the Jesuit Order (the RCC's secret military arm) to undermine the "damage" done to the RC Church by way of the Reformation, which Luther ignited half way through the 16th century. The associated history of such, can still be acquired, but the majority has been diluted, scrubbed, and decimated. If anyone would like to delve into the particulars, they need only to acquire "The Great Controversy" by E.G. White. Find the oldest version possible (1905?) and read "Fox's Book of Martyrs." for a close look at the atrocities performed in the name of "the church" and by the "Society of Jesus" aka the Jesuit Order.
Do not be deceived...Satan is at the commanding helm of the pyramid seen on the back of every dollar bill, being the "all seeing eye of Lucifer." Those submitting and falling in line under the rule of the devil, even those who do not believe they are, are in fact taking part of his scheme; his plan to destroy God's people, His Creation, and his gift to the oppressed followers of the Truth. WE know that gift to be America, but that was THEN, when the nation held a higher moral ground. The covenant between the nation and the Gift Giver, has been annulled, and yet God's Hand is still not fully withdrawn. When that does happen, and that time is surely coming, there will be witnessed ALL of that which is prophesied in Mat. 24, once protection wanes more fully.
Is that good or bad news?