Keep going, Mark Crispin Miller.

It will all be compiled someday in a comprehensive document.

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By who.....?

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Unbelievable isn't it? I'd defend my kids with my life to prevent them getting this crap. The only reason doctors are doing this is for money.

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Doctors lined up earlier than anyone for their shots and even enrolled their children into the studies. Most of them are true believers.

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My small town in Texas has had several “died unexpectedly”s

An 18 year old just last week. Many 50 somethings. People literally shrug their shoulders when I wonder why out loud. Shrug.

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JLK: I'm on the team helping MCM compile and write up these reports. If you send me links to obituaries or death notices of the people you're noticing dying suddenly / unexpectedly (or vaxxidents, etc.) I'll write them up for the In Memoriam project. Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. We usually only include fairly recent deaths (within the past week or so) in each week's report. Thanks.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Heartbreaking.... Recommend listening to "Fight For You" by Five Times August (Canadian) while reading this post. Here is one version with the lyrics:


this video version is also excellent -- makes me cry every time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USMBS7u8Bes&ab_channel=FiveTimesAugust

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Interview by the Corona Investigative Commission with Karen Kingston:

- Biotech Analyst and med-legal advisor


... the crossover study in which Pfizer injected as many infants and toddlers as parents would basically allow.

The results suggest devastating consequences of this study:

Stunningly few "subjects" aged 6 months to 4 years showed up for their first study visit,

which was scheduled a week after the third dose.

According to the EUA document, many infants and toddlers suffered epilepticus,

meaning multiple seizures per day, some of which were associated with permanent brain

damage confirmed by EEG.

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.


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I wonder how often the people stricken with fast moving cancers right after their shots are fear mongered into a booster by the same doctor since they are then immune compromised.

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