"Our free press" is struggling to present the moment as a moral victory for Obama and "civility," answering a heckler (or two hecklers) with Sweet Reason; but it did not quite look that way
Obama sowed the wind for eight long years of his racist and divisive presidency and he will reap the whirlwind of those eight terrible years of hatred directed against the decent hard working people in America. He fostered any degeneracy he could think of to use against them. But what do we expect from the drone president who collected a peace prize for his murder of innocents.
He actually collected his peace prize just for being himself. You know, the Nobels had to reward him for being elected by awful, racist America. That somehow made him special not the racists who elected him. He lacked the humility to demur. But, you are correct that he killed many with his drones and that race and race antagonism are the hallmarks of his presidency.
Actually, a lot of these people are not what I consider "left," they are more the shitlib, BlueAnon, Blue No Matter Who types, many in the media or various elite assholes. Some boutique leftists are desperate to dissassociate themselves from those they smear as conspiracy theorists or those of us who beleive that a real leftist with any true desire to bring more people over to the left would make the left, you know, actually embody traditionally left values, like free speech, anti-imperialism, solidarity with the working class, etc, none of which the current crop of self-proclaimed leftists like AOC and "The Squad" embodies--with their hard-ons for censorship, narrative control through the media, intolerance (Antifa and others who thrive on violence toward perceived enemies who have no real political power). Apologies for the run-on sentences. :)
Relevant; regarding certain pundits complaining about the lack of attention this story is getting; My response; You mean more coverage than refusal to appear in court for his DUI & was sentenced to 5 days in jail a couple months ago? 8/22/22? Or more coverage than his insider trading a month accusations earlier in July? The question should be, Where was he in September & what was he doing🤷🏻♂️⁉️🥁😂🛎️🔨
drug-fueled hookup gone wrong, it appears. That makes far more sense than MAGA guy broke into Speaker's house, somehow bypassing security. But they are calling us all "conspiracy theorists" for seeing through such blatant horseshit. Blue No Matter Who will swallow it whole (pardon the expression), but the unbrainwashed & those targeted by Demented Joe as SuperJumboMAGA can see the Swiss Cheese like holes in this story.
I’m trying to figure out which Pelosi is arranging all this sabotage of destruction. Sadly, a divorce is not possible as Nancy is such a devout Catholic......
as a practicing MD, I followed Mr. Obamas doings during his term as Potus. I've been in private practice since 1999 as a surgical subspecialist. Im not owned by anyone. Mr. Obama comes across in his speeches and conversations as rational , nuanced, balanced thoughtful even. But if you have detailed knowledge of a topic like I do, when you really parse and consider the things Obama has said carefully you conclude that this guy is an arrogant self righteous prick. He might sound calming but the things he says always amount to his really asserting that he is right about everything and the people that disagree with him are just ignorant partisan bigots who wouldnt know what was good for them if it smashed them over the head. He wanted to tie his legacy to being someone who "fixed" healthcare and instead he made everything worse. Healthcare is not a right and only a free market can improve the quality and reduce the cost of a complex service like healthcare or insurance. Obama is ignorant and arrogant. Much of what he said when he was pres amounted to him saying that he would do something and it was his way or the highway. He played the race card constantly , all the while accusing his opponents of being the bigots.
She made Billions Mzlizzi . At the end of my career , to go to paper charting to electronic charting was not simply not cost effective, my doors closed.
You have the insight of Matt Taibbi when it comes to Obama, check out his Substack and you'll find a thoughtful writer that followed him for years and came to the same conclusions as you...
Thank u . I like met tabby and I’ve read a lot of his stuff. Im 55 yo and im an MD surgical subspecialist in private for >20yrs. I interact with a lot of very bright motivated people.
I consider myself a libertarian and have been since I was 12 or 13 years old
The other thing about Obama is that he seems to actually believe the things he says where is someone like Clinton was an opportunist it was full of shit all the time.
Someone one set of Obama and he’s like a kid on the playground who sees that you or have nicer bicycle than he does and learns that your family has more money than his family and so he conspires with a group of other kids to push you off your bicycle and steal it
C’mon how to hell is the “free market” going to save a health care system which all but owns. It’s exactly its domination of the ACA which undermines it. In order to get the ACA passed, the big insurance companies had to be appeased, so Obama twisted arms, and now the these companies are reaping the benefits, while the ACA itself and the people it’s supposed to serve, is being trashed by these pharma overlords, who are also underpinning the whole covid scam. Besides you must be aware of the revolving door between big pharma (free market) and the CDC and FDA.
And as to Obama playing the race card “constantly,” I think most of his black base would resoundingly disagree. For most of his 8 years, and esp during his first term, he was almost dead silent on race, and was roundly criticized by the black press, black writers, and black organizations.
He is a standout psychopath among psychopaths. When the leaders we choose are psychopaths committing serial abuse in our names what does that make us? Any psychiatrist worth their title will answer that.
Psychopathic abusers continue to abuse as long as they have willing victims. They excel in an environment where abuse is institutionalized. It isn’t difficult to observe this in our cultures at all levels. Denial is quite real.
Eventually the institutionalized abuse affects everyone. It now rules the world. The chickens have come home to roost.
Remaining within an abusive relationship indicates a psychological agreement between the abuser and abused. Once the abused stand up and declare their freedom, the cycle is broken and healing, if possible, can begin.
spot ON! abusive relationships should end. Thats why Thomas Jefferson wrote this...
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"
SO we can try to save the marriage buy only if the parties to the union WANT to work together and be RELATIONAL and not be agenda driven ( to use the language of psychotherapy)
ABusive relationships should end, which is why the USA needs to break up.
If it were simply the USA that might work and it still may be part of what needs to happen. Right now we are being abused by a collusion of international criminal elements.
Yes, in most situations. However right now the entire human species is caught in a serially abusive relationship. Unless we have somewhere else to go I don’t see an easy escape. And if we did by some magic have an escape we would just be taking our issues with us.
Unfortunately there is no escape from this other than to face the decisions we have made. Healing means accepting personal culpability and getting out of the relationship. It involves some difficult choices for certain.
Yes, those of us who have done well so far have done exactly this. By getting out to a good place we are able to engage in healing practices which continue to help us and others. No we cannot help everyone. But the bottom line is there will be no escape for anyone or any living thing is we are not successful. There will simply be nowhere else to go. I don’t believe we are doomed to any fate necessarily. Our actions and intents are either right or wrong.
It’s because the educational system, television and the Internet has dumbed people down. Plus people like getting free stuff that they didn’t work to earn. A lot of people just have no morals and they’re OK with it
Spot on!...M.C. Miller. The NY Times can no longer be considered as anything less than a campaign asset for the DNC. As for O'bama rama, and his first translady, Michaela--what fantastic deceits he and his Bush cronies brought to the DC circus act. His performance may've been more worthy of an Oscar prize than a peace prize when considering the drone attacks on journalists and civilians. Not to mention that 7 wars/ in 8 years is a warmonger's legacy of note. B.O. toe'd the line for the Bush doctrine while pretending to be cut from a cloth of another color. What a notorious imposter he is and was.
and who cares what their fucking race is, they are bought and paid for tools of the plutocratic globalist elite. Harris is a cackling imbecile who would never had a chance at the presidency. She was soundly rejected, but Biden needed a cover for his own racism, which was too emblematic of the Dem Party's long, notorious racist history. He needed to pose as the anti-Trump, but he is his own (OK, not exactly unique) kind of disaster (and now, as President, catastrophe).
Of course they are tools. The point is they get to choose the racial heritage that best serves them. More convenient in this country for Kamala to call herself black than upper caste Indian. It’s the absurdity of it.
This loser should go back to one of his many megamansions he bought with his $50M payoff from Netflix. I refuse to ever subscribe or watch Netflix. Seems to be a money laundering operation.
As a prelude to our upcoming winter of discontent here’s to thinking hopefully that the latest fissures in the up to now impenetrable armor of the Democratic elites who recently have come under sustained public verbal attacks is but a harbinger of things to come. I’m always astonished at the acceptance and abject passivity of our population to accept the layers and layers of abuse with barely a scent of protest. The laws of “temperamental physics “ have to have a breaking point and whatever that is it can’t come soon enough there’s already too much pain
And "sssssssssssss'ing". It is really vomiting inducing to see that clown back out in the public eye, I just hope the Wookie stays home behind closed doors.
The only positive memory I have related to that clown princess Sarah Palin was her spot on comment to a crowd after 4 years of Obama - "how's all that hopey changey stuff working out?"
Hey, maybe we'll have to agree that Palin's "Death Panels" have somehow become reality in a very different form than those she predicted - as one could describe the the freaking FDA's drug "panel's" latest approval of more of the endless covid death vaccines - (now for children too) - without so much as a pretense of actual responsible scientific "testing" of those products. "Death panels" - indeed. That Palin lady must be a psychic! : )
I suppose if the Democratic Party had something positive to offer, the former president would have talked about it instead of taking all that time giving a useless lecture about "civility." I guess "civility" includes rolling up your sleeve, not to do some worthwhile work, but to get stung by a serpent.
Obama sowed the wind for eight long years of his racist and divisive presidency and he will reap the whirlwind of those eight terrible years of hatred directed against the decent hard working people in America. He fostered any degeneracy he could think of to use against them. But what do we expect from the drone president who collected a peace prize for his murder of innocents.
He actually collected his peace prize just for being himself. You know, the Nobels had to reward him for being elected by awful, racist America. That somehow made him special not the racists who elected him. He lacked the humility to demur. But, you are correct that he killed many with his drones and that race and race antagonism are the hallmarks of his presidency.
His chickens are coming home to roost says me, a bitter clinger.
There may be more to that Paul Pelosi attack than is being reported 🤔
There is indeed.
And the attention this is getting from the mainstream media is over the top.
That alone reeks.
Interesting what scandals emerge when someone’s time is decidedly up.
It is not credible that the notorious Pelosi clan would not have a working security system in place to block such “intruders”.
Yes! Did you see Elon Musk's tweet to Hilary Clinton regarding this? And the left went crazy!
Actually, a lot of these people are not what I consider "left," they are more the shitlib, BlueAnon, Blue No Matter Who types, many in the media or various elite assholes. Some boutique leftists are desperate to dissassociate themselves from those they smear as conspiracy theorists or those of us who beleive that a real leftist with any true desire to bring more people over to the left would make the left, you know, actually embody traditionally left values, like free speech, anti-imperialism, solidarity with the working class, etc, none of which the current crop of self-proclaimed leftists like AOC and "The Squad" embodies--with their hard-ons for censorship, narrative control through the media, intolerance (Antifa and others who thrive on violence toward perceived enemies who have no real political power). Apologies for the run-on sentences. :)
Relevant; regarding certain pundits complaining about the lack of attention this story is getting; My response; You mean more coverage than refusal to appear in court for his DUI & was sentenced to 5 days in jail a couple months ago? 8/22/22? Or more coverage than his insider trading a month accusations earlier in July? The question should be, Where was he in September & what was he doing🤷🏻♂️⁉️🥁😂🛎️🔨
drug-fueled hookup gone wrong, it appears. That makes far more sense than MAGA guy broke into Speaker's house, somehow bypassing security. But they are calling us all "conspiracy theorists" for seeing through such blatant horseshit. Blue No Matter Who will swallow it whole (pardon the expression), but the unbrainwashed & those targeted by Demented Joe as SuperJumboMAGA can see the Swiss Cheese like holes in this story.
YOU got it.
Now we have to wait for another 100, 200 or maybe 300 million more Americans to "get it."
deep state comms.
The memes are hilarious!
I’m trying to figure out which Pelosi is arranging all this sabotage of destruction. Sadly, a divorce is not possible as Nancy is such a devout Catholic......
But as a devout Catholic she doesn't mind aborting babies.
There is more to it than being reported.
I couldn't break into my local mayor's home that easily: One does not simply walk into the Speaker of the House's home.
as a practicing MD, I followed Mr. Obamas doings during his term as Potus. I've been in private practice since 1999 as a surgical subspecialist. Im not owned by anyone. Mr. Obama comes across in his speeches and conversations as rational , nuanced, balanced thoughtful even. But if you have detailed knowledge of a topic like I do, when you really parse and consider the things Obama has said carefully you conclude that this guy is an arrogant self righteous prick. He might sound calming but the things he says always amount to his really asserting that he is right about everything and the people that disagree with him are just ignorant partisan bigots who wouldnt know what was good for them if it smashed them over the head. He wanted to tie his legacy to being someone who "fixed" healthcare and instead he made everything worse. Healthcare is not a right and only a free market can improve the quality and reduce the cost of a complex service like healthcare or insurance. Obama is ignorant and arrogant. Much of what he said when he was pres amounted to him saying that he would do something and it was his way or the highway. He played the race card constantly , all the while accusing his opponents of being the bigots.
Obama ruined healthcare , electronic charting and reimbursement,….? so agree with u MiFly.
She made Billions Mzlizzi . At the end of my career , to go to paper charting to electronic charting was not simply not cost effective, my doors closed.
You have the insight of Matt Taibbi when it comes to Obama, check out his Substack and you'll find a thoughtful writer that followed him for years and came to the same conclusions as you...
Thank u . I like met tabby and I’ve read a lot of his stuff. Im 55 yo and im an MD surgical subspecialist in private for >20yrs. I interact with a lot of very bright motivated people.
I consider myself a libertarian and have been since I was 12 or 13 years old
The other thing about Obama is that he seems to actually believe the things he says where is someone like Clinton was an opportunist it was full of shit all the time.
Someone one set of Obama and he’s like a kid on the playground who sees that you or have nicer bicycle than he does and learns that your family has more money than his family and so he conspires with a group of other kids to push you off your bicycle and steal it
C’mon how to hell is the “free market” going to save a health care system which all but owns. It’s exactly its domination of the ACA which undermines it. In order to get the ACA passed, the big insurance companies had to be appeased, so Obama twisted arms, and now the these companies are reaping the benefits, while the ACA itself and the people it’s supposed to serve, is being trashed by these pharma overlords, who are also underpinning the whole covid scam. Besides you must be aware of the revolving door between big pharma (free market) and the CDC and FDA.
And as to Obama playing the race card “constantly,” I think most of his black base would resoundingly disagree. For most of his 8 years, and esp during his first term, he was almost dead silent on race, and was roundly criticized by the black press, black writers, and black organizations.
And without a teleprompter he is useless. Uh-bama. Uh...uh...uh ..
He is a standout psychopath among psychopaths. When the leaders we choose are psychopaths committing serial abuse in our names what does that make us? Any psychiatrist worth their title will answer that.
Psychopathic abusers continue to abuse as long as they have willing victims. They excel in an environment where abuse is institutionalized. It isn’t difficult to observe this in our cultures at all levels. Denial is quite real.
Eventually the institutionalized abuse affects everyone. It now rules the world. The chickens have come home to roost.
Remaining within an abusive relationship indicates a psychological agreement between the abuser and abused. Once the abused stand up and declare their freedom, the cycle is broken and healing, if possible, can begin.
spot ON! abusive relationships should end. Thats why Thomas Jefferson wrote this...
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"
SO we can try to save the marriage buy only if the parties to the union WANT to work together and be RELATIONAL and not be agenda driven ( to use the language of psychotherapy)
ABusive relationships should end, which is why the USA needs to break up.
If it were simply the USA that might work and it still may be part of what needs to happen. Right now we are being abused by a collusion of international criminal elements.
Yes, in most situations. However right now the entire human species is caught in a serially abusive relationship. Unless we have somewhere else to go I don’t see an easy escape. And if we did by some magic have an escape we would just be taking our issues with us.
Unfortunately there is no escape from this other than to face the decisions we have made. Healing means accepting personal culpability and getting out of the relationship. It involves some difficult choices for certain.
Yes, those of us who have done well so far have done exactly this. By getting out to a good place we are able to engage in healing practices which continue to help us and others. No we cannot help everyone. But the bottom line is there will be no escape for anyone or any living thing is we are not successful. There will simply be nowhere else to go. I don’t believe we are doomed to any fate necessarily. Our actions and intents are either right or wrong.
"We tortured some folks."
It’s because the educational system, television and the Internet has dumbed people down. Plus people like getting free stuff that they didn’t work to earn. A lot of people just have no morals and they’re OK with it
With his nose literally in the air as well.
Spot on!...M.C. Miller. The NY Times can no longer be considered as anything less than a campaign asset for the DNC. As for O'bama rama, and his first translady, Michaela--what fantastic deceits he and his Bush cronies brought to the DC circus act. His performance may've been more worthy of an Oscar prize than a peace prize when considering the drone attacks on journalists and civilians. Not to mention that 7 wars/ in 8 years is a warmonger's legacy of note. B.O. toe'd the line for the Bush doctrine while pretending to be cut from a cloth of another color. What a notorious imposter he is and was.
Someone with audio skills needs to edit in people chanting “Epsteins island.”
Or “Spikey Protein!”
Was his husband there to support him?
Academy Award performance for Best Actor in a fiction movie.
Great piece, Mark — love your detailed analysis of all of it.
This was clearly set up to portray MAGA Republicans as cruel and insensitive disruptors, etc.
The same tactic was on display during Biden's "Red Sermon" in Philly on 9/1/2022.
Play back the part where the heckler with the megaphone interrupts. Biden recited a prepared response from the teleprompter.
Our first half-black president.
And now we have a half black VP.
and who cares what their fucking race is, they are bought and paid for tools of the plutocratic globalist elite. Harris is a cackling imbecile who would never had a chance at the presidency. She was soundly rejected, but Biden needed a cover for his own racism, which was too emblematic of the Dem Party's long, notorious racist history. He needed to pose as the anti-Trump, but he is his own (OK, not exactly unique) kind of disaster (and now, as President, catastrophe).
Of course they are tools. The point is they get to choose the racial heritage that best serves them. More convenient in this country for Kamala to call herself black than upper caste Indian. It’s the absurdity of it.
And both speak word salad.
This loser should go back to one of his many megamansions he bought with his $50M payoff from Netflix. I refuse to ever subscribe or watch Netflix. Seems to be a money laundering operation.
As a prelude to our upcoming winter of discontent here’s to thinking hopefully that the latest fissures in the up to now impenetrable armor of the Democratic elites who recently have come under sustained public verbal attacks is but a harbinger of things to come. I’m always astonished at the acceptance and abject passivity of our population to accept the layers and layers of abuse with barely a scent of protest. The laws of “temperamental physics “ have to have a breaking point and whatever that is it can’t come soon enough there’s already too much pain
Knocked him off his spew so bad he was stammering and stuttering!
Thanks for the fake analysis and what really happened.
"Knocked him off his spew so bad he was stammering and stuttering!"
For a second, I thought you were talking about Paul Pelosi!
BAD Kenneth😇 I do sometimes have a problem of using too many pronouns.
And "sssssssssssss'ing". It is really vomiting inducing to see that clown back out in the public eye, I just hope the Wookie stays home behind closed doors.
MCM, I appreciate your take on the Obama appearance. He was not prepared to be heckled and really couldn’t handle it.
The only positive memory I have related to that clown princess Sarah Palin was her spot on comment to a crowd after 4 years of Obama - "how's all that hopey changey stuff working out?"
Hey, maybe we'll have to agree that Palin's "Death Panels" have somehow become reality in a very different form than those she predicted - as one could describe the the freaking FDA's drug "panel's" latest approval of more of the endless covid death vaccines - (now for children too) - without so much as a pretense of actual responsible scientific "testing" of those products. "Death panels" - indeed. That Palin lady must be a psychic! : )
I suppose if the Democratic Party had something positive to offer, the former president would have talked about it instead of taking all that time giving a useless lecture about "civility." I guess "civility" includes rolling up your sleeve, not to do some worthwhile work, but to get stung by a serpent.