Why is this not news, beyond one website? Why has (say) the New York Times not picked it up, to look into the CAUSE of all those deaths? We know why....
Especially tragic since there were only 30 names on their entire list for 2019. (Prior to that, the average per year seems to be around 50 total.) If it keeps going like it is, we’re on target for double death rates this year. Nothing to see here, of course…
The dichotomy is deep; yesterday, I had a meet up with an old 3x vaxxed friend. They are an acupuncture teacher and doctor. Another (2x vaxxed by his admission) old acquaintance showed up, and I was in more listening mode then. The 2Xr has lost multiple family members recently. To them, and I am so horrified to hear this confirmed, they believe ALL the death is due to the virus. It all fits for them, of course. This is terrifying, and although I have made some efforts to break through to the old friend, they (due to their Chinese medicine training) (!) can not, will not entertain any other explanation for the now 'excess' deaths. I am no longer in the bubble bursting business when they keep blowing the bubbles. Can someone please stop this merrygoround, I wanna get off it.
Oh my God, this is EXACTLY what I've been afraid of happening to me if any actual discussion were to take place with my friends and family. ****** One son told me last night that an acquaintance, age 41, had died from "his heart exploding". This darling son of mine is at least 3x shot. I don't know if he actually thinks a sudden "exploded" heart can be from covid. I told him I'd just found out an old student of mine had suddenly died at age 38, and said, "I wonder what is killing younger people". He did not answer.
Unholy hell. I too have found your last sentence quite useful, because really, it is the best question. I think the graphene is already conforming their thoughts such that questioning and frontal lobe work is being comprimised, as it is designed to do this from the info I am gathering. They are being z0mbified.
Jill, is there an obituary or any other death report for either of these sudden deaths? I'm part of the team compiling these. Please email me with any information you can find. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks in advance.
you cannot blame the Chinese medicine training on your friend's stupidity. He must be a mediocre doctor indeed. I see a Chinese medicine doctor and acupuncturist who is able to feel the quackzine in the pulses and has from the start advised against getting the jab. Having now treated many people for quackzine injuries, he has determined that the results of this gene therapy are irreversible. All he can do is ameliorate the side effects.
thanks Yela...i see your point, but sadly this person is on staff and a teacher at the school. They have a hand in policy formation to some degree. I do not get it, they are highly trained in pulse diagnosis and have been for 10+ years. I can't imagine they are not coming up against actual evidence in this that does not add up to 'safe and effective'. Complete disconnect. It truly does not add up, but what else is new in this shituation, eh?
I have been using Chinese medicine and acupuncture exclusively for 50 years and have learned that there are many mediocre practitioners and only a few who actually are experts and excel.
I can only imagine that this disconnect is being 'fought out' between the true practitioners and the covid-culters. Things are probably especially complicated in the Chinese TCM world right now, to be sure.
Their words said one thing, their actions another. They have no effing clue about what is in the vials, and no interest in finding out. I think the school is simply too enmeshed into the public healthcare system to have remained critical of the injections. In the end perhaps the problem in their logic will solve itself, I hate to say.
Jacquelyn, are you saying that these people are practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and even they believe that covid (not the poison injections) are causing all these sudden deaths? Or do you mean they were trained in conventional contemporary (western) medicine in China?
Yes, the close friend is trained (Doctorate in) TCM and works at a school here in Portland OR with Chinese Nationals. (My friend is not Chinese in any way, American and Scottish Welsh for the record). They are on staff. They literally told me yesterday with some pride? that they are boosted as well, because in their MIND they HAD to be to continue their job. Little do they know that their death, which i fully expect within a year or 2, will be ruled a suicide most likely. Early on they did say to me that they understood, through TCM, that 'covid' was not a new virus, (if it was natural, which we thought back in 2019 when they said this). But then the school itself fell in line with all the mandates and masking, despite the discontinuity with TCM methods. Poof.
The other piece of this story is worth adding; in late 2019 I was helping the TCM doc move houses, and they were 'very ill with a respitory something' and I got 'it' too. I lost 10% of my body weight and was down on the couch for 4 weeks full. I recovered with Burdock root tea, that is all I had for supplies, and it worked. Drank a pint a day of it for literally 40 days, and I recovered (no docs no hospitals, not even a word for it then, 11/2019).
The TCN doc does not think what they had was covid, but I am quite sure as I have never had a flu or flu shot in 20 years. To me the virus or whatever felt like a combo of whooping cough and mono. I slowly regained my weight, 2 months for that and 3 months till i really felt 95%. And I have not been sick since. I narrowly avoided a vaxx appointment (cellular intuition and general growing distrust of authority) and just in time saw a warning video by Dr. Bhakti that said this stuff was gonna kill folks. He saved my life I am quite sure.
Thanks Truthbird for asking, sorry for the long answer.
I believe you had covid in late 2019. You said it took three months "till I really felt 95%." Are you saying you never fully recovered your previous energy and vitality? (That wouldn't surprise me.)
I'm glad your intuition and distrust of authority prevented you from being poisoned by the covid injections.
Why do you think that if / when the TCM docs die of adverse reactions caused by the poison injections, their deaths will most likely be called suicides? Has that been happening in the area you live in?
Ah, just thinking that the american insurance industry may go the way of the euro, insured deaths that are being called suicides. I mean, insurance companies will do what they can to keep themselves afloat, right? Mandates are not laws but few know this. They will take that 'out' I am willing to bet.
" I narrowly avoided a vaxx appointment (cellular intuition and general growing distrust of authority) " I love, love this. That's exactly what happened to me but I didn't have the words for it before. CELLULAR INTUITION. Bravo, Jacquelyn. (I also call it God.)
Especially tragic since there were only 30 names on their entire list for 2019. (Prior to that, the average per year seems to be around 50 total.) If it keeps going like it is, we’re on target for double death rates this year. Nothing to see here, of course…
Another devastating example of this ongoing genocide. Wow. The areas of society that have been desensitized to this somewhat obvious slaughter. God help us.
Last year so many famous movie/TV actors died that they couldn't, or wouldn't, note them all in the "In memoriam" segment of the Oscars show in 2022. Then the same thing happened at the Grammys, so many musicians having died. (I post pieces about both on Substack.)
Your questions tell me that you'd rather just dismiss this from your mind than think it's true. Otherwise you'd MAKE the time for such research.
Back when I watched the Oscars — before they became political screeds by people who had no qualifications to lecture — the “in memoriam” segments always seemed long, painful, and shocking. I never watched the Grammy’s, so cannot opine on them.
That said, your assumption about the reasons for my three questions is incorrect and seems like an ad hominem attack. But, I’ll assume you just don’t know me and will explain.
After nearly three years of exploring all things COVID in GREAT detail, I actually believe the jabs ARE the source of the sudden adult deaths without explanation (SADS). However, we should expect the non-believers to ask the questions I posed, and we must provide strong evidence upon which to base our jabbed-caused assertions.
Not asking good questions or ridiculing those who do ask has killed millions who were not allowed to learn about early COVID treatment and the NON necessity, efficacy, and safety of the COVID jabs.
As for not MAKING the time for such research, I’m not publishing the lists. If I were, I would research deeply and I would try to answer all three questions that I posed before publishing the lists — with links proving my assertion that these deaths were jab-induced.
You cannot know this, but I HAVE MADE TIME for non-stop research, writing, and action on so many topics — with little sleep in between and no goofing off. I’ve been looking at neighborhood, city, county, state, federal, and international issues — not only COVID-focused.
I moved to a different state that is now in jeopardy but still freer than the one I fled. I’ve actively worked several primary and general election campaigns for political candidates who are trying to turn America’s sinking ship in a better direction. I have explored voting integrity and published a voting guide.
I found independent doctors and introduced them to one another. I educated my own doctor — who was willing to learn — about COVID treatments and shots. I compiled and widely share a “Covid Essential Links” guide with the best advice from many scientific sources (the alphabet agencies are not on the list!). I helped rescue people from deadly hospital treatments and assisted those whose loved ones died before I could help. I am active in my city and stay in touch with my mayor and city council.
I have a microbiology, chemistry, and computer science background. I share information — sometimes yours! — with many people, but I share only if the information is irrefutable by naysayers. Facts matter, and I always link to primary sources that can prove my assertions or strongly support them at the very least. And, if I’m wrong, I apologize and set things straight. Honesty, integrity, and hard work are my most treasured values in others and I try to meet my own expectations.
As I said in my original post, answering question #1 about whether the deceased had received the jab could be nearly impossible to research due to lack of data — I know that because I, too, have searched for that data (often based on your articles) and come up empty. Lack of transparent quality data and ad hominem attacks are two reasons we’re in such a pickle now. OK, I’m done :-)
Excellent! (Not sure why I am unable to “like” your reply here.) Thanks for all the hard work you do in these areas🇺🇸 As for me, I’m glad Mark publishes this information, but I only send it on to others if I can show that, in prior years, the death rate was lower. (I am of the strong belief that these excess deaths are indeed jab-related, but I need more to convince others.)
We ALL need more to convince others; but all too many of those others will NOT be convinced, and will even double down when faced with absolutely solid evidence such as you're seeking. If you were to send them epic compilations of reports of those who have "died suddenly," AND abundant confirmation that these levels are unprecedented, those with eyes so tightly shut WON'T SEE IT,
so struggling to convince them is a waste of time.
But there are others who, though they don't want to accept it, CAN be convinced; but it takes work, and often, sadly, a direct hit on them, and/or on those they love.
Lady RJL's comment above gives us all the context that we need: 2022 is already on track to DOUBLE the annual death rate noted by Soultracks for prior years.
After many years of getting beaten up by virtually every person I ever spoke to about the impossible official story of Sep 11, this go-round I decided to do more question asking than telling. At a Richard Gage event -- after the presentation of his precise analysis on the Towers' destruction -- I pointed out a fact that activists simply did not want to acknowledge: "Facts Don't Matter". Of course, they do, but not to the unteachable.
I've found the only way to create a crack in the "thinking" is to ask a question using neutral facts. For example -- using Deborah Birx's recent statement that she "always knew the vaccine would not stop infection" -- "If Deborah Birx always knew the vaccine would not stop infection, do you think other people knew, too?" Follow-up: "Why do you think she stayed quiet while people like Anthony Fauci, President Biden, and all the mainstream media told everybody that the vaccines would stop infection?"
You've already provided the premise that is factual and provable. You're asking the other person to give their opinion, which people like to do -- based on your premise. If they're polite enough to answer, they erode --even if it's just a little -- the basis of their own opinion. Plus, just the questions themselves plant a seed.
It’s hard to research who took the jab. When I was still receiving the local paper, I would go straight to the obituaries. Every day, one or more young (20-60) person had died. I would search the person on Facebook. There was never a reference to the vaccine or a vaccine selfie. Often the last post would be in 2019. I wonder if Facebook automatically scrubs people’s profiles when they die.
Dear Mark, We need analysis of this data, otherwise it just appears as more fear-porn, I think. How does this compare to previous years? Let's see some graphs, etc. It sounds horrid. Is it? Need the data please! If the data is out there, please direct us to it. Thank you.
Argh. I’m sure you are right. You’re preaching to the choir here, but when I bring this topic up to others the push back I get is ‘where’s the evidence’ sort of thing. I can’t be the only one.
Please see my lengthy reply to the author above. It is incumbent on those publishing material to offer proof, not on those who read it.
For the record: After doing a LOT of research over the last couple of years, I absolutely believe the jabs are the source of many deaths and so much damage (having lost at least one friend and known many injured). I also know the official government-approved COVID “treatments” lead to death and misery.
It was asked on Instagram to Kizzmekia Corbett, but she didn't answer.
The theory is that since the "immortal HeLa cells" used for serial passage to make viruses more lethal are from an African American, that African Americans are more susceptible to the spike protein because they have closer mitochondrial DNA to Henrietta Lacks.
A subscriber emailed this to me:
Especially tragic since there were only 30 names on their entire list for 2019. (Prior to that, the average per year seems to be around 50 total.) If it keeps going like it is, we’re on target for double death rates this year. Nothing to see here, of course…
The dichotomy is deep; yesterday, I had a meet up with an old 3x vaxxed friend. They are an acupuncture teacher and doctor. Another (2x vaxxed by his admission) old acquaintance showed up, and I was in more listening mode then. The 2Xr has lost multiple family members recently. To them, and I am so horrified to hear this confirmed, they believe ALL the death is due to the virus. It all fits for them, of course. This is terrifying, and although I have made some efforts to break through to the old friend, they (due to their Chinese medicine training) (!) can not, will not entertain any other explanation for the now 'excess' deaths. I am no longer in the bubble bursting business when they keep blowing the bubbles. Can someone please stop this merrygoround, I wanna get off it.
Oh my God, this is EXACTLY what I've been afraid of happening to me if any actual discussion were to take place with my friends and family. ****** One son told me last night that an acquaintance, age 41, had died from "his heart exploding". This darling son of mine is at least 3x shot. I don't know if he actually thinks a sudden "exploded" heart can be from covid. I told him I'd just found out an old student of mine had suddenly died at age 38, and said, "I wonder what is killing younger people". He did not answer.
Unholy hell. I too have found your last sentence quite useful, because really, it is the best question. I think the graphene is already conforming their thoughts such that questioning and frontal lobe work is being comprimised, as it is designed to do this from the info I am gathering. They are being z0mbified.
Jill, is there an obituary or any other death report for either of these sudden deaths? I'm part of the team compiling these. Please email me with any information you can find. annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks in advance.
Done. Thank you for helping in this effort!
you cannot blame the Chinese medicine training on your friend's stupidity. He must be a mediocre doctor indeed. I see a Chinese medicine doctor and acupuncturist who is able to feel the quackzine in the pulses and has from the start advised against getting the jab. Having now treated many people for quackzine injuries, he has determined that the results of this gene therapy are irreversible. All he can do is ameliorate the side effects.
thanks Yela...i see your point, but sadly this person is on staff and a teacher at the school. They have a hand in policy formation to some degree. I do not get it, they are highly trained in pulse diagnosis and have been for 10+ years. I can't imagine they are not coming up against actual evidence in this that does not add up to 'safe and effective'. Complete disconnect. It truly does not add up, but what else is new in this shituation, eh?
I have been using Chinese medicine and acupuncture exclusively for 50 years and have learned that there are many mediocre practitioners and only a few who actually are experts and excel.
I can only imagine that this disconnect is being 'fought out' between the true practitioners and the covid-culters. Things are probably especially complicated in the Chinese TCM world right now, to be sure.
I thought those trained in Eastern medicine and accupuncture were into natural healing. Would not expect them to do the jab!
Their words said one thing, their actions another. They have no effing clue about what is in the vials, and no interest in finding out. I think the school is simply too enmeshed into the public healthcare system to have remained critical of the injections. In the end perhaps the problem in their logic will solve itself, I hate to say.
Jacquelyn, are you saying that these people are practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and even they believe that covid (not the poison injections) are causing all these sudden deaths? Or do you mean they were trained in conventional contemporary (western) medicine in China?
Yes, the close friend is trained (Doctorate in) TCM and works at a school here in Portland OR with Chinese Nationals. (My friend is not Chinese in any way, American and Scottish Welsh for the record). They are on staff. They literally told me yesterday with some pride? that they are boosted as well, because in their MIND they HAD to be to continue their job. Little do they know that their death, which i fully expect within a year or 2, will be ruled a suicide most likely. Early on they did say to me that they understood, through TCM, that 'covid' was not a new virus, (if it was natural, which we thought back in 2019 when they said this). But then the school itself fell in line with all the mandates and masking, despite the discontinuity with TCM methods. Poof.
The other piece of this story is worth adding; in late 2019 I was helping the TCM doc move houses, and they were 'very ill with a respitory something' and I got 'it' too. I lost 10% of my body weight and was down on the couch for 4 weeks full. I recovered with Burdock root tea, that is all I had for supplies, and it worked. Drank a pint a day of it for literally 40 days, and I recovered (no docs no hospitals, not even a word for it then, 11/2019).
The TCN doc does not think what they had was covid, but I am quite sure as I have never had a flu or flu shot in 20 years. To me the virus or whatever felt like a combo of whooping cough and mono. I slowly regained my weight, 2 months for that and 3 months till i really felt 95%. And I have not been sick since. I narrowly avoided a vaxx appointment (cellular intuition and general growing distrust of authority) and just in time saw a warning video by Dr. Bhakti that said this stuff was gonna kill folks. He saved my life I am quite sure.
Thanks Truthbird for asking, sorry for the long answer.
Jacquelyn, I appreciate your long answer!
I believe you had covid in late 2019. You said it took three months "till I really felt 95%." Are you saying you never fully recovered your previous energy and vitality? (That wouldn't surprise me.)
I'm glad your intuition and distrust of authority prevented you from being poisoned by the covid injections.
Why do you think that if / when the TCM docs die of adverse reactions caused by the poison injections, their deaths will most likely be called suicides? Has that been happening in the area you live in?
Ah, just thinking that the american insurance industry may go the way of the euro, insured deaths that are being called suicides. I mean, insurance companies will do what they can to keep themselves afloat, right? Mandates are not laws but few know this. They will take that 'out' I am willing to bet.
" I narrowly avoided a vaxx appointment (cellular intuition and general growing distrust of authority) " I love, love this. That's exactly what happened to me but I didn't have the words for it before. CELLULAR INTUITION. Bravo, Jacquelyn. (I also call it God.)
Yes, what a lovely man.
Organic food types, natural healers, yoga coaches—all rapt Covidians.
Those types won’t eat GMO foods. Yet they turned themselves into GMOs!
Pisses me off, especially when “they” involve animals.
Oh yeah, all the really "cool" people I used to hang with in southern Oregon effing hypnotized.
i think maybe you need to go back about 40 years earlier, to the petrol giants...
Shocking!.. at least YOU are sharing , and so will I, but in my case hardly anyone will see it.
Also most people I know seem resistant to any info on Covid or vaccine injury..
Understandable if they're vaxxed and boosted and fearing what comes next!
I have the same issues with my jabbed friends.
Its too late for them.
"Why is this not news, beyond one website?"
We got different worlds with some intersection but mostly gap is growing... Thanks for the sad updates.
Old age, stress, preexisting undiagnosed illness, trips and falls, long-Covid, drowning, climate change, watching hometown TV sports, Trump….
mysterious car crashes...
Especially tragic since there were only 30 names on their entire list for 2019. (Prior to that, the average per year seems to be around 50 total.) If it keeps going like it is, we’re on target for double death rates this year. Nothing to see here, of course…
Another devastating example of this ongoing genocide. Wow. The areas of society that have been desensitized to this somewhat obvious slaughter. God help us.
Unfortunately, I don’t have time to research the answers to three important questions (#1 possibly unanswerable due to lack of data):
1. Which of these took the jab?
2. What was the age at death?
3. How many soul artists died in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, prior to the jab but still recent enough that normal aging would be less of a factor?
Last year so many famous movie/TV actors died that they couldn't, or wouldn't, note them all in the "In memoriam" segment of the Oscars show in 2022. Then the same thing happened at the Grammys, so many musicians having died. (I post pieces about both on Substack.)
Your questions tell me that you'd rather just dismiss this from your mind than think it's true. Otherwise you'd MAKE the time for such research.
Back when I watched the Oscars — before they became political screeds by people who had no qualifications to lecture — the “in memoriam” segments always seemed long, painful, and shocking. I never watched the Grammy’s, so cannot opine on them.
That said, your assumption about the reasons for my three questions is incorrect and seems like an ad hominem attack. But, I’ll assume you just don’t know me and will explain.
After nearly three years of exploring all things COVID in GREAT detail, I actually believe the jabs ARE the source of the sudden adult deaths without explanation (SADS). However, we should expect the non-believers to ask the questions I posed, and we must provide strong evidence upon which to base our jabbed-caused assertions.
Not asking good questions or ridiculing those who do ask has killed millions who were not allowed to learn about early COVID treatment and the NON necessity, efficacy, and safety of the COVID jabs.
As for not MAKING the time for such research, I’m not publishing the lists. If I were, I would research deeply and I would try to answer all three questions that I posed before publishing the lists — with links proving my assertion that these deaths were jab-induced.
You cannot know this, but I HAVE MADE TIME for non-stop research, writing, and action on so many topics — with little sleep in between and no goofing off. I’ve been looking at neighborhood, city, county, state, federal, and international issues — not only COVID-focused.
I moved to a different state that is now in jeopardy but still freer than the one I fled. I’ve actively worked several primary and general election campaigns for political candidates who are trying to turn America’s sinking ship in a better direction. I have explored voting integrity and published a voting guide.
I found independent doctors and introduced them to one another. I educated my own doctor — who was willing to learn — about COVID treatments and shots. I compiled and widely share a “Covid Essential Links” guide with the best advice from many scientific sources (the alphabet agencies are not on the list!). I helped rescue people from deadly hospital treatments and assisted those whose loved ones died before I could help. I am active in my city and stay in touch with my mayor and city council.
I have a microbiology, chemistry, and computer science background. I share information — sometimes yours! — with many people, but I share only if the information is irrefutable by naysayers. Facts matter, and I always link to primary sources that can prove my assertions or strongly support them at the very least. And, if I’m wrong, I apologize and set things straight. Honesty, integrity, and hard work are my most treasured values in others and I try to meet my own expectations.
As I said in my original post, answering question #1 about whether the deceased had received the jab could be nearly impossible to research due to lack of data — I know that because I, too, have searched for that data (often based on your articles) and come up empty. Lack of transparent quality data and ad hominem attacks are two reasons we’re in such a pickle now. OK, I’m done :-)
Excellent! (Not sure why I am unable to “like” your reply here.) Thanks for all the hard work you do in these areas🇺🇸 As for me, I’m glad Mark publishes this information, but I only send it on to others if I can show that, in prior years, the death rate was lower. (I am of the strong belief that these excess deaths are indeed jab-related, but I need more to convince others.)
Apologies for misreading you.
We ALL need more to convince others; but all too many of those others will NOT be convinced, and will even double down when faced with absolutely solid evidence such as you're seeking. If you were to send them epic compilations of reports of those who have "died suddenly," AND abundant confirmation that these levels are unprecedented, those with eyes so tightly shut WON'T SEE IT,
so struggling to convince them is a waste of time.
But there are others who, though they don't want to accept it, CAN be convinced; but it takes work, and often, sadly, a direct hit on them, and/or on those they love.
Apology accepted. My sister is one of those who won't see what's in front of her, so I understand the frustration. We're all dealing with it.
I appreciate your thoughtfulness and support! Thank you 🙏 I, too, appreciate Mark’s information.
Lady RJL's comment above gives us all the context that we need: 2022 is already on track to DOUBLE the annual death rate noted by Soultracks for prior years.
I am not able to 'like' these replies either.
It happens a lot! 🤔
I thought it must just be my phone.
When it happens to me I refresh my computer, then I am able to like. Weird.
After many years of getting beaten up by virtually every person I ever spoke to about the impossible official story of Sep 11, this go-round I decided to do more question asking than telling. At a Richard Gage event -- after the presentation of his precise analysis on the Towers' destruction -- I pointed out a fact that activists simply did not want to acknowledge: "Facts Don't Matter". Of course, they do, but not to the unteachable.
I've found the only way to create a crack in the "thinking" is to ask a question using neutral facts. For example -- using Deborah Birx's recent statement that she "always knew the vaccine would not stop infection" -- "If Deborah Birx always knew the vaccine would not stop infection, do you think other people knew, too?" Follow-up: "Why do you think she stayed quiet while people like Anthony Fauci, President Biden, and all the mainstream media told everybody that the vaccines would stop infection?"
You've already provided the premise that is factual and provable. You're asking the other person to give their opinion, which people like to do -- based on your premise. If they're polite enough to answer, they erode --even if it's just a little -- the basis of their own opinion. Plus, just the questions themselves plant a seed.
It’s hard to research who took the jab. When I was still receiving the local paper, I would go straight to the obituaries. Every day, one or more young (20-60) person had died. I would search the person on Facebook. There was never a reference to the vaccine or a vaccine selfie. Often the last post would be in 2019. I wonder if Facebook automatically scrubs people’s profiles when they die.
Fakebook didn't used to take down anything from the sites of people who died. Unless notified, how would they even know?
What if Bill Gates was an auto mechanic 2 mins
Hooo. That was good.
Are you anti-oil!?
Thank you, Mark. xo
I'm so glad someone is honoring all those who are leaving us too soon.
13 Comments which ought to be 13 million. It's sad so sad never waking up from this nightmare. We must sleep to escape.
Thanks for this “news”! And singer/ actress Shonka Dukureh 44 who plays Big Mama Thornton in the new Elvis movie was found dead by her children!
... and there were many others this past week, just not as famous, as the latest compilations show.
Ronnie Spector? OMG... I'm heartbroken. RIP💔
That's one that was in the news.
Dear Mark, We need analysis of this data, otherwise it just appears as more fear-porn, I think. How does this compare to previous years? Let's see some graphs, etc. It sounds horrid. Is it? Need the data please! If the data is out there, please direct us to it. Thank you.
I think you should look into it yourself; and, when you find that it IS an unprecedented "horror," make some graphs.
Argh. I’m sure you are right. You’re preaching to the choir here, but when I bring this topic up to others the push back I get is ‘where’s the evidence’ sort of thing. I can’t be the only one.
Please see my lengthy reply to the author above. It is incumbent on those publishing material to offer proof, not on those who read it.
For the record: After doing a LOT of research over the last couple of years, I absolutely believe the jabs are the source of many deaths and so much damage (having lost at least one friend and known many injured). I also know the official government-approved COVID “treatments” lead to death and misery.
Thank you and I see the last couple years - jabs, policies, etc. the same. Living in NYC, I am quite surrounded by friends who think I'
The data is out.
Any chance you can share a link? I'd be grateful, thanks.
I have read those of African descent are more susceptible to jab side effects because of stronger immune response.
This, of course, is pure conspiracy theory: https://imgur.com/a/0EIJ5Yc
It was asked on Instagram to Kizzmekia Corbett, but she didn't answer.
The theory is that since the "immortal HeLa cells" used for serial passage to make viruses more lethal are from an African American, that African Americans are more susceptible to the spike protein because they have closer mitochondrial DNA to Henrietta Lacks.