Seems people who have jobs that require high cardio output are more vulnerable to just suddenly dying. Drummers, Chefs, Sports, etc. High stress likely contributes as well. All heart related no doubt.

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Because ten drummers have always died every two months. Right?

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Tremendously sad, but thank you for the reporting.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

"We have lost our drummer..."

"... and the band played on."

"And the band played on" is an expression used to describe the deliberate masking or downplaying of an impending calamity by authorities.


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If You Are Heavily Vaccinated

Do Not Mistake

My Superiority For Mere Arrogance.

That Would Be Your Second Mistake.


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so sad and even worse, not surprised...I agree the cardio output of drummers especially and the ear buds and 5G in the arenas just exacerbate an already bad situation.

my stepdaughter's best friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last July and by this past March she was "suddenly" gone...did the stepdaughter wake up? no because she told us her friend probably had it for years before it was diagnosed...she is totally brainwashed and works in a hospital and has been jabbed multiple times...they always come up with some excuse other than facing reality. everyone who has been jabbed many times is living on borrowed time imo. Thanks for compiling these lists Mark it cannot be a pleasant task.

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And we know about these because they are well known. So many dead and dying. It is a grim war plan to kill us.

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I would audition for Taylor Hawkins spot but I’m unjabbed and then “super scientist” Grohl would make me aget 7 jabs and I would be on this list.

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Hey Mark, I don't know if you have seen this but it outlines perfectly the propaganda structure at the CBC specifically, and Canadian media generally, and of course the PMO where the liar prince holds reign.https://librti.com/view-video/testimony-cbc-journalist-exposes-the

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Let's just assume there are far more and they are doing everything they can to suppress people knowing.

These boneless, spineless horrors are in fear absolutely. When they crash that dollar they'll be running for their private islands so the sooner that happens, maybe the better. There will be nothing protecting them then. No island, no fortified castle wall, no underground bunker will save them.

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I feel it necessary to inject a measure of utterly black humor in an increasingly appalling and difficult-not-to-notice situation; never mind how the Controlled Mainstream Presstitute Media is continuing to do its level best... 🙄


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Reset is erasure in accord with the Weffer's agenda.

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