Another unexpected death by heart attack... Vaxx status remains undisclosed - but it should be noted that Hawaii was a genocidal corporatist's paradise, with a bunch of restrictions and "nudges", pushing people in that direction. And I suspect that with the travel aspects of his career as a surf cinematographer, it seems likely that he was.
I can confirm that Larry was a great guy - having met him as a neighbor, while briefly living on the North Shore, back in the Spring/Summer of 1990. I never connected with him after that, but always recognized his work, and looked for him in the credits of surf related film and video - and he was almost always there, too.
While looking into what I feared was the cause of death (I heard of Larry's passing when it was announced during the Sunset Pro broadcast, which I saw just moments ago) - I also saw these two Hawaiian news reports - bravely reporting the increases in mortality that we would expect (but rarely hear of in corporate media). But these reports are notable because they offer a series unlikely causes, along with some inexplicable bewilderment amongst Doctors. At least they didn't wrap it up with a push for more injections.
"A spill of carcinogens would be remarkably bad timing if a population had somehow injured their cancer-fighting immune responses. Just spitballing." (Childers)
my first thoughts exactly...
(as well as provide cover for vaxx damage)
edit: 2nd and a half thought: destroy rural areas, drive people into cities...
3rd thought: an unfortunate accident that is not being adequately addressed - because why should Govt. give a sh*t - ala "D.B.S" (and it kills people onsite and downstream- added benefit, ++ good)
My second thoughts have been about destroying the housing market in order to build new cities, owned by corporations, without the pretense of elections or fundamental rights of any kind.
True, but I suspect rural people were much less likely to get the jabs. I rode out the idiotic lockdowns in a rural area and no one gave a crap about covid or immunizations. People just went about their business. The Amish in particular just ignored the government.
Fun trivia.. until 2017ish the Unhealthy Truth handle belonged to pure food fraud Robyn O'Brien w book by that title which was part my research, part greenwash & part biotech mythology. Her allergy story totally manufactured I have a giant archive pre-2009. My hectoring on Twitter had the EB part removed at one point but whole brand is built on lie that NYTimes (stalwart Monsanto PR source) named her the "Erin Brokovich of Food".. it's as likely as NYT promoting Great Barrington Declaration but easily debunked by the article where author notes its the name Robyn gave herself..she's more like the Elizabeth Holmes!
I’m sorry for being dense (truly, no sarcasm😁) but I’m not on twitter never have been altho I am familiar with Erin Elizabeth/Health Nut News and hers is the name and face I see when I opened that link? Is she (Erin) the person you’re talking about, is she the fraudster? Or is there another person - Robyn O’ Brien - I’ve never heard of her but I *think* that’s who you’re referring to...? Is Erin associated or linked to this other person, Robyn...? Or is she just (randomly/by chance?) using the same twitter handle for some (unknown/unwise) reason? Thanks for any clarification, I truly appreciate it!
No Erin Elizabeth took over that handle in like 2017 and wanna feel like she is married to Dr Mercola or works w him so she's fine.. Robyn is now into some green energy funding scam.
Thank you for clearing that up for me! Yes Erin is Dr Mercola’s significant other and that’s the only reason I even know of her. Love him he’s been my go-to for health info for 10-12 years. I know very little about her tho so I was curious :).
Having never heard of that other character (Robyn) before today, I think I now know everything I need to know....Green energy/climate hoax grifter. Got it✅🤮
Chickens are one of the pillars of civilization. They transform useless starch into useful protein and cholesterol. Beautiful animal.
It has the liability that if you have to bug-out, you have the emotional burden of leaving them behind.
One possible solution would be to build a little hen-sized harness with a flying drones programmed to follow you as you run away. Problem is that your enemies will know where you are: they only have to follow the flying drones carrying chickens to safety.
It's difficult to save animals. Domesticated animals are kinda soft and won't last for long without human protection.
Really terrible to have to go through this pullution attack. It can happen to anyone, even people in cities.
The loss of the people living in the country is large, but they are probably more mentally resillient and more apt to recover than people living in big cities.
Security, then ruin.
This addiction to security we all have is very risky and we don't realize it.
One thing that is readily apparent is that most people in cities think food comes from supermarkets. They have no idea how to grow it, how to store it, how to can it, etc.
I think people in the west have no clue that this is not normal. If you go to Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey (etc), families typically have dachas or small gardens where they grow their own food in addition to what they get from the supermarkets.
That's why the clueless city dwellers don't seem to care when there are stories of chickens dying. They didn't care about the stories of mad cow disease either. Too busy with their bread and circuses to wonder where their food comes from.
Did anyone else see the Three Mile Island docuseries on Netflix? All these historians & experts interviewed for the series calmly telling us that it was much worse than reported, that there were many levels and layers of cover-up, that they had no meaningful emergency plan in place, that the media and local government were complicit in the cover-up, that management knew of problems well in advance, in fact completely covered up previous accidents...
And yet, these *same* experts scoff at the idea that this style cover-up still happens today, on behalf of industries hell bent on poisoning us. It's absolutely mind boggling, beyond absurd. As if we have these teeny tiny blemishes in our history that nobody would ~ever~ dare to repeat, when in fact all evidence points to the opposite. The corporations have learned that capturing agencies is easy, paying off politicians is cheap, and the legacy media is increasingly compliant since they laid off all their investigative journalists.
The show is set in East Palestine, OH? And in the show a train derailment causes a chemical spill catastrophe? I haven't watched any of it but I keep wondering what it is. Years ago there was a novel titled White Noise that was popular but it had nothing to do with this topic.
The thing about radiation is that it is so easy to measure. You can get a free app for a phone to measure radiation. You want to know what risk there is spend $80 on a meter and go out and get EXACT data over an entire area. Anybody & everybody can do it.
For a much more dangerous chemical spill like this you need to take literally tens of thousands of air, soil & water samples. Document them precisely. Send them to a certified lab @ ~$100-$300 cost PER SAMPLE. And do it all again a week later when the chemical may concentrate in small areas where an animal or kid can consume it. Believe me, environmentally this incident will likely be far, far worse than Chernobyl, TMI or Fukushima. Those are just the facts.
The free 'compass' app on my android measures radiation.
I can't vouch for the accuracy, but I can tell if a microwave leaks or in the hospital if there is adequate shielding from the MRI in the next corridor.
A bunch of commenters on Jeff Childers's "Coffee and Covid" blog were suggesting a fundraiser to do independent water tests to compare to the gov. tests that they say they are going to conduct. I hope it happens and many people donate...
It was worse than they were saying though everyone with any ability to read between the lines and who knew anything about the subject knew that it was bad. Almost a complete meltdown. I drove through Harrisburg going from D.C. to Ottawa shortly after the event and it was a ghost town and authorities were all obfuscating. Curiously, you will never guess what movie was playing at the town's cinema. This incident also sparked a seemingly short-lived movement in the Public Relations industry to change tactics from spin and cover up to radical honesty when ever disaster occurs.
The historians did discuss the China Syndrome movie that was in theaters at the time (I've never seen it, before my time). They attempted to use the movie as a deflection - saying people were just paranoid due to seeing the movie.
In the end, though, I get the impression the general public was much more skeptical back then (perhaps in part thanks to Nixon fallout). And, there were definitely more (and higher quality) journalists. They were asking real questions without fear of reprisal, and didn't take the government at their word. And of course there was a lot of national news coverage as well. They weren't perfect, but I would trade today's journalists for 1979 journalists in a heartbeat.
There was always an element of catering to the proprietor, to the advertisers, and to the editor's bias but everyone knew what a good story was and wanted to chase it. And the press was called the 4th Estate for a reason - in a democracy it was supposed to be a kind of watchdog, not a mouthpiece and propagandist.
"Journalists" of today would not deign to show up as they might get hurt.
The will happily reprint a 'press release' written by 'experts' who are not even on site.
The police are more than happy to exercise martial law to "keep people safe".
I laughed when they brought in 'nuclear expert' Jimmy Carter to Three Mile Island.
It's called "handling". That's where the big guns are brought in and "handled".
They are told what they will see, who they will see and what they will say before they arrive on scene - and they will be given the script "talking points" for the "interview".
It's all choreographed.
Three Mile Island was mostly invisible stuff. Toxic radiation, possible uncontrolled explosion due to pressure.
This one is very visible. Toxic smoke. Toxic vapor. Toxic liquid.
The controlled explosions were very smart to eliminate the possibility of an uncontrolled explosion.
The "experts" are so afraid of being called "incompetent" they will go to any length to pretend all is well. Unfortunately, when 'experts' are given control, those who are the real experts are not allowed to do their jobs, assuming there are any real experts available.
In this case, yeah, it's bad, but the toxicity will not last long. Thankfully, they did not wait to purposely burn the remainder after the initial derailment, although they certainly mishandled the press on that, assuming the press bothered to print anything other than what the press wanted.
Mushroom clouds make great optics - and damn the reason.
However, the long-term fallout will be the lingering health of those exposed and the failure to either have a plan or follow an emergency plan in the immediate aftermath. Just where was the railroad rapid response team????? And who has the plan for the long-term recovery?????
But not to worry. Our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg is carefully checking for the proper distribution of paperwork to be filed on the diversification of the cleanup crew to make certain inequities never happen again.
Where are all the XXXX’ing environmentalists and climate crisis people?? Where??? Where are the radical protests in the streets over this chemical disaster- ruining the air, soil and water, killing fish, animals and humans??
Unfortunately the only way we can right the wrongs that are being committed hourly, daily by the criminals that have commandeered our country, is by very extreme measures.
We cannot take prisoners. We cannot make excuses for those that would kill you directly or indirectly without batting and eye. They, the puppeticians, are the face of the evil that abounds. They must be gone.
Then the banksters. The pharmafia. The military, which is run by the criminals, The DOD.
Everything must go.
And then we must build from the ground up.
This great country needs to be reborn. Regenerated. Re-educated. With the goals and ideals once written about centuries ago.
When a country does not have a functioning government, indeed a criminal syndicate doing the bidding for international gangsters, posing as a government, these things happen.
So, ya. I can confirm the massive budget cuts at Norfolk Southern being a likely cause of this. My brother worked for them as the railroad equivalent of a mechanic and got laid off about three years ago due to the railroad adopting a "precision railroading" policy. To very quickly simplify the policy, the idea is to cut jobs within the company by the thousands, removing mechanics, track repairmen, general maintenance, and even engineers who ran the trains, while also adding too many cars to the trains and simply not working on engines or cars when they needed repairs and simply doing the absolute bare minimum to maintain a "functional" railroad.
If you look around Altoona PA, where Norfolks biggest repair shop is, there are a whole slew of train cars left on their side on the tracks from the trains constantly wrecking the last few years due to lack of maintenance or having too many cars on the trains for the turns they are making. They don't even bother picking them up because they are too short staffed and just move them enough that the trains can pass by. Seriously, they have had dozens of wrecks in the last few years because of this.
This was put in place because the investors in Norfolk Southern had been watching a few railroads in Canada, I believe the primary was Canadian Pacific, followed the practice and maximized profits with this policy. Despite all the same problems occurring there, the investors demanded Norfolk, as well as other railroads here in the states do the same thing so they could make a bunch of fast money at the cost of ruining lives and good jobs. This was bound to happen, and I doubt the people at fault face actual punishment. Look up "precision railroading" and the name Hunter Harrison if you want to go down an insane rabbit hole of failure and incompetence. There are forums all over the internet of railroad employees talking about this insanity for years now. This is the cost of nobody listening to the boots on the ground and just making money at all costs.
This reminds me of the trend toward "just in time" inventory, combined with the uberization of labor in the West, to minimize costs ( call it: "just in time" labor ). Everything needs to be fluid, and on-demand. Workers have to continually rearrange their lives so they can work a couple hours here and there, at the employer's behest, but only when absolutely needed. Benefits and stable employment become increasingly rare, as more and more workers become independent contractors.
The trouble with this overall practice, and mindset, is systemic instability. If anything goes wrong ( ex: supply issues in China or elsewhere ), the whole system collapses, because capital investments ( including in so-called 'human' capital ) have not been made, and kept up with ( like tracks maintenance ), because the goal, as you rightly pointed out, is strictly to maximize short-term — i.e. quarterly — profits. We don't produce more, or better quality, we merely "optimize" ( e.g. "precision railroading" ), by cutting costs and corners, living off past glories. In the end, we all reap what *they* sow.
I tried to teach a 'class' on computers and job hunting for my local library. Everyone would sign up but the day and time of.. no one showed up. I learned really quick like, people are so stressed out and 'booked up' they can't make commitments - they want it when they want, as they want it. I went to a no sign up drop in help 2x a week at a set time each week. Worked better, I got 4 to 6 ppl usally 3 or 4 per session. Of course, I dropped the classes and pointed them to a computer web page site with 'lessons' they could work on at home or any other time they felt like it. ... Was it good? Well, no, but I couldn't sit all day waiting and I couldn't prepare for what I didn't know was coming in the door, could I?
Definitely lots of chatter about the nearby Amish community and how these toxins may or may not affect their health and potentially ruin one of the rare, pristine unvaxxed cohorts out there for future health comps. Would be quite diabolical if any of what’s occurred was actually meant to accomplish this
There are too many weird catastrophes happening lately. Egg farms and food plants burning down, derailments, "bird flu" epidemics, people suddenly dropping's almost like someone is attacking critical infrastructure, like, gasp, a war! Food, transportation, the workforce, the supply chain. And of course the totally open and chaotic southern border. But golly gee, I'm sure if there was the media would tell us and the authorities would protect us! lol.
God help the people, wildlife, fish and plants near this toxic area. This is truly horrifying.
There is a war on. And its NOT Chyna or Russia attacking us, it is our OWN SOLD OUT GOVERNMENT DEEP STATE AGENTS OWNERS and elite desperate to hang on to their money, power and prestige. If it means destroying the country millions of people dead, environmental catastrophe for the planet, baby they are ALL IN. Buffet, Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, you know, all the usual suspects are in on it. And just looving it baby loving the moola they get! Squeeze the peasants and serfs HARDER for MORE MONEY. Steal their freedoms, muzzle them the dirty peons, control their breeding (because you don't want to be French Revoluntion-ed do you, elite peoples / reptiloids/bankers etc?). Squeeze the peasant till they bleed and drop in the traces... starve, murder, steal their children and kill them, and oh, well if they break, just replace them, rise and repeat...
Something massively deadly is happening and the media and government are lying to everyone? But wait....LOOK OVER THERE! UFO'S!! Focus on the flying saucers because we certainly can't have everyone looking at the genocide and orchestrated collapse of society happening all around us.
This reminds me of 9/11 when they said the air was toooootalllly safe to breathe. Totally. Look how that turned out.
The use of "UFO" is the trick. When you hear UFO, you think alien, but it doesn't mean alien, it means unknown, just another fine example of gaslighting the public.
Yes. Does anyone know where the plume of smoke and toxic gases are going to drift? Northward ?? into PA?? and the water ways? Will it get to Pittsburgh and the monghela and the 3 rivers there? Is it going to make it to NJ - there's an atmospheric storm coming in where will those winds take the gases.... How far will the ground water plume travel and what wells will be 'barren' and dangerous to animals and people? It is huge eco damage. And your robber barron governors (I say that with some sarc) don't give a damn. Where's the Demonrat environmental warriors on this one??? But they say its all good - heya, farmers won't be farming so we don't care. Food? Who needs that. Johnny and Keisha and Jenny get that at the grocery store.. (most don't even know where their food comes from so how can they understand what is happening to the food supply distribution lines?)
You’re right about that! I worked for USCustoms then and some of the hero’s were lining up to go help down there. I said you couldn’t get me within 10 miles downwind of that mess without a gas mask. It was like nobody ever heard of ASBESTOS. That was the insulation of choice for fireproofing back in the 60s and 70s. It was everywhere inside the shell of those buildings and the authorities damned well knew this.
Strangely even weeks later the news was showing crews roaming around without any protection. All it would have taken was stupid N95 or P 100 dust masks and a shower leaving the worksite but I never saw any mention of protection from asbestos at all. It’s no surprise that so many responders and workers have died of asbestos related cancers.
"Project Blue Beam" the USSA fakes an Alien Invasion to implement more Tyrannical Feral Gov. as the Face Diaper Sheeples just go insane........ and they will.
The Technology is so far advanced, the "spacecraft" like the slow moving huge triangle craft photographed over Arizona a few years back. All USSA advanced tech used as psyops among other uses.
Oh, shit, Kathleen. I'm in Central PA and yesterday saw, at sunset, the entire sky filled with the most unnatural-looking fluorescent orange and wondered what the deal was. I'd never seen anything like it. But I didn't put two and two together until reading your comment.
200-250 thousand pounds of vinyl chloride, and now its burning! this is a catastrophic eco disaster, in a densely populated area!! How can these trains even collide? Wtf???
Yup. Lots of helpful lobbyists greasing palms in DC to water down safety regs. Did this train to hell use double hulled tank cars? I’m sure not. That was supposed to happen but then Obama admin weakened the regulations. That’s why we get 14 cannons barreling down unsafe tracks. Coming soon to your town. I’m within 10 blocks of a freight train track. A derailment of some toxic stuff happened 3 miles of me a few years ago. Madness. No wonder TPTB go silent. Get media on board that particular narrative fast!
This chemical spill in Palestine OH blows away the big ones in Nitro, Saveso, Sturgeon, and others. And there is a blatant coverup of the dioxin angle; articles talking about dead animals not even mentioning the chemical.
On Feb 3 a train derailment took 19 tanker cars off the tracks, 14 of them containing vinyl chloride, a precursor to PVC. The government then lit them all on fire, releasing the chemicals to the atmosphere. When anything with chlorine in it burns, dioxins and furans are created.
Many articles omit the dioxin angle completely. This is not merely about the toxic chemicals the train was carrying; it’s what happens when they burn. There has been very little coverage of what may be the worst chemical spill in history.
Dioxins are orders of magnitude more toxic than "acutely toxic" chemicals, like arsenic, cyanide, strychnine, or Ivermectin, which each have LD50s in the range 2-10 mg/kg.
Whereas the toxicity of dioxins is measured in MICROGRAMS per kg.
Dioxins are really in a category by themselves. They are Ultra-toxins.
Video of NewsNation reporter Evan Lambert arrested (2/10) for trying to cover a local briefing. They claimed trespassing because the state troopers coerced the building administrator to ask him to leave (and Lambert complied), but it was a public meeting and the media was allegedly invited so that's a very shaky rationale. What's more likely is that he was asking too many questions and reporting that the situation is much worse than they're admitting.
The only way this ends is when the sheeple have no choice. They have been programmed that war is peace, lies are truth and freedom is slavery. The Governments, MSM, Social Media, Politicians, Big Corporations, Schools, and Hollywood want us all to live in smart cities, eat bugs, own nothing and be happy, Do the sheeple want to die suddenly or unplug from the Matrix?
Thank you for writing this and bringing this young women's account to our attention.
USA is sending all our money and protection to Ukraine, letting our own people suffer under toxic deadly assaults, MSM blackout and propaganda. If this doesnt wake people on the left up I dont know what will. It touches on all their sensitive spots and highlights how toxic our gov is to it's people.
I highly recommend Jeff Childers’s comprehensive breakdown from this morning:
This is a very informative video on the chemistry involved:
Thanks for the link to Childers' piece. Excellent.
My pleasure, Mark! 👍
Another unexpected death by heart attack... Vaxx status remains undisclosed - but it should be noted that Hawaii was a genocidal corporatist's paradise, with a bunch of restrictions and "nudges", pushing people in that direction. And I suspect that with the travel aspects of his career as a surf cinematographer, it seems likely that he was.
I can confirm that Larry was a great guy - having met him as a neighbor, while briefly living on the North Shore, back in the Spring/Summer of 1990. I never connected with him after that, but always recognized his work, and looked for him in the credits of surf related film and video - and he was almost always there, too.
While looking into what I feared was the cause of death (I heard of Larry's passing when it was announced during the Sunset Pro broadcast, which I saw just moments ago) - I also saw these two Hawaiian news reports - bravely reporting the increases in mortality that we would expect (but rarely hear of in corporate media). But these reports are notable because they offer a series unlikely causes, along with some inexplicable bewilderment amongst Doctors. At least they didn't wrap it up with a push for more injections.
"A spill of carcinogens would be remarkably bad timing if a population had somehow injured their cancer-fighting immune responses. Just spitballing." (Childers)
my first thoughts exactly...
(as well as provide cover for vaxx damage)
edit: 2nd and a half thought: destroy rural areas, drive people into cities...
3rd thought: an unfortunate accident that is not being adequately addressed - because why should Govt. give a sh*t - ala "D.B.S" (and it kills people onsite and downstream- added benefit, ++ good)
( edit: it's certainly has our attention...!?)
Let's throw U.of Michigan into the mix!!
My second thoughts have been about destroying the housing market in order to build new cities, owned by corporations, without the pretense of elections or fundamental rights of any kind.
It is a form of piracy.
True, but I suspect rural people were much less likely to get the jabs. I rode out the idiotic lockdowns in a rural area and no one gave a crap about covid or immunizations. People just went about their business. The Amish in particular just ignored the government.
East Palestine... blowing up?
Seems almost like railroad lines are the commercial equivalent on the surface to the earth’s fault lines that are under the surface.
Interesting timing that we are seeing the fault lines beginning to produce a series of earthquakes where they are fracturing, in the Middle East ...
Fun trivia.. until 2017ish the Unhealthy Truth handle belonged to pure food fraud Robyn O'Brien w book by that title which was part my research, part greenwash & part biotech mythology. Her allergy story totally manufactured I have a giant archive pre-2009. My hectoring on Twitter had the EB part removed at one point but whole brand is built on lie that NYTimes (stalwart Monsanto PR source) named her the "Erin Brokovich of Food".. it's as likely as NYT promoting Great Barrington Declaration but easily debunked by the article where author notes its the name Robyn gave herself..she's more like the Elizabeth Holmes!
random wench screenshots..
NYT article when I still believed she was genuine & defended her for the NYT Hatchet Job
I’m sorry for being dense (truly, no sarcasm😁) but I’m not on twitter never have been altho I am familiar with Erin Elizabeth/Health Nut News and hers is the name and face I see when I opened that link? Is she (Erin) the person you’re talking about, is she the fraudster? Or is there another person - Robyn O’ Brien - I’ve never heard of her but I *think* that’s who you’re referring to...? Is Erin associated or linked to this other person, Robyn...? Or is she just (randomly/by chance?) using the same twitter handle for some (unknown/unwise) reason? Thanks for any clarification, I truly appreciate it!
No Erin Elizabeth took over that handle in like 2017 and wanna feel like she is married to Dr Mercola or works w him so she's fine.. Robyn is now into some green energy funding scam.
Thank you for clearing that up for me! Yes Erin is Dr Mercola’s significant other and that’s the only reason I even know of her. Love him he’s been my go-to for health info for 10-12 years. I know very little about her tho so I was curious :).
Having never heard of that other character (Robyn) before today, I think I now know everything I need to know....Green energy/climate hoax grifter. Got it✅🤮
Thanks again for following up!
Clear as mud here.
Erin took over which handle Pamela?
Thanks for the links.
Thank you. I've been traveling and missed all this so the "coffeeandcovid" post was a great catchup.
Thank you!
That's so bad!!!
Chickens are one of the pillars of civilization. They transform useless starch into useful protein and cholesterol. Beautiful animal.
It has the liability that if you have to bug-out, you have the emotional burden of leaving them behind.
One possible solution would be to build a little hen-sized harness with a flying drones programmed to follow you as you run away. Problem is that your enemies will know where you are: they only have to follow the flying drones carrying chickens to safety.
It's difficult to save animals. Domesticated animals are kinda soft and won't last for long without human protection.
Really terrible to have to go through this pullution attack. It can happen to anyone, even people in cities.
The loss of the people living in the country is large, but they are probably more mentally resillient and more apt to recover than people living in big cities.
Security, then ruin.
This addiction to security we all have is very risky and we don't realize it.
One thing that is readily apparent is that most people in cities think food comes from supermarkets. They have no idea how to grow it, how to store it, how to can it, etc.
I think people in the west have no clue that this is not normal. If you go to Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey (etc), families typically have dachas or small gardens where they grow their own food in addition to what they get from the supermarkets.
That's why the clueless city dwellers don't seem to care when there are stories of chickens dying. They didn't care about the stories of mad cow disease either. Too busy with their bread and circuses to wonder where their food comes from.
Indeed. So many animals harmed in various ways over the last months/year.
Did anyone else see the Three Mile Island docuseries on Netflix? All these historians & experts interviewed for the series calmly telling us that it was much worse than reported, that there were many levels and layers of cover-up, that they had no meaningful emergency plan in place, that the media and local government were complicit in the cover-up, that management knew of problems well in advance, in fact completely covered up previous accidents...
And yet, these *same* experts scoff at the idea that this style cover-up still happens today, on behalf of industries hell bent on poisoning us. It's absolutely mind boggling, beyond absurd. As if we have these teeny tiny blemishes in our history that nobody would ~ever~ dare to repeat, when in fact all evidence points to the opposite. The corporations have learned that capturing agencies is easy, paying off politicians is cheap, and the legacy media is increasingly compliant since they laid off all their investigative journalists.
Apparently there is a Netflix show White Noise in which this very scenario happens in this very town. Predictive programming? The matrix??
and Three Mile Island had the China Syndrome movie
After three plus years of Stockholm Syndrome I forgot all about China Syndrome. It's when you're terrified of balloons, right?
Or is it fear of ginger?
They haven't got souls.
The show is set in East Palestine, OH? And in the show a train derailment causes a chemical spill catastrophe? I haven't watched any of it but I keep wondering what it is. Years ago there was a novel titled White Noise that was popular but it had nothing to do with this topic.
The movie called White Noise from last year is about the book.
Some people in the movie White Noise are now living it!
The thing about radiation is that it is so easy to measure. You can get a free app for a phone to measure radiation. You want to know what risk there is spend $80 on a meter and go out and get EXACT data over an entire area. Anybody & everybody can do it.
For a much more dangerous chemical spill like this you need to take literally tens of thousands of air, soil & water samples. Document them precisely. Send them to a certified lab @ ~$100-$300 cost PER SAMPLE. And do it all again a week later when the chemical may concentrate in small areas where an animal or kid can consume it. Believe me, environmentally this incident will likely be far, far worse than Chernobyl, TMI or Fukushima. Those are just the facts.
Was TMI a movie script? Galen Winsor:
The free 'compass' app on my android measures radiation.
I can't vouch for the accuracy, but I can tell if a microwave leaks or in the hospital if there is adequate shielding from the MRI in the next corridor.
A bunch of commenters on Jeff Childers's "Coffee and Covid" blog were suggesting a fundraiser to do independent water tests to compare to the gov. tests that they say they are going to conduct. I hope it happens and many people donate...
It was worse than they were saying though everyone with any ability to read between the lines and who knew anything about the subject knew that it was bad. Almost a complete meltdown. I drove through Harrisburg going from D.C. to Ottawa shortly after the event and it was a ghost town and authorities were all obfuscating. Curiously, you will never guess what movie was playing at the town's cinema. This incident also sparked a seemingly short-lived movement in the Public Relations industry to change tactics from spin and cover up to radical honesty when ever disaster occurs.
The historians did discuss the China Syndrome movie that was in theaters at the time (I've never seen it, before my time). They attempted to use the movie as a deflection - saying people were just paranoid due to seeing the movie.
In the end, though, I get the impression the general public was much more skeptical back then (perhaps in part thanks to Nixon fallout). And, there were definitely more (and higher quality) journalists. They were asking real questions without fear of reprisal, and didn't take the government at their word. And of course there was a lot of national news coverage as well. They weren't perfect, but I would trade today's journalists for 1979 journalists in a heartbeat.
There was always an element of catering to the proprietor, to the advertisers, and to the editor's bias but everyone knew what a good story was and wanted to chase it. And the press was called the 4th Estate for a reason - in a democracy it was supposed to be a kind of watchdog, not a mouthpiece and propagandist.
Msm journalists have been committing treason for at least3 yrs. Almost everyone of them
What exactly is a "Ralph Nader type?"
It's much worse than that.
"Journalists" of today would not deign to show up as they might get hurt.
The will happily reprint a 'press release' written by 'experts' who are not even on site.
The police are more than happy to exercise martial law to "keep people safe".
I laughed when they brought in 'nuclear expert' Jimmy Carter to Three Mile Island.
It's called "handling". That's where the big guns are brought in and "handled".
They are told what they will see, who they will see and what they will say before they arrive on scene - and they will be given the script "talking points" for the "interview".
It's all choreographed.
Three Mile Island was mostly invisible stuff. Toxic radiation, possible uncontrolled explosion due to pressure.
This one is very visible. Toxic smoke. Toxic vapor. Toxic liquid.
The controlled explosions were very smart to eliminate the possibility of an uncontrolled explosion.
The "experts" are so afraid of being called "incompetent" they will go to any length to pretend all is well. Unfortunately, when 'experts' are given control, those who are the real experts are not allowed to do their jobs, assuming there are any real experts available.
In this case, yeah, it's bad, but the toxicity will not last long. Thankfully, they did not wait to purposely burn the remainder after the initial derailment, although they certainly mishandled the press on that, assuming the press bothered to print anything other than what the press wanted.
Mushroom clouds make great optics - and damn the reason.
However, the long-term fallout will be the lingering health of those exposed and the failure to either have a plan or follow an emergency plan in the immediate aftermath. Just where was the railroad rapid response team????? And who has the plan for the long-term recovery?????
But not to worry. Our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg is carefully checking for the proper distribution of paperwork to be filed on the diversification of the cleanup crew to make certain inequities never happen again.
Where are all the XXXX’ing environmentalists and climate crisis people?? Where??? Where are the radical protests in the streets over this chemical disaster- ruining the air, soil and water, killing fish, animals and humans??
Because they’re all a bunch of HYPOCRITES.
The real threat is my gas stove in my home.
The real threat is me eating beef.
Unfortunately the only way we can right the wrongs that are being committed hourly, daily by the criminals that have commandeered our country, is by very extreme measures.
We cannot take prisoners. We cannot make excuses for those that would kill you directly or indirectly without batting and eye. They, the puppeticians, are the face of the evil that abounds. They must be gone.
Then the banksters. The pharmafia. The military, which is run by the criminals, The DOD.
Everything must go.
And then we must build from the ground up.
This great country needs to be reborn. Regenerated. Re-educated. With the goals and ideals once written about centuries ago.
When a country does not have a functioning government, indeed a criminal syndicate doing the bidding for international gangsters, posing as a government, these things happen.
comment from ZeroHedge:
So, ya. I can confirm the massive budget cuts at Norfolk Southern being a likely cause of this. My brother worked for them as the railroad equivalent of a mechanic and got laid off about three years ago due to the railroad adopting a "precision railroading" policy. To very quickly simplify the policy, the idea is to cut jobs within the company by the thousands, removing mechanics, track repairmen, general maintenance, and even engineers who ran the trains, while also adding too many cars to the trains and simply not working on engines or cars when they needed repairs and simply doing the absolute bare minimum to maintain a "functional" railroad.
If you look around Altoona PA, where Norfolks biggest repair shop is, there are a whole slew of train cars left on their side on the tracks from the trains constantly wrecking the last few years due to lack of maintenance or having too many cars on the trains for the turns they are making. They don't even bother picking them up because they are too short staffed and just move them enough that the trains can pass by. Seriously, they have had dozens of wrecks in the last few years because of this.
This was put in place because the investors in Norfolk Southern had been watching a few railroads in Canada, I believe the primary was Canadian Pacific, followed the practice and maximized profits with this policy. Despite all the same problems occurring there, the investors demanded Norfolk, as well as other railroads here in the states do the same thing so they could make a bunch of fast money at the cost of ruining lives and good jobs. This was bound to happen, and I doubt the people at fault face actual punishment. Look up "precision railroading" and the name Hunter Harrison if you want to go down an insane rabbit hole of failure and incompetence. There are forums all over the internet of railroad employees talking about this insanity for years now. This is the cost of nobody listening to the boots on the ground and just making money at all costs.
This reminds me of the trend toward "just in time" inventory, combined with the uberization of labor in the West, to minimize costs ( call it: "just in time" labor ). Everything needs to be fluid, and on-demand. Workers have to continually rearrange their lives so they can work a couple hours here and there, at the employer's behest, but only when absolutely needed. Benefits and stable employment become increasingly rare, as more and more workers become independent contractors.
The trouble with this overall practice, and mindset, is systemic instability. If anything goes wrong ( ex: supply issues in China or elsewhere ), the whole system collapses, because capital investments ( including in so-called 'human' capital ) have not been made, and kept up with ( like tracks maintenance ), because the goal, as you rightly pointed out, is strictly to maximize short-term — i.e. quarterly — profits. We don't produce more, or better quality, we merely "optimize" ( e.g. "precision railroading" ), by cutting costs and corners, living off past glories. In the end, we all reap what *they* sow.
I tried to teach a 'class' on computers and job hunting for my local library. Everyone would sign up but the day and time of.. no one showed up. I learned really quick like, people are so stressed out and 'booked up' they can't make commitments - they want it when they want, as they want it. I went to a no sign up drop in help 2x a week at a set time each week. Worked better, I got 4 to 6 ppl usally 3 or 4 per session. Of course, I dropped the classes and pointed them to a computer web page site with 'lessons' they could work on at home or any other time they felt like it. ... Was it good? Well, no, but I couldn't sit all day waiting and I couldn't prepare for what I didn't know was coming in the door, could I?
I thought I was reading substack comments. When did I pull up a copy of "Atlas Shrugged?"
There is a cancer in the economy, and it's called "Finance" ( predatory capitalism ).
Greed above all else, with the help of the (s)elected puppets in government. This is true fascism.
take care, try to smile every now-and-then (good vibrations). in the end we need to be smarter and better humans than them. GB
Definitely lots of chatter about the nearby Amish community and how these toxins may or may not affect their health and potentially ruin one of the rare, pristine unvaxxed cohorts out there for future health comps. Would be quite diabolical if any of what’s occurred was actually meant to accomplish this
Like blowing up a gas pipeline? That kind of diabolical?
There are too many weird catastrophes happening lately. Egg farms and food plants burning down, derailments, "bird flu" epidemics, people suddenly dropping's almost like someone is attacking critical infrastructure, like, gasp, a war! Food, transportation, the workforce, the supply chain. And of course the totally open and chaotic southern border. But golly gee, I'm sure if there was the media would tell us and the authorities would protect us! lol.
God help the people, wildlife, fish and plants near this toxic area. This is truly horrifying.
The best war is when your enemy doesn't know there's a war.
There is a war on. And its NOT Chyna or Russia attacking us, it is our OWN SOLD OUT GOVERNMENT DEEP STATE AGENTS OWNERS and elite desperate to hang on to their money, power and prestige. If it means destroying the country millions of people dead, environmental catastrophe for the planet, baby they are ALL IN. Buffet, Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, you know, all the usual suspects are in on it. And just looving it baby loving the moola they get! Squeeze the peasants and serfs HARDER for MORE MONEY. Steal their freedoms, muzzle them the dirty peons, control their breeding (because you don't want to be French Revoluntion-ed do you, elite peoples / reptiloids/bankers etc?). Squeeze the peasant till they bleed and drop in the traces... starve, murder, steal their children and kill them, and oh, well if they break, just replace them, rise and repeat...
Meanwhile in Texas. . "A train carrying "some hazardous materials" has derailed north of Houston. 1 person is dead."
Something massively deadly is happening and the media and government are lying to everyone? But wait....LOOK OVER THERE! UFO'S!! Focus on the flying saucers because we certainly can't have everyone looking at the genocide and orchestrated collapse of society happening all around us.
This reminds me of 9/11 when they said the air was toooootalllly safe to breathe. Totally. Look how that turned out.
The use of "UFO" is the trick. When you hear UFO, you think alien, but it doesn't mean alien, it means unknown, just another fine example of gaslighting the public.
Yes. Does anyone know where the plume of smoke and toxic gases are going to drift? Northward ?? into PA?? and the water ways? Will it get to Pittsburgh and the monghela and the 3 rivers there? Is it going to make it to NJ - there's an atmospheric storm coming in where will those winds take the gases.... How far will the ground water plume travel and what wells will be 'barren' and dangerous to animals and people? It is huge eco damage. And your robber barron governors (I say that with some sarc) don't give a damn. Where's the Demonrat environmental warriors on this one??? But they say its all good - heya, farmers won't be farming so we don't care. Food? Who needs that. Johnny and Keisha and Jenny get that at the grocery store.. (most don't even know where their food comes from so how can they understand what is happening to the food supply distribution lines?)
You’re right about that! I worked for USCustoms then and some of the hero’s were lining up to go help down there. I said you couldn’t get me within 10 miles downwind of that mess without a gas mask. It was like nobody ever heard of ASBESTOS. That was the insulation of choice for fireproofing back in the 60s and 70s. It was everywhere inside the shell of those buildings and the authorities damned well knew this.
Strangely even weeks later the news was showing crews roaming around without any protection. All it would have taken was stupid N95 or P 100 dust masks and a shower leaving the worksite but I never saw any mention of protection from asbestos at all. It’s no surprise that so many responders and workers have died of asbestos related cancers.
"Project Blue Beam" the USSA fakes an Alien Invasion to implement more Tyrannical Feral Gov. as the Face Diaper Sheeples just go insane........ and they will.
The Technology is so far advanced, the "spacecraft" like the slow moving huge triangle craft photographed over Arizona a few years back. All USSA advanced tech used as psyops among other uses.
eye-opening background article by well-informed author/jounalist Matt Ehret -
Here in W. PA, not to far from the site in Ohio, we have had fire red sunsets for the last couple of days.
Like huge red colors across the sky.
Oh, shit, Kathleen. I'm in Central PA and yesterday saw, at sunset, the entire sky filled with the most unnatural-looking fluorescent orange and wondered what the deal was. I'd never seen anything like it. But I didn't put two and two together until reading your comment.
If you’re east of there, you’re probably breathing it.
The coloring was really weird.
Yes, very.
We have been too. Alot of that is ash from all the volcanic activities going on around the world though. Y’all got my prayers in Texas.
200-250 thousand pounds of vinyl chloride, and now its burning! this is a catastrophic eco disaster, in a densely populated area!! How can these trains even collide? Wtf???
All by design and planned!! This was prime farmland!
Yep, kill (😢) two birds with one stone...poison and starve people
Bingo bango Joni gets it
Thought it was a derailment. All ya need is broken down equipment and Unmaintained tracks. Which is most of America. RR companies own the damn tracks.
W.B. owns quite a bit within the RR industry...
Yup. Lots of helpful lobbyists greasing palms in DC to water down safety regs. Did this train to hell use double hulled tank cars? I’m sure not. That was supposed to happen but then Obama admin weakened the regulations. That’s why we get 14 cannons barreling down unsafe tracks. Coming soon to your town. I’m within 10 blocks of a freight train track. A derailment of some toxic stuff happened 3 miles of me a few years ago. Madness. No wonder TPTB go silent. Get media on board that particular narrative fast!
Pst: Sabotage. Poor Maintenance. Shoddy work equipment that is worn out. Cheaping out by corporates. All part and parcel of it...
Remember Times Beach?
This chemical spill in Palestine OH blows away the big ones in Nitro, Saveso, Sturgeon, and others. And there is a blatant coverup of the dioxin angle; articles talking about dead animals not even mentioning the chemical.
On Feb 3 a train derailment took 19 tanker cars off the tracks, 14 of them containing vinyl chloride, a precursor to PVC. The government then lit them all on fire, releasing the chemicals to the atmosphere. When anything with chlorine in it burns, dioxins and furans are created.
Many articles omit the dioxin angle completely. This is not merely about the toxic chemicals the train was carrying; it’s what happens when they burn. There has been very little coverage of what may be the worst chemical spill in history.
Dioxins are orders of magnitude more toxic than "acutely toxic" chemicals, like arsenic, cyanide, strychnine, or Ivermectin, which each have LD50s in the range 2-10 mg/kg.
Whereas the toxicity of dioxins is measured in MICROGRAMS per kg.
Dioxins are really in a category by themselves. They are Ultra-toxins.
Video of NewsNation reporter Evan Lambert arrested (2/10) for trying to cover a local briefing. They claimed trespassing because the state troopers coerced the building administrator to ask him to leave (and Lambert complied), but it was a public meeting and the media was allegedly invited so that's a very shaky rationale. What's more likely is that he was asking too many questions and reporting that the situation is much worse than they're admitting.
The only way this ends is when the sheeple have no choice. They have been programmed that war is peace, lies are truth and freedom is slavery. The Governments, MSM, Social Media, Politicians, Big Corporations, Schools, and Hollywood want us all to live in smart cities, eat bugs, own nothing and be happy, Do the sheeple want to die suddenly or unplug from the Matrix?
Thank you for writing this and bringing this young women's account to our attention.
USA is sending all our money and protection to Ukraine, letting our own people suffer under toxic deadly assaults, MSM blackout and propaganda. If this doesnt wake people on the left up I dont know what will. It touches on all their sensitive spots and highlights how toxic our gov is to it's people.
Been watching Fox News on and off for the last four hours and not a peep about this. They’re busy wetting their beds over balloon shoot downs.
"look, over there! a!"
Before they used CFC's, they used VC as a refrigerant. The PDF from this link shows hideous carcinogenity
I have already passed this sad news on. Just like the dupont incident in West Virginia, the water table is going to soak this shit up.
"Dark Waters" was a great movie.
Epic, thanks.
And vinyl chloride was only one of the hazardous chemicals being transported on that train.