Just came across this quote:

‘An official at the FDA put it this way: “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don't like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”’

How are you going to enjoy that retirement, how are you going to live with yourself, knowingly staying silent right now as thousands die, as millions are injured?!

I am so angry at the silence. Seriously a group of them can stand together and come forward, like we did in the airline industry. We’re stronger together.


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When the whole purported reason for forming the FDA was initially to protect the citizens, it would seem that dissolving the agency would be appropriate, if it cannot fulfill that function. I do not think anyone with their eyes set on the carrot of retirement should assume they will get that carrot if they did not stand up for the citizens in this. Ie, what you said. Bst Flying Christina

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Your comments always resonate as true

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This same attitude DROVE me out of teaching in K12 public schools after 20 years in. I torched my salary, benefits, and pension, but I couldn't stay and sleep at night.

This is why Franklin famously said in response to what kind of government the founders had designed, "A Republic, madam, if you can keep it."

We have a tough row to hoe, folks.

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BTW, if you have friends who still have their kids in public schools, please consider reading my substack. I don't want any money. I just want to free the children from grooming in government compliance and crowd conformity.


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“I swear upon the altar of God, eternal hostility toward all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.” This is what I memorized as a school teacher touring the Jefferson Memorial on my own decades ago. I may be off a word or two, but the idea resonates with me nonetheless as an extremely important concept of democracy that seems to me to have been slipping away ….

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(Please excuse my language.)

Damn straight!

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If the global takeover is successful, that person's retirement will be wiped out. Or they may get killed by an angry mob. So short sighted even as far as self-interest goes.

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"Thousands die"?

By all accounts it’s already in the millions in the USA. Likely 2M. Data out of Alberta, CA indicated 1.7x more have died from the shots than covid. Steve Kirsch has been doing surveys that indicate the similar numbers. It appears to only be getting worse.

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Yup! 100. That line made me sick to my stomach. Sorry, I give them no quarter. It's NO excuse for silence.

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DOWN WITH PHILANTHROPATHS! (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

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You forgot : down with socialist academia

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Jul 26, 2022
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Upvote x100!

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I like that word philanthropists!

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Truth is the armor plating, it can not be defeated. The deep state will fail. The people will stand up and fight.

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Yesterday, I was amazed at how well the new, ramped-up propaganda is working. I must have seen a dozen or more shoppers masked up at a small grocery store in western Montana, in an area where masking has been minimal.

These people look like robots, their glazed eyes fixed ahead and not making eye contact. Their brains are still performing for the globalist agenda. They do not care that they look stooopid. What are they worried about? Monkeypox? Really?

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I like to stare at them then roll my eyes. And then laugh out loud as I pass them. I don’t do this to elderly people cuz it’s mean. But young people, who look like they have a pig snout- open season!

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When on a plane last weekend, we were given an announcement of respecting the choice to mask or not mask. While I embrace that philosophy of respect, I find it disturbing that those who gave no respect now insist on respect.

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Strange place to be deeply hypnotized (I know the region well enough). Do you think they're tourists? Locals could also certainly be fully indoctrinated, but it's odd. Have an idea?

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Hi Zelda - Identity politics has certainly caused many/most people to identify as right/left, conservative/liberal, etc. In this community, although the majority identify as Republicans, Trump followers, etc., there is a group of Democrats who live locally. I know, as I identified as more to the left, liberal, Democrat side ... that is, before the global predator class stole the minds of these Dems.

I am sure the maskers have gotten a new dose from the mainstream media. I believe DARPA tactics through the TV screen are used to reach these people. And it magically works!

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Thanks, Natalie! Stay sane no matter where you are :-)

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Oh I've no doubt - we will. The question is how ugly does it get in the death-throes of their trying.

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I have the same question, over and over. In the end either way I realised I need to make sure I’m right with Jesus #1. So I keep prepping, talking to who ever will listen and support and search out white caps. I try to keep it simple that way or I become overwhelmed and ineffective. It such an enormous crime.

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Dear Donna,

That's exactly the point and it must be the first step for everyone to "survive." Is this life more important or salvation is?

Besides that, all one can do is prepare as much as such a thing is possible.

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We can't cut off head of the beast and that must be destroyed. The tentacles grow back. More faith, less fear. We are not alone. 💞🙏💖

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Thank you for working on the same objectives! I have subscribed! :)

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Same to you brother! We're all doing our part as best we can.

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Funny, my first thought on your web page was that we are brothers (I hardly ever have that feeling). One thing is certain: we both know that good music conquers it all! :)

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I think at some point they're going to realize what will likely happen to them, unless something miraculous intervenes. They'll try to keep it from happening. I imagine that what they do will be the thing that either explodes it all, or muffles it a bit and we can start the work we'll need to do. But it's going to be a LONG slog for us, regardless of what happens to the Nasties. This is not going to just die off, even if the Nasties DO. It's like a cancer, deeply embedded, tentacles everywhere, enmeshed in everything. Well-- What better work have we got?

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"We" don't even know who "they" are. Only the errand boys and the call girls are showing their faces. On their remote islands, "they" can excercise full population control through their satellite networks.

When people are hungry, cold, and cannot even drive their cars, while being poisoned through 5G, chemtrails, self-spreading "vaccines," and a number of other ways, they will have little patience. Without coordination and communication, only the lynch mob and the starving children's father will act on everyone else, which is simply going to accelerate the depopulation the eugenicist technocrats have set up for the vast majority. It is the masses, who will need a miracle or two:


I agree that the monsters will also cause their own demise, but only because eventually they will turn on each other (they know they cannot be trusted). By then, their plan of exterminating 95% of humanity will have likely been happened, especially if the mob is going to act in an uncoordinated manner.

People can cooperate locally, but only in rural places, and there will be informants to handle.

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Predictive programming in movies, etc. We have seen versions over many years.

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That's the term I was looking for. ^_^

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Actually, I have an article about the conditions for predictive programming


and I will still have to write the second part; as you are saying, mostly from movies and the MSM.

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Another great excuse to get all your dark stuff out there for us.

Eeyore, enough.

I'm not talking to you anymore, because you are so full of DARKNESS and only toooo happy to lay it on everyone else. Fie.

Don't bother responding to me, you are toxic, I'm not reading it no mo. Reality is what WE MAKE IT, it's not a GIVEN, already cemented down. Get well soon.

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I forbid my kids to say, "It is what it is" and "Whatever. They were like cuss words to me. I told them exactly what you said. Reality is what we make it, not whatever. If you don't like the way something is, change it! Too hot? Invent air conditioning. You want to fly? Build an airplane. Swim underwater for hours? Figure out how to bring air with you. We have been bending and shaping reality forever. Get out there and help shape reality, not whine about how it is what it is.

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Thinking, preparing, and acting are good.

Unsubstantiated hope is only good for keeping the masses at bay.

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Right on. And there are ZILLIONS of examples of getting out there and helping shape reality. This is what I'm on about with He Who Shall Not Be Named Anymore... Negativity is the bottom line. As if that ever helped anybody.

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So, this is the time for the greatest invention in the world EVER, because the current proceedings are definitely the greatest crime!

Reality is that if someone gets punched in the nose, it hurts.

FYI, the US is one of the few countries in the world, where ideas can be patented!

Inventing something and manufacturing it are two different things. Ask Nikola Tesla.

A few years ago, a friend of mine invented an electric socket and an electric plug that were a lot better than the current ones used in Mexico, in the US, and in Canada. He had no problem patenting it, but he had to spend $600.000 on production before the UL would even consider certifying it. During the process, it turned out that current manufacturers own the UL. It's kind of like the link between pharmaceuticals and the CDC. He never received a UL certificate, which meant that the product couldn't go into circulation and his money had been lost. Eight corporations own food producation/distribution worldwide. Everything is a monopoly or a cartel. As George Carlin said, "the reason why the American Dream is called that way is because you have to be asleep to believe it."

So, can you, please, give me a single example, when "geting out there and helping shape reality" actually worked?

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Breaking off from British colonial rule and affecting the birth of our country America and writing the US constitution. Also Popeils Pocket Fisherman.

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It is you who is saying you are prone to depression.

Get well soon!

I am not trying to convince anyone.

All I did was ask question based on what's already happening.

Other than that, I let the readers sort it out.

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I think you're a SPY.

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Don't overdo your thinking! :D

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Some suicides ahead, perhaps.

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Please, enlighten me: how can that happen and who is "we"?

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That's not the point of his rebuke. Its point is that your comments are gratuitously fatalistic.

Of COURSE the real drivers of this thing aren't out there on TV, like Gates and Fauci. And so? Because we don't yet know their names, and where they're hunkered down, we should assume we can't do anything against them, ever?

Resistance naturally evolves; and those of us who really are a part of it don't challenge one another for specifics that remain to be discovered. We work together to find those things out; whereas you apparently believe that there's no point, we're fucked—a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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It's quite a balancing act - staying aware and alert and not looking away. I notice how often denial wants to move in. It's hard to hold cognitively the realization that there are forces intent on harming and killing humans, isn't it? And yet, at the same time, while we look, and prepare, we need to find some deeper place and steadiness with both ourselves and the world in order to navigate it all. There is a lot of meaning - for me anyway - in resisting. And moments of enjoyment is so essential however that looks for each of us.

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People like to be deceived, because they think that in that case, they are not responsible for their decisions and actions.

Non-compliance is essential, but the next logical question is, resisting to what end? Living longer? To what end?

Serving in the army taught me how much weaker and more vulnerable I am than I used to think. Still, I have refused to live in fear and never even wore a muzzle. I found it essential for retaining my humanity, but there was nothing enjoyable about it. Obviously, I will not give up or give in.

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Thank you for your kind response. Yes, it would be nice to do something that works! What can that be?

All I do is rely on what has already happened and why. Based on all these, the future is quite inevitable, but that's only if things keep going on the way they have been. There is nothing prophetic about that, which reminds me of an old joke:

A man is sitting on a treebranch and he is cutting it with a saw. A passer-bye warns him, "If you keep doing that, you will fall." The man cuts off the branch and lands on his backside. He gets up and runs after the passer-bye, because he wants to meet someone who knows the future!"

My best bet (and that's why I am on Substack) is that I can perhaps contribute to making the enforcers realize that they will be the next "useless eaters," once they wear out their usefulness. Without enforcers, much of the globalist plan is moot, although the drones and the satellites will still have to be disabled. The control center is probably on a remote island, but if the enforcers switch sides, it's game over for the mass murderers.

The problem is the system; replacing a crook only turns the replacement into one as well. Otherwise, they wouldn't fit in. Moreover, the system is too large to serve its citizens.

Resistance is one thing, the things it can accomplish is another.

No, I am not giving up.

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Never underestimate the hackers. Creative thought also works in the technical world. And they love freedom and life too.

Even some of those criminals that hack into the banks and steal gobs of data. Sooner or later the playing field will realign itself. Could be quite an interesting chess board before this is over. Ugly? Undoubtedly. But in the end there is always hope.

Our younger generations need training in survival and resistance. Teach them what freedom, resilience and creativity can do to give them a better future than “You will own nothing and be happy”. They have been tied up in distraction since birth. Help them find and crave and build a better actual reality than universal basic income and perpetually living virtually.

In some ways the irony is the move to self sufficient living will bring the kids and younger generations back to the reality of real life. Stewardship of this world and nurturing of family. Mostly lost through the years of indulgence. Every person must regain a motivational force within them to fight for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We can gain allies in all walks of life. There will be years of learning and fighting the lunatics. Mostly it’s just surviving intact enough to pick up the pieces and create something better than we are losing. Others have done it. We must as well.

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The like button is jammed but I like your comment

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Just refresh the page; it always works.

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I just became a paid subscriber, Mark. Thanks for all you do.

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These scumbags are going to keep creating one crisis after the next. The collapsing economy I imagine they will use as a big trump card when they cannot control the disease narrative anymore. They are looting what is left of the US corporation by sending to Ukraine. The thing about this is that the money is not really getting there. Zelensky is a piece of sh_t and I hope the good people of the Ukraine remove his head and put it on a spike like GOT. American folks will sit back and say violence is not the answer. It will have to be used as they are using extreme violence on us all via jab and inflation. Pedo Joe's melon needs to be right next to Zelensky. Remember people...this is an open genocide.

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God wins. We win.

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Cartoonist Danny Hellman has been suspended from Twitter. https://avidor.substack.com/p/first-they-came-for-the-cartoonists

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That sucks.

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Yup. I think the censorship will get worse as the narrative continues to fall apart

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Jul 26, 2022Edited
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Someone is angry at Big Pharma? Or they notice public ire and are speaking up about this issue now?

It has NOT been widely known how ineffective "antidepressants" are. Nothing but MSM praising them and ordinary GPs handing them out like office mints. If you get horribly sick on one or wind up labeled "bipolar" and forcibly drugged on poly pharma so your life was ruined, oh well. Throwing pills at someone and ostracizing them was called compassion.

Just a few fringe weirdos hiding in the shadows once we found out the truth. Why? Shrinks have the legal power to lock up the law abiding minus due process and forcibly drug or perform brain damaging procedures on them. No questions asked. The judges almost never interfere since there's no question of law breaking or evidence of crime committed.

And we knew people would automatically view us as dangerous monsters because some guy in a lab coat called us that back in college when the drug he tested on us kept us awake for 3 weeks straight so we went nuts. "All the fault of that pesky severe mental illness. Let's not 'pill shame.'"

Nobody knew because nobody cared.

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Jul 26, 2022
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Yep!! And let's not be naive about this... Substack is going to be a magnet for spies. Period. This is the internet, still. It's the world we live in, still. Never let your guard down.

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Jul 27, 2022
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What happened a long time ago? Spies?

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Apply pressure do not comply

Just simply say no

Shame the shameless

Ridicule their emergencies

Good I hope they lose sleep

Toss and turn in discomfort

May every suffering they have caused

Comes to haunt them 10,000 times

In intensity

No mercy

No negotiating with terrorist

No more fake emergencies

Pedophile blood sucking energy vampires

Hell awaits

Your hell burns from your insides

Keeps you guessing

To live in a sea of ambiguity

Suffer what you so just deserve

No mercy

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I wrote this to the shot mandaters.... 5 clear reasons why many of us have refused and why many of the 62,000 state employees being mandated to take the booster will refuse ... and a list of resources for them to peruse... (didn't mean to rhyme.:))


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Remember that not everyone has the strongest backbone. Some need time to realize (or remember) that they are brave. In fact, bureaucrats aren't known for their intestinal fortitude.

So many peiple are in poor financial situations of our own making. These are worried about the future of themselves and their families. It's easy to call someone a coward when you have little to lose. Your pressure and calls for accountability will help some to see doing right is more important than being safe and comfortable. They know they should stand up. Help them to see that. People have forgotten how to wave that pitchfork and light that torch.

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Denial. All life forms fight death and harm but the human is the only life form that gets to incorporate denial in their survival gear. And it spells death in the end as it will lead the human to the wrong hiding place. Denial is bad intel.

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Their ugly Orwellian dystopia is not sustainable. Their miserable contrived 'Control Grid' mentality is not life-enhancing and life-embracing. It's sterile, stifling - and flawed. One way or another their treacherous totalitarian 'Wall' is coming down. It will not stand. We will collectively and organically tear it down. Life always finds a way. "They" don't own us! Not now. Not ever.

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Wait'll you see their new cannibalism-narrative promotion...

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What is the most shocking, and least mentioned, is the concentration of a group of people, expelled more often than any in human history, in all of the primary evils of the past 150 years. Wars. False Flags. Communism. Feminism. Debt. Illegal immigration. Drugs, both the deadly illegal ones, and the deadlier "legal" ones. All find vast over-representation by a group that nominally represents 2% of the world population, and nearly 50% of its KNOWN billionaires. This group owns central banks, and nearly all media outlets in The West. They also make it ILLEGAL in some nations to merely critique them, as they excoriate the native and founding stock of nations like England, France, Italy, Canada, Australia and the USA.

Can anyone Name the Enemy?

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Yeah, of course, everyone knows that all the world's evils are caused by those greedy, ugly, power-hungry Jews. What's your solution? Holocaust 2.0?


I guess I'm the enemy, or part of the enemy, being as I am of Jewish heritage. It probably doesn't matter that I'm also an (unorthodox) Christian, does it?

As for critiquing the Jews, it seems to me that no one does that better or more incessantly than Jews themselves. Rabbi Michael Lerner and Dennis Bernstein are prime examples of this, but they're far from alone in doing so. Their critique is very radical. Rabbi Lerner goes so far as to say American Jewry should not support Israel in any way because of its militarism and persecution of the Palestinians. And not supporting Israel doesn't go far enough. They say we need to condemn and actively work against the State of Israel as it now exists. Criticizing ourselves is in our DNA.

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Forget Lerner. I'd sooner listen to Prager for self-critique.

Or heck, Moses or G-d.

You know which Biblical figure said the most flattering things about the Jews? Haman. And we know his objective.

In Orthodox Jewish circles there is a reference to the Eruv Rav. These are said to be the mass multitudes who accompanied the Israelites out of Egypt. A "brother" as dangerous to most Jews as Esau was to Jacob.

They're the ones who came up with the idea of the Golden Calf.

And have come up with more and more golden calfs as time goes on.

I and my Jewish relatives disagree on some of the most basic principles... the Torah itself. A true guide? Or just some out of date suggestions, and we need to go shuffling off to the latest golden calf. Communism, or maybe Wokism or whatever Covid Compliance requires next.

World is a mess. But G-d punishes us when we aren't doing what we're supposed to. And we haven't.

This Anti-Communist (Banned) anti-Semite is grotesque. But he's also a warning, maybe even G-d's paddle that he'll use to spank us for neglecting our purpose. Read Deuteronomy 28 for the deal we made.

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I said I'm of Jewish heritage. That doesn't mean I'm a religious Jew in any way. I don't know most of the references in your post. Most of my relatives go out of their way to distance themselves from their Jewish identity. Only one of them (a brother-in-law) seems to value his religious heritage at all, and even he is extremely critical of Jews and of Israel. He gave up going to the synagogue and joined a local (secular) theatre group as a way to find meaning in his life. I don't believe in a god such as the one you describe in your post. Nor do I believe Jews are "chosen" or "special."

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I was born to a reform family where my Dad said "There's only one G-d and we don't believe in him." After time, I started learning more on my own (commutes, lot of great lectures available online). Now my chosen synagogue is Chabad. What can I say? The old one we want to demanded masks on the kids and the torah school teacher was afraid if my 4 year old ran near her without a mask.... outdoors.

I love Israel and support her existence full heartedly. But I am aghast at how quickly Israel knuckled under the dictates of Big Pharma and became a vassal of Pfeizerstan.

But I don't distance myself from my Jewish identity. I treasure it. But the gulf between what Judaism actually is, and the reform version that's presented -- the type of Jews that distance themselves from Judaism -- is tremendous.

I explained it to one of my Christian friends like this: "Suppose you went to Church for a Christmas mass, and the Priest never once mentions Jesus, but spends an hour talking about the virtues of Santa Claus?"

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@Jonah, RE Israel knuckling so swiftly: Yeah, from what I can see, Schwab went out of his way to dig deep into Israel's deep state and funnelled funding for its IT and biotech, which was then instantly used against its citizens first and most furiously as soon as WHO/WEF could unroll the killshots. Schwab's roots are Nazi, after all. Don't ask me about loony Hariri and how/where he fits in. Bennett was a WEFer.

The narrative had already been built to hate Israel (via a one-sided PR narrative of Poor-Victimized-Palestinians); and both the left and right are hard-wired to hate the Jews, so killshotting Israel was easy.

Lib Jews dumbly capitulated to the left's Jew-hating intersectionalism (haha, 2B Muslims and 10M Jews worldwide...but, yeah, Jews are the threat...), so their goose was cooked.

I'm not suggesting I get the whole picture, and certainly a chunk of it goes back to sacred sites and 'spiritual'/larger issues that aren't much talked about here but are covered daily in the 'spiritual' (for want of a better word) communities.

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Yeah, WEF seems to be doing what Jews have been accused of since Protocols: having their fingers in every pie.

Hariri -- I believe Dr. Zelenko mentioned him and said he had a Jewish upbringing, but turned against it with a vengeance, perhaps due to his sexuality. His ideology is monstrous. He seems the textbook example of an Atheist who isn't satisfied with denying G-d, but wants to destroy G-d, or become G-d. Or perhaps I should say destroy AND become because Hariri seems intent on both.

I think ultimately this is a spiritual battle. People are being asked to choose sides. And there are some surprising alliances. I once engaged in an argument between a black schoolmate, very liberal, BLM supporter. And the next day, a Haredi Jew, extremely conservative. Both were hard-core supporters of the vax and hated those that declined. And on the other side, seeing a Feminist like Naomi Wolf, who I always associate with columns in the Nation, appearing on the shows of conservatives like Steve Deace or Steve Bannon, and agreeing on virtually everything is another stunner.

It was an argument I had at my old synagogue.

She says: "Doesn't Torah teach kindness to others?"

I said: "Torah also teaches not to worship idols."

She asked: "What's an idol?"

I said: "The mask." (The vaccine is even more so).

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"what Judaism actually is..."

"what Christianity actually is..."

"what Buddhism actually is..."

I can't buy into any organized religion. I dislike theological dogma no matter what tradition or culture it comes from. If others find it useful or helpful, I'm not going to argue with them or try to dissuade them from their adherence to whatever beliefs they might hold. But spiritual reality is the bedrock of my continued existence in this body on this planet.

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Well, you know. There are people who read the original texts and try to follow it. Then there are people who follow the cultural trends of the time, accept it, then turn to the texts and try to twist them to match the cultural prejudices.

A good religion ought to be a bedrock that resists that kind of pressure, so you can say "No" when the Zeitgeist says "Yes."

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Jul 26, 2022
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Only Hasbara or Talpiot would find truth confusing.

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"Anti-Communist," you're working for the enemy. The Rockefellers and the Windsors, and the Vatican bankers, as well as the Rothschilds, LOVE what you're saying, just as the real powers that be have always pushed that witless narrative, in order to deflect attention from themselves.

I wonder if you know the history of the Protocols. I doubt it; for if you bothered to look into it, you'd see that you've been played completely.

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I have no idea if the Protocols are fake or genuine (I'd go with forgery). However, they're a damn fine operating manual for what's going on today, or for any kind of criminality.

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Mattias Desmet writes about the Protocols in his recently published book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. He describes its history in detail. In my opinion, everyone needs to read this book.

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There are too many of us, standing in gap, saying "No more. Absolutely no more".

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We can take ‘em!

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