I wonder how many of these trans people work for intelligence. Their job being to ruin society and any real gains women have made in the past 100 years. They can’t have anyone actually standing up for themselves and challenging authority. Their aim is to crush everyone.
No doubt promoted in culture by intelligence, but the education system is screwed. My nieces are completely brainwashed. I worked for a “progressive” company a coup,e years ago and they literally put tampons in the mens room to be inclusive.
There is no doubt in my mind the Transgendered activist movement was created as a gateway to transhumanism. There are legitimate transgendered men and woman out there, but they just want to be left alone and not demanding special rights.
"There are legitimate transgendered men and woman out there, but they just want to be left alone and not demanding special rights."
Yes, those are transsexuals, who existed before we'd even heard of gender ideology. Transsexuals don't even adhere to gender ideology (as in getting up one morning and identifying as something else).
Just leave the kids alone and stay out of women’s sports and I doubt many care, if you still have a dick, then stay out of woman’s change rooms. Woman's washrooms are mostly stalls and I see woman using men’s room all the time at stadiums and theatre all the time. Nobody blinks an eye and they are not in any danger.
Evergreen (Aviation, Shipping) is the inheritor of the CIA's "Air America" front company - through Southern Air Transport and a few other label and branding changes.
You might get a bloody nose, fighting a "TransWoman" for space at the urinals (that should be in both rooms.... assuming that you haven't gone to entirely unisex restrooms)...
DC is the cesspool of America. That is a scene I would rather not look into. One of my best friends came here from El Salvador and his stories are bad enough w/out seeing gang members transforming themselves.
I lived there 20 years. You aren’t requires to look just a suggestion to people interested in violent men who are drawn to expressing physical womanhood.
I have often suspected that they were funded by elites of one sort or another. It’s too inconceivable how so much disruption could suddenly burst on the stage or be escalated during COVID. Since COVID was obviously driven from high levels down it seems very suspect that at the same time we are asked to accept numerous transformations of our society encoded often by changes in policy and law in our institutions despite that the vast majority are not pushing for or interested in the changes. No this certainly isn’t grass roots. It’s scary.
Do you remember the "Act Up" movement with all those "gay rights activists" that pushed for gay marriage, etc. etc.? All humans deserve human rights, but that group was not "grassroots" either.
"It's not grass roots. It's not what most people want. Most people are completely sick & tired by it."
"No political movement is grass roots. Every one is the product of a highly organized & well-funded group of political activists." - Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov aka Tomas Schuman, Soviet journalist, KGB informant, Dissident, interviewed by G. Edward Griffin, 1984
This is absolutely the case today, as it was then.
Grassroots isn't shoved down your throat day in and day out. Back in the 80's we had a few gay friends in our circle, several of them we actually helped them to come out of the closet. All they wanted was to be accepted and not harassed, to be treated fairly, no demands, no constant reminders they were gay, far different from today where the AGENDA is constantly in your face.
You're right. Most of the people I knew who were gay, you would never know. But those were people with substance. Their entire existence wasn't about being gay. They were little "g" gay PEOPLE. Now it seems many are big "G" gay people.
When someone's sexual preference becomes their identity, they melt into nothingness.
Once they've let everyone within a half mile radius know that they are gay, that's it. I don't like when people are hollow, it's creepy.
Wasn't there a Democratic congresswoman who said "We don't need black faces that don't have black voices, gay faces that don't have gay voices, brown faces that don't have brown voices"?
The idea being they don't give a shit about the average minority unless they're part of the advocacy for that minority.
James Lindsay described in detail, the marxist distinction between "Black People" and "People who happen to be black." They need the identity marker to come BEFORE the identification as people. People who just happen to be X are not useful foot soldiers for their revolution.
I was a faux date (beard) for one of my gay friends when he needed dates for the office Christmas party, summer work picnic, weddings etc. We were best friends so we could make great conversation and pretty much be ourselves in a natural way. People would comment at how well we got along. Back then polite society didn't show public displays of affection, so other than the occasional touch of the hand or an arm hug, we never had to deal w/the physical stuff to prove anything. We wouldn't have been able to kiss each other if you paid us. The sad part to me was learning how much of a double life he had to lead and how much he had to keep his guard up. It is a hard way to live. I was also sad he was gay because he would have made a great husband. LOL! He was a chef and could cook some wonderful meals.
If someone w/in 5-10 minutes of meeting them mentions that they are gay, a vegan, or do yoga I run in the opposite direction. There is something completely missing in their lives that they have to do that. They may be lovely people, but I just don't need or want them in my life.
There was an early episode of South Park about the school nurse who was born with a conjoined fetus on her face. The boys are horrified, tell their parents, and their parents, concerned and hoping to "help" starting throwing parties, awareness programs, and even parades for "people with conjoined fetuses on their faces" (which the poor nurse has to mach in alone, since she's the only one).
Finally she tells them to stop and she just wanted to be left alone and not made a big deal over.
“Act Up” was actually an AIDS group fighting Anthony Fauci. It was the Human Rights Campaign who fought for marriage equality. Trans activists are different as they demand special rights.
Agreed, however AZT was never mandated and was identified as experimental. We should always have choice. The real issue I think is there was no informed consent about AZT’s side effects and history. Fauci also overplayed the dangers of HIV and thee is no doubt fraud occurred.
Some of the fingerprints are controlled opposition on some substacks... thank you MCM for exposing this UnGodly vile behavior/lifestyle. Your work is very much appreciated. 🤗
Ahem... Judith Butler... {Cough, cough} .... A Lasso supporter in her role as an Ecuadorian PSYOP protector...and a Rojava-phile, on the Empire's Syria beat.
Not your average College Professor, if you get my drift. Too many hats, for my taste... And she's due for an Intellectual upbraiding with her 8 Billion Genders Theories.
OPERATION TAKE OUR TERF BACK is greenlighted. Your mission - should you choose to accept it.... this post will self-destruct - but still be available to the White House, CIA, FBI and NSA forever.
I feel their goal is to crush all dissent and consolidate power into the hands of a tiny elite by weaponizing the woke into terrorizing and gaslighting anyone who disagrees, just like with the vaccines. I don’t think it has a lot to do with trans or with women per se, the trans activists are just a weapon to this end, which is about dominating and monetizing everyone. Like you said, it’s about crushing everybody.
Yep, modern day brownshirts. Weaponised, diaposable useful idiots allowed to use violence to intimidate the population for the benefit of the puppeteers.
It is well known that feminism was funded by the ruling elite. Gloria Steinem admitted she was a CIA asset. Feminism's goal was always to attack gender/ gender roles/ the family. Feminists like Posie Parker lack the self awareness and humility to realise it was feminist ideology that spawned today's 'gender ideology' that they now complain is hurting women.
It was feminism that sought to abolish the notion of sexual dimorphism, gender roles and gender identity. It was feminism that said men and women were interchangeable. It was feminism that said women should not be defined by their wombs or other female characteristics (and to define women that way was misogyny). It was feminism that demanded women be allowed to invade men's spaces and assume male identities and superficial (caricatured) male affectations and clothing and that men should put up with it and stop being so sensitive and old fashioned. It was feminism that celebrated the women's masculine side (a grotesque version of it), with 'ladette' culture of sexual promiscuity and sexual 'empowerment' to the point of aggression.
It was feminism that created a version of women that was so superficial, shallow and materialistic is became essentially a drag act for women.
Now feminists (like PP) are suddenly realising they've shot themselves in the foot .... but rather than admit responsibility for decades of gender deconstruction and pro transhumanist ideology they're playing the victim (the damsel) and blaming the effects of feminism's war on gender on MEN and TOXIC MASCULINITY and PATRIARCHY and MISOGYNY and MALE PRIVILEGE.
For feminists to accept responsibility would be to acknowledge women's agency and huge social power (the power to define gender roles and moral standards in society - for better or worse) and women like Posie Parker can't acknowledge women's power in this regard without admitting feminist ideology is a fraud (women were never powerless victims after all, it's just that women's social power is different to men's).
As a feminist, PP is addicted to feminism's Male Power Fantasy (men 'act' / women are 'acted upon'). This Male Power Fantasy is also attractive to most men, which is why PP gets a lot of male support.
The only crimes being committed by (this small subsection of) transgender activists (who do not represent most ordinary transexuals who just want to get by) is that they dare to be as entitled and obnoxious as feminists have been acting for decades..... but without owning a vagina. Their entitlement (in competitive sports etc) is no different to the kind of entitlement displayed by feminists for decades (eg feminists demanding the requirements for firefighting be lowered and never mind the fact that they don't have the strength to drag people out of a burning building).
Feminist women have been 'identifying' as victims for decades and imposing that absurd identity onto the rest of society in ways that have torn society apart (and harmed women just as much as it has harmed men and children). PP may or may not be self aware enough to realise this.
And for conservative / anti-woke men, being confronted with entitled and anti social 'trans' activists is a chance for them to finally attack female entitlement without having to compromise their gynocentric stance...
In the end all of this in-fighting is annoying because it distracts from the real issue which is that for transhumanism to be accepted by the masses, the concept of gender (sexual dimorphism) must be destroyed (along with fertility/ reproduction/ the family). Women like Posie Parker are part of the problem because their Male Power Fantasy makes healthy and productive (win-win) relationships and drama-free cooperation between men and women impossible - which is precisely why the transhumanists are winning.
As a feminist, I simply fought against sexist stereotypes on behalf myself, my daughter, my son, and others. And against violence, and the casual acceptance of it as normal or funny. (In the old days, a husband pushing his wife around was viewed as normal and even amusing.) I fought for basic rights, and never once denied biological reality. In fact, acknowledging and celebrating biological differences is a fundamental part of true feminism. Don't mistake the slick take-over of the organizations and language of feminism, as feminism itself....even though that attack has been underway for a long time. It's an attack that actual feminists have fought, just as we now fight Gender Identity Ideology.. The PR experts employed by the oligarchs behind Gender Ideology know full-well that destroying people's words is an effective strategy....hence their going after "woman", "man", "female", "male", and "feminism".
There is a big difference between toxic postmodern institutionalized feminism and the everyday woman who stands up for herself and her community.
Anyone who stands up and speaks out about being abused is not being a victim!
It is a reality that women were and in many ways are still treated like second class citizens and used as free slave labor, just ask any care giver for an elderly relative or any at home mother. In fact women who choose to raise their own kids now are treated much worse by society than in previous generations.
It is important that women have access to education and are treated as equal under the law and that was not the case for many thousands of years so those first wave feminists were genuinely standing up for the oppressed.
By the 60’s that movement had definitely been co-oped by people people like Steinem and Friedan who fooled women into believing that their purpose as a tax payer (having a career) was more important than as a mother. So now women who choose to have families or run a household are viewed as less, or just not real smart.
I agree that we are all in worse shape now, especially women because we get criticized on all sides now for not being good enough mothers, earners, good looking, you name it we feel so much more pressure than our mothers or grandmothers to live up to our ‘potential’, only as long as that potential includes doing a job that pays taxes. We are just units to these people at the top.
Add to that all the men who have been taught to hate real feminism and to lump it in with bullshit co-opted crazy institutional feminism and you get society destroying itself from the inside out.
We need to get along, to have heathy relationships, to respect and appreciate our sex differences.
I don’t believe in any ‘isms’ , I believe in the power of people loving themselves and each other and standing up for their god given rights and dignity.
Wow, what a well thought out and written comment. I think we are on the same page in many ways but maybe we just define feminism differently.
I can see the destructive fall out from men and women being pit against one another for decades and I agree that we would all do much better to celebrate our biological differences that try to erase them.
Without getting too personal I must say I have been on the receiving end of very horrible and criminal treatment by some men in my life. I was assaulted when I was a small child, and as a teen, and later in my 20’s, ok, I did not ask or deserve that.
I bring that up because the way it was handled was that I was blamed......my first assault was when I was only 5 years old.
As teen I spoke out against my assailant and was ostracized by my community.
Where were the ‘good’ protective men then? Hmmm? Where were they? They were busy covering there own asses so they would not get caught molesting little girls or raping teenagers, which they clearly enjoyed doing.
Men covered up for other men by throwing girls and women under the bus because they truly believe, like my own damn father once told me to my face, that we are their property, to do with as they please.
My feminism was born out of violation of body and soul. Maybe it’s not feminism at all that I believe but more me just standing up and saying no more.
No more will you violate me and expect me to just shut up.
No more will you tell me I am less.
You fail to protect me, I don’t need to be loyal to you, end of story.
I’m sure I could say more but I am out of energy now.
(sorry if this come across as short tempered - trying to be concise!)
"It is a reality that women were and in many ways are still treated like second class citizens..."
Yes. But I would challenge the idea that this status was (or is) imposed onto women against their will. In any situation that involves hardship or danger (which is most of history) women tend to assume a role that is mid way between that of a child and an adult. This forces men to assume primary responsibility for ensuring the protection of both women and children (and there's your 'patriarchy' right there - and it's created by women!). In order for men to treat women and children as their wards (protect them) they must 'take charge', which means women have to defer to men's authority to some extent. And that's what women have always done, and it's what made women (and children) 'second class citizens'. Women were not children, but neither were they adults to the extent that we demand men be. Sometimes it sucks to be treated like a child, but for men it also sucked to be always treated as full status adult with nobody to take care of them and all of society's demands on their shoulders. In general women get to enjoy a very comfortable middle ground (a degree of freedom and agency/ a degree of protection and comfort).
IOW throughout history women got to enjoy adult status.... but not *too much* adult status. This situation persists (to a greater or lesser extent) to this day and MOST women prefer it that way.
Only feminists claim that women were somehow forced to endure second class status - and they only do it to score victim points which they can convert into free resources and special treatment. Feminism demands women enjoy the benefits of being taken care of by men (he for she) .. but without letting men take charge (and in fact beating men down until they are broken). Feminists are like children who demand daddy supports them, while also demanding to be recognised as head of the household. This unworkable set of demands is tearing western society apart.
".... and used as free slave labor, just ask any care giver for an elderly relative or any at home mother."
Either the man works outside of the home and the woman works inside of the home.... or they swap. It's up to them. When a woman earns a wage and financially supports a man who does housework and care duties we say he is a lazy bum or 'half a man'. But magically - by the power of feminism - when a husband supports his wife who does housework and care duties we say she is a slave. Somehow women are always the victim! :)
"In fact women who choose to raise their own kids now are treated much worse by society than in previous generations."
It's harder for a woman to raise her own children because feminism's goal of pushing women into the male workforce halved men's wages and doubled taxes. If you're talking about single mothers, that's the worst possible scenario for children (a fatherless childhood is the biggest predictor of criminality, promiscuity, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse etc).
"It is important that women have access to education and are treated as equal under the law and that was not the case for many thousands of years so those first wave feminists were genuinely standing up for the oppressed"
Education for women made no sense for most of history. Somebody had to do housework (a full time job and hard manual labour until quite recently). Women's education was in practical things that ensured survival (cooking, storing food, darning/ sewing, housekeeping etc). Even today about half of women in higher education are only there to look for a high status husband, and they won't actually use their education for a career - or they will drop out of their career as soon as they decide to have children (enabled by the earnings of their high status husband).
You realise that in the developing world today, a family will typically sell their donkey to give their son an education so he can emigrate to the west and work in a call centre and send money back to support his wife and extended family. Do you think his wife or sister would rather trade places?
"By the 60’s that movement had definitely been co-oped by people people like Steinem and Friedan"
Sure... but feminism was ALWAYS a completely bat shit crazy ideology from the beginning, which was completely detached from reality and biology. 150 years of incessant feminist nonsense has destroyed the very foundation of critical thinking and common sense in the west, because the NATURAL and BEAUTIFUL co-dependency, cooperation and harmony between men and women has been erased and replaced with this demented 'battle of the sexes' BS ..... which has now been fully internalised by gen z and metastasised into 'gender ideology'.
If you think of men and women as a single human organism (two halves of a whole) then feminism is a kind of 'gender dysphoria', schizophrenia and self hatred all rolled up into one giant psychosis.
"Add to that all the men who have been taught to hate real feminism and to lump it in with bullshit co-opted crazy institutional feminism and you get society destroying itself from the inside out."
I'm sorry but there is no such thing as 'real' or 'good' feminism. The core claim of feminism - that men systematically oppressed women throughout history - is such a MASSIVE claim, and so utterly destructive to the psyche of boys and girls who now grow up being taught this LIE openly in the classroom, that it's no wonder they are desperate to become unicorns and wolves and non-binary swordfish just to escape the horror that feminism has ascribed to masculinity (toxic) and femininity (victim).
To define men as oppressors of women (patriarchy theory) is to define men as psychopaths, because only a psychopath could oppress his own mother, sister, daughter and wife. Your average feminist has no idea how powerful (and destructive) this ideology is. This claim of systemic biological oppression is the foundation of every brand of feminism (right down to the most causal 'coffee shop' feminism), and it makes ALL flavours of feminism a RADICAL ideology. Until we reject feminism, we cannot restore sanity because feminist ideology is indistinguishable from a mental illness.
Men are biologically hard wired to protect and cherish women. To teach young boys that they oppress women by default and that their sexuality is 'rape-y' by default is a FORM OF SEXUAL ABUSE OF BOYS. Likewise girls are hard wired to seek out masculinity for protection, and patriarchy theory and rape culture is equally traumatising for girls.
Kids are pulling the gender ejection seat because feminism has poisoned the well, if not the entire water table with its toxic gender ideology.
Sorry to rant, I know most self-identifying 'normal' feminists are not bad people. It's the ideology which is toxic. There is no redeeming it. Feminism has literally re-written the history of male / female partnerships and we have to re-write the truth back again (putting the nuance and common sense back in). I see no other way of rescuing children from today's 'gender ideology'.
The globalists, nonprofits and NGO’s as well as the three letter agencies funding this agenda … Want gender to be a fluid construct…. Blurred lines, fuzzy boundaries… an anything goes mentality
And then they will move on to ‘age is just a construct’… I believe this is really about wanting to move the dial on …age of consent
That why you have Biden interviewing an adult man… saying who is saying he’s a Minor GIRL
Our president!!! Wtf.
The ultimate end goal may be trans human … but it’s also to blur lines of ‘age of consent’ also… you watch…
That’s why men dressed in drag
Are now in schools around minor children … no boundaries
This is absolutely related to pediatric vaccine injuries
A large percent of males with autism have been feminized and females have been masculinized and have Hirsutism
And when I discussed it with an autism specialist and said don’t you think this is all related to the increase in gay and transgender numbers we’re seeing and she said yes… but that theory will never get any traction because the LQBTQ crowd would eat you alive for suggesting it!!
There is a lot of truth in this comment but I would edit it as such that feminism as established by agencies and thought organizations created the framework for which this trans movement has been built on; I would separate by that degree.
I think that's basically what I said, wasn't it? (I may have gotten carried away with my rant!).
But basically I view the last century as one long slippery slope (descent into hell). Perhaps it's a necessary journey, so we can all emerge out the other side smelling of roses :)
It's weird (and wonderful) to hear young women now defining being female in terms of wombs and babies and motherhood and stuff... instead of Gucci bags, make up, hair extensions and botox.
This is such an intense period in human history. It feels like a dystopian nightmare but also a new renaissance. It's like being in a washing machine.
Do you consider being funded by the money power "working for intelligence"? What is the difference? In actuality, "using" others is the preferred method because it gives plausible deniability and keeps the hidden power alive to do more harm. Read Quigley's Tragedy and Hope where he relates the control that the CFR has over the election process where they "can throw the rascals out every 4 years and replace them with a different controlled group" (my paraphrasing). That is why things do not change contrary to puppet Obama's team slogan.
I do not see women as gaining. They have to work even if they would prefer to maintain a home to afford a house. Divorce and single family households is 70+% for black women and moving fast in that direction for other women. Women get to be in time consuming jobs and, now, get to miss their children's events and growth like men do. Now they have the disadvantage of competing against larger and more powerful men who benefit from the prior influence of testosterone wearing dresses. (The good news is that boys will be castrated earlier reducing this advantage, if you call that "good".) None of this is Natural and is all the product of those "working" for the secret power to destroy what is natural.
For a good example, read The Authoritarian Personality" which was the game plan after WWII to eliminate the family (claiming that it led to "fascism") through "Eros and propaganda". Propaganda is secrecy, lies and hypocrisy which is what Mark's story is about.
There are many complex layers to the control system run by intelligence and many players who may have no idea how they are being used.
Like so many top down psy-ops, the trans rights movement, uses a group that was targeted for abuse in the past as a idealogical shield.
Its been done over and over again with feminism, gay rights, the environmental movement, and I am sure many more.
Some of these movements may have initially started as grass roots push back against institutional abuse but then became co-opted.
Any one who pushes division, violence or censorship is part of the many headed hydra monster of the controllers/intelligence whether they are aware of it or not.
These people are, IMO, violent because they suffer from mental illness. They are not trans they are mentally ill people and all the surgeries and drugs will not change that.
Absolutely. And the other question no one seems to be asking is, "What percentage of these (delusional) people are taking prescription psychiatric drugs? I'd love to see those stats.
I was a transvestite some time ago and knew transsexuals. I found the transvestites more down to earth. They dress, they go out, they change back, they go home.
The transsexuals, with their second puberty and all, were much, much more unstable and had a constant string of related problems.
I never tried hormones but I read about them. A lot of bloggers said the same thing: don't underestimate them or the changes they can do to your brain, emotions, and temperament.
There are also many hormone dispruptor chemicals put in food, beauty products and household products. This I believe is playing a big part on why kids are confused and people's hormones are all over the place. Check your products eveyone and look up those chemicals and ingredients in your processed foods.
my partner transitioned male to female and went on hormones back in 2007. It was like living with a murderous teensge girl. As he became a she, she actually became abusive and i had to leave with her destroying the house and all our belongings. Hormones are no joke and can bring out all kinds of emotional instabilty.
I certainly believe it. All my sympathies in the world.
When gender dysphoria hit me hard, I read through blogs of trans widows and the cyclone of insanity that followed their husband's transitions. It helped keep my own demons in check so as not to wreck my own life.
There is a blog called "Stop crossdressing" by a very religious man who has fought these urges a long time. He said something very interesting. What other activity, like transgenderism, can take over someone's life, turn them into a completely different person, wreck havoc with their emotions and finances, and turn even a well-adjusted person into a total wreck?
His answer? Drugs.
It's a lot like a regular person suddenly developing a terrible addiction to drugs.
Fortunately, I never tried hormones. Though I briefly saw a gender therapist (really stupid decision on my part) that was strongly encouraging me to try them. It was ironic, because I spent ten years as a crossdresser at that point. I thought I had it pretty well balanced. Then she asked a few pointed questions. "Are you SURE you don't want to transition? Are you sure you wouldn't regret not trying?"
I compared it to waving a bottle of jack Daniels in front of the face of a recovering alcoholic. "Are you SURE you don't want a drink?"
I went into a very confused state, was thinking of trying her testosterone blockers. My mother and wife helped pull me back from that brink. I regained my balance, but it took a few weeks.
I learned I can be susceptible to that kind of manipulation. That wasn't a nice thing to learn about myself, but I'm only human and I have my vulnerabilities.
So you can understand how young vulnerable children, teenagers and young adults could be easily swayed. Good on you for rejecting the dangerous hormones, enjoy being yourself as nature intended even if it is not perfect.
Studies have shown a high rate of personality disorders among trans people, and high rates of autism in trans kids. High suicide rates post-transition as well.
Actually, what percentage are Satanists. Drugs can't fix it, alter it, disguise symptoms..nothing. they come in like this, then ask for psych drugs. And I've seen some report Satanism as their religion. I have no clue what to do with that.
There's a lot of toxicity falling on us all, and the kids are in the worst position because they're subjected to toxins in utero, meaning they're literally born with problems of some sort. The CDC makes sure those problems continue with the "schedule" of toxic injections that start at birth that indeed so cause the brain damage that gets called autism, autism spectrum, asperger's, and I guess now "neural diversity", which sounds like yet another "normalizing" euphemism, if you ask me.
I highly recommend watching VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, and even more compelling on some levels is the follow-up documentary, VAXXED II: The People's Truth.
The "movement" is a way to weaponize mentally ill people, and use them against the general public to keep people busy.
None of it is based in reality. It's not different than anything else coming from the left. They would have you believe that every other house on your street is filled entirely with gay couples.
Yes, the childhood vaccines are a disaster. Actually, the very concept of "vaccines" is a disaster, but that's another story. I think it's really important to understand and separate the real gender-bender physical mutations that are underway from the "transgenderism" trend that is propagandizing kids and other susceptible people and messing with their minds to the point that they want to mess with their own bodies.
Good point. It amazes me how "feminists" who were so outspoken about "toxic masculinity", " patriarchal society", etc., are just laying down and taking this!
I just wrote an essay about America's Founding Mothers. Who kept the troops supplied, actually fought in the Revolution and acted as spies for Washington, among other things.Mary Katherine Goddard printed the complete Declaration of Independence with all the names and bravely added hers making her guilty of treason with the rest of the signers! Sybil Ludington, 16 years old, road twice as far as Revere, 40 miles in the rain all night to alert 400 troops that the British were attacking Danbury, Connecticut, ALL ALONE, and didn't get caught like Revere!
"Our Founding Mothers were consumate bad-asses who did what needed done regardless of personal cost. I guarantee they would have no time for our current nonsense of not even being able to define what a woman is and pretending men can somehow become women. They would definitely think we have lost our minds and would definitely end this nonsense immediately!"
Isn't it ironic the octogenarians in Congress and Senate who were once championing and fighting for the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) are now not only silent, but pushing this most unequal trend, ignoring this generation of young women who deserve an equal playing field.
And with all that, women were still denied the vote. And to underline ruling class contempt for half the human race, it even took precedence over their contempt for the black "savages" they kidnapped and enslaved, the men of whom received the vote 60 years before women. I understand in Kenya some women have formed matriarchal villages. I think (unfortunately) it is time to do that in Amerikkka. This insane ideology could not have made any more progress than the flat earth society, that leprachauns were hiding pots of gold or that elves and tree spirits lived in the forests if it were not for the fact that it is being funded by very rich, very sick men with an agenda - and if woman hatred didn't resonate with so many. That's why I call this our 2nd Dark Age - as well as the worst decade I've experienced. And I go back to WWII, HUAC, Vietnam, the AIDS epidemic. This is the worst by far -- not the Emperor, but the Empire is completely naked and showing itself as an extremely ugly delusion completely divorced from reality. One that, if the human race is to survive, we must find a way to end.
Chaos and no morality is the goal of globalists. It’s much easier to bring people to heel if they have no sense of right and wrong and apparently, no self respect. I often wonder what the trans people would be like if they’d been born a century or even 50 years earlier. I agree that it is being spurred on by agencies.
This is an agenda that's being pushed on people - and I think like you, what if this were happening when I was young - I was one of six sisters, of course I wanted to be a boy! Or one of my own children. I suffered enough with my daughter wearing pants 3 sizes too big for her (remember that trend - with pants falling around your hips?). It's a horrific crime against our children. I read a book last year that was a takeoff on this. It's called "The End of the World is Flat" and quite interesting. I don't read much fiction at all, but I did enjoy that book.
We are NOT laying down. Don't mistake the massive suppression true feminists face as us not fighting back. We are out here fighting really hard, getting fired from our jobs for it, getting assaulted, deplatformed, and more. See the suppression chapter of my Hitchhiker's Guide to the Transgender Galaxy fyi, Part IV, on my free substack at https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/hitchhikers-guide-to-the-transgender
If psychiatrists were honest, they would admit these "transgender" men are plagued by the once- considered psychiatric disorders as women-haters, probably stemming from deep-seated mother issues of childhood. This disdain for women in general accounts for their parading, over-the-top, ridiculous, cartoonish characters mocking women as drag queens, the undeniable, unequal playing field assuring biological men wins against strong female competitors, stealing their well-earned wins and scholarships, and now the outright violent attacks on biological women who are trying to push back against the insanity. Encouraging the ever-growing mental illness is malpractice and feeds the insanity.
And here is where we find ourselves living in the New World Asylum - lest we forget, part of the overall plan is to disrupt the social cohesion and building block of the family. Evil at work.
"This disdain for women in general accounts for their parading, over-the-top, ridiculous, cartoonish characters"
You mean like how feminists / feminist icons have been defining - and portraying - femininity and womanhood for decades? Go and look at Madonna, Rihanna, Ga Ga and most other Hollywood celebrity women. Are they women or are they are closer to androids, sex bots, blow up dolls? And how would you rate their level of entitlement?
But of course, they get away with it because vagina!
What's amazing is that it is provoking a new 5th wave of feminists who are calling for a return to femininity, family values and patriarchy (feminism was always patriarchy so no change there). If they could just drop the feminist label then normality (and womanhood) will be restored ... and the 150 year circular walk called 'female empowerment' will be complete :)
So sick of Madonna and the rest of the singing prostitute-clowns who brag about killing babies saying they speak for all women. I never gave them permission to speak on my behalf! Never spent a nickel on their stuff either.
The short answer to the question posed in the title is: Because they are, in fact, sadistic.
I am a 65 yo woman who happens to be a lesbian. I've had trans people in my life since I was a teenager. The so-called trans people in the news today are not 'trans'. They are profoundly unstable men and women who have a misogynist agenda coupled with a penchant for violence.
I want to make something really clear - authentic trans people know full well that they will never truly be the opposite sex. They are choosing to live their lives in the world as a member of the opposite sex. The trans women I know - who have been trans for decades - would never have dreamed or attempted to insert their obviously male bodies into girl's / women's sports or birl's / women's bathrooms. They are appalled by what is taking place.
What we are witnessing is what I call the pseudo-trans movement, characterized by violence against women (and anyone who doesn't see things from their vantage point). The men among them aren't gender dysphoric! Let's face it - anyone man who considers himself a 'superhero' for winning a sports event medal having competed in a field of women is looking for whatever he thinks he lacks by being a bully over people who can't match his hormonal edge.
The fact that I, as a gay woman - and all people who are gay / lesbian / bisexual by nature - are lumped into this ridiculous LGBTQ+A blah blah blah acronym nonsense is sickening to so many of us. Heartbreaking, too.
From my perspective, these players in the pseudo-trans movement are performing as tools in further dividing us all. They sow division. And they do it well. All in lockstep with the vaster agenda and divide and conquer.
@Marc, thank you so much for this compilation. It's a great service that you lend your voice to call out what is fast escalating to greater and greater violence against women. Such times we are in.
You're welcome. Thanks for raising the subject when you did, Marc. The volume and pitch on this has been cranking up so loud and shrill in recent weeks ... your post arrived at just the right time to finds words for the feelings.
There are lots of other gay folk who feel similarly (Gays Against Groomers is one example) but these voices are largely eclipsed in legacy media ~ as are most voices speaking with clarity and critical thinking about just about anything.
As a former proud and arrogant liberal-progressive (now apolitical), observing the world I used to inhabit is stunning yet unsurprising. Not so many years ago, I was singing that righteous, oblivious tune, too.
I was a transvestite, not transsexual, but I knew transsexuals. I got married, had children and "hung up my heels" finally finding the elusive masculinity that escaped me in fatherhood. I spent time around other transvestites and plenty of transsexuals. Some were more stable than others. But I never, in a hundred years, would behave the way these activists do.
Here we are indeed, a society so lost that we can't even understand the very first chapter of Genesis... where male and female are as basic to creation as the day and the night, the land and the sea. We have to argue over the most basic and elementary truths.
Thanks. All people are sick of the BS. When I saw that there was a group called "Gays against Groomers" that also included trans people I thought to myself 'yep. They've gone too far.'
"When I saw that there was a group called "Gays against Groomers" that also included trans people I thought to myself 'yep. They've gone too far.' "
Yes, totally concur. And I'm glad they've gone too far - that they're so blatantly, devotedly, rigorously pushing their madness to the brink. Their venom appeals to those who feed on rage, but to many others it appears quite disturbing and suspect.
The pseudo-trans social media 'influencers' and the most violent among those at demonstrations make it quite apparent that they must garner attention and seize power ... not concerned in the least about human rights and certainly not about trans rights either.
Easy to imagine that the Dylan-Mulvaney-Jeffrey-Marsh-level saboteurs are also getting financial kickbacks from someone / somewhere. Classic inversion presentation, designed to control minds and feed egos.
Hadn't thought of that, and could be spot-on. Likely, even. Though there are plenty of 'centers' in the US who could also be chipping in for the cause.
Vanderbilt closed their 'center' (probably temporarily) after one of their surgeons was recorded saying what he really thinks about the pseudo-trans trend with children ... and what a cash cow it is. It's all a set-up, and kids are the pawns (once again in human history).
Thank you for this comment. Especially - "The fact that I, as a gay woman - and all people who are gay / lesbian / bisexual by nature - are lumped into this ridiculous LGBTQ+A"
It is being politically exploited for ulterior purposes by awful people.
We knew this day was coming for at least a decade. Once the denial of reality (biology) begins within cults it must continue unabated or risk collapsing their entire world view. Watching the cognitive dissonance of whatever wave is the most recent wave of feminists try and square this dong is beyond entertaining. That it trends toward misogyny, the very thing they claim to be fighting is most certainly poetic.
Back in the nineties I knew insanity was on its way. A girl in my college class made the claim that "All truths are equal." That is very different from saying all men or all human beings are created equal. If two people say things that contradict each other they cannot both be right.
It's mean and hateful to say two plus two can't equal five. Johny says they can. His answer is just as good as yours. Why are you so bigoted?
Unfair and hurtful to some as this statement is. Truth is not always sweet and nice, and it can make people feel bad. Nevertheless, it remains the Truth.
We should be electing Engineers, not lawyers. Lawyers can twist the truth for their interest. Engineers know if you deny reality, your bridge falls down.
"The charge that feminists are full of “hate,” and therefore pose a danger to “trans activists,” is, at once, a lunatic projection, and a propaganda trick, to make it seem (somehow) immoral to oppose, or even question, the transitioning of children." Same playbook as non-vaxxers presenting danger to compliers. You must be astounded, having taught propaganda to witness it at its (let's hope) peak. Impossible to digest, honestly.
20Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.
21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
22Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and champions in mixing strong drink,
23who acquit the guilty for a bribe and deprive the innocent of justice.
Geez. No wonder everyone is so afraid to speak up and let their voices be heard about all this nonsense!! It’s awful to be living in these evil times. Reading this made me feel sick. How can this be happening? What have they done to peoples minds??? It’s frightening. I really wish I could find a place with like minded people and just live out my life in peace and without fear😢
I agree, Deb. It seems like these men want to totally eliminate women. I've said it over and over, but I'm going to say it again. What's happening now is satanic delusion. The whole world has gone mad, in so many ways.
Never fear. Stay true to your convictions, beliefs, and whenever convenient, let others know just what those beliefs are. You will be surprised how many others agree with you:)
I have read or heard, I forget which, that WEF is behind much/all of the gender dysphoria going on now, to create unrest and disharmony, confusion and conflict, so we are against each other, doing their job for them.
Problem is we have allowed them to get away w/it. People fell for it and have literally been programmed to follow the mantra, and then there is of course the fear if you confront them. It needs to stop, and the Officers of the Law that don't do their jobs need to face consequences, whatever form it comes in.
I don't know who this woman is, but I like what she has to say and how she deals w/the whiners and those that want to stir the pot. If only we had more people like this to shut their crap down.
It is created to be sure. I also question what is in the vaxxines they give to children? I have noticed a change in the teenage male body, it creeps me out quite frankly to think they are being mutated, but it also wouldn't surprise me.
Endocrine disruptors! When this whole "trans" thing started, I said it was "CYA" because it looked to me like they were trying to normalize the damage being done to people via GMOs, environmental polluants and more. Look up the stats on ambiguous genitalia. No one ever talks about that. It started skyrocketing years ago. Someone born with that problem clearly needs help. Cue the propaganda machine to brainwash the younger generation - and their parents - into thinking they can "be" the other sex. This is a huge, multi-pronged operation, like "covid". It's sick and disgusting and I think people don't realize what's really driving it.
Brilliant connecting the dot, SS...as well, there's this titbit...
'Risperdal, a Johnson & Johnson off-label ADHD treatment drug, may cause the development of breasts in young boys, otherwise known as gynecomastia. Risperdal is a popular drug manufactured and distributed by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, and has been their number one product for more than ten years...' topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/adhd-treatment-drug-may-cause-breast-growth-boys/
Interesting point. Indeed. Also, a considerable source is the rise of kids "on the spectrum" at varying levels who make great targets for inducing gender dysphoria.
I worked to expose endocrine disruption for many years, pointing to the rise in things like hypospadias. At one point, I was on a boat in Commencement Bay, Tacoma, WA watching scientists examine fish for evidence of hormone disruption. Fast forward a couple of decades, and I'm in a public park near that Bay, watching young people chant that Hormone Replacement Therapy (by which they mean KIDS being given wrong sex hormones and puberty blockers) is a human right. Surreal, to say the least. In the past, young people fought against the damage wrought by big pharmaceutical/chemical corporations. Now, they scream for Big Pharma's interests, and for the maiming of children. And they push people like me out of public parks, so we can't even speak. Thanks for making these connections, Serebra Sana.
@Carol Dansereau Thanks for at least trying to do something about this horrible problem, a sort of "planned obsolence" of humanity. Back when I subscribed to Time and Newsweek, I used to rip out and save interesting articles. I think I still have the one from the early 90's that was on the hermaphoditic fish in the Potomac River. The toxic runoff was affecting them then and it was concerning. But, as you say, fast forward a few decades and the toxic chemicals are highly in demand. Powerful propaganda at work...
Hear! Hear! I could not agree more. I’ve been saying this for over a decade now. These people are conniving, manipulative, duplicitous long-game players. And their industrial (fill in the blank industry) has poisoned us, the animals, the water, the land, the air and everything in our environment and now turn to covering it up and turning it to their advantage. Evil incarnate.
BL, this started long before WEF. Frankfurt School in Germany that emigrated to the USA and began to unload their toxic sexual and social propaganda here which academia ate it up. This is part of the communist 'long march through the institutions' in infiltrating and corrupting everything that pointed to a transcendant Judeo-Christian worldview.
It's all a big pharma fraud designed to sell hormones and surgeries, and sterilise children (who then will need the Fertility Industry to have children, so MORE money for Pharma). Pharma replaces our natural bodies that produce hormones etc, naturally with the synthetic ones, the same way vaccination replaces our natural immune system with a fraudulent simulacrum. Of course this creates health problems which means even MORE money for pharma as you have to take drugs to manage the side effects caused by opposite sex imitation. It is the monetization of the human body sold as a human rights movement.
We women have lost all our rights. They are putting transgenders with all the male parts into women's prisons and allowing them to rape women while women who complain about being raped by a transgender are being classified as worse than terrorists. Women no longer have sports. If you are not a trans or loaded with money (like Pelosi's daughter), the DNC will no longer give you a committee appointment---though that's been mostly true for some time. Why should a little girl be subjected to men who rape little girls in the girls' bathroom? There has to be a limit to the loss of rights for women and girls.
I'm waiting for the trans (man that pretends to be a woman) who is ranked 200th on the men's tour go to Wimbledon and make a mockery out of the tournament.
Then perhaps a few corporate sponsors would awakin'.
1. These people are fed by heavy Pharma products. Look out
2. The feminist, like all other liberation movements have been hijacked, many re-branded by marketing campaigns and sold back to ‘us’.
3. The elimination of women and nature are high on the trans humanist agenda.
4. The old oligarchs are getting desperate in their fight against Time (nature) approaching a place where they cannot take along their amassed plundered wealth. Watch out! In their despair they’ll happily take out the whole of mother earth...
There has long been strong voices and actions from the fairer side of humanity, what the CIA did was harness that historic pride into a device that splintered the nuclear family.
...AND as a smokescreen for destroying the economy, as all the moms went out & got jobs when their husbands' jobs no longer paid enough to keep them all in the middle class.
Possibly all “ist-movements” were stirred by various nefarious forces, but women concerned themselves in myriad ways about the patriarchal order (way before and far away from a gloria steinem)
No one uses "pussy" as a derogatory term for women per se. It is used as a term for (1) indiscriminate heterosexual sex from the male perspective, (2) men who are intimidated by their female partners -- pussy-whipped -- and (3) weak, cowardly men who are called that by strong men who want to shame them into being better men.
So in other words, the word "pussy" which is used to define women and used also to define weak and cowardly men does not in any way vilify women. A word used to define women and insult men is not in and of itself derogatory toward women. A word used to define women is used to shame men, but is not derogatory toward women. I know logic isn't a big seller these days, but perhaps you could spend a bit more time thinking about - your thought process.
Cunt is a pejorative for women and directly refers to women. So does bitch, although it sometimes is used positively. No one says, "His wife is a pussy." "Jane, you are a pussy." There are no Pussy Monologues (and if there were, it would be about emasculated men). You don't like the word pussy, that's your business. But you are being an insulting bitch about it.
Let's put it another way: pussy is a vulgar term for vagina. Just like a cock is a vulgar term for penis but men aren't generally called "cocks." A woman is disrespectfully called a "ball buster" but not because men are called "balls." (Should men take offense at the term or shall we agree that men have thicker skins than most women?). There is no point getting upset about a man calling another man a "pussy" aka a vagina unless you feel equally furious whenever men are called "sons of bitches" or "bastards" due to the implicit slap to womanhood. Even "impotent loser" is insulting to women because it equates manly success with vaginal penetration. (FYI one of the reasons that James O'Keefe was fired from Project Veritas was because he called two male, cowardly employees who deserted PV during an FBI raid, "pussies." They were, indeed, pussies: both for being too scared to stay during the raid and for whining over the term. Many American men have internalized female culture, much to everyone's detriment.)
I wonder how many of these trans people work for intelligence. Their job being to ruin society and any real gains women have made in the past 100 years. They can’t have anyone actually standing up for themselves and challenging authority. Their aim is to crush everyone.
Amen. This "movement" has those fingerprints all over it.
No doubt promoted in culture by intelligence, but the education system is screwed. My nieces are completely brainwashed. I worked for a “progressive” company a coup,e years ago and they literally put tampons in the mens room to be inclusive.
Also years ago, when I had just realized there was this TRZ movement thing, I saw a brochure for a trz conference. The CIA was a listed as a sponsor.
There is no doubt in my mind the Transgendered activist movement was created as a gateway to transhumanism. There are legitimate transgendered men and woman out there, but they just want to be left alone and not demanding special rights.
"There are legitimate transgendered men and woman out there, but they just want to be left alone and not demanding special rights."
Yes, those are transsexuals, who existed before we'd even heard of gender ideology. Transsexuals don't even adhere to gender ideology (as in getting up one morning and identifying as something else).
Just leave the kids alone and stay out of women’s sports and I doubt many care, if you still have a dick, then stay out of woman’s change rooms. Woman's washrooms are mostly stalls and I see woman using men’s room all the time at stadiums and theatre all the time. Nobody blinks an eye and they are not in any danger.
I am sure there are plenty of very lovely paedophiles too. They blend in naturally. Good jobs.
All they want are a few willing children to consent to some pleasant sex.
Are you in?
Have you seen this meme? It speaks to the insanity and provides a little comic relief.
Thanks for the laugh!
Something new to blame VAX deaths on. “The young man had a heart attack after he got a tampon stuck up his… “
For crying out loud, neither the CIA nor any government agency “sponsors”anything.
Seven or eight years ago the CIA were
one of several sponsors of a conference on trz rights. I saw the brochure myself and was surprised to note the openess.
Wow….I suspected this, but your noticing CIA as sponsor confirms it for me..
These TRZ humans are mind controlled zombies.
what seemed bizarre at the time was the open sponsership.
For real!?
The CIA and NSA openly recruited at The Evergreen State College when I went there.
They go to every college.
Evergreen (Aviation, Shipping) is the inheritor of the CIA's "Air America" front company - through Southern Air Transport and a few other label and branding changes.
Kind of shocking. Went from Evergreen to EverBrown.
Maybe they were intended to be used as COVID face masks.
Or for nosebleeds
You might get a bloody nose, fighting a "TransWoman" for space at the urinals (that should be in both rooms.... assuming that you haven't gone to entirely unisex restrooms)...
Perfectly acceptable. I get bad nose bleeds in the dry winter air.
Be glad shes only bisexual…its harmless and doesn’t involve drugs or surgery.
All these terms, such a confusing mess now isn't it
Look into the background of the immense Salvadoran trans scene in DC. Many of them were killers during the war.
Another Rabbit a hole, yikes
DC is the cesspool of America. That is a scene I would rather not look into. One of my best friends came here from El Salvador and his stories are bad enough w/out seeing gang members transforming themselves.
I lived there 20 years. You aren’t requires to look just a suggestion to people interested in violent men who are drawn to expressing physical womanhood.
Where do I find info on this? It seems a bit obscure
I have often suspected that they were funded by elites of one sort or another. It’s too inconceivable how so much disruption could suddenly burst on the stage or be escalated during COVID. Since COVID was obviously driven from high levels down it seems very suspect that at the same time we are asked to accept numerous transformations of our society encoded often by changes in policy and law in our institutions despite that the vast majority are not pushing for or interested in the changes. No this certainly isn’t grass roots. It’s scary.
Oh you’ve got that right! There are no coincidences with the trans agenda
Well coordinated
Well timed
Well choreographed for the media
And most importantly- Incredibly well funded!!!!
It takes massive amounts of money to accomplish what they have in such a short amount of time
All the state policy groundwork was laid during Obama…
Julie Bendel has written on the billionaires behind transmogrification.
The WEF is very pro trans. Great way to transition to trans humanism. Pun intended.
Do you remember the "Act Up" movement with all those "gay rights activists" that pushed for gay marriage, etc. etc.? All humans deserve human rights, but that group was not "grassroots" either.
Yuri Bezmenov said it best.
"It's not grass roots. It's not what most people want. Most people are completely sick & tired by it."
"No political movement is grass roots. Every one is the product of a highly organized & well-funded group of political activists." - Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov aka Tomas Schuman, Soviet journalist, KGB informant, Dissident, interviewed by G. Edward Griffin, 1984
This is absolutely the case today, as it was then.
Grassroots isn't shoved down your throat day in and day out. Back in the 80's we had a few gay friends in our circle, several of them we actually helped them to come out of the closet. All they wanted was to be accepted and not harassed, to be treated fairly, no demands, no constant reminders they were gay, far different from today where the AGENDA is constantly in your face.
You're right. Most of the people I knew who were gay, you would never know. But those were people with substance. Their entire existence wasn't about being gay. They were little "g" gay PEOPLE. Now it seems many are big "G" gay people.
When someone's sexual preference becomes their identity, they melt into nothingness.
Once they've let everyone within a half mile radius know that they are gay, that's it. I don't like when people are hollow, it's creepy.
Wasn't there a Democratic congresswoman who said "We don't need black faces that don't have black voices, gay faces that don't have gay voices, brown faces that don't have brown voices"?
The idea being they don't give a shit about the average minority unless they're part of the advocacy for that minority.
James Lindsay described in detail, the marxist distinction between "Black People" and "People who happen to be black." They need the identity marker to come BEFORE the identification as people. People who just happen to be X are not useful foot soldiers for their revolution.
I think you could fairly argue the L, G and B have nothing in common with the T.
I was a faux date (beard) for one of my gay friends when he needed dates for the office Christmas party, summer work picnic, weddings etc. We were best friends so we could make great conversation and pretty much be ourselves in a natural way. People would comment at how well we got along. Back then polite society didn't show public displays of affection, so other than the occasional touch of the hand or an arm hug, we never had to deal w/the physical stuff to prove anything. We wouldn't have been able to kiss each other if you paid us. The sad part to me was learning how much of a double life he had to lead and how much he had to keep his guard up. It is a hard way to live. I was also sad he was gay because he would have made a great husband. LOL! He was a chef and could cook some wonderful meals.
If someone w/in 5-10 minutes of meeting them mentions that they are gay, a vegan, or do yoga I run in the opposite direction. There is something completely missing in their lives that they have to do that. They may be lovely people, but I just don't need or want them in my life.
Serious question, do you think more people are "hollow" now than, let's say, a decade ago? Not necessarily gays, people in general?
There was an early episode of South Park about the school nurse who was born with a conjoined fetus on her face. The boys are horrified, tell their parents, and their parents, concerned and hoping to "help" starting throwing parties, awareness programs, and even parades for "people with conjoined fetuses on their faces" (which the poor nurse has to mach in alone, since she's the only one).
Finally she tells them to stop and she just wanted to be left alone and not made a big deal over.
“Act Up” was actually an AIDS group fighting Anthony Fauci. It was the Human Rights Campaign who fought for marriage equality. Trans activists are different as they demand special rights.
The gay marriage thing made this terrible opening that let in the trans activists and drag queen storytellers.
It was also an example of the people voting "no" and the state saying "Screw you."
Marriage is a Trojan horse.
Interesting point. And arguably valid.
Eventually Act-UP reconciled with Fauci and pushed to expedite the availability of
AZT. We can thank Act-Up and Fauci for demolishing laws requiring thorough testing of drugs before they are allowed on the market.
Agreed, however AZT was never mandated and was identified as experimental. We should always have choice. The real issue I think is there was no informed consent about AZT’s side effects and history. Fauci also overplayed the dangers of HIV and thee is no doubt fraud occurred.
Sorry, yes, you're right! Sorry for the mistake.
Everything is astroturfed these days.
You mean astroTERFed, right? (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Some of the fingerprints are controlled opposition on some substacks... thank you MCM for exposing this UnGodly vile behavior/lifestyle. Your work is very much appreciated. 🤗
Ahem... Judith Butler... {Cough, cough} .... A Lasso supporter in her role as an Ecuadorian PSYOP protector...and a Rojava-phile, on the Empire's Syria beat.
Not your average College Professor, if you get my drift. Too many hats, for my taste... And she's due for an Intellectual upbraiding with her 8 Billion Genders Theories.
OPERATION TAKE OUR TERF BACK is greenlighted. Your mission - should you choose to accept it.... this post will self-destruct - but still be available to the White House, CIA, FBI and NSA forever.
Like the entire "woke" thing.
you bet, prof M- lots of fingerprints... TSA - Tranny Scanning Agents quothTheREALMann.
' TheSaltyCracker
Transgender Alleges TSA Agent Punched Them In Their Female Testicles'
Don't get too cocky Lefties, look at the war the Lefties have us in. Nothing like being nuked. This isn't about Left or Right, this is Good vs Evil.
I feel their goal is to crush all dissent and consolidate power into the hands of a tiny elite by weaponizing the woke into terrorizing and gaslighting anyone who disagrees, just like with the vaccines. I don’t think it has a lot to do with trans or with women per se, the trans activists are just a weapon to this end, which is about dominating and monetizing everyone. Like you said, it’s about crushing everybody.
Yep, modern day brownshirts. Weaponised, diaposable useful idiots allowed to use violence to intimidate the population for the benefit of the puppeteers.
I don’t care what anyone say’s they R not woman. And can never qualify as a woman. Ever
But they try.
The feminist movement was also co-opted by said agency.
It is well known that feminism was funded by the ruling elite. Gloria Steinem admitted she was a CIA asset. Feminism's goal was always to attack gender/ gender roles/ the family. Feminists like Posie Parker lack the self awareness and humility to realise it was feminist ideology that spawned today's 'gender ideology' that they now complain is hurting women.
It was feminism that sought to abolish the notion of sexual dimorphism, gender roles and gender identity. It was feminism that said men and women were interchangeable. It was feminism that said women should not be defined by their wombs or other female characteristics (and to define women that way was misogyny). It was feminism that demanded women be allowed to invade men's spaces and assume male identities and superficial (caricatured) male affectations and clothing and that men should put up with it and stop being so sensitive and old fashioned. It was feminism that celebrated the women's masculine side (a grotesque version of it), with 'ladette' culture of sexual promiscuity and sexual 'empowerment' to the point of aggression.
It was feminism that created a version of women that was so superficial, shallow and materialistic is became essentially a drag act for women.
Now feminists (like PP) are suddenly realising they've shot themselves in the foot .... but rather than admit responsibility for decades of gender deconstruction and pro transhumanist ideology they're playing the victim (the damsel) and blaming the effects of feminism's war on gender on MEN and TOXIC MASCULINITY and PATRIARCHY and MISOGYNY and MALE PRIVILEGE.
For feminists to accept responsibility would be to acknowledge women's agency and huge social power (the power to define gender roles and moral standards in society - for better or worse) and women like Posie Parker can't acknowledge women's power in this regard without admitting feminist ideology is a fraud (women were never powerless victims after all, it's just that women's social power is different to men's).
As a feminist, PP is addicted to feminism's Male Power Fantasy (men 'act' / women are 'acted upon'). This Male Power Fantasy is also attractive to most men, which is why PP gets a lot of male support.
The only crimes being committed by (this small subsection of) transgender activists (who do not represent most ordinary transexuals who just want to get by) is that they dare to be as entitled and obnoxious as feminists have been acting for decades..... but without owning a vagina. Their entitlement (in competitive sports etc) is no different to the kind of entitlement displayed by feminists for decades (eg feminists demanding the requirements for firefighting be lowered and never mind the fact that they don't have the strength to drag people out of a burning building).
Feminist women have been 'identifying' as victims for decades and imposing that absurd identity onto the rest of society in ways that have torn society apart (and harmed women just as much as it has harmed men and children). PP may or may not be self aware enough to realise this.
And for conservative / anti-woke men, being confronted with entitled and anti social 'trans' activists is a chance for them to finally attack female entitlement without having to compromise their gynocentric stance...
In the end all of this in-fighting is annoying because it distracts from the real issue which is that for transhumanism to be accepted by the masses, the concept of gender (sexual dimorphism) must be destroyed (along with fertility/ reproduction/ the family). Women like Posie Parker are part of the problem because their Male Power Fantasy makes healthy and productive (win-win) relationships and drama-free cooperation between men and women impossible - which is precisely why the transhumanists are winning.
See my comment above, and my substack: caroldansereau.substack.com
As a feminist, I simply fought against sexist stereotypes on behalf myself, my daughter, my son, and others. And against violence, and the casual acceptance of it as normal or funny. (In the old days, a husband pushing his wife around was viewed as normal and even amusing.) I fought for basic rights, and never once denied biological reality. In fact, acknowledging and celebrating biological differences is a fundamental part of true feminism. Don't mistake the slick take-over of the organizations and language of feminism, as feminism itself....even though that attack has been underway for a long time. It's an attack that actual feminists have fought, just as we now fight Gender Identity Ideology.. The PR experts employed by the oligarchs behind Gender Ideology know full-well that destroying people's words is an effective strategy....hence their going after "woman", "man", "female", "male", and "feminism".
So true.
‘Linguistic theft’
There is a big difference between toxic postmodern institutionalized feminism and the everyday woman who stands up for herself and her community.
Anyone who stands up and speaks out about being abused is not being a victim!
It is a reality that women were and in many ways are still treated like second class citizens and used as free slave labor, just ask any care giver for an elderly relative or any at home mother. In fact women who choose to raise their own kids now are treated much worse by society than in previous generations.
It is important that women have access to education and are treated as equal under the law and that was not the case for many thousands of years so those first wave feminists were genuinely standing up for the oppressed.
By the 60’s that movement had definitely been co-oped by people people like Steinem and Friedan who fooled women into believing that their purpose as a tax payer (having a career) was more important than as a mother. So now women who choose to have families or run a household are viewed as less, or just not real smart.
I agree that we are all in worse shape now, especially women because we get criticized on all sides now for not being good enough mothers, earners, good looking, you name it we feel so much more pressure than our mothers or grandmothers to live up to our ‘potential’, only as long as that potential includes doing a job that pays taxes. We are just units to these people at the top.
Add to that all the men who have been taught to hate real feminism and to lump it in with bullshit co-opted crazy institutional feminism and you get society destroying itself from the inside out.
We need to get along, to have heathy relationships, to respect and appreciate our sex differences.
I don’t believe in any ‘isms’ , I believe in the power of people loving themselves and each other and standing up for their god given rights and dignity.
Wow, what a well thought out and written comment. I think we are on the same page in many ways but maybe we just define feminism differently.
I can see the destructive fall out from men and women being pit against one another for decades and I agree that we would all do much better to celebrate our biological differences that try to erase them.
Without getting too personal I must say I have been on the receiving end of very horrible and criminal treatment by some men in my life. I was assaulted when I was a small child, and as a teen, and later in my 20’s, ok, I did not ask or deserve that.
I bring that up because the way it was handled was that I was blamed......my first assault was when I was only 5 years old.
As teen I spoke out against my assailant and was ostracized by my community.
Where were the ‘good’ protective men then? Hmmm? Where were they? They were busy covering there own asses so they would not get caught molesting little girls or raping teenagers, which they clearly enjoyed doing.
Men covered up for other men by throwing girls and women under the bus because they truly believe, like my own damn father once told me to my face, that we are their property, to do with as they please.
My feminism was born out of violation of body and soul. Maybe it’s not feminism at all that I believe but more me just standing up and saying no more.
No more will you violate me and expect me to just shut up.
No more will you tell me I am less.
You fail to protect me, I don’t need to be loyal to you, end of story.
I’m sure I could say more but I am out of energy now.
(sorry if this come across as short tempered - trying to be concise!)
"It is a reality that women were and in many ways are still treated like second class citizens..."
Yes. But I would challenge the idea that this status was (or is) imposed onto women against their will. In any situation that involves hardship or danger (which is most of history) women tend to assume a role that is mid way between that of a child and an adult. This forces men to assume primary responsibility for ensuring the protection of both women and children (and there's your 'patriarchy' right there - and it's created by women!). In order for men to treat women and children as their wards (protect them) they must 'take charge', which means women have to defer to men's authority to some extent. And that's what women have always done, and it's what made women (and children) 'second class citizens'. Women were not children, but neither were they adults to the extent that we demand men be. Sometimes it sucks to be treated like a child, but for men it also sucked to be always treated as full status adult with nobody to take care of them and all of society's demands on their shoulders. In general women get to enjoy a very comfortable middle ground (a degree of freedom and agency/ a degree of protection and comfort).
IOW throughout history women got to enjoy adult status.... but not *too much* adult status. This situation persists (to a greater or lesser extent) to this day and MOST women prefer it that way.
Only feminists claim that women were somehow forced to endure second class status - and they only do it to score victim points which they can convert into free resources and special treatment. Feminism demands women enjoy the benefits of being taken care of by men (he for she) .. but without letting men take charge (and in fact beating men down until they are broken). Feminists are like children who demand daddy supports them, while also demanding to be recognised as head of the household. This unworkable set of demands is tearing western society apart.
".... and used as free slave labor, just ask any care giver for an elderly relative or any at home mother."
Either the man works outside of the home and the woman works inside of the home.... or they swap. It's up to them. When a woman earns a wage and financially supports a man who does housework and care duties we say he is a lazy bum or 'half a man'. But magically - by the power of feminism - when a husband supports his wife who does housework and care duties we say she is a slave. Somehow women are always the victim! :)
"In fact women who choose to raise their own kids now are treated much worse by society than in previous generations."
It's harder for a woman to raise her own children because feminism's goal of pushing women into the male workforce halved men's wages and doubled taxes. If you're talking about single mothers, that's the worst possible scenario for children (a fatherless childhood is the biggest predictor of criminality, promiscuity, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse etc).
"It is important that women have access to education and are treated as equal under the law and that was not the case for many thousands of years so those first wave feminists were genuinely standing up for the oppressed"
Education for women made no sense for most of history. Somebody had to do housework (a full time job and hard manual labour until quite recently). Women's education was in practical things that ensured survival (cooking, storing food, darning/ sewing, housekeeping etc). Even today about half of women in higher education are only there to look for a high status husband, and they won't actually use their education for a career - or they will drop out of their career as soon as they decide to have children (enabled by the earnings of their high status husband).
You realise that in the developing world today, a family will typically sell their donkey to give their son an education so he can emigrate to the west and work in a call centre and send money back to support his wife and extended family. Do you think his wife or sister would rather trade places?
"By the 60’s that movement had definitely been co-oped by people people like Steinem and Friedan"
Sure... but feminism was ALWAYS a completely bat shit crazy ideology from the beginning, which was completely detached from reality and biology. 150 years of incessant feminist nonsense has destroyed the very foundation of critical thinking and common sense in the west, because the NATURAL and BEAUTIFUL co-dependency, cooperation and harmony between men and women has been erased and replaced with this demented 'battle of the sexes' BS ..... which has now been fully internalised by gen z and metastasised into 'gender ideology'.
If you think of men and women as a single human organism (two halves of a whole) then feminism is a kind of 'gender dysphoria', schizophrenia and self hatred all rolled up into one giant psychosis.
"Add to that all the men who have been taught to hate real feminism and to lump it in with bullshit co-opted crazy institutional feminism and you get society destroying itself from the inside out."
I'm sorry but there is no such thing as 'real' or 'good' feminism. The core claim of feminism - that men systematically oppressed women throughout history - is such a MASSIVE claim, and so utterly destructive to the psyche of boys and girls who now grow up being taught this LIE openly in the classroom, that it's no wonder they are desperate to become unicorns and wolves and non-binary swordfish just to escape the horror that feminism has ascribed to masculinity (toxic) and femininity (victim).
To define men as oppressors of women (patriarchy theory) is to define men as psychopaths, because only a psychopath could oppress his own mother, sister, daughter and wife. Your average feminist has no idea how powerful (and destructive) this ideology is. This claim of systemic biological oppression is the foundation of every brand of feminism (right down to the most causal 'coffee shop' feminism), and it makes ALL flavours of feminism a RADICAL ideology. Until we reject feminism, we cannot restore sanity because feminist ideology is indistinguishable from a mental illness.
Men are biologically hard wired to protect and cherish women. To teach young boys that they oppress women by default and that their sexuality is 'rape-y' by default is a FORM OF SEXUAL ABUSE OF BOYS. Likewise girls are hard wired to seek out masculinity for protection, and patriarchy theory and rape culture is equally traumatising for girls.
Kids are pulling the gender ejection seat because feminism has poisoned the well, if not the entire water table with its toxic gender ideology.
Sorry to rant, I know most self-identifying 'normal' feminists are not bad people. It's the ideology which is toxic. There is no redeeming it. Feminism has literally re-written the history of male / female partnerships and we have to re-write the truth back again (putting the nuance and common sense back in). I see no other way of rescuing children from today's 'gender ideology'.
The globalists, nonprofits and NGO’s as well as the three letter agencies funding this agenda … Want gender to be a fluid construct…. Blurred lines, fuzzy boundaries… an anything goes mentality
And then they will move on to ‘age is just a construct’… I believe this is really about wanting to move the dial on …age of consent
That why you have Biden interviewing an adult man… saying who is saying he’s a Minor GIRL
Our president!!! Wtf.
The ultimate end goal may be trans human … but it’s also to blur lines of ‘age of consent’ also… you watch…
That’s why men dressed in drag
Are now in schools around minor children … no boundaries
This is a spiritual battle at this point
That was an interesting explanation that gave me a lot of thought. Thanks.
This is absolutely related to pediatric vaccine injuries
A large percent of males with autism have been feminized and females have been masculinized and have Hirsutism
And when I discussed it with an autism specialist and said don’t you think this is all related to the increase in gay and transgender numbers we’re seeing and she said yes… but that theory will never get any traction because the LQBTQ crowd would eat you alive for suggesting it!!
There is a lot of truth in this comment but I would edit it as such that feminism as established by agencies and thought organizations created the framework for which this trans movement has been built on; I would separate by that degree.
I think that's basically what I said, wasn't it? (I may have gotten carried away with my rant!).
But basically I view the last century as one long slippery slope (descent into hell). Perhaps it's a necessary journey, so we can all emerge out the other side smelling of roses :)
It's weird (and wonderful) to hear young women now defining being female in terms of wombs and babies and motherhood and stuff... instead of Gucci bags, make up, hair extensions and botox.
This is such an intense period in human history. It feels like a dystopian nightmare but also a new renaissance. It's like being in a washing machine.
Basically, yes, I was just adding a caveat.
And how much of this has been programmed into people via culture created by the intel agencies, and the rest of the social-engineering channels.
Yup. It’s a culture war… and they’re actively going after the kids… to ‘educate’ their middle age parents. That’s part of the end goal.
Convince the kids first
And then change the attitudes of the parents
Intriguing thought.
It started at the Tavistock Institute.
Do you consider being funded by the money power "working for intelligence"? What is the difference? In actuality, "using" others is the preferred method because it gives plausible deniability and keeps the hidden power alive to do more harm. Read Quigley's Tragedy and Hope where he relates the control that the CFR has over the election process where they "can throw the rascals out every 4 years and replace them with a different controlled group" (my paraphrasing). That is why things do not change contrary to puppet Obama's team slogan.
I do not see women as gaining. They have to work even if they would prefer to maintain a home to afford a house. Divorce and single family households is 70+% for black women and moving fast in that direction for other women. Women get to be in time consuming jobs and, now, get to miss their children's events and growth like men do. Now they have the disadvantage of competing against larger and more powerful men who benefit from the prior influence of testosterone wearing dresses. (The good news is that boys will be castrated earlier reducing this advantage, if you call that "good".) None of this is Natural and is all the product of those "working" for the secret power to destroy what is natural.
For a good example, read The Authoritarian Personality" which was the game plan after WWII to eliminate the family (claiming that it led to "fascism") through "Eros and propaganda". Propaganda is secrecy, lies and hypocrisy which is what Mark's story is about.
There are many complex layers to the control system run by intelligence and many players who may have no idea how they are being used.
Like so many top down psy-ops, the trans rights movement, uses a group that was targeted for abuse in the past as a idealogical shield.
Its been done over and over again with feminism, gay rights, the environmental movement, and I am sure many more.
Some of these movements may have initially started as grass roots push back against institutional abuse but then became co-opted.
Any one who pushes division, violence or censorship is part of the many headed hydra monster of the controllers/intelligence whether they are aware of it or not.
Thank you for the reading recommendations.
Spook Lives Matter
These people are, IMO, violent because they suffer from mental illness. They are not trans they are mentally ill people and all the surgeries and drugs will not change that.
Absolutely. And the other question no one seems to be asking is, "What percentage of these (delusional) people are taking prescription psychiatric drugs? I'd love to see those stats.
They're taking hormones.
I was a transvestite some time ago and knew transsexuals. I found the transvestites more down to earth. They dress, they go out, they change back, they go home.
The transsexuals, with their second puberty and all, were much, much more unstable and had a constant string of related problems.
I never tried hormones but I read about them. A lot of bloggers said the same thing: don't underestimate them or the changes they can do to your brain, emotions, and temperament.
There are also many hormone dispruptor chemicals put in food, beauty products and household products. This I believe is playing a big part on why kids are confused and people's hormones are all over the place. Check your products eveyone and look up those chemicals and ingredients in your processed foods.
And in the magical “vaccines “
my partner transitioned male to female and went on hormones back in 2007. It was like living with a murderous teensge girl. As he became a she, she actually became abusive and i had to leave with her destroying the house and all our belongings. Hormones are no joke and can bring out all kinds of emotional instabilty.
I certainly believe it. All my sympathies in the world.
When gender dysphoria hit me hard, I read through blogs of trans widows and the cyclone of insanity that followed their husband's transitions. It helped keep my own demons in check so as not to wreck my own life.
There is a blog called "Stop crossdressing" by a very religious man who has fought these urges a long time. He said something very interesting. What other activity, like transgenderism, can take over someone's life, turn them into a completely different person, wreck havoc with their emotions and finances, and turn even a well-adjusted person into a total wreck?
His answer? Drugs.
It's a lot like a regular person suddenly developing a terrible addiction to drugs.
That is shocking what the hormone treatment does, bet they don't warn anyone about that. It must have been quite traumatic for you.
Fortunately, I never tried hormones. Though I briefly saw a gender therapist (really stupid decision on my part) that was strongly encouraging me to try them. It was ironic, because I spent ten years as a crossdresser at that point. I thought I had it pretty well balanced. Then she asked a few pointed questions. "Are you SURE you don't want to transition? Are you sure you wouldn't regret not trying?"
I compared it to waving a bottle of jack Daniels in front of the face of a recovering alcoholic. "Are you SURE you don't want a drink?"
I went into a very confused state, was thinking of trying her testosterone blockers. My mother and wife helped pull me back from that brink. I regained my balance, but it took a few weeks.
I learned I can be susceptible to that kind of manipulation. That wasn't a nice thing to learn about myself, but I'm only human and I have my vulnerabilities.
So you can understand how young vulnerable children, teenagers and young adults could be easily swayed. Good on you for rejecting the dangerous hormones, enjoy being yourself as nature intended even if it is not perfect.
Studies have shown a high rate of personality disorders among trans people, and high rates of autism in trans kids. High suicide rates post-transition as well.
The rational for gender transition is based on flawed data. There is no data or science to support it.
Read this.
The Dutch Studies and The Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine
And not test to confirm.
Lots of chemicals, we are bomabarded from before birth. Anthony Williams the medical medium talks a lot about toxins in the brain in his new book.
I would wager virtually all trans are now or have been on Psychiatric drugs..
There’s a high correlation of neuro diversity and mental health issues- definitely- in the trans population
But you can’t satisfy the mind… by changing the body alone.
Actually, what percentage are Satanists. Drugs can't fix it, alter it, disguise symptoms..nothing. they come in like this, then ask for psych drugs. And I've seen some report Satanism as their religion. I have no clue what to do with that.
Evil app for sure
Thanks to everyone who replied to my comment.
There's a lot of toxicity falling on us all, and the kids are in the worst position because they're subjected to toxins in utero, meaning they're literally born with problems of some sort. The CDC makes sure those problems continue with the "schedule" of toxic injections that start at birth that indeed so cause the brain damage that gets called autism, autism spectrum, asperger's, and I guess now "neural diversity", which sounds like yet another "normalizing" euphemism, if you ask me.
I highly recommend watching VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, and even more compelling on some levels is the follow-up documentary, VAXXED II: The People's Truth.
The movement cultivates delusion and mental illness.
The "movement" is a way to weaponize mentally ill people, and use them against the general public to keep people busy.
None of it is based in reality. It's not different than anything else coming from the left. They would have you believe that every other house on your street is filled entirely with gay couples.
The surgeries and drugs make it worse. Similar to how Hitler's insanity went to the next level when he started taking speed and who knows what else.
this is what the childhood vaccine schedule has created. gender dysphoria is strongly linked to vaccine injury. add autism and you get this
Yes, the childhood vaccines are a disaster. Actually, the very concept of "vaccines" is a disaster, but that's another story. I think it's really important to understand and separate the real gender-bender physical mutations that are underway from the "transgenderism" trend that is propagandizing kids and other susceptible people and messing with their minds to the point that they want to mess with their own bodies.
And many other chemicals, see Anthony Williams books,vids, podcasts.
Good point. It amazes me how "feminists" who were so outspoken about "toxic masculinity", " patriarchal society", etc., are just laying down and taking this!
I just wrote an essay about America's Founding Mothers. Who kept the troops supplied, actually fought in the Revolution and acted as spies for Washington, among other things.Mary Katherine Goddard printed the complete Declaration of Independence with all the names and bravely added hers making her guilty of treason with the rest of the signers! Sybil Ludington, 16 years old, road twice as far as Revere, 40 miles in the rain all night to alert 400 troops that the British were attacking Danbury, Connecticut, ALL ALONE, and didn't get caught like Revere!
"Our Founding Mothers were consumate bad-asses who did what needed done regardless of personal cost. I guarantee they would have no time for our current nonsense of not even being able to define what a woman is and pretending men can somehow become women. They would definitely think we have lost our minds and would definitely end this nonsense immediately!"
Isn't it ironic the octogenarians in Congress and Senate who were once championing and fighting for the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) are now not only silent, but pushing this most unequal trend, ignoring this generation of young women who deserve an equal playing field.
And with all that, women were still denied the vote. And to underline ruling class contempt for half the human race, it even took precedence over their contempt for the black "savages" they kidnapped and enslaved, the men of whom received the vote 60 years before women. I understand in Kenya some women have formed matriarchal villages. I think (unfortunately) it is time to do that in Amerikkka. This insane ideology could not have made any more progress than the flat earth society, that leprachauns were hiding pots of gold or that elves and tree spirits lived in the forests if it were not for the fact that it is being funded by very rich, very sick men with an agenda - and if woman hatred didn't resonate with so many. That's why I call this our 2nd Dark Age - as well as the worst decade I've experienced. And I go back to WWII, HUAC, Vietnam, the AIDS epidemic. This is the worst by far -- not the Emperor, but the Empire is completely naked and showing itself as an extremely ugly delusion completely divorced from reality. One that, if the human race is to survive, we must find a way to end.
Chaos and no morality is the goal of globalists. It’s much easier to bring people to heel if they have no sense of right and wrong and apparently, no self respect. I often wonder what the trans people would be like if they’d been born a century or even 50 years earlier. I agree that it is being spurred on by agencies.
This is an agenda that's being pushed on people - and I think like you, what if this were happening when I was young - I was one of six sisters, of course I wanted to be a boy! Or one of my own children. I suffered enough with my daughter wearing pants 3 sizes too big for her (remember that trend - with pants falling around your hips?). It's a horrific crime against our children. I read a book last year that was a takeoff on this. It's called "The End of the World is Flat" and quite interesting. I don't read much fiction at all, but I did enjoy that book.
We are NOT laying down. Don't mistake the massive suppression true feminists face as us not fighting back. We are out here fighting really hard, getting fired from our jobs for it, getting assaulted, deplatformed, and more. See the suppression chapter of my Hitchhiker's Guide to the Transgender Galaxy fyi, Part IV, on my free substack at https://caroldansereau.substack.com/p/hitchhikers-guide-to-the-transgender
The Puritans made wonderful inroads for encouraging women to become educated. They wanted them to become literate.
If psychiatrists were honest, they would admit these "transgender" men are plagued by the once- considered psychiatric disorders as women-haters, probably stemming from deep-seated mother issues of childhood. This disdain for women in general accounts for their parading, over-the-top, ridiculous, cartoonish characters mocking women as drag queens, the undeniable, unequal playing field assuring biological men wins against strong female competitors, stealing their well-earned wins and scholarships, and now the outright violent attacks on biological women who are trying to push back against the insanity. Encouraging the ever-growing mental illness is malpractice and feeds the insanity.
And here is where we find ourselves living in the New World Asylum - lest we forget, part of the overall plan is to disrupt the social cohesion and building block of the family. Evil at work.
Norman Bates goes mainstream.
This is one of the best takes on this whole issue I have seen. Sprinkle some atrazine in there and you have a lock.
"This disdain for women in general accounts for their parading, over-the-top, ridiculous, cartoonish characters"
You mean like how feminists / feminist icons have been defining - and portraying - femininity and womanhood for decades? Go and look at Madonna, Rihanna, Ga Ga and most other Hollywood celebrity women. Are they women or are they are closer to androids, sex bots, blow up dolls? And how would you rate their level of entitlement?
But of course, they get away with it because vagina!
What's amazing is that it is provoking a new 5th wave of feminists who are calling for a return to femininity, family values and patriarchy (feminism was always patriarchy so no change there). If they could just drop the feminist label then normality (and womanhood) will be restored ... and the 150 year circular walk called 'female empowerment' will be complete :)
So sick of Madonna and the rest of the singing prostitute-clowns who brag about killing babies saying they speak for all women. I never gave them permission to speak on my behalf! Never spent a nickel on their stuff either.
The short answer to the question posed in the title is: Because they are, in fact, sadistic.
I am a 65 yo woman who happens to be a lesbian. I've had trans people in my life since I was a teenager. The so-called trans people in the news today are not 'trans'. They are profoundly unstable men and women who have a misogynist agenda coupled with a penchant for violence.
I want to make something really clear - authentic trans people know full well that they will never truly be the opposite sex. They are choosing to live their lives in the world as a member of the opposite sex. The trans women I know - who have been trans for decades - would never have dreamed or attempted to insert their obviously male bodies into girl's / women's sports or birl's / women's bathrooms. They are appalled by what is taking place.
What we are witnessing is what I call the pseudo-trans movement, characterized by violence against women (and anyone who doesn't see things from their vantage point). The men among them aren't gender dysphoric! Let's face it - anyone man who considers himself a 'superhero' for winning a sports event medal having competed in a field of women is looking for whatever he thinks he lacks by being a bully over people who can't match his hormonal edge.
The fact that I, as a gay woman - and all people who are gay / lesbian / bisexual by nature - are lumped into this ridiculous LGBTQ+A blah blah blah acronym nonsense is sickening to so many of us. Heartbreaking, too.
From my perspective, these players in the pseudo-trans movement are performing as tools in further dividing us all. They sow division. And they do it well. All in lockstep with the vaster agenda and divide and conquer.
@Marc, thank you so much for this compilation. It's a great service that you lend your voice to call out what is fast escalating to greater and greater violence against women. Such times we are in.
Brilliant! Thank you.
You're welcome. Thanks for raising the subject when you did, Marc. The volume and pitch on this has been cranking up so loud and shrill in recent weeks ... your post arrived at just the right time to finds words for the feelings.
There are lots of other gay folk who feel similarly (Gays Against Groomers is one example) but these voices are largely eclipsed in legacy media ~ as are most voices speaking with clarity and critical thinking about just about anything.
As a former proud and arrogant liberal-progressive (now apolitical), observing the world I used to inhabit is stunning yet unsurprising. Not so many years ago, I was singing that righteous, oblivious tune, too.
I was a transvestite, not transsexual, but I knew transsexuals. I got married, had children and "hung up my heels" finally finding the elusive masculinity that escaped me in fatherhood. I spent time around other transvestites and plenty of transsexuals. Some were more stable than others. But I never, in a hundred years, would behave the way these activists do.
I'm glad fatherhood is / has been so enriching for you, Jonah.
I hear you ~ so much that's transpiring now comes under the 'never in a hundred years ... ' category. Nonetheless, here we are!
Here we are indeed, a society so lost that we can't even understand the very first chapter of Genesis... where male and female are as basic to creation as the day and the night, the land and the sea. We have to argue over the most basic and elementary truths.
Excellent comment.. you are all over it! Thank you
Thanks, Curt. I enjoyed letting it rip!
Thanks. All people are sick of the BS. When I saw that there was a group called "Gays against Groomers" that also included trans people I thought to myself 'yep. They've gone too far.'
"When I saw that there was a group called "Gays against Groomers" that also included trans people I thought to myself 'yep. They've gone too far.' "
Yes, totally concur. And I'm glad they've gone too far - that they're so blatantly, devotedly, rigorously pushing their madness to the brink. Their venom appeals to those who feed on rage, but to many others it appears quite disturbing and suspect.
The pseudo-trans social media 'influencers' and the most violent among those at demonstrations make it quite apparent that they must garner attention and seize power ... not concerned in the least about human rights and certainly not about trans rights either.
Easy to imagine that the Dylan-Mulvaney-Jeffrey-Marsh-level saboteurs are also getting financial kickbacks from someone / somewhere. Classic inversion presentation, designed to control minds and feed egos.
The people you name seem like agents straight from the Tavistock Institute. I totally agree.
Hadn't thought of that, and could be spot-on. Likely, even. Though there are plenty of 'centers' in the US who could also be chipping in for the cause.
Vanderbilt closed their 'center' (probably temporarily) after one of their surgeons was recorded saying what he really thinks about the pseudo-trans trend with children ... and what a cash cow it is. It's all a set-up, and kids are the pawns (once again in human history).
One could opine (although the Smith Mundt act negates this in the case of the CIA) that MI6 would be allowed operate with impunity in the US.
Thank you for this comment. Especially - "The fact that I, as a gay woman - and all people who are gay / lesbian / bisexual by nature - are lumped into this ridiculous LGBTQ+A"
It is being politically exploited for ulterior purposes by awful people.
We knew this day was coming for at least a decade. Once the denial of reality (biology) begins within cults it must continue unabated or risk collapsing their entire world view. Watching the cognitive dissonance of whatever wave is the most recent wave of feminists try and square this dong is beyond entertaining. That it trends toward misogyny, the very thing they claim to be fighting is most certainly poetic.
Back in the nineties I knew insanity was on its way. A girl in my college class made the claim that "All truths are equal." That is very different from saying all men or all human beings are created equal. If two people say things that contradict each other they cannot both be right.
It's mean and hateful to say two plus two can't equal five. Johny says they can. His answer is just as good as yours. Why are you so bigoted?
Unfair and hurtful to some as this statement is. Truth is not always sweet and nice, and it can make people feel bad. Nevertheless, it remains the Truth.
Exactly. There's no such thing as "your truth" or "my truth." There's just "the truth."
We should be electing Engineers, not lawyers. Lawyers can twist the truth for their interest. Engineers know if you deny reality, your bridge falls down.
But we can - and do - interpret truth based on our own perspective of what reality is.
simply superb. required reading.
Rest of the LGB community and world: Did someone say something?
"The charge that feminists are full of “hate,” and therefore pose a danger to “trans activists,” is, at once, a lunatic projection, and a propaganda trick, to make it seem (somehow) immoral to oppose, or even question, the transitioning of children." Same playbook as non-vaxxers presenting danger to compliers. You must be astounded, having taught propaganda to witness it at its (let's hope) peak. Impossible to digest, honestly.
Silencing others' freedom of speech is not the exercise of free speech. How did we get to this inverted place?
we're in the upside down now
yes, it's Biblical. Isaiah 5:20+
20Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.
21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
22Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and champions in mixing strong drink,
23who acquit the guilty for a bribe and deprive the innocent of justice.
Right out of "1984" truth is false and lies are truths.
It's a really good spell...
see stanford law school and judge duncan
State by State, that will hopefully be changing. Florida, as has been the case lately, is leading the charge to shut down the trans-lunacy somewhat.
I'm sorry, but where are the lawsuits against police departments that don't stop violence at protests?
Geez. No wonder everyone is so afraid to speak up and let their voices be heard about all this nonsense!! It’s awful to be living in these evil times. Reading this made me feel sick. How can this be happening? What have they done to peoples minds??? It’s frightening. I really wish I could find a place with like minded people and just live out my life in peace and without fear😢
I agree, Deb. It seems like these men want to totally eliminate women. I've said it over and over, but I'm going to say it again. What's happening now is satanic delusion. The whole world has gone mad, in so many ways.
Demons doing Satan’s plan.
Never fear. Stay true to your convictions, beliefs, and whenever convenient, let others know just what those beliefs are. You will be surprised how many others agree with you:)
Find some likeminded people and start a subculture?
People talk about "Fighting back" instead of hiding.
But there's enough fighting already. And if the whole world is insane, who are you going to fight? And how?
you are not alone ..think about moving intoa likeminded community. it too has problems but maybe less than mainstram?
I have read or heard, I forget which, that WEF is behind much/all of the gender dysphoria going on now, to create unrest and disharmony, confusion and conflict, so we are against each other, doing their job for them.
Same with Critical Race Theory. But it's likelier to be the Western intelligence agencies than the WEF that have been driving it all.
They are all in this together unfortunately.
Yes. If you dare criticize it you hear, "Why do you hate people of color?"
Great way to shut down dialogue.
Problem is we have allowed them to get away w/it. People fell for it and have literally been programmed to follow the mantra, and then there is of course the fear if you confront them. It needs to stop, and the Officers of the Law that don't do their jobs need to face consequences, whatever form it comes in.
I don't know who this woman is, but I like what she has to say and how she deals w/the whiners and those that want to stir the pot. If only we had more people like this to shut their crap down.
From four years ago, and I still remember the video. That is saying something.
It is created to be sure. I also question what is in the vaxxines they give to children? I have noticed a change in the teenage male body, it creeps me out quite frankly to think they are being mutated, but it also wouldn't surprise me.
Endocrine disruptors! When this whole "trans" thing started, I said it was "CYA" because it looked to me like they were trying to normalize the damage being done to people via GMOs, environmental polluants and more. Look up the stats on ambiguous genitalia. No one ever talks about that. It started skyrocketing years ago. Someone born with that problem clearly needs help. Cue the propaganda machine to brainwash the younger generation - and their parents - into thinking they can "be" the other sex. This is a huge, multi-pronged operation, like "covid". It's sick and disgusting and I think people don't realize what's really driving it.
Brilliant connecting the dot, SS...as well, there's this titbit...
'Risperdal, a Johnson & Johnson off-label ADHD treatment drug, may cause the development of breasts in young boys, otherwise known as gynecomastia. Risperdal is a popular drug manufactured and distributed by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, and has been their number one product for more than ten years...' topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/adhd-treatment-drug-may-cause-breast-growth-boys/
Interesting point. Indeed. Also, a considerable source is the rise of kids "on the spectrum" at varying levels who make great targets for inducing gender dysphoria.
I worked to expose endocrine disruption for many years, pointing to the rise in things like hypospadias. At one point, I was on a boat in Commencement Bay, Tacoma, WA watching scientists examine fish for evidence of hormone disruption. Fast forward a couple of decades, and I'm in a public park near that Bay, watching young people chant that Hormone Replacement Therapy (by which they mean KIDS being given wrong sex hormones and puberty blockers) is a human right. Surreal, to say the least. In the past, young people fought against the damage wrought by big pharmaceutical/chemical corporations. Now, they scream for Big Pharma's interests, and for the maiming of children. And they push people like me out of public parks, so we can't even speak. Thanks for making these connections, Serebra Sana.
@Carol Dansereau Thanks for at least trying to do something about this horrible problem, a sort of "planned obsolence" of humanity. Back when I subscribed to Time and Newsweek, I used to rip out and save interesting articles. I think I still have the one from the early 90's that was on the hermaphoditic fish in the Potomac River. The toxic runoff was affecting them then and it was concerning. But, as you say, fast forward a few decades and the toxic chemicals are highly in demand. Powerful propaganda at work...
Hear! Hear! I could not agree more. I’ve been saying this for over a decade now. These people are conniving, manipulative, duplicitous long-game players. And their industrial (fill in the blank industry) has poisoned us, the animals, the water, the land, the air and everything in our environment and now turn to covering it up and turning it to their advantage. Evil incarnate.
The variety of toxic chemicals in our environment are causing earlier puberty in girls.
have also wondered how much chromosomal/dna damage is being done by obsessive injections. Turtles All The Way Down clearly demonstrates not one works.
BL, this started long before WEF. Frankfurt School in Germany that emigrated to the USA and began to unload their toxic sexual and social propaganda here which academia ate it up. This is part of the communist 'long march through the institutions' in infiltrating and corrupting everything that pointed to a transcendant Judeo-Christian worldview.
As usual, things are not what they may seem, and this sounds extremely viable. So many forces behind the scenes we do not see or even know exist.
Makes sense.
Now I know what TERFs means. Agree this is a manufactured activist movement, not grass roots. They seek to Divide and conquer.
It's all a big pharma fraud designed to sell hormones and surgeries, and sterilise children (who then will need the Fertility Industry to have children, so MORE money for Pharma). Pharma replaces our natural bodies that produce hormones etc, naturally with the synthetic ones, the same way vaccination replaces our natural immune system with a fraudulent simulacrum. Of course this creates health problems which means even MORE money for pharma as you have to take drugs to manage the side effects caused by opposite sex imitation. It is the monetization of the human body sold as a human rights movement.
We women have lost all our rights. They are putting transgenders with all the male parts into women's prisons and allowing them to rape women while women who complain about being raped by a transgender are being classified as worse than terrorists. Women no longer have sports. If you are not a trans or loaded with money (like Pelosi's daughter), the DNC will no longer give you a committee appointment---though that's been mostly true for some time. Why should a little girl be subjected to men who rape little girls in the girls' bathroom? There has to be a limit to the loss of rights for women and girls.
I'm waiting for the trans (man that pretends to be a woman) who is ranked 200th on the men's tour go to Wimbledon and make a mockery out of the tournament.
Then perhaps a few corporate sponsors would awakin'.
I am an old white guy, but I promise I will not use my guns (!) to shoot myself.
1. These people are fed by heavy Pharma products. Look out
2. The feminist, like all other liberation movements have been hijacked, many re-branded by marketing campaigns and sold back to ‘us’.
3. The elimination of women and nature are high on the trans humanist agenda.
4. The old oligarchs are getting desperate in their fight against Time (nature) approaching a place where they cannot take along their amassed plundered wealth. Watch out! In their despair they’ll happily take out the whole of mother earth...
the feminist movement was cia (gloria steinem) from the beginning to break up the family. Families were a strong unit. plus it increased the tax base.
There has long been strong voices and actions from the fairer side of humanity, what the CIA did was harness that historic pride into a device that splintered the nuclear family.
...AND as a smokescreen for destroying the economy, as all the moms went out & got jobs when their husbands' jobs no longer paid enough to keep them all in the middle class.
Possibly all “ist-movements” were stirred by various nefarious forces, but women concerned themselves in myriad ways about the patriarchal order (way before and far away from a gloria steinem)
SATANIC PEDOPHILE Groomers of children.
Hey MEN get strong and learn how to take care of your lady's.Get off the couch and get to the gym.
The REPTILES in charge fear strong resourceful humans.
Train for this fight.
Especially you under 30 bunch which are in my family.
Turn off the F--king video games and stop watching porn and mastrabatiing.
I'm 67 and still train and hang with some very tough Young people who I tell stories of where my tough relatives who came from two WWs.
I do see by the,way more young folks who are doing this
We need more of you.
These pussies won't take long to walk through once we decide.
If this offends you sorry but time for nice is soon over.
Like what you said other than the use of the word "pussy". It is a derogatory term for women and should be relegated to "p" word status.
No one uses "pussy" as a derogatory term for women per se. It is used as a term for (1) indiscriminate heterosexual sex from the male perspective, (2) men who are intimidated by their female partners -- pussy-whipped -- and (3) weak, cowardly men who are called that by strong men who want to shame them into being better men.
So in other words, the word "pussy" which is used to define women and used also to define weak and cowardly men does not in any way vilify women. A word used to define women and insult men is not in and of itself derogatory toward women. A word used to define women is used to shame men, but is not derogatory toward women. I know logic isn't a big seller these days, but perhaps you could spend a bit more time thinking about - your thought process.
Cunt is a pejorative for women and directly refers to women. So does bitch, although it sometimes is used positively. No one says, "His wife is a pussy." "Jane, you are a pussy." There are no Pussy Monologues (and if there were, it would be about emasculated men). You don't like the word pussy, that's your business. But you are being an insulting bitch about it.
You're right. I'm an insulting bitch, but I still think you can use a class in logic.
Let's put it another way: pussy is a vulgar term for vagina. Just like a cock is a vulgar term for penis but men aren't generally called "cocks." A woman is disrespectfully called a "ball buster" but not because men are called "balls." (Should men take offense at the term or shall we agree that men have thicker skins than most women?). There is no point getting upset about a man calling another man a "pussy" aka a vagina unless you feel equally furious whenever men are called "sons of bitches" or "bastards" due to the implicit slap to womanhood. Even "impotent loser" is insulting to women because it equates manly success with vaginal penetration. (FYI one of the reasons that James O'Keefe was fired from Project Veritas was because he called two male, cowardly employees who deserted PV during an FBI raid, "pussies." They were, indeed, pussies: both for being too scared to stay during the raid and for whining over the term. Many American men have internalized female culture, much to everyone's detriment.)
Now let me clarify here, they don't accept what gender they are born as yet want me to accept the gender that they claim to be.
Get the F' outa here.