“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.”

― Bob Marley

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Good times create weak people; weak people create hard times; hard times create strong people; and strong people bring back the good times. Our leaders (for the most) are weak who grew up in the late 20th century - the most comfortable/good time in human history. The cycle continues but any individual can be strong themselves physically and mentally as many of us 'red-pilled' would be in my opinion.

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Ray Liota too.

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Are you aware that this was written as commentary/reaction to Trump's winning of the 2016 election? That's my impression based on this quote by one band member (courtesy of Genius Lyrics website):

"We’re living in a time of real change. As I get older, the things going on in the world affect me more. I think about my kids and what they’re growing up into. My daughter, Rosie, was deeply affected by the election last year. … She just sobbed, and I was like, ‘Wow.’

I know to some people, this will come off as rich rock stars living in their big houses in Santa Barbara with not a care in the world, and it’s true that we’re very fortunate. But that doesn’t mean you stop caring about what’s going on in the world. It’s really affecting me."

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Compounding the irony....

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May 27, 2022
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Sounds like Chomsky

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That makes me want to throw up...

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There are too many lyrics from "Spirit" that resonate now. Terrifying.

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I’m a long-time Depeche Mode fan but they lost me with their politics a long time ago. To hear David Gahan whining about being let down is rich. You let me down, Dave, by being so blind and obtuse. The revolution is happening before your eyes and you’re probably a Bolshevik.

It’s like Eddie ‘Ridin’ with Biden’ Vedder and globalist Bono texting Nancy Pelosi. It’s easy to fashionably embrace and to preach leftist politics when you’re so rich that you’re insulated from the destruction being left in its wake.

The irony is not lost.

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May 27, 2022
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Right On MCM!

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I just heard of your substack. Thank you for raising the awareness of these sudden deaths. I don't have an obituary to share (because there was none) but my birth aunt, Mary Jordon of Tucson, died in her sleep October 2021 from "bleeding on the brain". The family hasn't talked about the shot being the cause but I certainly think it was likely as she was very healthy and active.

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I love when Mark gives us music recommendations. This is how I discovered Five Times August and Remeece. For anyone who needs a good laugh, Remeece's latest is just delightful, brilliant, strange, real, necessary.


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Gil Scott-Heron was wrong. The revolution WAS televised. It just didn’t look like any revolution we ever saw so we didn’t recognize it. It happened broadcast by broadcast. It started with the smirking humor of the Simpsons and Seinfeld. Undoing institutions, breaking down moral barriers until the sacred was banished and the immoral was enshrined.

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Definitely some heavy irony there.

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Here the head of Pfizer (at Davos 2022 – this year’s Davos) confidently tells of the success of his plan to reduce the world’s population by 50% by 2023.

That’s by next year FFS! And he’s so, cool, so matter of fact about it.


How can we, our politicians, our military etc., all now know of this yet do absolutely nothing?

Is it any wonder that they are frequently referred to as Satanists?

Monkey Pox has surely got to be the cover story to ‘buy them the time’ they need till next year comes to ‘fruition’.

Imagine if they said that as a result of their requirements in Ukraine that Russia was in the process of releasing a highly toxic bio-weapon on the world to kill 50% of us, our nuclear missiles would be half way to Moscow by now.

The only way I can justify it personally is to tell myself that most other people in the world are just pointless useless a**holes, which they are. Especially those who are determined we all get the jab. Maybe I am too, but at least I didn’t get jabbed, or tested.

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I try not to get too attached to celebrities anymore, but Depeche Mode's been in the soundtrack of my life for 40 years. This hurts.

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And Ray Liotta

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This is definitely not the sixties. Free range humans are a thing of the past.

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"Free range humans"! Yes!

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"..so that American democracy might finally work." But it is. The will of the people is being done, because the people are handed their will by elite propaganda. To break this connection, by breaking propganda, would destroy the democracy we enjoy today.

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I suggest:

Listening to Bob Dylan's album "Slow Train Coming" especially the songs, Gotta Serve Somebody and Slow Train. Very Prophetic. Also suggest a couple of old hymns: Jesus Paid it All and Come Thou Fount. I really like the 'Celtic Worship' versions of these hymns.

Freedom begins in your own heart, mind and spirit. It begins and ends with personal forgiveness and mercy.

It is now a time for Justice; begin with removing the "useful idiots" and the "Stupid People" from power.

We must read the writings of Great Men.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. These men suffered for the beliefs under two of the three cruelest dictatorships of the 20th Century. For example: The Gulag Archipelago, The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers from Prison. This will require personal sacrifice, not something modern Americans are not accustomed to. Also suggest the writing of Paul, the Book of Romans, For I am not ashamed of the Gospel... Romans 1:16

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