The horses may be "vaccinated," too—we're looking into it—but these new high-tech gadgets (the sort of thing that thrills Bill Gates) are likely the main cause of death, as Arthur Firstenberg explains
To answer your question re vaccination in horses- HOrses are highly vaccinated. Very likely more than any other animal. Equestrian Canada, governing body in Canada for horse sports (not racing), mandates certain vaccines within 6 months to compete. EC takes its directives from the FEI (International Federation of Equestrians). HOrse people love their vaccines,and just cannot see the harms they are causing. Yearly they get tetanus, rhino, flu, EEE/WEE, West Nile, rabies- (rabies is law in ONtario). In addition they get Potomac, strangles, botulism. This is for their entire life - YEARLY. Flu and rhino often get given an additional 1 or 2 times per year. Shots are usually given in the spring and fall. And horse owners wonder why their horses get sick, more die, at that time of year! (As an aside, I was surprised how quickly and thoroughly the majority of horse owners adapted to the covid mandates - lockdowns etc. But then, not to wonder, already, so many keep their horses in individual stalls, get turned outdoors into individual paddocks. The poor horses never get to even touch another horse, ever. These animals are in permanent lockdown.)
Thank you for spelling out the specifics of Equestrian Canada's vaccination requirements!
I knew a lot of vaccines were mandatory....... I know the stories from the horse racing world in Australia and New Zealand were all about the C-19 injections for everyone and everything.
So yeah, let's just throw some major EMFs into these majestic beings to top it all off.
And the Crimes Against Humanity by Dr Fraudchi and the WHO,CDC, FDA, and all of the healthcare system and Government that has already killed and maimed well over a million people with a Bioweapon do not care about animals either, the same goes for livestock that they are now injecting cows with, have already injected the pigs with. Bill Gates will not stop there with his Franken Science ,Crisper technology for plants and crops is coming into full swing, as we will soon be eating our vaxx in vegetables and lettuce, look up the toxic substance APEAL on the 🥑 and fruits, these are all crimes against humanity, and the animals are right there in line with their nefarious plans. Died Suddenly is not just for people, it's for animals too, this is the Brave New Orwellian Dystopia that millions of us are already aware of and have been screaming 😱 from the rooftops since the beginning of this Plandemic, COVID-19 and the Great Reset, is everyone ready to listen now, or should we continue to let them have control over every living thing on this planet???
They vaccinate baby fish too and chicks. This world has gone away. Absolutely nuts. Time to retreat to a ten acre plot and live out this horrific time frame on earth.
It’s absolutely infuriating that these Fraudsters(☝️fraudchi’ and 3 letter agencies) and money hungry, evil beings are getting away with the bull 💩, with absolutely no consequences! ITS INSANE
This cruelty being perpetrated upon these innocent beautiful animals has my blood boiling. These contraptions have to be outlawed immediately. What sadistic psychopath dreamed this up?? The demons involved have plans to turn on the 5G and radiate the hell out of the population and apparently animals as well. This is a WEF wet dream and they are experimenting on horses to see how it works. Sick bastards. Hang ‘em high!
Yeah. Dr. Mengelefauci and Bill Gates of Hell! 😲Just say "NO!" to Fauci's Ouchies and BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE! I AM. I post publicly on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨👩👧👦
To be clear, EC requires Rhinopneumonitis and Influenza for competition. However the provinceof Onatrio requires yearly rabies. I am not sure about other provinces. The FEI requires Influenza for international competition.
If horses and our pets NEED rabies vaccines EVERY year, why aren’t scavenger birds who eat road kill rabidly attacking us? Why don’t deer get rabies? Or owls? Why aren’t there rabid rabbits running around our yards? Why aren’t we ducking from cover from every wild rabid creature? But my leashed dog and indoor cats are SO at risk that they need a rabies shot EVERY SINGLE YEAR…
Exactly.. I think repeated vaccinations for pets are a moneymaking racket and authority figures use FEAR to push people to do it.
Our pets are getting diseases like diabetes, lymphomas, leukemias, skin cancers, intestinal disorders, allergies, etc..that humans get--and it seems to be happening more now than ever before. Instead of pets being healthier with all of our new technology, wide array of vaccines, meds, foods, etc..they are getting more diseases. Sadly no "health agencies" want to figure out the reasons... I guess because there is no profit in healthy humans and healthy pets.
The holistic Veternary Drs are hard to find and many cities and states demand that pets get every vaccine available.
An old country vet told me many years ago that pets that live indoors and rarely come in contact with wild animals do not need all these vaccines. A quote from one of these links:
"“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978.” said Dr Schultz. This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals. He added: “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given. Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated."
Thank you for posting. I try to educate people about the dangers. Sometimes it seems hopeless. But maybe, one at a time, people will become aware of the harm that these products cause and that they have been apart of harming their animals because they choose to be ignorant (story below).
It's wonderful we can share our knowledge with each other here so that we can then share it with anyone who will listen.
Funny story (not ha, ha funny though). I met a woman this past week and we started talking about our dogs. I told her about how I feed our dog - grass fed green lamb and beef tripe and home cooked organic/wild lamb and beef with organic veggies and whole food supplements and detoxing supplements. I told her about how this type of cleaner food helped our previous dog live with all his conventional vet induced illnesses (very long story) until 17.5. I told her because of what these idiots did to our previous dog when he was around 7 or so, I started spending thousands of hours learning/resarching about healing approaches and all the maladies that he endured because of these monsters. I said we could go get coffee if she wanted to know more. Her response was, "Once you know you can't unknow." So, she didn't want to know how to keep her dogs healthy. I was blown away by the ignorance, selfishness, disrespect for her dogs, and irresponsibility. Of course, I haven't heard from her for that cup of coffee (which btw I don't even drink coffee).
WOW..that is really sad that the lady didn't want to know how to keep her dogs healthy. I think that's alot of our problems today. She didn't want to bother with it--she would rather keep her eyes and mind closed to it. Very sad...
Over the years the majority of people have become lulled into complacency. Busy lives, mega stress, working long hours, lack of sleep, etc...have turned the majority of people into tired robots that do not want to do any more than they have to do.
It's sad because this generation isn't gonna have a chance unless they start waking up now. I'm so thankful I live in a rural area on a farm, surrounded by family and other farmers--far away from large cities.
And our beloved border collie lived to 18 - despite vaccine damage at 10, and only because we moved out of state and were told they were REQUIRED for him to travel and move with us (!)- after we also went through similar steps as Debra.
After this most amazing dog suddenly had seizures, we noticed how many other pets died suddenly or with prolonged cancers, way too young.
My mother the horse and dog breeder never believed in vaccinations for her animals.
I'm not sure that fear is even necessary to insure compliance. Owners want the best for their pets or their livestock. They accept that their veterinarians also have their best interests at heart. I used to watch a lot of veterinarian reality shows. It's only recently after Covid that I started to question, "Why does every vet visit end up with one or more vaccines? Do these vaccines really help?"
To be honest, it was because of covid that I began questioning what we were being told- and researching into vaccines and other things. I never got yearly flu vaccines, or shingles, etc.. simply because I just didn't want to. I never questioned that they could have contamination or dangerous ingredients. I blindly trusted that the FDA did it's job- just like my parents STILL blindly trust them. Covid woke me up and now I see things and connect dots that I never realized or thought about before. There are many many safe natural solutions that can be used for various health conditions instead of a vaccine for everything. NO..all of these vaccines do NOT really help..
Its called mind control programming, rabies is very rare most places , not all , and I doubt the vaxx protects at all , yes its all about fear. NO VAXX are safe now and most all big pharma drugs and medicines as well. It never cease to astound me , listen to these adds for some big pharma drug for something, then the ten warnings about dangerous side effects [YOU DID NOT HAVE BEFORE] , then the 10 warnings of dont combine it with 10 other of their drugs , or your dick will fall off , or you will die, THEN " consult with your current PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN to see if this POISON is right for YOU.
It's all about money and control because the antibodies tested via titars are present for MANY years (could be up to 20 years) after the initial injection. Aside from the fact that the rabies vaccines are harmful to begin with and can cause cancers. Look up Dr. Jean Dodds and the Rabies Challenge Fund.
Yes, it used to be called hydrophobia, but no rabies virus has ever been isolated, so what the hell is in a rabies vaccine? A kid in the neighborhood got bitten by a squirrel in 1956, and had to have rabies shots in his stomach! Painful, and probably totally bogus. I call bullcrap on rabies. Show me the virus.
Do you know if the jews injected the wild animals with the BIO-WEAPON? Deer, moose, bears, Elk. I know they(owners of Pig pharma) injected 💉 the animals at the San Diego Zoo. Why? Have they already started on all the beef cattle? I know pigs are already being injected.
NO! The Nazis and their crooked cross with their injected poisons ala Dr. Mengele were under The Christian Vatican in Rome! 😲 So is Dr. Mengelefauci! Yeah. LEARN MORE! I post publicly on MeWe.
My dogs are listed as control dogs at my vet. I also told my City Attorney after a Fed Ex driver lied and said my daughter’s dog bite him and demanded them get vaccinated. I told him they will not be vaccinated. Veterinarian studies show if your dog has allergies or cancer they are not to be vaccinated. The cancer rates in dogs did not explode until the mandated rabies vaccines in the 1980’s and that new ingredients are tested on our pets first. Just like whoever took the CV-19 vaccines were injected with HIV-1.
He said I like your passion but they need vaccinated and I said they are control dogs they will not be vaccinated.
thanks for the info. I quit vaccinating my dogs in 2021 after I realized the scam that big pharma was perpetuating on humanity and their beloved animals. I also started making their dog food from our left overs which are all organic and healthy. My dogs coats are the softest and shiniest they have ever been. They are vibrant and healthy. If covid did nothing else it woke me up out of the slumber I was lulled into from years of believing that rhetoric. Never again will I be a pawn to the Rockefeller, WEF and other bad actors nefarious teachings.
my horses are at home. I have boarded them before we bought our acreage but now they are thankfully home. I no longer show my horses either so no one can make illogical vax demands. My vet is very upset though because I rarely see her which is fine for me, but I'm sure people are catching on to the vaccine scam and have awakened to the cash cow that is vaccines.
So not only are the horses wearing aluminum but many vaccines contain aluminum so the horses likely have a high level of intracellular aluminum. Plus aluminum crosses the blood-brain barrier so there are likely deposits in their brains. That's a lot of surface for EMF contact
The words "mind control"! - through TV & all forms of media throughout one's life, through fear tactics, repetition, crowd pressure, and more. See Jason Christoff's years of work on mind control (and how to reverse-engineer it in yourself).
The horse world is a funny one - you have the very affluent on the one hand, ie if their last name is "Goodyear" - that's because they own the company. But on the other hand you have the true horse lovers - who will sacrifice everything they have to have horses in their backyard. I ran a riding school - I saw lots of kids who worked really hard just to ride one hour. Then you had the wealthy who expected to turn the key and go- then park it, never being interested in the actual care of horses. The whole time I had my horse business every penny was spent paying a bill, improving the farm, never any extra. I never went away on holidays, I lived frugally. But to look out your window and see a beautiful field of horses is better than an expensive painting hanging in your living room, and I always felt I lived in the most beautiful place, so never missed 'getting away'. The big culprit in the vaccine sham is pharma, the education of vets - all the same reasons which is happening with the human medical system. As well, the regs coming down from the top, the FEI, the governing body for world equestians, is heavily sponsored by ... you guessed it: big pharma. Hence the rules coming down the pipes to the little guy mandating vaccines for competition.
Great comment. I would imagine that most who are racing have a comfortable level of income. Hiring trainers, riders, transportation all costs $. I equate these people to those same people you see at auto shows like Pebble Beach that show their Bugattis, Delahayes, Packards, etc. They hire someone to restore the car, drive/ transport it to the show, talk with the judges... Then the owner just walks up at the end to collect the trophy.
Yep see my comment above all vaxxs are CONTAMINATED NOW with other deadly nano metals and who knows what, they who are behind this WANT EVERYONE DEMORALIZED and Fearful of all this death human and animal.
Thank you for this information. The radiation from these devices and mRNA vaccines are a deadly combination. In 2020 China tested 5 and 6 G technology and this is when the people who dropped dead in the street all had a cell phone on themselves.
When my mare was a week away from giving birth, the vet wanted to give her 2 vaccinations. I said no, but was talked into a tetanus shot. Her colt was born totally inflamed and nearly died. I firmly believe it was the shot, but of course no one believes me. I would never do it again.
The same barn who doesn't believe me, had a trainer take her puppy in for his 12 week vaccinations. His heart stopped on the table.
The medical system in the US needs to wake up before we we do, or they will lose all of their customers.
The human "owners" in my opinion are very sick people that think only of money. Shallow beings they are and can never match the beauty and innocence of the horse. The humans love to control what they are incapable of loving.
Follow Dr Vladimir Zelenko protocol same for people & animals: Ivermectin or HCQ IF SICK ONLY! DoNOT keep filling them with aborted baby fetuses, filled with pesticides, chemicals, aluminum will attack these prized, expensive, trained & pampered racehorses!
Absolutely STOP ALL Rx shots especially killers of “flu” or “SARS CovId” stop all shots. Keep animals naturally healthy, outside in sunshine, running and enjoying life.
Take away ALL CONDUCTORS aka electronic devices which YOU ELECTROCUTED ANIMALS! Hello! Simple physics: horses have metal horseshoes. 4- plus bits & tack then you add parts of saddle and now introduce the MURDER WEAPON: the tracking device! EMF Voltages to kill beautiful 🐎!
That’s what would & is happening to humans.
Read our lips: 👄 REMOVE ALL TRACES of ALL ELECTRONICS in, around, especially NEVER AGAIN ON horses or any living animal including humans!
Furthermore, immediate HALT ALL “vaccines” & shots from horses, dogs, cats to Make Animals Healthy Again.
Sue makers, manufacturers, distributors, factories in China who make these monstrosities of killing. Every beautiful animal that was murdered the owners trusted stable & state to care for their prized animals.
They won’t get their animals back, but they deserve compensation from those who exploited & destroyed beautiful creatures aka livelihoods & passions of horse breeders who love their animals.
Race horses are beautiful. I’m guessing they cost $100,000. The owners will want to know what’s up. Ivermectin being used on million dollar horses tells me it’s safe and effective. The world will learn, the hard way, that Bill Gates and his ilk are evil, and people will learn what evil is.
There are things they could try to do, but they don't seem interested in asking or learning, and the doctors sure aren't going to recommend anything to try to reverse the damage. And I doubt we will ever truly know the actual count.
Which might impel them to get to the bottom of what's causing this -- in order to stop the financial bleed. -- Much like the stats on All-Cause Mortality out of the Life Insurance Industry provided evidence of the damage the cv vax was causing.
This is so sad, my granddaughter has horses and she boards 20 more horses at her ranch, I know she would be devastated to know this kind of thing is being done. Also I wouldn't doubt those race horses are jabbed, Gates wants everything that sucks oxygen to be jabbed so we'll all die sooner than later. This world is full of demons and satan himself is running things. Turn back to God, repent and pray because our lives are in imminent danger.
Not just to kill eveything, but if you get everyone and everything jabbed, there's no control group to show what caused it. This is why they're so adamant about vaxxing kids to get into school. Everyone wants their kids to go to school, so they go along with t he vaxxes...
I am actually convinced that the injections are full of graphene hydroxide. It's invisible stuff, but is a nano-material that can be monitored and controlled via EM radiation. "A needle in every arm" was the motto during the plandemic. It would not surprise me at all to learn the "stride-safe" devices are communicating with the nano-tech in the blood of the horses. Dr. Andreas Noack revealed nearly two years ago that the graphene hydroxide is never tested for during diagnosis of sick people nor during autopsies after they've died. He compared the stuff to "nano-razor-blades" that slice up in the insides of a person's blood vessels, which might explain the "clot-worms" and myocarditis cases, and why the most fit athletes are the ones dropping. The higher blood pressures and flow rates cause the nano-razors to damage those people faster. Dr. Noack was killed within days of releasing his video calling on the Austrian president to get better advice before mandating the "vaccine".
Makes sense to me. Fits all the criteria of most of the sudden deaths or not so sudden. Humans or otherwise. Very interesting take on the whole. Thanks.
True that. Satan runs this world right now. That’s why the evil ones are out now. Loud and proud. Truly a spiritual war right now. We all need to pray hard. Bible prophecy is playing out…
If you'll pardon the pun, I'm betting on the vax being the cause. Is it possible a combination of the radiation and vax caused these deaths and injuries? I guess anything's possible these days. I find it difficult to believe autopsy didn't reveled anything out of the ordinary. If it's the vets who Vaxed the horses performing the autopsy, it's likely they would conceal the truth. Just imagine the multiple, multi - million dollar lawsuits that would be targeted at the vets?
Please see my comment above. They simply cannot find the graphene during autopsy. It's nearly invisible, and there are no standard detection-tests for it. It's "nanoscopic", which means you'd need a "nanoscope" to see it. Just as nobody could see pathogens prior to invention of the microscope, ordinary medical people cannot now see nano-tech without the necessary technology to detect it.
High frequency, millimeter waves are also why bee and other insect populations are crashing everywhere. The areas around these towers and facilities become dead zones. The death cult that now rules the planet, of course, couldn't care less about any of this as long is this tech facilitates their total domination of everything.
Even trees facing the tech start degrading from oxygen deprivation & radiation poisoning. In Sweden they cut down every tree in a certain village bc it blocked the mmw efficiency. Nothing live in this radiated atmosphere. The ladybugs are also dying off. Only orang are what I've been seeing last few yrs which makes me curious if those are gmo since they are the ugliest. My dad used to bring a gunny sack of lady bugs to put into crops when I was a kid. Most fascinating rainbow of tiny beauty I've ever seen!! Colors no one would believe. Funny, no orange that I can remember as a kid. When the bees started dying, I knew. (We always kept a hive as well, never any death)
I don't know where your from but the lady bugs in Texas have always been a reddish orange color with various amounts of black spotting. I live in a pretty rural area with no 5G coverage (its miles away from me) and it is obvious to me that the insects and spiders that depend on them are in steep decline here. We have a very large circular web making spider here everyone calls the zig zag spider because of the pattern in the middle of the web. These black and yellow spiders are 3 inches or more across sometimes. They are disappearing in tandem with most of the larger insects here like grasshoppers, etc. that they depend on to live. It makes me very sad. I especially love these spiders! We still have bees here but the numbers are clearly down. The huge native bumble bees that used to, delightfully, literally weigh down flower stalks here with their large numbers are now becoming a rare sight.
I'm in true northern calif, 2 hrs north of Sacramento, 4 hr south of OR border. I don't know your age, I'm well over 60 & like I said, my dad brought home a damp gunny sack full of lady bugs to put on all our fruit trees to milo to the garden. The colors were spectacular. Bright green, dark red, bright yellow. Very few dull orange. They all have black markings. He worked for CA Dept Fish & Game so he knew ppl across 7 northern counties. No ddt or other pesticides since the weed killer he used was us 6 kids. We raised our own beef, lamb, pork & chickens, wild game up the kazoo. Our little farm was 7 acres off the Sacramento River. We canned all summer & froze the meat. My older bro's bbq'ed t-bones for after school snacks before dinner, cuz growing boys. We also had the only walk in cold box in the area w/full butcher set up. It was a cycle of life that was irreplaceable from the nonsense of how kids are raised today. Progress isn't what they actually tell us it is. My mother ran the home like a military general & my dad was the King. I was entering home made baked goods in the adult division at our fair at age 11 & winning blue ribbons. (Only girl) pHe made horse shoes and was a ferrier when young. The horse shoes being wifi conductors made me sick to my stomach. You didn't ask for all that extraneous info, but it is just more relevant info so show just how dreadful these destructive greedy bastards have been in a short time. ❤️
Excellent! We were surrounded by 3-4 different cattle strains one Charolais, another was Hereford, Angus & an Arabian Horse ranch where a dear childhood friend & I rode ponies all over our area. She was fearless & rode like the wind. I, however, was much more timid & that freakin Paint pony knew it. That little effer tried to kill me a thousand times, I swear. Rubbed me into fences, trees, got the bit between his teeth & ran at full speed down the pavement. The pad begins to the side off that Paint's right side running at full bore, I'm hanging on for dear life but finally I fall, head first onto the pavement. It's lights out. That was the end of my horseback riding career, haha.
The entire area changed by the 70's. First it turned crappy & trash ppl moved into the area. So sad. The entire area was had been privately held farms, hay ranches, wild horse stock for rodeos, truckers, fruit & nut ranches and a wild salmon fish hatchery. And all the work was done by locals. Not illegals. One bar but churches everywhere. Very safe, until one child molesting killer kidnapped & killed a little girl frm our tiny town. Just plucked her right off the street. But they caught him, quick fast & in a hurry. He was given more mercy in his death penalty sentence than he afforded that 11 yr old girl. The entire county changed from that one pervert. We'd moved away by then. Ok, that was way too much info, but that's how an entire generation of boomers were ripe for the willing slavery offered by the dark side & raised the worst kids coming into their full maturity today. My generation willingly rejected the God of All Creation. Allowed the murder of the preborn Accepted the big lie of how smart we are & taught that bigger arrogant lie to our little monsters who are now raising the babies who have autism of 1/32 or 1/16 even, over educated w/o any common sense in hopeless student debt. That's how far the mighty have fallen & make this country a hissing in the ears of the world.
It will now be a personal fight. The cohesive glue of the American family that kept communities safe was targeted & carpet bombed. The evil is personal & individual & has been allowed to flourish w/o check since 1972 & they ain't goin down w/o a fight to the death. How's that for turning a childhood story onto its ear! Haha
I love remembering California 50 years ago. We did have great childhoods, didn't we?
I know what you mean about our generation rejecting God - abortion and the pill came right on in when I was in high school......and I can count on one hand, including myself, the girlfriends of my youth that didn't have an abortion.
But I've always felt that generational talk is what the media did to divide us further and sell us more stuff. Our generation was the first to be born under the threat of nuclear annihilation and poisoned food - plus the beginnings of more laden-with-cancer-vaccines, the pill and legal abortions and way more mind control propaganda than any previous generation.
My sons have not had it so easy either I'd say. Drugs and suicides took out so many of their classmates....... And all US generations have been under a sustained eugenics program for at least a hundred years - probably more.
I raised 4 sons in two different rural areas and we never had much money, so they all know what it takes to survive and aren't spoiled. And I taught them to never trust western doctors, like my mother taught me. In fact, none of them ever saw a doctor once while growing up.
I got plenty of criticism for having babies without money or a degree - both my parents and all 3 of my siblings were all Ivy League.
And I definitely wasn't so smart or faithful to God, but He always had his hand on me, for which I now daily thank Him!
About those "little effer" Paint ponies..... My first horse experience was with a Pinto pony named Pinafore who was diabolical! She'd bite me, throw me and stop dead in her tracks while all the other girls sailed by. I was 9 or 10 and "working" at a dude ranch where we had to wrangle and put up hay and there were no toilets, no plumbing - just outhouses. The other girls got regular horses, but I got little Pinafore who had oozing sores all over that I had to treat with something twice a day and I figure that was why she was so cranky. I certainly never won any races on her but after a few weeks we kind of got along. I was a pretty timid rider in the beginning too - and I've never met a horse that doesn't take advantage of that!
It sounds like a lovely way of life! I hit the big 60 in January. I have had my place here for 29 years now so I know what was here before all of these wavelengths and signals even existed. I'm an avid gardener so I notice more than most. Even the house flies have dropped in number.
flying insects have dropped worldwide. There is a confluence of effects from GMO crops that create pesticide, direct pesticide use, defoliation with glyphosate, artificial fertilizers, atmospheric spraying, and UVC reaching further down, some places reaching the surface. UVC is lethal to insects. Their environment is so polluted they don't stand a chance.
They have nearly disappeared in my part of central Texas. Still haven't seen a single one this year on my acreage. They used to be numerous. People used to be terrified of what DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons were doing in the environment but what is going on now is actually headed toward Rachel Carson's Silent Spring scenario. Even the grasshoppers are nearly gone.
Off topic but....Most the “ladybugs” now are not the species native to the US. The orangish ones are an invasive beetle species from Asia and has caused ours to be in danger of becoming extinct. I had millions of the damn things in my attic for a few years.
I was told years ago that these were carried over in luggage's from China. I know they get the heat for everything. Coukd be anywhere, I suppose. Those gigantic praying mantis too.
The following says it all--for me, even making a lobotomy sound like a walk in the park: They might as well just execute them: "This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. And because every racehorse wears horseshoes made of aluminum, which is one of the best conductors, the frequencies that are conducted from both the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip throughout the horse’s body are absorbed and reradiated by its four shoes". (Firstenberg)
That would explain why I keep seeing dead birds as roadkill, as if they have just fallen from the sky. No telling how many are in the woods and fields, roads, parking lots, and sidewalks are the places I see them.
Santa Anita in California has had the same problems and have had many horses drop dead. I was at first thinking about an mRNA jab of some sore. Remember when zoos began giving their animals -- especially the ones considered to be "endangered species" animals (good idea, right?) -- and now zoos are losing many animals. It's difficult to find reports of how many animals zoos have lost. I remember reading about the San Diego Zoo being one of the first to give their animals Covid shots, and I heard about a few at first, but it's difficult to find news stories about this. I think these zoo managers are getting a lesson in mRNA technology
Being from Kentucky and a "horsey" girl growing up, I am aware of the Thoroughbred world and these horses, which in some ways can be fragile. I also had thought of breeding techniques and possible genetic problems. I never thought of them placing electronic devices in/on horses and jockeys. That is a real possibility given the sensitivity of human/animal bodies to electromagnetic field radiation. Maybe these horses are ultra-sensitive to this. They should remove these devices and see if the situation improves -- good way to find out if those are the cause.
That is too simple of solution. They need a few hundred scientists and veterinarians to do some studies paid for by Pfizer before they can figure it out.
I read they jabbed all the animals at the Dallas zoo and first a few giraffes died. My lib friend happened along when I was reading that and she said it couldn’t be from that and they wouldn’t give them the Covid vaccine and I googled it and there it was, they gave all the animals the jab. Mostly Google search sucks but sometimes in a pinch it’s your friend.
early on when people in China were dropping dead in the streets in and around Wuhan, it was determined they had been vaxxed and were in the vicinity of 5G towers. It is related.
Not the early videos & the twirling death spiral later on after the full censors kicked in. What has been verified is the over 20M cell phone numbers that went offline never to activate again. Follow serpenza on YT. Former SA teacher out of china.
Yes, Clare, I absolutely agree get these electronic things off of these majestic creatures post haste! But unfortunately, that is common sense which is definitely not in abundance these days.
Helicopter horse owners? This is just sick, monitoring injuries in advance, right. They just turn the horse off immediately to slow it down so it won't get injured?
Or one was injected with Graphine Oxide in a fake " vaccine " and one wasn't and they are both part of the experiment. Kinda like the one that was done on humans.
There's only one way to find out if Stridesafe is the culprit:
Put a chip in the horse OWNERS neck, a Stridesafe device in his pocket, a weighted backpack on his back and give him a pair of tap shoes. Now make him run around a track as fast as he can while being whipped by a mechanical arm in the backpack.
Thank you Mark for posting this even though it's hard to read and look at.
My heart. It's one thing to hate humanity which I can't understand at all but why the animals. They are indirectly killing dogs, cats, etc who live with those that are vaccinated. The GPS collars are also so dangerous constantly having wifi signals bombarding the dog or cats body and especially the neck which has in it the cranial nerves. One of those nerves being the vagus nerves which controls so many of the organs in the body and how they function. Without a properly working vagus nerve, you suffer many ailments or you die. The drugs they pump into animals, the commercial "food"... I can go on and on.
We have to try to keep informing people somehow. I figure if those of us who are red pilled tell 2 people, there could be a huge shift.
I'm am heartbroken and sickened to the core at this point. These beautiful animals. I need to take a few minutes to be with nature.
Coincidentally, I was just telling someone this week about those dangerous GPS tracking collars (plus "chips" that can and have caused cancer at the injection site)...because of a small, young cat I knew for only about a year, who had started out friendly and laid-back towards us and our cat whenever he visited our yard. But within a few months of his lackadaisical people (who LET him roam quite far from home, ugh!) having stuck one of those blasted things on his neck, he rapidly became aggressive and very obstinate, attacking our cat, with whom he'd been totally placid with before. DEFINITE behaviour and personality changes observed, and I suspected the EMFs right away! I also suspected that collar wasn't even removed when he was indoors at home. Other neighbours reported to me the same behaviours from him towards their own cat, harassing him in THEIR yard, too. And soon thereafter he was (apparently) hit by a car and killed. Very likely his brain (and yes, vagus nerve!) had been affected. All these products ostensibly lauded for humans' "convenience" in regards to animals, but REALLY in the marketplace to test them out on the poor animals before it's OUR turn, need to GO! Making the "chips" (vs. ear tattoos) so popular was just ONE way of how "they" got people to buy in to the entire spying and control concept so easily.
Also think about all the "wearables" now pushed (often without anyone being aware) on humans, too, in the last few years, like 'smart' watches, *hidden* trackers in clothing, household appliances, 'smart' meters on homes, and on and on and on. Equally as sickening is how most humans are NOT keeping up with what's REALLY going on, and more importantly, WHY!
"Where in this wide world can a person find nobility without pride, friendship without envy or beauty without vanity? Here, where grace is laced with muscle and strength by gentleness confined. He serves without servility, he has fought without enmity. There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent; there is nothing so quick, nothing more patient" Ronald Duncan
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:8)
TPTB take great delight in torturing and killing both Man and Animals. Those currently wielding power have no grasp of their ultimate end, apparently.
Well perhaps we won't be there by then, and if we are, we still have the tribulations to survive first. The asteroid hitting, the earth quaking, fires etc etc.
Thanks for this, Mark. This is catastrophic, a bone-chilling example of how technology is killing us that we cannot afford to ignore. For all the good it will do, I'm sharing it to social media.
The city council of his city. I also accessed the 5g national map. You can find it too. I'm not the only one who's noted there have been special permits to opt out. This is public info. I'm done doing everyone else's work bc they can't take 5 min to find it themselves.
Sarcasm?? When I post something, I know it's forever. I take it very seriously. So when I a get a snarky demand for a link & a 'source' it irritates me since this info was EVERYWHERE as Trump extolled the virtue of military weapons grade microwave mm radiation that slaughters the human genome with any exposure by lying about WHY AMERICA MUST BE FIRST, then took the ultra massive hypocritical move to exempt his kid from 5g poison AND invested his personal wealth to rape the American taxpayer even more viciously by E.O. to grow his a lust for more money.
Better to look for it yourself, that way you are more likely to believe it and you realize the time and energy to find good original source evidence. Additionally you find more interesting data along the way.
Didn't know THAT one. However, imo, that won't help him much either, with all of Musk's (and others') satellites in space, and other frequencies being pumped out, plus toxic sky spraying globally going on for decades already.
It’s a six fold increase in deaths. 12/1.6/1.25 = 6. Great article. I know vaccines are deadly. Radiation strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. With implants the distance between antennas and living cells is very small, the intensity of radiation next to device can be extreme. Radiation of cell phone at arms length (used as speaker phone) is much less than holding phone against ear. Don’t get me started on wireless earbuds. Insane.
To answer your question re vaccination in horses- HOrses are highly vaccinated. Very likely more than any other animal. Equestrian Canada, governing body in Canada for horse sports (not racing), mandates certain vaccines within 6 months to compete. EC takes its directives from the FEI (International Federation of Equestrians). HOrse people love their vaccines,and just cannot see the harms they are causing. Yearly they get tetanus, rhino, flu, EEE/WEE, West Nile, rabies- (rabies is law in ONtario). In addition they get Potomac, strangles, botulism. This is for their entire life - YEARLY. Flu and rhino often get given an additional 1 or 2 times per year. Shots are usually given in the spring and fall. And horse owners wonder why their horses get sick, more die, at that time of year! (As an aside, I was surprised how quickly and thoroughly the majority of horse owners adapted to the covid mandates - lockdowns etc. But then, not to wonder, already, so many keep their horses in individual stalls, get turned outdoors into individual paddocks. The poor horses never get to even touch another horse, ever. These animals are in permanent lockdown.)
Thank you for spelling out the specifics of Equestrian Canada's vaccination requirements!
I knew a lot of vaccines were mandatory....... I know the stories from the horse racing world in Australia and New Zealand were all about the C-19 injections for everyone and everything.
So yeah, let's just throw some major EMFs into these majestic beings to top it all off.
My God, this is horrifically barbaric.
And the Crimes Against Humanity by Dr Fraudchi and the WHO,CDC, FDA, and all of the healthcare system and Government that has already killed and maimed well over a million people with a Bioweapon do not care about animals either, the same goes for livestock that they are now injecting cows with, have already injected the pigs with. Bill Gates will not stop there with his Franken Science ,Crisper technology for plants and crops is coming into full swing, as we will soon be eating our vaxx in vegetables and lettuce, look up the toxic substance APEAL on the 🥑 and fruits, these are all crimes against humanity, and the animals are right there in line with their nefarious plans. Died Suddenly is not just for people, it's for animals too, this is the Brave New Orwellian Dystopia that millions of us are already aware of and have been screaming 😱 from the rooftops since the beginning of this Plandemic, COVID-19 and the Great Reset, is everyone ready to listen now, or should we continue to let them have control over every living thing on this planet???
They vaccinate baby fish too and chicks. This world has gone away. Absolutely nuts. Time to retreat to a ten acre plot and live out this horrific time frame on earth.
A time for Public hanging after a full public trial with full evidence and impartial research free of Financial influence and corruption.
Lethal Injection, let 'em taste their own MEDICINE.
Just follow the money trail
And they want to put a similar chip in your brain? I hope by now that you can see that may become a problem for you too!
Yes the Yellow Brick Road is lined with evil intentions.
Now they want to place a chip in your head as well. Then they can Fry your brains out when you step in the shower or go for a swim.
RETREAT??? Uh, no. It's TIME to take down these murdering PSYCHOPATHS.
It’s absolutely infuriating that these Fraudsters(☝️fraudchi’ and 3 letter agencies) and money hungry, evil beings are getting away with the bull 💩, with absolutely no consequences! ITS INSANE
This cruelty being perpetrated upon these innocent beautiful animals has my blood boiling. These contraptions have to be outlawed immediately. What sadistic psychopath dreamed this up?? The demons involved have plans to turn on the 5G and radiate the hell out of the population and apparently animals as well. This is a WEF wet dream and they are experimenting on horses to see how it works. Sick bastards. Hang ‘em high!
You are correct!! 😑😡
Yeah. Dr. Mengelefauci and Bill Gates of Hell! 😲Just say "NO!" to Fauci's Ouchies and BIG HARMA A.K.A. NOTHEALTHCARE! I AM. I post publicly on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 👨👩👧👦
To be clear, EC requires Rhinopneumonitis and Influenza for competition. However the provinceof Onatrio requires yearly rabies. I am not sure about other provinces. The FEI requires Influenza for international competition.
If horses and our pets NEED rabies vaccines EVERY year, why aren’t scavenger birds who eat road kill rabidly attacking us? Why don’t deer get rabies? Or owls? Why aren’t there rabid rabbits running around our yards? Why aren’t we ducking from cover from every wild rabid creature? But my leashed dog and indoor cats are SO at risk that they need a rabies shot EVERY SINGLE YEAR…
Exactly.. I think repeated vaccinations for pets are a moneymaking racket and authority figures use FEAR to push people to do it.
Our pets are getting diseases like diabetes, lymphomas, leukemias, skin cancers, intestinal disorders, allergies, etc..that humans get--and it seems to be happening more now than ever before. Instead of pets being healthier with all of our new technology, wide array of vaccines, meds, foods, etc..they are getting more diseases. Sadly no "health agencies" want to figure out the reasons... I guess because there is no profit in healthy humans and healthy pets.
The holistic Veternary Drs are hard to find and many cities and states demand that pets get every vaccine available.
An old country vet told me many years ago that pets that live indoors and rarely come in contact with wild animals do not need all these vaccines. A quote from one of these links:
"“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978.” said Dr Schultz. This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals. He added: “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given. Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated."
Thank you for posting. I try to educate people about the dangers. Sometimes it seems hopeless. But maybe, one at a time, people will become aware of the harm that these products cause and that they have been apart of harming their animals because they choose to be ignorant (story below).
It's wonderful we can share our knowledge with each other here so that we can then share it with anyone who will listen.
Funny story (not ha, ha funny though). I met a woman this past week and we started talking about our dogs. I told her about how I feed our dog - grass fed green lamb and beef tripe and home cooked organic/wild lamb and beef with organic veggies and whole food supplements and detoxing supplements. I told her about how this type of cleaner food helped our previous dog live with all his conventional vet induced illnesses (very long story) until 17.5. I told her because of what these idiots did to our previous dog when he was around 7 or so, I started spending thousands of hours learning/resarching about healing approaches and all the maladies that he endured because of these monsters. I said we could go get coffee if she wanted to know more. Her response was, "Once you know you can't unknow." So, she didn't want to know how to keep her dogs healthy. I was blown away by the ignorance, selfishness, disrespect for her dogs, and irresponsibility. Of course, I haven't heard from her for that cup of coffee (which btw I don't even drink coffee).
WOW..that is really sad that the lady didn't want to know how to keep her dogs healthy. I think that's alot of our problems today. She didn't want to bother with it--she would rather keep her eyes and mind closed to it. Very sad...
Over the years the majority of people have become lulled into complacency. Busy lives, mega stress, working long hours, lack of sleep, etc...have turned the majority of people into tired robots that do not want to do any more than they have to do.
It's sad because this generation isn't gonna have a chance unless they start waking up now. I'm so thankful I live in a rural area on a farm, surrounded by family and other farmers--far away from large cities.
Once you know you can't unknow! If what you know helps you and your pets--that would be great, wouldn't it?
You're awesome!
Thank you for your links, TMartini67.
And our beloved border collie lived to 18 - despite vaccine damage at 10, and only because we moved out of state and were told they were REQUIRED for him to travel and move with us (!)- after we also went through similar steps as Debra.
After this most amazing dog suddenly had seizures, we noticed how many other pets died suddenly or with prolonged cancers, way too young.
My mother the horse and dog breeder never believed in vaccinations for her animals.
I'm not sure that fear is even necessary to insure compliance. Owners want the best for their pets or their livestock. They accept that their veterinarians also have their best interests at heart. I used to watch a lot of veterinarian reality shows. It's only recently after Covid that I started to question, "Why does every vet visit end up with one or more vaccines? Do these vaccines really help?"
To be honest, it was because of covid that I began questioning what we were being told- and researching into vaccines and other things. I never got yearly flu vaccines, or shingles, etc.. simply because I just didn't want to. I never questioned that they could have contamination or dangerous ingredients. I blindly trusted that the FDA did it's job- just like my parents STILL blindly trust them. Covid woke me up and now I see things and connect dots that I never realized or thought about before. There are many many safe natural solutions that can be used for various health conditions instead of a vaccine for everything. NO..all of these vaccines do NOT really help..
Its called mind control programming, rabies is very rare most places , not all , and I doubt the vaxx protects at all , yes its all about fear. NO VAXX are safe now and most all big pharma drugs and medicines as well. It never cease to astound me , listen to these adds for some big pharma drug for something, then the ten warnings about dangerous side effects [YOU DID NOT HAVE BEFORE] , then the 10 warnings of dont combine it with 10 other of their drugs , or your dick will fall off , or you will die, THEN " consult with your current PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN to see if this POISON is right for YOU.
Rabies has been shown to be about either the dog not having needs met, or being mistreated. There is no "Rabies Virus."
I know you know this, but it's for others to see...
Excellent points!!!!
It's all about money and control because the antibodies tested via titars are present for MANY years (could be up to 20 years) after the initial injection. Aside from the fact that the rabies vaccines are harmful to begin with and can cause cancers. Look up Dr. Jean Dodds and the Rabies Challenge Fund.
There's no RABIES. It's just another scam to sell vaccines.
You know this already, I imagine.
Yes, it used to be called hydrophobia, but no rabies virus has ever been isolated, so what the hell is in a rabies vaccine? A kid in the neighborhood got bitten by a squirrel in 1956, and had to have rabies shots in his stomach! Painful, and probably totally bogus. I call bullcrap on rabies. Show me the virus.
Excellent comment! Truth!
Do you know if the jews injected the wild animals with the BIO-WEAPON? Deer, moose, bears, Elk. I know they(owners of Pig pharma) injected 💉 the animals at the San Diego Zoo. Why? Have they already started on all the beef cattle? I know pigs are already being injected.
"the jews"??
So, you think all the bad people in the world, and vaccinators, and allllll the BAD ONES, are "jews"?
Yep, 100% it's the jews, right? Thank you
NO! The Nazis and their crooked cross with their injected poisons ala Dr. Mengele were under The Christian Vatican in Rome! 😲 So is Dr. Mengelefauci! Yeah. LEARN MORE! I post publicly on MeWe.
Yet this horrifically barbaric….
The elites wanted every breathing life to get c19 vaxxed they want to wipe out life and make a new one their way …
I have horses. I no longer vax any of them including my dogs and cats. No more toxic poison in my any of my animals.
My dogs are listed as control dogs at my vet. I also told my City Attorney after a Fed Ex driver lied and said my daughter’s dog bite him and demanded them get vaccinated. I told him they will not be vaccinated. Veterinarian studies show if your dog has allergies or cancer they are not to be vaccinated. The cancer rates in dogs did not explode until the mandated rabies vaccines in the 1980’s and that new ingredients are tested on our pets first. Just like whoever took the CV-19 vaccines were injected with HIV-1.
He said I like your passion but they need vaccinated and I said they are control dogs they will not be vaccinated.
Never heard from them again.
thanks for the info. I quit vaccinating my dogs in 2021 after I realized the scam that big pharma was perpetuating on humanity and their beloved animals. I also started making their dog food from our left overs which are all organic and healthy. My dogs coats are the softest and shiniest they have ever been. They are vibrant and healthy. If covid did nothing else it woke me up out of the slumber I was lulled into from years of believing that rhetoric. Never again will I be a pawn to the Rockefeller, WEF and other bad actors nefarious teachings.
Do you have them at home or board them?
my horses are at home. I have boarded them before we bought our acreage but now they are thankfully home. I no longer show my horses either so no one can make illogical vax demands. My vet is very upset though because I rarely see her which is fine for me, but I'm sure people are catching on to the vaccine scam and have awakened to the cash cow that is vaccines.
For pets use Rover. Most are more flexible. Also most Vets will accept titers for figs/cats instead if vaccines.
This is so sad, truly a sad existence for any animal :(
So not only are the horses wearing aluminum but many vaccines contain aluminum so the horses likely have a high level of intracellular aluminum. Plus aluminum crosses the blood-brain barrier so there are likely deposits in their brains. That's a lot of surface for EMF contact
And aluminum in the brain causes... DEMENTIA.
I would imagine something like that happens to horses and other critters, as well.
Wow! So sad, hard to find the words to express the ignorance and entitlement and brattiness, what words actually apply in these days?!
Maybe.... "Bamboozled"? "Led astray?" "Toooo trusting"?
The words "mind control"! - through TV & all forms of media throughout one's life, through fear tactics, repetition, crowd pressure, and more. See Jason Christoff's years of work on mind control (and how to reverse-engineer it in yourself).
I guess horse owners are great targets as they are usually affluent and pharma can tap their wallets many times.
The horse world is a funny one - you have the very affluent on the one hand, ie if their last name is "Goodyear" - that's because they own the company. But on the other hand you have the true horse lovers - who will sacrifice everything they have to have horses in their backyard. I ran a riding school - I saw lots of kids who worked really hard just to ride one hour. Then you had the wealthy who expected to turn the key and go- then park it, never being interested in the actual care of horses. The whole time I had my horse business every penny was spent paying a bill, improving the farm, never any extra. I never went away on holidays, I lived frugally. But to look out your window and see a beautiful field of horses is better than an expensive painting hanging in your living room, and I always felt I lived in the most beautiful place, so never missed 'getting away'. The big culprit in the vaccine sham is pharma, the education of vets - all the same reasons which is happening with the human medical system. As well, the regs coming down from the top, the FEI, the governing body for world equestians, is heavily sponsored by ... you guessed it: big pharma. Hence the rules coming down the pipes to the little guy mandating vaccines for competition.
Great comment. I would imagine that most who are racing have a comfortable level of income. Hiring trainers, riders, transportation all costs $. I equate these people to those same people you see at auto shows like Pebble Beach that show their Bugattis, Delahayes, Packards, etc. They hire someone to restore the car, drive/ transport it to the show, talk with the judges... Then the owner just walks up at the end to collect the trophy.
Yep see my comment above all vaxxs are CONTAMINATED NOW with other deadly nano metals and who knows what, they who are behind this WANT EVERYONE DEMORALIZED and Fearful of all this death human and animal.
Thank you for this information. The radiation from these devices and mRNA vaccines are a deadly combination. In 2020 China tested 5 and 6 G technology and this is when the people who dropped dead in the street all had a cell phone on themselves.
Correct! You could even see them CIRCLING before they dropped.
Also looking up as if they were seeing an apparition before circling and falling over
Meanwhile, herds of unvaxed wild horses are culled to limit their population. Which would not be necessary if they weren't healthy.
When my mare was a week away from giving birth, the vet wanted to give her 2 vaccinations. I said no, but was talked into a tetanus shot. Her colt was born totally inflamed and nearly died. I firmly believe it was the shot, but of course no one believes me. I would never do it again.
The same barn who doesn't believe me, had a trainer take her puppy in for his 12 week vaccinations. His heart stopped on the table.
The medical system in the US needs to wake up before we we do, or they will lose all of their customers.
I think the Great Awakening is underway.
Maybe if we could get more people OFF the corporate media... !!!
Jabbed with heavy metals and THEN zapped... Presto, Bingo, droppsy dead, poor horsies.
The human "owners" in my opinion are very sick people that think only of money. Shallow beings they are and can never match the beauty and innocence of the horse. The humans love to control what they are incapable of loving.
Thank you Shirley. I appreciate getting informed on the truth.
How much money are these pharmaceutical companies making. It's no wonder they are are so powerful.
Follow Dr Vladimir Zelenko protocol same for people & animals: Ivermectin or HCQ IF SICK ONLY! DoNOT keep filling them with aborted baby fetuses, filled with pesticides, chemicals, aluminum will attack these prized, expensive, trained & pampered racehorses!
Absolutely STOP ALL Rx shots especially killers of “flu” or “SARS CovId” stop all shots. Keep animals naturally healthy, outside in sunshine, running and enjoying life.
Take away ALL CONDUCTORS aka electronic devices which YOU ELECTROCUTED ANIMALS! Hello! Simple physics: horses have metal horseshoes. 4- plus bits & tack then you add parts of saddle and now introduce the MURDER WEAPON: the tracking device! EMF Voltages to kill beautiful 🐎!
That’s what would & is happening to humans.
Read our lips: 👄 REMOVE ALL TRACES of ALL ELECTRONICS in, around, especially NEVER AGAIN ON horses or any living animal including humans!
Furthermore, immediate HALT ALL “vaccines” & shots from horses, dogs, cats to Make Animals Healthy Again.
Sue makers, manufacturers, distributors, factories in China who make these monstrosities of killing. Every beautiful animal that was murdered the owners trusted stable & state to care for their prized animals.
They won’t get their animals back, but they deserve compensation from those who exploited & destroyed beautiful creatures aka livelihoods & passions of horse breeders who love their animals.
How terrible to do to God’s creatures! Makes me sick. We live in an awful world.
Race horses are beautiful. I’m guessing they cost $100,000. The owners will want to know what’s up. Ivermectin being used on million dollar horses tells me it’s safe and effective. The world will learn, the hard way, that Bill Gates and his ilk are evil, and people will learn what evil is.
We are running out of time for the world to learn Gates and ilk are evil.
Time may already be up for those who got vaxxed. Unfortunately, we probably won't know for 10 or 20 years, when we see long-term death stats.
There are things they could try to do, but they don't seem interested in asking or learning, and the doctors sure aren't going to recommend anything to try to reverse the damage. And I doubt we will ever truly know the actual count.
I'm still seeing so many deaths.
The race horses are most likely insured as well.
Yes. The owners may not care if their horse dies. That death is a charge to the insurer, who will be upset, curious, harmed, angry.
Which might impel them to get to the bottom of what's causing this -- in order to stop the financial bleed. -- Much like the stats on All-Cause Mortality out of the Life Insurance Industry provided evidence of the damage the cv vax was causing.
or get money from .gov ....
You might think so, but I don't hear anything.
insurers will just leave the market.
That would be an UPside, since insurance companies are a HUGE PART of the same, scamming "system"!
many cost more than that especially when they are used for breeding.
This is so sad, my granddaughter has horses and she boards 20 more horses at her ranch, I know she would be devastated to know this kind of thing is being done. Also I wouldn't doubt those race horses are jabbed, Gates wants everything that sucks oxygen to be jabbed so we'll all die sooner than later. This world is full of demons and satan himself is running things. Turn back to God, repent and pray because our lives are in imminent danger.
Not just to kill eveything, but if you get everyone and everything jabbed, there's no control group to show what caused it. This is why they're so adamant about vaxxing kids to get into school. Everyone wants their kids to go to school, so they go along with t he vaxxes...
The Amish population are our only control group!
Amen to that. It is heartbreaking. Our beautiful innocent animals!
I am actually convinced that the injections are full of graphene hydroxide. It's invisible stuff, but is a nano-material that can be monitored and controlled via EM radiation. "A needle in every arm" was the motto during the plandemic. It would not surprise me at all to learn the "stride-safe" devices are communicating with the nano-tech in the blood of the horses. Dr. Andreas Noack revealed nearly two years ago that the graphene hydroxide is never tested for during diagnosis of sick people nor during autopsies after they've died. He compared the stuff to "nano-razor-blades" that slice up in the insides of a person's blood vessels, which might explain the "clot-worms" and myocarditis cases, and why the most fit athletes are the ones dropping. The higher blood pressures and flow rates cause the nano-razors to damage those people faster. Dr. Noack was killed within days of releasing his video calling on the Austrian president to get better advice before mandating the "vaccine".
Makes sense to me. Fits all the criteria of most of the sudden deaths or not so sudden. Humans or otherwise. Very interesting take on the whole. Thanks.
YES! I'd listened to vids on its "razor blades" actions in the body. Truly horrifying!
True that. Satan runs this world right now. That’s why the evil ones are out now. Loud and proud. Truly a spiritual war right now. We all need to pray hard. Bible prophecy is playing out…
If you'll pardon the pun, I'm betting on the vax being the cause. Is it possible a combination of the radiation and vax caused these deaths and injuries? I guess anything's possible these days. I find it difficult to believe autopsy didn't reveled anything out of the ordinary. If it's the vets who Vaxed the horses performing the autopsy, it's likely they would conceal the truth. Just imagine the multiple, multi - million dollar lawsuits that would be targeted at the vets?
Big money in vaccinating horses. They get ALL the shots EVERY year.
Yep. And owners spend big money on vets too. Someone with too much money will have an autopsy done by some independent vet, outside of racing circles.
Please see my comment above. They simply cannot find the graphene during autopsy. It's nearly invisible, and there are no standard detection-tests for it. It's "nanoscopic", which means you'd need a "nanoscope" to see it. Just as nobody could see pathogens prior to invention of the microscope, ordinary medical people cannot now see nano-tech without the necessary technology to detect it.
I thought dark field microscopes could see it?
High frequency, millimeter waves are also why bee and other insect populations are crashing everywhere. The areas around these towers and facilities become dead zones. The death cult that now rules the planet, of course, couldn't care less about any of this as long is this tech facilitates their total domination of everything.
Even trees facing the tech start degrading from oxygen deprivation & radiation poisoning. In Sweden they cut down every tree in a certain village bc it blocked the mmw efficiency. Nothing live in this radiated atmosphere. The ladybugs are also dying off. Only orang are what I've been seeing last few yrs which makes me curious if those are gmo since they are the ugliest. My dad used to bring a gunny sack of lady bugs to put into crops when I was a kid. Most fascinating rainbow of tiny beauty I've ever seen!! Colors no one would believe. Funny, no orange that I can remember as a kid. When the bees started dying, I knew. (We always kept a hive as well, never any death)
I don't know where your from but the lady bugs in Texas have always been a reddish orange color with various amounts of black spotting. I live in a pretty rural area with no 5G coverage (its miles away from me) and it is obvious to me that the insects and spiders that depend on them are in steep decline here. We have a very large circular web making spider here everyone calls the zig zag spider because of the pattern in the middle of the web. These black and yellow spiders are 3 inches or more across sometimes. They are disappearing in tandem with most of the larger insects here like grasshoppers, etc. that they depend on to live. It makes me very sad. I especially love these spiders! We still have bees here but the numbers are clearly down. The huge native bumble bees that used to, delightfully, literally weigh down flower stalks here with their large numbers are now becoming a rare sight.
I'm in true northern calif, 2 hrs north of Sacramento, 4 hr south of OR border. I don't know your age, I'm well over 60 & like I said, my dad brought home a damp gunny sack full of lady bugs to put on all our fruit trees to milo to the garden. The colors were spectacular. Bright green, dark red, bright yellow. Very few dull orange. They all have black markings. He worked for CA Dept Fish & Game so he knew ppl across 7 northern counties. No ddt or other pesticides since the weed killer he used was us 6 kids. We raised our own beef, lamb, pork & chickens, wild game up the kazoo. Our little farm was 7 acres off the Sacramento River. We canned all summer & froze the meat. My older bro's bbq'ed t-bones for after school snacks before dinner, cuz growing boys. We also had the only walk in cold box in the area w/full butcher set up. It was a cycle of life that was irreplaceable from the nonsense of how kids are raised today. Progress isn't what they actually tell us it is. My mother ran the home like a military general & my dad was the King. I was entering home made baked goods in the adult division at our fair at age 11 & winning blue ribbons. (Only girl) pHe made horse shoes and was a ferrier when young. The horse shoes being wifi conductors made me sick to my stomach. You didn't ask for all that extraneous info, but it is just more relevant info so show just how dreadful these destructive greedy bastards have been in a short time. ❤️
Our memories of life before this death cult went into overtime are vital!
Thank you for writing Kathryn_M.
I grew up in SoCal with a herd of completely unvaxxed Egyptian Arabs and acres of orange groves.
We all ran wild, thank God.
Excellent! We were surrounded by 3-4 different cattle strains one Charolais, another was Hereford, Angus & an Arabian Horse ranch where a dear childhood friend & I rode ponies all over our area. She was fearless & rode like the wind. I, however, was much more timid & that freakin Paint pony knew it. That little effer tried to kill me a thousand times, I swear. Rubbed me into fences, trees, got the bit between his teeth & ran at full speed down the pavement. The pad begins to the side off that Paint's right side running at full bore, I'm hanging on for dear life but finally I fall, head first onto the pavement. It's lights out. That was the end of my horseback riding career, haha.
The entire area changed by the 70's. First it turned crappy & trash ppl moved into the area. So sad. The entire area was had been privately held farms, hay ranches, wild horse stock for rodeos, truckers, fruit & nut ranches and a wild salmon fish hatchery. And all the work was done by locals. Not illegals. One bar but churches everywhere. Very safe, until one child molesting killer kidnapped & killed a little girl frm our tiny town. Just plucked her right off the street. But they caught him, quick fast & in a hurry. He was given more mercy in his death penalty sentence than he afforded that 11 yr old girl. The entire county changed from that one pervert. We'd moved away by then. Ok, that was way too much info, but that's how an entire generation of boomers were ripe for the willing slavery offered by the dark side & raised the worst kids coming into their full maturity today. My generation willingly rejected the God of All Creation. Allowed the murder of the preborn Accepted the big lie of how smart we are & taught that bigger arrogant lie to our little monsters who are now raising the babies who have autism of 1/32 or 1/16 even, over educated w/o any common sense in hopeless student debt. That's how far the mighty have fallen & make this country a hissing in the ears of the world.
It will now be a personal fight. The cohesive glue of the American family that kept communities safe was targeted & carpet bombed. The evil is personal & individual & has been allowed to flourish w/o check since 1972 & they ain't goin down w/o a fight to the death. How's that for turning a childhood story onto its ear! Haha
Thanks for writing more Kathryn_M.
I love remembering California 50 years ago. We did have great childhoods, didn't we?
I know what you mean about our generation rejecting God - abortion and the pill came right on in when I was in high school......and I can count on one hand, including myself, the girlfriends of my youth that didn't have an abortion.
But I've always felt that generational talk is what the media did to divide us further and sell us more stuff. Our generation was the first to be born under the threat of nuclear annihilation and poisoned food - plus the beginnings of more laden-with-cancer-vaccines, the pill and legal abortions and way more mind control propaganda than any previous generation.
My sons have not had it so easy either I'd say. Drugs and suicides took out so many of their classmates....... And all US generations have been under a sustained eugenics program for at least a hundred years - probably more.
I raised 4 sons in two different rural areas and we never had much money, so they all know what it takes to survive and aren't spoiled. And I taught them to never trust western doctors, like my mother taught me. In fact, none of them ever saw a doctor once while growing up.
I got plenty of criticism for having babies without money or a degree - both my parents and all 3 of my siblings were all Ivy League.
And I definitely wasn't so smart or faithful to God, but He always had his hand on me, for which I now daily thank Him!
About those "little effer" Paint ponies..... My first horse experience was with a Pinto pony named Pinafore who was diabolical! She'd bite me, throw me and stop dead in her tracks while all the other girls sailed by. I was 9 or 10 and "working" at a dude ranch where we had to wrangle and put up hay and there were no toilets, no plumbing - just outhouses. The other girls got regular horses, but I got little Pinafore who had oozing sores all over that I had to treat with something twice a day and I figure that was why she was so cranky. I certainly never won any races on her but after a few weeks we kind of got along. I was a pretty timid rider in the beginning too - and I've never met a horse that doesn't take advantage of that!
It sounds like a lovely way of life! I hit the big 60 in January. I have had my place here for 29 years now so I know what was here before all of these wavelengths and signals even existed. I'm an avid gardener so I notice more than most. Even the house flies have dropped in number.
flying insects have dropped worldwide. There is a confluence of effects from GMO crops that create pesticide, direct pesticide use, defoliation with glyphosate, artificial fertilizers, atmospheric spraying, and UVC reaching further down, some places reaching the surface. UVC is lethal to insects. Their environment is so polluted they don't stand a chance.
Fire retardant and other government spraying from aircraft's, spaying all over California. Gets in water supply and causes sickness and death.
I have a huge, blooming Jasmine bush in my yard, and nary a Bee in sight. So sad...
I'm in TX too and I know those spiders! We used to have them at our rural place in
Antlers, OK!
They have nearly disappeared in my part of central Texas. Still haven't seen a single one this year on my acreage. They used to be numerous. People used to be terrified of what DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons were doing in the environment but what is going on now is actually headed toward Rachel Carson's Silent Spring scenario. Even the grasshoppers are nearly gone.
Off topic but....Most the “ladybugs” now are not the species native to the US. The orangish ones are an invasive beetle species from Asia and has caused ours to be in danger of becoming extinct. I had millions of the damn things in my attic for a few years.
I was told years ago that these were carried over in luggage's from China. I know they get the heat for everything. Coukd be anywhere, I suppose. Those gigantic praying mantis too.
This year, I've had none! Not even the orange ones.
The following says it all--for me, even making a lobotomy sound like a walk in the park: They might as well just execute them: "This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. And because every racehorse wears horseshoes made of aluminum, which is one of the best conductors, the frequencies that are conducted from both the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip throughout the horse’s body are absorbed and reradiated by its four shoes". (Firstenberg)
Collecting the data to build their bots?
That would explain why I keep seeing dead birds as roadkill, as if they have just fallen from the sky. No telling how many are in the woods and fields, roads, parking lots, and sidewalks are the places I see them.
Wouldn't doubt it for a second.
Canaries in the coal mine
Santa Anita in California has had the same problems and have had many horses drop dead. I was at first thinking about an mRNA jab of some sore. Remember when zoos began giving their animals -- especially the ones considered to be "endangered species" animals (good idea, right?) -- and now zoos are losing many animals. It's difficult to find reports of how many animals zoos have lost. I remember reading about the San Diego Zoo being one of the first to give their animals Covid shots, and I heard about a few at first, but it's difficult to find news stories about this. I think these zoo managers are getting a lesson in mRNA technology
Being from Kentucky and a "horsey" girl growing up, I am aware of the Thoroughbred world and these horses, which in some ways can be fragile. I also had thought of breeding techniques and possible genetic problems. I never thought of them placing electronic devices in/on horses and jockeys. That is a real possibility given the sensitivity of human/animal bodies to electromagnetic field radiation. Maybe these horses are ultra-sensitive to this. They should remove these devices and see if the situation improves -- good way to find out if those are the cause.
That is too simple of solution. They need a few hundred scientists and veterinarians to do some studies paid for by Pfizer before they can figure it out.
I read they jabbed all the animals at the Dallas zoo and first a few giraffes died. My lib friend happened along when I was reading that and she said it couldn’t be from that and they wouldn’t give them the Covid vaccine and I googled it and there it was, they gave all the animals the jab. Mostly Google search sucks but sometimes in a pinch it’s your friend.
Suggestion (also for your own safety): Use Brave as a search engine. Or Yandex. Don't willingly give e v i l Ggl your online data.
Right. Horse racing dangerous enough for the animals, the magnificent animals, without this.
early on when people in China were dropping dead in the streets in and around Wuhan, it was determined they had been vaxxed and were in the vicinity of 5G towers. It is related.
Those were a hoax - ashamed to say I fell for it.
Not the early videos & the twirling death spiral later on after the full censors kicked in. What has been verified is the over 20M cell phone numbers that went offline never to activate again. Follow serpenza on YT. Former SA teacher out of china.
Yes, propaganda.
Yes, Clare, I absolutely agree get these electronic things off of these majestic creatures post haste! But unfortunately, that is common sense which is definitely not in abundance these days.
This breaks my already broken heart. Man's disgusting hubris and willful blindness is staggering. Those beautiful creatures, killed by ugly humans.
And don't you hate how they use that word "SAFE"? StrideSAFE. Insidious.
I can't help but judge...... those faces....... from your StrideSafe link.
They appear diabolical.
So obvious it is a new B.Hates company pop up!
Helicopter horse owners? This is just sick, monitoring injuries in advance, right. They just turn the horse off immediately to slow it down so it won't get injured?
Stride Safe has a Twitter profile
OH! I see!
Their twitter says StrideSafe PREVENTS deaths and injuries.
Silly us.
Or you could just look at another track that used the same tech and had ZERO deaths and wonder if what is being suggested is complete rubbish -
Or one was injected with Graphine Oxide in a fake " vaccine " and one wasn't and they are both part of the experiment. Kinda like the one that was done on humans.
Or maybe Churchill Downs is closer to a 5G tower.
good catch. More digging needed it looks like.
There's only one way to find out if Stridesafe is the culprit:
Put a chip in the horse OWNERS neck, a Stridesafe device in his pocket, a weighted backpack on his back and give him a pair of tap shoes. Now make him run around a track as fast as he can while being whipped by a mechanical arm in the backpack.
Janna this would be the best clinical trial yet!
That’s an absolutely awesome idea! I like your thinking!
Love it!!!!
Thank you Mark for posting this even though it's hard to read and look at.
My heart. It's one thing to hate humanity which I can't understand at all but why the animals. They are indirectly killing dogs, cats, etc who live with those that are vaccinated. The GPS collars are also so dangerous constantly having wifi signals bombarding the dog or cats body and especially the neck which has in it the cranial nerves. One of those nerves being the vagus nerves which controls so many of the organs in the body and how they function. Without a properly working vagus nerve, you suffer many ailments or you die. The drugs they pump into animals, the commercial "food"... I can go on and on.
We have to try to keep informing people somehow. I figure if those of us who are red pilled tell 2 people, there could be a huge shift.
I'm am heartbroken and sickened to the core at this point. These beautiful animals. I need to take a few minutes to be with nature.
Coincidentally, I was just telling someone this week about those dangerous GPS tracking collars (plus "chips" that can and have caused cancer at the injection site)...because of a small, young cat I knew for only about a year, who had started out friendly and laid-back towards us and our cat whenever he visited our yard. But within a few months of his lackadaisical people (who LET him roam quite far from home, ugh!) having stuck one of those blasted things on his neck, he rapidly became aggressive and very obstinate, attacking our cat, with whom he'd been totally placid with before. DEFINITE behaviour and personality changes observed, and I suspected the EMFs right away! I also suspected that collar wasn't even removed when he was indoors at home. Other neighbours reported to me the same behaviours from him towards their own cat, harassing him in THEIR yard, too. And soon thereafter he was (apparently) hit by a car and killed. Very likely his brain (and yes, vagus nerve!) had been affected. All these products ostensibly lauded for humans' "convenience" in regards to animals, but REALLY in the marketplace to test them out on the poor animals before it's OUR turn, need to GO! Making the "chips" (vs. ear tattoos) so popular was just ONE way of how "they" got people to buy in to the entire spying and control concept so easily.
Also think about all the "wearables" now pushed (often without anyone being aware) on humans, too, in the last few years, like 'smart' watches, *hidden* trackers in clothing, household appliances, 'smart' meters on homes, and on and on and on. Equally as sickening is how most humans are NOT keeping up with what's REALLY going on, and more importantly, WHY!
Heartbreaking. Horses are such noble creatures.
"Where in this wide world can a person find nobility without pride, friendship without envy or beauty without vanity? Here, where grace is laced with muscle and strength by gentleness confined. He serves without servility, he has fought without enmity. There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent; there is nothing so quick, nothing more patient" Ronald Duncan
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:8)
TPTB take great delight in torturing and killing both Man and Animals. Those currently wielding power have no grasp of their ultimate end, apparently.
Bridget, great bible verse. I believe we are witnessing the horses being released. Jesus Messiah is coming soon.
Well perhaps we won't be there by then, and if we are, we still have the tribulations to survive first. The asteroid hitting, the earth quaking, fires etc etc.
Turkey had the ginormous earthquake, fires are always a trend, we have been lied to about outer space aliens, so we are pretty much there.
Thanks for this, Mark. This is catastrophic, a bone-chilling example of how technology is killing us that we cannot afford to ignore. For all the good it will do, I'm sharing it to social media.
How about everyone who reads this article by Mark send it to the company's email address provided at the bottom of their website.
People are killing us.
The talmudic jews are not people!
Now you know why Trump got special permits exempting his properties from 5g+ infrastructure.
Brussels, home of the EU, banned 5g also. I'm not sure if that is still current, sources seem a bit vague now.
Link to info source, please?
The city council of his city. I also accessed the 5g national map. You can find it too. I'm not the only one who's noted there have been special permits to opt out. This is public info. I'm done doing everyone else's work bc they can't take 5 min to find it themselves.
Btw, I found that info in 2019.
Kathryn, thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful reply, and for doing all that hard work for us all. Very helpful.
Sarcasm?? When I post something, I know it's forever. I take it very seriously. So when I a get a snarky demand for a link & a 'source' it irritates me since this info was EVERYWHERE as Trump extolled the virtue of military weapons grade microwave mm radiation that slaughters the human genome with any exposure by lying about WHY AMERICA MUST BE FIRST, then took the ultra massive hypocritical move to exempt his kid from 5g poison AND invested his personal wealth to rape the American taxpayer even more viciously by E.O. to grow his a lust for more money.
So, Leora? You are most welcome.
Dr. Tom Cowan
Better to look for it yourself, that way you are more likely to believe it and you realize the time and energy to find good original source evidence. Additionally you find more interesting data along the way.
See what you are missing when one is spoon fed?
It’s old news read about it a few years ago.
Didn't know THAT one. However, imo, that won't help him much either, with all of Musk's (and others') satellites in space, and other frequencies being pumped out, plus toxic sky spraying globally going on for decades already.
It’s a six fold increase in deaths. 12/1.6/1.25 = 6. Great article. I know vaccines are deadly. Radiation strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. With implants the distance between antennas and living cells is very small, the intensity of radiation next to device can be extreme. Radiation of cell phone at arms length (used as speaker phone) is much less than holding phone against ear. Don’t get me started on wireless earbuds. Insane.
yup I use the air gapped wired buds. Excellent sound and hearing w them.
StrideDEATH is more like it
Or SMART....
They don't Neuralink horses, do they? If they do, maybe they're dropping dead from lithium battery poisoning.
Oh btw, Musk's device was given a thumbs up in May from our "trusted" bribed FDA.