Jan 5, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

players need to quit, I can't get past that idea.

Or fans need to.

But really, the jig is up before this,

so why play sports when its still Ceasar's game

and all thumbs down?

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The World Game Player Organization is requiring professional Scrabble players to have 4 SHOTS to enter tournaments!!! The "older" players refuse to play without mask and 4 SHOT mandates in place. This is insanity!!

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Yes they are trying to kill ALL sports.....it brings people together and they cannot have that.....divide and conquer....That is the ultimate goal!

Get everyone to hate each other over a jab that kills, a virus that does not exist, spray 100 tons of toxic heavy metals and nano polymers in the skies every year for 75 years, totally destroy the health care systems around the world, make it to where doctors for the most part cannot even be trusted, get people at each others throats over a bogus green agenda that is an absolute joke....shall I go on??

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A) There’s an International Handball Federation?


2) Oh no! They may cancel the tournament! I can see the headlines now: “Handball Tournament Canceled, Tens Of Fans Outraged!”

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It’s a death cult. Branch Covidians are creepy.

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All I can say it’s a sad sad world today on how stupid some people are. I hope most of if not all the participants decide not to participate . God help these people see the light or send them to hell. This insanity needs to end.

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Players. Just save yourselves. All players refuse the jab. ALL players . . . refuse the jab.

No job or sport is worth your health.


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Sheer idiocy! It’s a waning virus, we lost our collective sanity and common sense.

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You ask why???

Why is because the protocol they require has been proven to work, to be safe and effective at saving lives, preventing transmission and... heee hee hee - I can't even finish my mockery of the federation because it's just too Cro-Magnon not to laugh hilariously. Some woke loser at the federation must be klause's boytoy and doing whatever he says to gain favorite concubine status.

It's January 2023. Any player that abides by this bullshit deserves all that befalls them. Even the CDC data is right there to make them think twice, so if someone goes along with this, no mercy from me and no flowers for their funeral.

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Good that some teams are speaking out against these insane mandates!

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The psychopathic killers will not stop until we're all either trans human or dead.

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Time to start some new leagues!

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Sadly, they should have refused it from the get go. By the time mandates took off in US, Israel was on #3 to 4. It was always super-obvious that once you get on that bus they won't let you get off.

Now there's a sunk-cost fallacy, learned helplessness & fatalism, Stockholm syndrome, and a jab-induced brain fog all working against escape.

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Get up,stand up! Don't give up the fight.

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This all stops with one word.... NO!

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The players should organize their Tournament.

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