Is that why its top managers want EVERYBODY boosted? Or are they just corrupted by Big Pharma's revenues, and therefore in denial of the risks? Some well-informed (and brave) professors want to know.
Higher Education in Japan is learning unquestioned compliance to authority.
40 years teaching in Japan speaking here Mark, most of which has been in Japanese Universities (formerly tenured at Jissen Women's College, now R.I.P. ... Resigned in Protest), spent a few years as one of only 2 native speakers of English in the country working for the central government's Ministry of Education as a cultural advisor and textbook editor, lots of community activism, and so on.
But I was also the biology lab director at Temple University Japan for close to 2 decades, where I worked with Jeff Kingston, then head of the Asian Studies Department, and author of this article ....
The Skinnerian method has long been introduced worldwide since the latter part of the 20th century. Actually, the oldest educational system to date is the Prussian School method. The acclaimed .5% are the academists or those who are the policy makers; the 4.5% are the licensed to think crowd (Professors, lawyers, scientists, etc.) or those who are somewhat capable of quasi-free thought (usually not) Realschulen; and the latter Volkschulen, those comprised of the 95% of the population who desire peace, conformity, end of conflict and obey. That system was eagerly introduced on a global scale and has since been the chief operating system, with improvements and enhancements for real time compliance. I have an article that touches on that subject but from my own disgruntled perspective.
What you are saying rings true. Substack writer and educator Mathew Crawford and I had a little chat about the same thing. About a half dozen years ago, I took an open class at Sagami Women's College on 'The History of Public Education in Japan' ... and yep, it was basically a copy-paste of the Prussian method as used in Victorian England, which in turn shared structures and heuristics with two other institutions ... the military and the penal system. Will follow you right away and try to follow up and triangulate on more details from you.
Cheers from Japan,
p.s. Oooo! I've gotta run for a gig at public schools here in Tokyo, but a quote by John Dewey at the beginning? I'm liking this already.
"It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron." ~ H. L. Mencken
If fear of a down vote would prevent people from speaking their mind here, then that says a lot about our culture - how insulated from negative feedback we have become. I would like to have that additional feedback and I blame helicopter parenting for people not having the spine to both give and take it
Also I noticed you used the word weapon referring to criticism, associating speech with violence... Not good.
I grew up with an abusive Woke fascist foster parent (she was pro-LGBT, had never heard of the 'A' though which would have saved me a lot of trouble as a teen, and pro-animal rights but otherwise a typical fascist conservative Republican) and if I so much as rolled my eyes around her (I didn't mean to do it) she would punish me with food deprivation or even school deprivation. So I have always been more afraid of censorship than I am of speech. I got in trouble for voicing my dissent against a system that judges your intelligence based on whose vagina you came out of. Say if it's the vagina of some rich PhD's trophy wife you can be totally retarded yet still your rich daddy can help you cheat your way to a PhD so people think you're a genius. That's bullshit and it's why we've got deadly experimental "vaccines" being forced on us now. I can't believe I called it 10+ years ago.
I don't care about fitting in. I got in trouble when I was 21-22 for saying mean things about ditzy valley-girl/boy whores who cheat their way through Harvard/MIT/Caltech which they only got into in the first place because Dr. Mommy and Daddy did their science fair project. That's the source of all of our problems, or so I thought back then anyway. I was just beginning to think that maybe I was wrong and just jealous when all of a sudden I'm now being vindicated. What the hell. I don't deserve to be this right!
think it's time to start Miller University. The refugees from the Nazis did it with the New School for Social Research in the 30s - too bad that the New School is also requiring the death shots now
By the way if you want to learn more about Hillsdale, they have a good quarterly publication for free called Imprimus which is excellent. Note that I am not a graduate not affiliated in any way, and have not worked ever for the organization. I just learned about them and deeply respect what they do
Okay I just And it is "Eric' as you say. Org was renamed Academi later . The Eric Prince in question is a former navy seal, but I don't know if he is from Hillsdale or not
If I am not mistaken I believe that was somebody named Derek Prince not Eric. But even if I'm wrong, no one that's a 1000 in baseball or ingraduating 100% perfect students. There was a scandal decades ago with the president there which is a case in point. This does not invalidate the school it's philosophy or what it is doing, just means we need to be watchful with administration, and understand that just having a degree doesn't make you competent
Hillsdale College is one of the few universities that does not accept one penny of federal funding. Furthermore, Hillsdale offers free online courses for civics and humanities. They are awesome lectures with reading assignments. Highly recommend it if you want to learn from excellent scholars on our nation's founding.
The problem is once these universities start taking money, then all these foreign governments get in on the action. We have allowed this compromise. It's amazing that we allow $ from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other nations that come in and fund our universities.
Money is the source of many of our problems throughout the country.
I did not go to Hillsdale, but I know a lot about it and I strongly strongly strongly respect them. Somebody mentioned about a guy named Eric Prince, but I think that person is named Derek Prince if I'm not mistaken but the key thing is is even if a few bad eggs graduated from Hillsdale no one bats a 1000 in baseball
Another quote by Mencken - "The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens." ~ H. L. Mencken
Hence, the sheeple! I still see drivers alone I. Their cars with a mask on! All ages, too! One had a mask on for “protection”, but forgot to cover her nose! I get a visceral reaction seeing masks being worn, especially on children!
First and foremost, you have got to know some entity is either giving them money or threatening them with defunding..... end of story.
There are a lot of the indoctrinated college students, but no one need ask how the German people allowed Hitlerr to come to power anymore.... at least we have that answer, eh?
Billions were supposed to have died from CoV2, which did not happen, and the jab was only meant to be clean up. They had to quickly play around with the contents of the jab to make sure not too many died at once. There simply were not supposed to have been so many left alive asking questions.
Nevertheless. "they" will move forward with their plans even as their plans are failing, at least until we stop them.
Sorry but I was at Berkeley in the sixties. They talked the talk, but were a bunch of sheep even then, laying the groundwork for the mess we are in now. Most of it boils down to narcissism.
A friends 32 year old son died a few weeks ago and a city librarian and 47 year old mother of 3 just a few weeks before that. And on and on../
Unfortunately I’m still here in Berkeley. In addition to UC mandates about half the main institutions for music and recreation remain closed to unvaccinated residents. It’s not uncommon to see people masked up solo outside and in their cars…
I feel for you. I live in the North Bay and I was just in Berkeley yesterday and saw many people masked up indoors and outdoors. White walking, I noticed a sign on a bus stop shelter that read "VACCINATED" with a hand making a peace sign. It made me sick.
wondering if most are Asian ? I'm in California and 99% of those I see driving their cars, alone, wearing a mask. or out for their daily walk. alone. wearing a mask are all Asian. And it's hard to find sn Asian person at Costco without a mask.
Good observation. East Asians are notoriously hypochondriac. I know a Chinese woman who was busy rushing around stocking up on face masks and also complaining about the price increase... in Feb 2020.
Yes, you´re right, the majority happen to be Asian. I think they are rife with fear when it comes to getting sick. In fact, I went into a cafe while in Berkeley and an Asian family who owns it were all masked up. I have also seen some Asians with a mask AND a face shield.
I regularly remind the Freight & Salvage that I will never support anything they do there ever again due to their fascist vaxxport requirements. Oh, and they still require masks. 🤡
It’s a shame, but we don’t have a choice. It also sucks knowing that the artists I really wanted to see, like Bill Frisell and Suzanne Vega, either had to take the clot shot to keep performing and earning a living, or worse, they got it willingly and support the segregation.
Vienna Teng as well, although she’s been a woketard for years.
Thanks J Palmer, it's funny, a few years ago no one would have dared diss on teachers. but times of sis is was a teacher mostly 2nd grade and though i greatly respect her teaching career, and subsequent career in exactly the administration (she ended up teaching teachers and creating edu materials related to certain learning difficulties) she did not like the system (who does) or the unions and I dont think she would have been down with dragshows which are turning public opinion against pub edu....hmmmm....also re teachers I am grateful for some number of mine, others, less so. But the whole of the 'edu system' now that i see its origins last century+, so dark and so mean. I would be glad for there to be many teachers but no least no public ones as I knew them....3R's and life should go on from there, the rest is indoctro, bad training often, and expensive time wasted at worst. phooey...except for those 3 or 4 teachers and a few I am sure I am forgetting, who made me THINK, they in essence broke out of the system to do this in certain ways. It happened so rarely I can remember each incident...alot of teaching is baby sitting, but my sister has never really complained. She wanted to teach from 2 years old. best
"those student editors (a different breed from those who flourished in the days of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement) decided not to run." I live in Berkeley. It's just an embarassment to me now.
I have looked at various rundowns of the bargaining demands happening now in the UC Strike (UAW and various sub units) and there is no mention of any objection to anything related to medical mandates. So they have a list of demands but the elephant in the campus is not on it.
From List of bargaining demands : "sustainable transit demands", "parent worker rights" -....Primary caregivers, many of whom identify as women..... (DUH!)
So get out there on those picket lines with your demands for better wages and whatever else woke crap you think you need and then get in line for your Booster of Death.
I’m so embarrassed and disappointed in the UC system of which I graduated in 1980. Was on a sports team and refuse to participate in any reunions. Probably couldn’t go anyway unjabbed . I guess I need psych meds now ... what A*Holes
My guess is is that Big Pharma is paying these colleges to push their murderous agenda. How despicable....and yes, they are blind, deaf and muted just like Ingrid below says but mostly, I think they are also brainwashed and soon they will be dead.
In my area, on Facebook in the last week, 4 of my FB friends have lost their babies. 4 innocent babies! One was 5 months old. the others were full term stillborns. Absolutely heartbreaking~
I'm autistic and I get panic attacks and if I got the shot I would be in the ER every damn time I have a panic attack out of fear that it's myocarditis or a blood clot. Is there grounds for me to sue for medical discrimination?
I'm pondering suing my UCSC alumni association. It would be good to expand this letter to include alumni as well. I moved to Santa Cruz as many alumni do, to be part of an academic community. I paid for a lifetime membership as soon as I got here. I made a home right near campus, but cannot attend any events. The chair of my former department informed me that I am selfish, racist and sexist. Funny, that a spooky Brit without a degree in the field of the department he leads is also running a new global community health program.
It would be great if you collected a critical mass of UC alumni and drafted a separate letter explaining (among other things) that none of you will ever donate another penny until this madness ends. That has yet to be done. A lawsuit against the alumni association is a great idea!
I have had just that thought. I do not have access to the email list. It is a very controlled organization. But perhaps I could take out ads in the local newspaper. I hadn't networked extensively before the "public health emergency."
OH, u r sweet with your encouragement! I hear what you say in my head all the time! I have a small problem in that I do not suffer ANY fools gladly and I have a hot temper which has led to.... various difficulties for which I am too fkg old to fight now.
Most of these institutions are in bed with Government and now Pharma. Look at what the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Canada just announced? They sent letters to all of their doctors implying that if they have patients who aren't vaccinated with the jab, the patients should be prescribed psychiatric medicine!!! WTF.
I wouldn't be surprised if cyanide got approved as an active ingredient in louse shampoo at this point. You know why it isn't used? Because it takes a higher dose to kill lice than it does to kill humans. So either it's ineffective or dangerous. Or both.
Oscar-winning Flashdance...What a Feeling singer Irene Cara - who also starred in Fame and sang movie's theme song - is found dead in her Florida home aged just 63. via @MailOnline
It's a good question. Is it the same reason any ppl get the jabs - they bought the narrative HL&S they think their "universe/ity" is trying to keep them safe? They have also bought that stuff about "U R worthless w/o college degree"...
these kids are blind, deaf and now also muted. what do kids learn in school? to blindly obey orders.
As a Japanese student of mine once said to me, "Higher education in America is learning how to take offense."
That was a micro aggression. As a victim of higher education I'm feeling unsafe and marginalized here.
Higher Education in Japan is learning unquestioned compliance to authority.
40 years teaching in Japan speaking here Mark, most of which has been in Japanese Universities (formerly tenured at Jissen Women's College, now R.I.P. ... Resigned in Protest), spent a few years as one of only 2 native speakers of English in the country working for the central government's Ministry of Education as a cultural advisor and textbook editor, lots of community activism, and so on.
But I was also the biology lab director at Temple University Japan for close to 2 decades, where I worked with Jeff Kingston, then head of the Asian Studies Department, and author of this article ....
One of the sources he used has a pay wall, but the first two paragraphs are visible, and says it all.
The Skinnerian method has long been introduced worldwide since the latter part of the 20th century. Actually, the oldest educational system to date is the Prussian School method. The acclaimed .5% are the academists or those who are the policy makers; the 4.5% are the licensed to think crowd (Professors, lawyers, scientists, etc.) or those who are somewhat capable of quasi-free thought (usually not) Realschulen; and the latter Volkschulen, those comprised of the 95% of the population who desire peace, conformity, end of conflict and obey. That system was eagerly introduced on a global scale and has since been the chief operating system, with improvements and enhancements for real time compliance. I have an article that touches on that subject but from my own disgruntled perspective.
Hi Marty,
What you are saying rings true. Substack writer and educator Mathew Crawford and I had a little chat about the same thing. About a half dozen years ago, I took an open class at Sagami Women's College on 'The History of Public Education in Japan' ... and yep, it was basically a copy-paste of the Prussian method as used in Victorian England, which in turn shared structures and heuristics with two other institutions ... the military and the penal system. Will follow you right away and try to follow up and triangulate on more details from you.
Cheers from Japan,
p.s. Oooo! I've gotta run for a gig at public schools here in Tokyo, but a quote by John Dewey at the beginning? I'm liking this already.
I'd also add ...and encouraging suicidal actions.
Ha, ha, ha!
And learning how to impose democracy on the Untermenschen that inhabit the rest of the world!
Remember Patrick King in Canada won his court case by forcing those in charge to admit they had no evidence that the "virus" exists.
Maybe we should start using this argument to stop these mandates?
How can they mandate a "vaccine" for a "virus" that they can not prove exists?
"It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron." ~ H. L. Mencken
Kind of like Dr. Jill.
I LOVE that!
I didn't learn that. But I went to no name schools, several decades ago. And I alienated myself from some teachers.
They want to be liked, be like everybody else to fit in. Now they’ll all be dead, eventually!😢😡
Everybody doesn't want to fit in. You'll meet some that don't right here
Yup, I'm one to acknowledge that--which means I'm so pleased that there is no damn DOWN-VOTE here (an online weapon for horizontal censorship)
If fear of a down vote would prevent people from speaking their mind here, then that says a lot about our culture - how insulated from negative feedback we have become. I would like to have that additional feedback and I blame helicopter parenting for people not having the spine to both give and take it
Also I noticed you used the word weapon referring to criticism, associating speech with violence... Not good.
I grew up with an abusive Woke fascist foster parent (she was pro-LGBT, had never heard of the 'A' though which would have saved me a lot of trouble as a teen, and pro-animal rights but otherwise a typical fascist conservative Republican) and if I so much as rolled my eyes around her (I didn't mean to do it) she would punish me with food deprivation or even school deprivation. So I have always been more afraid of censorship than I am of speech. I got in trouble for voicing my dissent against a system that judges your intelligence based on whose vagina you came out of. Say if it's the vagina of some rich PhD's trophy wife you can be totally retarded yet still your rich daddy can help you cheat your way to a PhD so people think you're a genius. That's bullshit and it's why we've got deadly experimental "vaccines" being forced on us now. I can't believe I called it 10+ years ago.
I love getting banned!
I didn’t mean everybody. It’s just a common trait for that age. I’ve always marched to my own drummer, but not so much until my later 20s!
You're the greatest. I'm a mess. I only get along with dogs
Even my cat hates me. Though he's starting to sleep with me more now that my room's clean(ish)
Dogs are far superior to humans! Love them all.
I don't care about fitting in. I got in trouble when I was 21-22 for saying mean things about ditzy valley-girl/boy whores who cheat their way through Harvard/MIT/Caltech which they only got into in the first place because Dr. Mommy and Daddy did their science fair project. That's the source of all of our problems, or so I thought back then anyway. I was just beginning to think that maybe I was wrong and just jealous when all of a sudden I'm now being vindicated. What the hell. I don't deserve to be this right!
I am a minority of one.
Just like their parents who blindly obey orders like taking an experimental vaccine
Dumb might be the word you are looking for
think it's time to start Miller University. The refugees from the Nazis did it with the New School for Social Research in the 30s - too bad that the New School is also requiring the death shots now
Cool idea. But who ever would endow it?
I think the first lecture hall at Miller U. would be around the campfire. Might also have to be Miller High and Miller Elementary at the same time.
What? Has no one ever heard of Hillsdale college of Michigan? They never took federal funds ever , and are an excellent school
By the way if you want to learn more about Hillsdale, they have a good quarterly publication for free called Imprimus which is excellent. Note that I am not a graduate not affiliated in any way, and have not worked ever for the organization. I just learned about them and deeply respect what they do
Blackwater founder? ( Now "X" or something)
Okay I just And it is "Eric' as you say. Org was renamed Academi later . The Eric Prince in question is a former navy seal, but I don't know if he is from Hillsdale or not
If I am not mistaken I believe that was somebody named Derek Prince not Eric. But even if I'm wrong, no one that's a 1000 in baseball or ingraduating 100% perfect students. There was a scandal decades ago with the president there which is a case in point. This does not invalidate the school it's philosophy or what it is doing, just means we need to be watchful with administration, and understand that just having a degree doesn't make you competent
It’s important to loudly support those at universities that have been speaking out and to recognize the institutions that haven’t punished them.
Well, you’d probably get the lite beer sponsorship.
think that Evergreen and Hampshire beat us to that one
FTX... but done right :)
These same refugees started the Frankfurt school in New York, which has destroyed America
Hillsdale College is one of the few universities that does not accept one penny of federal funding. Furthermore, Hillsdale offers free online courses for civics and humanities. They are awesome lectures with reading assignments. Highly recommend it if you want to learn from excellent scholars on our nation's founding.
The problem is once these universities start taking money, then all these foreign governments get in on the action. We have allowed this compromise. It's amazing that we allow $ from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other nations that come in and fund our universities.
Money is the source of many of our problems throughout the country.
I did not go to Hillsdale, but I know a lot about it and I strongly strongly strongly respect them. Somebody mentioned about a guy named Eric Prince, but I think that person is named Derek Prince if I'm not mistaken but the key thing is is even if a few bad eggs graduated from Hillsdale no one bats a 1000 in baseball
Another quote by Mencken - "The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens." ~ H. L. Mencken
Hence, the sheeple! I still see drivers alone I. Their cars with a mask on! All ages, too! One had a mask on for “protection”, but forgot to cover her nose! I get a visceral reaction seeing masks being worn, especially on children!
First and foremost, you have got to know some entity is either giving them money or threatening them with defunding..... end of story.
There are a lot of the indoctrinated college students, but no one need ask how the German people allowed Hitlerr to come to power anymore.... at least we have that answer, eh?
Billions were supposed to have died from CoV2, which did not happen, and the jab was only meant to be clean up. They had to quickly play around with the contents of the jab to make sure not too many died at once. There simply were not supposed to have been so many left alive asking questions.
Nevertheless. "they" will move forward with their plans even as their plans are failing, at least until we stop them.
Hitler had a third of the germans. Two groups split the remainder.
Every vaunted institution fell... The last, the army. The Plot to Kill Hitler was very good describing it.
Btw, there were at least 15 plots to kill the swine
It's probably all about the money; it's always all about the money.
It's not always about the money.
When you have all the money in the world it becomes about something else: Power and dominion over the world.
At the apex of the pyramid we're dealing with psychopath megalomaniacs.
There's only one way to stop a dangerous animal intent on killing you.
The entire graduating class of Stanford medical school is both vaccinated and wore masks during their outside class photographs.
They get away with mandates because the faculty and the students are sheep.
Whatever happened to the 60s?
Sorry but I was at Berkeley in the sixties. They talked the talk, but were a bunch of sheep even then, laying the groundwork for the mess we are in now. Most of it boils down to narcissism.
That makes me feel so nauseous.
Probably unrelated’s-postdoctoral-fellow
A friends 32 year old son died a few weeks ago and a city librarian and 47 year old mother of 3 just a few weeks before that. And on and on../
Unfortunately I’m still here in Berkeley. In addition to UC mandates about half the main institutions for music and recreation remain closed to unvaccinated residents. It’s not uncommon to see people masked up solo outside and in their cars…
These are our "Bastions of Intellect and keepers of the light. LOL
I feel for you. I live in the North Bay and I was just in Berkeley yesterday and saw many people masked up indoors and outdoors. White walking, I noticed a sign on a bus stop shelter that read "VACCINATED" with a hand making a peace sign. It made me sick.
Not surprised at all. Berkeley was 'woke' decades before the term was even invented.
wondering if most are Asian ? I'm in California and 99% of those I see driving their cars, alone, wearing a mask. or out for their daily walk. alone. wearing a mask are all Asian. And it's hard to find sn Asian person at Costco without a mask.
Good observation. East Asians are notoriously hypochondriac. I know a Chinese woman who was busy rushing around stocking up on face masks and also complaining about the price increase... in Feb 2020.
Yes, you´re right, the majority happen to be Asian. I think they are rife with fear when it comes to getting sick. In fact, I went into a cafe while in Berkeley and an Asian family who owns it were all masked up. I have also seen some Asians with a mask AND a face shield.
Same here in Humboldt County. It’s insane and disgusting.
Yup, no surprise. Another town with an indoctrination camp(Humboldt State).
I regularly remind the Freight & Salvage that I will never support anything they do there ever again due to their fascist vaxxport requirements. Oh, and they still require masks. 🤡
Good for you for boycotting them. I haven´t been in awhile and I would never step foot in there again either.
It’s a shame, but we don’t have a choice. It also sucks knowing that the artists I really wanted to see, like Bill Frisell and Suzanne Vega, either had to take the clot shot to keep performing and earning a living, or worse, they got it willingly and support the segregation.
Vienna Teng as well, although she’s been a woketard for years.
Yes, it would have been nice to see Suzanne Vega. Pretty much all of these musicians and actors are woke clowns.
How to kill a University; (did I miss anything?) 2nd update!
Lesson 0 (take gov grants, sell off med/sci/engineering depts)
Lesson 1 (hire more admin than teachers)
Lesson 2 (student quotas)
Lesson 3 (more wokeness, good profs leave)
Lesson 4 (mandate jabs to kill the students and staff)
Yes, thanks heavy is all of education,
If you can't do, teach, if you can't teach, administer.
and if you can't teach or administer write books/articles about education...
Thanks J Palmer, it's funny, a few years ago no one would have dared diss on teachers. but times of sis is was a teacher mostly 2nd grade and though i greatly respect her teaching career, and subsequent career in exactly the administration (she ended up teaching teachers and creating edu materials related to certain learning difficulties) she did not like the system (who does) or the unions and I dont think she would have been down with dragshows which are turning public opinion against pub edu....hmmmm....also re teachers I am grateful for some number of mine, others, less so. But the whole of the 'edu system' now that i see its origins last century+, so dark and so mean. I would be glad for there to be many teachers but no least no public ones as I knew them....3R's and life should go on from there, the rest is indoctro, bad training often, and expensive time wasted at worst. phooey...except for those 3 or 4 teachers and a few I am sure I am forgetting, who made me THINK, they in essence broke out of the system to do this in certain ways. It happened so rarely I can remember each incident...alot of teaching is baby sitting, but my sister has never really complained. She wanted to teach from 2 years old. best
As a UC PhD grad, I'm outraged & saddened by cowardly betrayal of UC radical free speech tradition. And for what?
Lousy "vaccine"? Just abominable.
"those student editors (a different breed from those who flourished in the days of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement) decided not to run." I live in Berkeley. It's just an embarassment to me now.
I have looked at various rundowns of the bargaining demands happening now in the UC Strike (UAW and various sub units) and there is no mention of any objection to anything related to medical mandates. So they have a list of demands but the elephant in the campus is not on it.
From List of bargaining demands : "sustainable transit demands", "parent worker rights" -....Primary caregivers, many of whom identify as women..... (DUH!)
So get out there on those picket lines with your demands for better wages and whatever else woke crap you think you need and then get in line for your Booster of Death.
Apropos this, it was good to see that the first signatory to the letter was Prof. Carole Browner of UCLA, a well-known feminist.
Just wow. Thanks for following this. And we need to do another lunch soon! 😊
I’m so embarrassed and disappointed in the UC system of which I graduated in 1980. Was on a sports team and refuse to participate in any reunions. Probably couldn’t go anyway unjabbed . I guess I need psych meds now ... what A*Holes
My guess is is that Big Pharma is paying these colleges to push their murderous agenda. How despicable....and yes, they are blind, deaf and muted just like Ingrid below says but mostly, I think they are also brainwashed and soon they will be dead.
In my area, on Facebook in the last week, 4 of my FB friends have lost their babies. 4 innocent babies! One was 5 months old. the others were full term stillborns. Absolutely heartbreaking~
Children's Health Defense just did a program about the infant deaths.
"Friday Round Table"
Dr. Thorpe, obstetrician, and a whistleblower nicu nurse.
I'm autistic and I get panic attacks and if I got the shot I would be in the ER every damn time I have a panic attack out of fear that it's myocarditis or a blood clot. Is there grounds for me to sue for medical discrimination?
I'm pondering suing my UCSC alumni association. It would be good to expand this letter to include alumni as well. I moved to Santa Cruz as many alumni do, to be part of an academic community. I paid for a lifetime membership as soon as I got here. I made a home right near campus, but cannot attend any events. The chair of my former department informed me that I am selfish, racist and sexist. Funny, that a spooky Brit without a degree in the field of the department he leads is also running a new global community health program.
It would be great if you collected a critical mass of UC alumni and drafted a separate letter explaining (among other things) that none of you will ever donate another penny until this madness ends. That has yet to be done. A lawsuit against the alumni association is a great idea!
I have had just that thought. I do not have access to the email list. It is a very controlled organization. But perhaps I could take out ads in the local newspaper. I hadn't networked extensively before the "public health emergency."
Gotta whack at it in whatever way one is able. Alumni ASSociation is good. Start where you are... fk that "selfish, racist and sexist." crap!
Are you in touch with any "No Jab" organization in SCruz? You may meet others OALM there?
Truly awful. Your 'stack is brilliant however!
Indeed it is! Not what I'd expect from a disgruntled banana slug...
Seeing mass murder makes me cry , makes me very ugly to be around.
Knowing that people who should speak out but don't... Sickening.
I hear you. I don't go out much. I just can't handle it, how they are.
Go to store 3 blocks away and I see multiple driving alone masked up fools.
In the small grocery store, woman makes a point of pulling her mask up tight when she sees me maskless.
Peace sign is the antithesis of vaxxed. Bring a barf bag when you visit Berkeley.
OH, u r sweet with your encouragement! I hear what you say in my head all the time! I have a small problem in that I do not suffer ANY fools gladly and I have a hot temper which has led to.... various difficulties for which I am too fkg old to fight now.
Most of these institutions are in bed with Government and now Pharma. Look at what the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Canada just announced? They sent letters to all of their doctors implying that if they have patients who aren't vaccinated with the jab, the patients should be prescribed psychiatric medicine!!! WTF.
Yep. Despicable. Next they'll recommend ice-pick lobotomies.
With an ECT chaser.
I wouldn't be surprised if cyanide got approved as an active ingredient in louse shampoo at this point. You know why it isn't used? Because it takes a higher dose to kill lice than it does to kill humans. So either it's ineffective or dangerous. Or both.
Oscar-winning Flashdance...What a Feeling singer Irene Cara - who also starred in Fame and sang movie's theme song - is found dead in her Florida home aged just 63. via @MailOnline
Gone in a jab. Damn what a feeling! [original by DR2LIPPS 'Gone in a flash. Damn what a feeling!']
Why on earth are these students continuing to attend colleges and universities that resemble concentration camps?
It's a good question. Is it the same reason any ppl get the jabs - they bought the narrative HL&S they think their "universe/ity" is trying to keep them safe? They have also bought that stuff about "U R worthless w/o college degree"...