Why this anti-Zionist WILL vote for RFK, Jr. (even though I know full well what "voting" means in the United States today)
How many of those protesting the ongoing massacre in Gaza believe the Palestinians should all be "VACCINATED"—and by Israel, no less?
Here’s what I posted back in late November, on the masked mobs protesting Israel’s genocidal—and, in light of Gaza’s demographics, infanticidal—policy in Gaza after “October 7”:
And, concerning Israel’s “vaccination” policy, and its relevance to the “October 7” psy-op, there are also these two posts from late October:
For those who might be interested in knowing more about my views on Israel and Palestine, let me note that, as editor of the Forbidden Bookshelf series, I republished Moshe Menuhin’s scathing history of Zionism, which no publisher would touch when he completed it in 1965, so that it finally came out, imperceptibly, from the Institute for Palestine Studies.
If you like “News from Underground” (or hate it, but get something out of it), please read this post.
At NYU, I’ve long taught “The Culture Industries,” a course on the pressures faced by people trying to do good work in journalism and the arts, and who therefore ran “into the buzzsaw,” to quote the title of the late Kristina Borjesson’s essential book. Kristina was among the many who’ve addressed the class on their professional ordeals, and/or simply on the workings of the culture industry in question, and/or on the inevitable cost of handling taboo subjects, such as vaccine injury (addressed by Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, Mary Holland and Mark Blaxill, among others), JFK/Dallas (John Barbour, Jerry Policoff, John Kirby and Libby Handros), CIA involvement with the media (Deborah Davis and Paul L. Williams, among others)—and Zionism, addressed by Mnar Muhawesh, editor of Mint Press News, and activist Eve Karene Bartlett. As the host of monthly authors’ talks at the McNally Jackson Bookstore in New York, I invited Prof. Rashid Khalidi (Columbia) to talk about his Sowing Crisis: The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East, and German jurist Jurgen Todenhofer to discuss his Why Do You Kill? The Untold Story of the Iraqi Resistance (a talk that aired on C-SPAN). Meanwhile, I have tried my best to raise funds for a group of nurses (unaffiliated with Hamas) to save lives in Gaza, since long before “October 7.”
Finally, let me further certify my anti-Zionist bona fides by strongly recommending Tony Greenstein’s must-read Zionism During the Holocaust, a meticulously researched (and, of course, self-published) history of Zionist complicity with Hitler’s project of extermination. Though not the first to go there—Ben Hecht, Raul Hilberg, Hannah Arendt and Lenni Brenner have all written trenchantly about it (and were all variously slimed for doing it)—Greenstein has written what is surely the definitive account of what may be the most forbidden subject of them all, given the enormous influence of Zionist mythology and—no less—Holocaust denial. (The two are not opposed, but intertwined, the zealous theorists of the “Holo-hoax” performing—in effect, if not in fact—as Mossad assets.)
Order a copy from the author, at tonygreenstein104@gmail.com:
The foregoing should make clear why I’m appalled by Kennedy’s uncritical support for Israel’s horrendous Gaza policy—a military punishment as grossly disproportionate, however many Hamas killed or kidnapped on October 7, as the “bandit-fighting” policy (Bandenbekämpfung) that Hitler handed down for dealing with Europe’s partisan resistance. Nor is that the only one of RFK, Jr.’s recent stands that, to put it mildly, disappoints me. Asked about “transgender medicine,” he punted, claiming, not convincingly, that he didn’t know enough about the drugs used in “transitioning” to say anything about them (an odd statement coming from the founder of Children’s Health Defense, as Jon Rappoport scathingly observed). There are also certain of his campaign choices that I don’t support.
And yet, in spite of such objections, I will be voting for him on Election Day (if any); and I also have agreed to serve as an elector for him in New York.