Once the economy has melted down, CBDC's will be proffered as the ONLY way we can get "back to normal"—a "cure" that will turn out to be as catastrophic, in their way, as those "vaccines"
We are in the midst of global hyperinflation being orchestrated to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world.
The financial elites know that they have run up massive unpayable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system has reached its Waterloo and social unrest is inevitable.
The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend, others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces as the world around them is being completely transformed.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
My conspiracy theory has always been that "they" know the magic printing press can't print all the money they will need in the future (the obligations are mind-boggling and getting more mind-boggling by the second). The one solution that might allow them to kick the can a few more decades is "digital currency" where they can more easily steal our money. Covid, whether intentionally or just a "crisis too good to waste," did expedite the roll-out of this part of their ultimate agenda imo.
Excellent post! So true, and very sad. We have an economic bubble, we are starting a housing bubble, there will be crisis. Musk speaks of a universal income, but the downfall, for some is they weigh their worth equating it with money. We have come to a dichotomy, for some; for others, Gods will be done. Truly, the deception is beyond paying attention too, we need to come together and help each other, now, as best as we can. It’s a different time, today, it’s a different way to handle crisis. Thank you for allowing me to critically think. It helps.
So true, I forgot I am fighting fungus and the doctors. I am so done. Thank you for adding...
Yes, I am fed up with that too! I called Pfizer, I had the number posted on ig. I got some silent treatment after that. I called , after what happened...😢
M2 has PLUMMETED, crossed below zero and will continue, causing devastating deflation.
Everyone is expecting inflation...this is incorrect. A crash of the credit markets will be one thing that creates deflation, of which there is nothing that can be done...UNLESS YOU CAN BE FORCED WITH CBDC's. People see prices crashing and they keep waiting for lower prices.
Understood, but we are in a different time, now. It’s not 2008. It’s 2023, with a very evil agenda behind it. Look more closely, even families are collapsing.
All by design. (I'm really not sure it wasn't by design back then)
One good thing about Rona and their vax is, it revealed the gov.'s hand...AT BEST, their reckless/indifferent/tyrannical behavior. I think that statement, safe and effective, will help with the CBDC's. Who's going to believe them now? At this point, you can't just come out and say they are actively killing you...yet. I think we are getting there.
J6 is part of the distraction. Tucker only discloses things a year late and what establishment approves. Financial collapse happened in September 2019 and SVB is part of the plan of controlled demolition. 911 and Covid all over again!
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.
While the immediate necessity was to staunch the bleeding of the global financial system many other purposes were and are to be served by this multifaceted operation. None of this is accidental. All of this is hidden in plain sight, planned and executed as evidenced in multiple tabletop exercises such as “Event 201” and delineated in numerous documents such as “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives:
Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the aforementioned economic implosion;
Acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history;
Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society;
Empowering and enriching the Security State’s counterpart the Big Tech Cartel via tracking apps, proliferating and normalizing social media and communication platforms as “the middle man” in all walks of life. Moving all social life towards the technological imperative- meals ordered via DoorDash, meetings on Zoom, increased spending via Visa/MasterCard by ordering goods online with Amazon, films via Netflix etc., were all forced onto a gullible and largely compliant world public during the Covid tyranny;
The creation of “The Pandemic” as a financial mechanism. Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power;
Expansion of the public health industry itself into all walks of public and economic life. The public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and financial conglomerates and has become one of the most critical financial instruments for investors;
Creation of an entirely new and lucrative Bio-Medical “health management” system in order to introduce and codify an entirely new Bio-Tech medical model for the Pharmaceutical Industry with a focus on “revolutionary” uploadable mRNA “vaccines”;
Expansion of and normalizing the use of digital IDs, including vaccine passports, connecting these to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scrip, allowing for the tracking of purchases; medical interventions, “lifestyle choices”, etc. “nudging” us towards ‘desired’ behaviors or shutting us out of the system altogether as they wish;
A re-organisation, privatization and reduction of public services under the pretense of making them “more nimble” for “public emergencies”;
Conditioning the public to perpetual “States of Emergency” preparing them for the implementation of “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
If people organize and take control of their lives it can definitely alter events towards more meaningful lives.
There are large swaths of people who are acutely aware of what is going on.
Mark's presaging the possibility of lockdowns being complete and eternal ain't gonna happen- not a chance. Too many people in specific places that will not tolerant this and these people are willing to push back hard.
They best be prepared to generate, or live without, utilities. The power companies won’t accept anything but CBDC. Think the most bizarre dystopian future like Logan’s Run, The Matrix, Demolition Man, and Terminator. Mix in transhumanists like Elon who have spoken of minimum annual income. Think of Moore’s Law in relation to AI acceleration into our lives and the use of Virtual Reality worlds promoted by Meta, and you can see where this is headed. On the other side of the coin you have Communists and BRICS. The egotistical elites all want control and it may force Armageddon which Islamists embrace and Russians don’t fear. Hold on tight. Unless we do get a same populist Superman in control of the US government, the ultra wealthy will end up controlling 70+% of the population and the other 30% will be in rebellious struggle or worse, it will be like the Hunger Games.
I know and sympathize- I live there, but not from there, also but spend a lot of time in other regions- had to in order to get away from the open air insane asylum where I live.
Same story- would be in a grocery store and gas stations etc. and constantly fighting people on the mask stupidity. Trying to get people to understand what was happening in real time was swimming against the tide so say the least.
Elsewhere, even in Spring/Summer 2020, it was a different universe.
It was, right? I loved driving around and “owning” the road! Got pulled over a lot, lol. Once, almost got a ticket for not wearing a mask in the car. I said to trooper, bud, I have a cabin air filter I will take my chances! Plus no laws to give me a ticket. Then I drove off...
I know I'm supposed to believe Tucker is "controlled opposition," but, again, Tucker is the only TV talking head who has even talked about this digital currency program. He's had guests on his show who are warning people about it.
A decade ago, I heard Jim Sinclair give very simple advice that resonated for me.
Partially because I respected the source of the info. and intuitively I knew truth when I heard it. He said: "Get out of the system!" Subsequently I have done everything I can to do so, and become as self-reliant as possible. Despite the chaos, I can sleep at night knowing I've done everything I can to take care of my own life and those I love, without having to worry about what happens next with .gov........Different for everyone's circumstances, but making individualized contingency plan(s) (A,B & C) even at this late hour is still possible. (The second thing is Keep it Simple with back to basics. Food, Shelter, Water, Friends!)
As I posted s/were else ... if the real truth was ever known about who was responsible for this virus, pandemic, lockdowns, mass killing, etc. the demand for reparations from the U.S. government would nuke even the magic printing press (or make hyper inflation a 100-percent certainty). One solution from sane-thinking Americans would be to get out of the government/system before that explosion happens. Let citizens of NY, CA, WA and MA deal with that fallout. They can do their digital currency, 15-minute cities and mandatory vaccine programs - fight climate change like they think it should really be fought - without my help in Alabama. Good luck to them.
Big Pharma and future Fauci's and all the WEF people behind the curtain would have to resign themselves to the fact they can only control 165 million Americans - not 330 million. They would be quite put out. Anything they wouldn't like ... is what we should be shooting for imo. I hate to broach such a radical "solution," but we all know that definition of insanity - you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results in the future. Well, change something. Do we really HAVE to keep doing what they say we have to do?
While I would LOVE to see states rebel against the Fed lunacy and 'walk away' I do not believe the entrenched Deep State would 'allow it'. Not peacefully anyway. They'd lose too much $$$ and ALL their influences... there is no peaceful way out in my opinion. Lots more of 'bad vaccinex" coming to the rebel inclined states, and yeah, the rubes will line up again and take them. Or be forced by the WEF and WHO to do so. I for the life of me, cannot see why we can't say NO. Except all our politicians (include those 'local' ones that go to the state legislature' are bought and paid for and 'selected' not elected. Many many millions of CNN Kool-Aid drinking people in this country. You would think by now they'd have seen the light!
Reconstitute the ties that bind. Old stuff. Pre-digital. Our social fabric has been turned into audience relations and remote sensing. Most people don't even perceive that there is anything to save, to defend.
Calling anyone dangerous to the narrative 'controlled opposition' is itself controlled opposition, meant to divide & conquer. In this scheme, there are no genuine dissenting voices because... everybody is 'controlled opposition'.
Hilarious that he is taken seriously. I think he hates what’s going on, but has a role to play and he can separate it somehow. He claims he turned down the vaxx.
Dozens of agencies, he's in wikipedia, he was a journalist, went into politics, nothing evil about the guy at all unless you think conservatives are, I like the guy and his son too.
Yes, I heard that too. Plus, there have been plenty of videos available online since J6 that contradicted the official narrative, so the idea that they had to wait for the special hidden video to be revealed never made sense to me. There was already enough video on line that proved the govt was lying about the whole thing.
Also, some interesting insights into the whole operation here:
The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection
The still available movie "Capitol Punishment" shows lots of the "Jan 6 protest, and it's obvious that 90% of the protest was perfectly peaceful. This was from two years ago! The Capitol Police committed most of the crimes that day, in essence killing 4 innocent people. Plus injuring more.
By destroying the food supply chain they're actually giviing us the opportunity to ditch their poison GMOs, glyphosphate ridden muck which has been killing us for decades; it's an opportunity for humanity to pull away from industry; for God's sake we could survive with 70% less food - just look at the supermarkets; its insane - all driven by consumption, consumption, and leading to ill health and wretchedness; seriously, back in the 60s there was a small corner shop; and people survived very very well - we don't actually NEED aisles of sweets, biscuits, pizzas, and soft drinks
Everyone needs to get their affairs in order, get the money you can out of the bank, and honker down. I do hope people have prepared with food and other means. It has been coming on for years and people should have been preparing as each issue the government created got worse. If covid didn’t teach people what they are willing to do to us at any expense, including killing us by any means possible, then nothing will. I will never subject myself and my family to this crap!
9/11 was my wake-up call. Unfortunately, it took me about a decade to realize that our own government was behind that. Then I looked into things like the Oklahoma City bombing back in 1995, and realized they were behind that as well. Lots of rabbit holes to go down, once you start looking.
The lefty wretched globalist sycophants have not yet figured out that all rights are their rights. The population will lose rights first, but the cowardly enforcers are always the next to go. It is simple mathematics.
To quote a line out one of the Hunger Games set of movies "if we burn, you burn with us" seems to be completely lost on them. A cursory reading of ANY point in history will highlight that no matter how much the compliant suck up to tyranny, the enforcers of the tyranny eventually are marched into the ovens, metaphorically speaking.
Totally agree. My son has many friends in his 20s, they all think the Great Reset means no work, free everything. I think they are all vaccine damaged from the Child Vaccine Program. All of them. Only a few of them look like men.
Lol, there are lots of them. I worked with many young people and there are many smart ones who work hard. Please don’t buy into the generational warfare they are trying to create to distract us.
Thank God you are around where there are some bright ones. My eldest two escaped the education apocalypse via home schooling.
Where I live now the publicly 'educated' are just flat dead in their minds. No idea how to reason, deduce, or even subtract. Two cashiers at the local market couldn't figure out the change on a ten dollar note for a$7.50 purchase without a calculator.
Seeing the effect, regardless the lectures attended, is stunning. I was born and matured in a time where blue collar work was very honorable, racism was non-existent (in my population), and 'being smart' was most to be cherished. You, in the 90's already were lacking in huge swaths of knowledge, even after university, compared to the education of children in the 20's.
Hell, they used to print magazines geared to ten year old boys explaining how to rebuild engines, how to make an electrical generator, all about welding, and machining processes.
Ten year olds today are now thirty years of age and Antifa members. Still harboring resentment about some parent child issue from 25 years ago.
Most people born before 1980 were homophobic or racist. I still remember my high school having many Chinese nationals in the 1970’s, they made no effort to socialize with anyone but themselves. They were there to learn about our culture and undermine it. We had one Canadian born Chinese who sat with us at lunch and regret not becoming a better friend. We had a couple Indian teachers who revered and I don’t think there was single black person in my high school. We were all racist to some degree and thankfully most of us have grown past that stage.
I definitely feel that we are all to blame here, we who went from "Leave it to Beaver" to Satanic music awards. The truth is that we were all engaged in getting our share of 'the pie', not realizing that none of us were keeping an eye on the hen house. Just so long as we could keep what we'd ca4rved out for ourselves.
But some of us home schooled. Fewer of us refused the 'mandates' of the "Cower in place" masters.
Now, with civilization teetering precariously, we will see if people finally understand that this brief beginning of eternity in these bodies is worth risking life and limb, that to refuse to bend a knee to the satanic will reap unbelievable rewards. This brief beginning of eternity is showered with so much promise and possibility. God set a path for each of us, but it was always our decision to make: whether to follow (and stay on) the path or not.
Do you want to be with Rockefeller, or Lincoln, when you stand in the multitude of eternity?
It will require prayer and courage. I understand one, pray for the other.
Lincoln was not actually the man the historic narrative tells you he was. He expressed white supremecist views at times and the civil war was more about economics than freedom. Lincoln had to make the war about slavery later as he could not attract young men to fight a bankers war.
Rockefeller created the NIH and funded in through the Rockefeller Medical Institute in NYC which was originally called The Rockefeller Centre for Population Control.
I wouldn’t consider the globalist only left. Both left and right globalists want power. The historical political labels just don’t work now, really. It’s true the globalists are using left issues and the left as patsies
I completely agree. The 'left/right' paradigm is the lexicon forced on us by propagandists. But there are perpetrators of an unspeakable evil, and they are engaged in a war against all creation. From chemtrails, to aspartame, to DDT, to vaccines and on and on.
All the same teams as before, just new players.
And while the "vote-them-out-of-office" crowd thinks they are engaged in a competitive game of checkers, the "kill-and/or-control-the-useless-eaters-before-they-use-up-all-our-petroleum" crowd has murder on their minds.
I'm convinced that what is currently happening is somehow connected to "Operation Paperclip".
For those not familiar, "Operation Paperclip" was a secret program of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services.....now known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitlers top doctors, scientists, engineers, etc into the United States after WWII, and placed them into top positions in our government, running things like NASA and the Space Program. They were also placed into top positions in industries like BIG PHARMA and BIG CHEM.
If the CIA says they brought 1,700 Nazis into the United States after WWII, they probably brought 5,000
Many of the same players are involved in what is going on today. Our government (DOD, CIA, etc) big pharma (pfizer is a german company) big chem (Monsanto is owned by Bayer, which is a German company) and large corporations in general, like Blackrock. Also, the father of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, literally worked with the Nazis during WWII. Then there is the situation in Ukraine. Ukraine worked with the Nazis during WWII, and still has "neo-nazis", some of which even fight in their military. Then there is NATO. Several of Hitlers top commanders helped to form NATO after WWII.
And lets not forget the bankers. 🙄
A woman by the name of Annie Jacobsen wrote an excellent book back in 2014 entitled "Operation Paperclip" that I highly recommend.
My man, you are nailing it. Another hard-to-find book is "The Invisible Government" 1964, by David Wise and Thomas B Roth. Between that and "The Devils Chessboard" which target Dulles specifically and all the horrid treasonous activities he sponsored, I had never felt the level of shame for my government as I do now. What "We the (impotent) People" have done to the rest of the world by funding the most incomprehensible evil is unimaginable.
South Dakota is the first legislative session of the year, and is now 98% completed, BUT legislators will come back for a last day of reckoning at the end of March. Regarding CBDC's there was a bill that was passed by the SD legislature (1193), which was Vetoed by Gov. Kristi Noem, last Thursday. MOSTLY because of pressure which came from the citizens who realized the perils "just in time" and how CBDC's were being potentially enabled. Citizen pressure came to bear despite much organizational influence being directed to the Governor to sign off!!
This is a quick 4.5 min. video of Kristi being interviewed by Tucker C. which gives a good explanation of what's up with this legislation. Kristi mentions near the end that 20 other states, will also have to grapple with this soon, but I would say, the cat's out of the bag, and that's a really good thing!
Coming to a state near you soon.......SO HEADS UP EVERYONE!!
Absolutely right. I have started using cash. My small protest. People under 40 who are phone-centric and embrace “convenience” like an old friend will, like, totally be into it. But among some people the authoritarians will have a tough fight on their bloody hands.
Do you remember the brutal Hong Kong crackdowns were taking place and suddenly a couple million Iphones disappeared? We need to ditch ours soon as well
But here in lies the issue. Everyone says the sky's falling, Trump was right, etc... But NO ONE is doing anything to stop it. Who has power to stop this, refuses to stand. Those who swore an oath to protect against domestic and foreign threats refuse to stand. So then what? What good does this do without a solution, or the people rising? How do you stop this?
1. Refuse to pay taxes, every single person.
2. Barter with neighbors. Stop shipping online at amazon. Stop using big-box stores like Target and Walmart. Take the power back.
But here’s the issue, people won’t. As long as it isn’t affecting them they turn a blind eye. And in today’s world people are selfish cowards. No one helps anyone, unless there’s something in it for them. So we reap what we sow.
Number 2 is doable. I think things have to get extremely bad and then a general strike and refusal to pay taxes would be possible. Most of the western world has Not experienced any real suffering yet & we obviously don’t even care about the actual poor and the starving
Again, I said EVERYONE stops paying taxes. A singe person can't do squat. Freedom isn't free and unless ALL of us stand right now, they will take everything from us. We are at war, even if most don't want to believe it.
Your idea Kev, but how do we actually do that? Seeing as how payroll taxes are deducted at payday and accrue throughout the fiscal year, how does one actually not pay taxes unless they are self-employed?
As a small business owner I would only have one quarter to sub not submit payroll taxes until the state came down on me hard.
If not a single business owner, then the rest needs to stop filing taxes all together. Employers will report, and the employees don't file. But we all have to do it in unison. It's the only way it works. If the state comes after one, they come after everyone. It won't be easy, but it's the only way out of this mess.
Thanks, Mark. Digital currency is the "end game" for the Big Brother sect. Once it's introduced, it will keep encroaching until cash transactions are banned completely. I'm sure they will let the Big Banks keep their credit cards so they can get 29 percent interest on those debts, but cash as we know it will soon be gone. "Our" money will be "their" money. People better start waking up about this component of the program. It's probably already a done deal.
They're not exactly hiding it. I think the smaller banks are putting up the only real opposition. I'm sure the mega banks, mega retailers and most of government is already "all in." I think they will use some "carrots" of depositing a guaranteed income into people's accounts to get the majority of the population on board.
There is no question that the Canadian Revenue Agency, the banks, social credit score and government have been aligned for at least 3 years. The Bank of Canada is owned by the banks which are owned by Vanguard and Blackeock. WEF private public partnership.
Threatening and going after the trucker's bank deposits (and taking away their ability to get insurance for their trucking businesses) was a big wake-up call for me, showing how far they could and would go. I think that was forshadowing of what's in store for the rest of us dissenters/contrarians.
my mum read the fine print on a GIC investment... i have not read it myself, but she said that it says that if the emergency measures act is invoked, the contract (guaranteed part of the contract?) is void... her interpretation is that if emergency measures are declared she might not get her money.
and we saw how easily the emergency measures act was declared.
i have signed 2 contracts this year. one has a clause that they don’t have to pay if force majeure. the other that they don’t have to pay if Emergency Measures are invoked.
we’ve been warned.
it’s happening.
we should all know what to do to avoid being steamrollered with the system.
Mark, how do explain the silence of Chomsky, Michael Moore, and Ralph Nader? What happened to Nader's Public Citizen? Have they been purchased/threatened into silence, or are they true believers?
Noam Chomsky, a zionist from way back, has always been on the globalist's side and Naomi Klein joimed in 2008, so don't expect criticism from that quarter. Our problem in the Resistance movement is that almost nobody seems to be capable of objective analysis. Everybody is blindsided by perception responses... monstrous, evil, sycophantic, satanic... and so on. Yet certain facts have been staring us in the face for three whole years: the media. politicians, bureaucrats, and medicos, have all used identical language and verbiage in their demands that we comply with the "safe and effective" jab. This could only be possible if the media was coordinating the entire programme. And why not? The global media is owned by seven entities, all subservient to Rupert Murdoch, who has been coordinating the globalist putch since 2017. Ergo, Murdoch is the programme. Anybody with an eye on the ball should know that Murdoch was annointed global successor to David Rockfeller in 1973. Yet the Resistance regards him as a grumpy old spectator. Oh well, history is going to be very unforgiving of those who were too blind to see. If Murdoch is eliminated the NWO fails. it's as simple as that.
This is not a Hollywood movie, where there are goody parts and baddie parts. This is the real world where the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and another enemy's weapon gets turned against him, and so on. If you can't cope with complexity, crawl back in your teapot.
We are in the midst of global hyperinflation being orchestrated to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states in order to hand over public assets to private investors. This allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world.
The financial elites know that they have run up massive unpayable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system has reached its Waterloo and social unrest is inevitable.
The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend, others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces as the world around them is being completely transformed.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
My conspiracy theory has always been that "they" know the magic printing press can't print all the money they will need in the future (the obligations are mind-boggling and getting more mind-boggling by the second). The one solution that might allow them to kick the can a few more decades is "digital currency" where they can more easily steal our money. Covid, whether intentionally or just a "crisis too good to waste," did expedite the roll-out of this part of their ultimate agenda imo.
You will own nothing. Great summary of how the Dems many here vote for will do it.
We own nothing now...
We are usually Cat and Dog, but today we agree. We both see.stupid people everywhere. 😄
It is time to pull down the World. The Lot. Everything. Year Zero.
Excellent post! So true, and very sad. We have an economic bubble, we are starting a housing bubble, there will be crisis. Musk speaks of a universal income, but the downfall, for some is they weigh their worth equating it with money. We have come to a dichotomy, for some; for others, Gods will be done. Truly, the deception is beyond paying attention too, we need to come together and help each other, now, as best as we can. It’s a different time, today, it’s a different way to handle crisis. Thank you for allowing me to critically think. It helps.
And to give the “vaccines”!
So true, I forgot I am fighting fungus and the doctors. I am so done. Thank you for adding...
Yes, I am fed up with that too! I called Pfizer, I had the number posted on ig. I got some silent treatment after that. I called , after what happened...😢
M2 has PLUMMETED, crossed below zero and will continue, causing devastating deflation.
Everyone is expecting inflation...this is incorrect. A crash of the credit markets will be one thing that creates deflation, of which there is nothing that can be done...UNLESS YOU CAN BE FORCED WITH CBDC's. People see prices crashing and they keep waiting for lower prices.
Understood, but we are in a different time, now. It’s not 2008. It’s 2023, with a very evil agenda behind it. Look more closely, even families are collapsing.
All by design. (I'm really not sure it wasn't by design back then)
One good thing about Rona and their vax is, it revealed the gov.'s hand...AT BEST, their reckless/indifferent/tyrannical behavior. I think that statement, safe and effective, will help with the CBDC's. Who's going to believe them now? At this point, you can't just come out and say they are actively killing you...yet. I think we are getting there.
I think you are correct for asset prices. However, due to the WEF war on the human, food and energy will go up. Jmo
J6 is part of the distraction. Tucker only discloses things a year late and what establishment approves. Financial collapse happened in September 2019 and SVB is part of the plan of controlled demolition. 911 and Covid all over again!
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphs into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.
While the immediate necessity was to staunch the bleeding of the global financial system many other purposes were and are to be served by this multifaceted operation. None of this is accidental. All of this is hidden in plain sight, planned and executed as evidenced in multiple tabletop exercises such as “Event 201” and delineated in numerous documents such as “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives:
Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the aforementioned economic implosion;
Acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history;
Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society;
Empowering and enriching the Security State’s counterpart the Big Tech Cartel via tracking apps, proliferating and normalizing social media and communication platforms as “the middle man” in all walks of life. Moving all social life towards the technological imperative- meals ordered via DoorDash, meetings on Zoom, increased spending via Visa/MasterCard by ordering goods online with Amazon, films via Netflix etc., were all forced onto a gullible and largely compliant world public during the Covid tyranny;
The creation of “The Pandemic” as a financial mechanism. Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power;
Expansion of the public health industry itself into all walks of public and economic life. The public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and financial conglomerates and has become one of the most critical financial instruments for investors;
Creation of an entirely new and lucrative Bio-Medical “health management” system in order to introduce and codify an entirely new Bio-Tech medical model for the Pharmaceutical Industry with a focus on “revolutionary” uploadable mRNA “vaccines”;
Expansion of and normalizing the use of digital IDs, including vaccine passports, connecting these to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scrip, allowing for the tracking of purchases; medical interventions, “lifestyle choices”, etc. “nudging” us towards ‘desired’ behaviors or shutting us out of the system altogether as they wish;
A re-organisation, privatization and reduction of public services under the pretense of making them “more nimble” for “public emergencies”;
Conditioning the public to perpetual “States of Emergency” preparing them for the implementation of “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
So true. This is excellent post, went to article also, excellent article!
If people organize and take control of their lives it can definitely alter events towards more meaningful lives.
There are large swaths of people who are acutely aware of what is going on.
Mark's presaging the possibility of lockdowns being complete and eternal ain't gonna happen- not a chance. Too many people in specific places that will not tolerant this and these people are willing to push back hard.
They best be prepared to generate, or live without, utilities. The power companies won’t accept anything but CBDC. Think the most bizarre dystopian future like Logan’s Run, The Matrix, Demolition Man, and Terminator. Mix in transhumanists like Elon who have spoken of minimum annual income. Think of Moore’s Law in relation to AI acceleration into our lives and the use of Virtual Reality worlds promoted by Meta, and you can see where this is headed. On the other side of the coin you have Communists and BRICS. The egotistical elites all want control and it may force Armageddon which Islamists embrace and Russians don’t fear. Hold on tight. Unless we do get a same populist Superman in control of the US government, the ultra wealthy will end up controlling 70+% of the population and the other 30% will be in rebellious struggle or worse, it will be like the Hunger Games.
Great post, agreed indeed.
God is the only one who will help us through the enslavement. We can’t do it alone. We need each other too. Excellent post, Cat.
I know and sympathize- I live there, but not from there, also but spend a lot of time in other regions- had to in order to get away from the open air insane asylum where I live.
Same story- would be in a grocery store and gas stations etc. and constantly fighting people on the mask stupidity. Trying to get people to understand what was happening in real time was swimming against the tide so say the least.
Elsewhere, even in Spring/Summer 2020, it was a different universe.
It was, right? I loved driving around and “owning” the road! Got pulled over a lot, lol. Once, almost got a ticket for not wearing a mask in the car. I said to trooper, bud, I have a cabin air filter I will take my chances! Plus no laws to give me a ticket. Then I drove off...
I live in Jersey, Cat...NY and NJ are fighting back, without the help of the dem govs, of course. I am not too sure about the other tri-state areas.
Tucker's the master of limited hangouts.
what's a limited hangout.
thanks I just looked it up, so Asange is a limited hangout too. isn't everybody. it's all so boris and natasha these days
These days assange's limited hangout is prison.
i wonder if his connections helped ... who knows ... yeah well ...
I know I'm supposed to believe Tucker is "controlled opposition," but, again, Tucker is the only TV talking head who has even talked about this digital currency program. He's had guests on his show who are warning people about it.
Other than “go local” “buy gold” etc etc...does anyone have any suggestions to avert our descent into a Hunger games world?
A decade ago, I heard Jim Sinclair give very simple advice that resonated for me.
Partially because I respected the source of the info. and intuitively I knew truth when I heard it. He said: "Get out of the system!" Subsequently I have done everything I can to do so, and become as self-reliant as possible. Despite the chaos, I can sleep at night knowing I've done everything I can to take care of my own life and those I love, without having to worry about what happens next with .gov........Different for everyone's circumstances, but making individualized contingency plan(s) (A,B & C) even at this late hour is still possible. (The second thing is Keep it Simple with back to basics. Food, Shelter, Water, Friends!)
My survival plan is to borrow your food.
S-e-c-c-e-s-s-i-o-n. I don't think I'm supposed to say it, so I spelled it.
As I posted s/were else ... if the real truth was ever known about who was responsible for this virus, pandemic, lockdowns, mass killing, etc. the demand for reparations from the U.S. government would nuke even the magic printing press (or make hyper inflation a 100-percent certainty). One solution from sane-thinking Americans would be to get out of the government/system before that explosion happens. Let citizens of NY, CA, WA and MA deal with that fallout. They can do their digital currency, 15-minute cities and mandatory vaccine programs - fight climate change like they think it should really be fought - without my help in Alabama. Good luck to them.
Big Pharma and future Fauci's and all the WEF people behind the curtain would have to resign themselves to the fact they can only control 165 million Americans - not 330 million. They would be quite put out. Anything they wouldn't like ... is what we should be shooting for imo. I hate to broach such a radical "solution," but we all know that definition of insanity - you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results in the future. Well, change something. Do we really HAVE to keep doing what they say we have to do?
While I would LOVE to see states rebel against the Fed lunacy and 'walk away' I do not believe the entrenched Deep State would 'allow it'. Not peacefully anyway. They'd lose too much $$$ and ALL their influences... there is no peaceful way out in my opinion. Lots more of 'bad vaccinex" coming to the rebel inclined states, and yeah, the rubes will line up again and take them. Or be forced by the WEF and WHO to do so. I for the life of me, cannot see why we can't say NO. Except all our politicians (include those 'local' ones that go to the state legislature' are bought and paid for and 'selected' not elected. Many many millions of CNN Kool-Aid drinking people in this country. You would think by now they'd have seen the light!
Keep your money under your mattress.
It will still be there in the morning.
Yep...but if we can’t spend it? Once the cash is outlawed and the Corps won’t take it...who will? Then what? Metals?
I hope that it will take awhile before cash is outlawed.
Didn't work so well in Nigeria...people rioted.
Reconstitute the ties that bind. Old stuff. Pre-digital. Our social fabric has been turned into audience relations and remote sensing. Most people don't even perceive that there is anything to save, to defend.
Reality TV becomes real life.
I just got a text from APMEX that volume is high...makes sense.
Peaceful non compliance with exception with self Defense.
For now.
Still trying to WAKE up LEMMINGS daily.
It's a DATA WAR until it's not.
At some point being nice is out the door.
We're not there yet
I will kill no one to save my life, but will to save another.
Establishment journalist reveal only with permission.
Calling anyone dangerous to the narrative 'controlled opposition' is itself controlled opposition, meant to divide & conquer. In this scheme, there are no genuine dissenting voices because... everybody is 'controlled opposition'.
Convenient - wonder if Bernie Sanders former supporters think that way.
who's his father?
He was born in DC and father had intelligence ties.
he was top banana at voice of america.
married to the swanson tv dinner heiress
TV dinners-the good old days! Used to eat them while watching the Rockford files!
I met Susan St. James once and was most authentic person I ever met.
Ugh, I still cant eat green chicken
Tucker’s mom left when he was six and he said to this day it hurts.
I can understand the hurt
Hilarious that he is taken seriously. I think he hates what’s going on, but has a role to play and he can separate it somehow. He claims he turned down the vaxx.
Are you saying Tucker Carlson is married to a Swanson TV dinner heiress? Do you have a reference?
sorry was unclear.: stepmom https://www.qwoted.com/lous-views-tucker-carlson/
I thought he was referring to his mother, he readily admits his fathers DC connections.
Which agency?
He said America Voice
Dozens of agencies, he's in wikipedia, he was a journalist, went into politics, nothing evil about the guy at all unless you think conservatives are, I like the guy and his son too.
You’re just trying to confound things
All over again with a much more evil agenda.
They love those false prophets until of course they backfire.
how could he have played those tapes since he didn't have them until now? or did he?
He was offered other tapes filmed by independent journalist two years ago and declined to see them. Watch Alex Jones tomorrow.
Yes, I heard that too. Plus, there have been plenty of videos available online since J6 that contradicted the official narrative, so the idea that they had to wait for the special hidden video to be revealed never made sense to me. There was already enough video on line that proved the govt was lying about the whole thing.
Also, some interesting insights into the whole operation here:
The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection
The still available movie "Capitol Punishment" shows lots of the "Jan 6 protest, and it's obvious that 90% of the protest was perfectly peaceful. This was from two years ago! The Capitol Police committed most of the crimes that day, in essence killing 4 innocent people. Plus injuring more.
of course I will watch Alex, but the tapes Tucker played were the official ones hidden by the crats, that's what makes them important.
We all hope, but it’s pretty obvious at this point.
By destroying the food supply chain they're actually giviing us the opportunity to ditch their poison GMOs, glyphosphate ridden muck which has been killing us for decades; it's an opportunity for humanity to pull away from industry; for God's sake we could survive with 70% less food - just look at the supermarkets; its insane - all driven by consumption, consumption, and leading to ill health and wretchedness; seriously, back in the 60s there was a small corner shop; and people survived very very well - we don't actually NEED aisles of sweets, biscuits, pizzas, and soft drinks
Everyone needs to get their affairs in order, get the money you can out of the bank, and honker down. I do hope people have prepared with food and other means. It has been coming on for years and people should have been preparing as each issue the government created got worse. If covid didn’t teach people what they are willing to do to us at any expense, including killing us by any means possible, then nothing will. I will never subject myself and my family to this crap!
9/11 was my wake-up call. Unfortunately, it took me about a decade to realize that our own government was behind that. Then I looked into things like the Oklahoma City bombing back in 1995, and realized they were behind that as well. Lots of rabbit holes to go down, once you start looking.
James Corbett just reposted this old episode: https://rumble.com/v2ckvqo-flashback-requiem-for-the-suicided-terrance-yeakey-2010.html
Absolutely terrifying.
i agree
EXCELLENT advice!!!
The lefty wretched globalist sycophants have not yet figured out that all rights are their rights. The population will lose rights first, but the cowardly enforcers are always the next to go. It is simple mathematics.
To quote a line out one of the Hunger Games set of movies "if we burn, you burn with us" seems to be completely lost on them. A cursory reading of ANY point in history will highlight that no matter how much the compliant suck up to tyranny, the enforcers of the tyranny eventually are marched into the ovens, metaphorically speaking.
Totally agree. My son has many friends in his 20s, they all think the Great Reset means no work, free everything. I think they are all vaccine damaged from the Child Vaccine Program. All of them. Only a few of them look like men.
Lol, there are lots of them. I worked with many young people and there are many smart ones who work hard. Please don’t buy into the generational warfare they are trying to create to distract us.
Thank God you are around where there are some bright ones. My eldest two escaped the education apocalypse via home schooling.
Where I live now the publicly 'educated' are just flat dead in their minds. No idea how to reason, deduce, or even subtract. Two cashiers at the local market couldn't figure out the change on a ten dollar note for a$7.50 purchase without a calculator.
Come on. These are nineteen year olds.
I learned about the deskilling of the population in University in the early 1990’s nothing new.
Seeing the effect, regardless the lectures attended, is stunning. I was born and matured in a time where blue collar work was very honorable, racism was non-existent (in my population), and 'being smart' was most to be cherished. You, in the 90's already were lacking in huge swaths of knowledge, even after university, compared to the education of children in the 20's.
Hell, they used to print magazines geared to ten year old boys explaining how to rebuild engines, how to make an electrical generator, all about welding, and machining processes.
Ten year olds today are now thirty years of age and Antifa members. Still harboring resentment about some parent child issue from 25 years ago.
Most people born before 1980 were homophobic or racist. I still remember my high school having many Chinese nationals in the 1970’s, they made no effort to socialize with anyone but themselves. They were there to learn about our culture and undermine it. We had one Canadian born Chinese who sat with us at lunch and regret not becoming a better friend. We had a couple Indian teachers who revered and I don’t think there was single black person in my high school. We were all racist to some degree and thankfully most of us have grown past that stage.
On the contrary, my generation ruined this country and these young kids health. Glad to hear not all of them.
I definitely feel that we are all to blame here, we who went from "Leave it to Beaver" to Satanic music awards. The truth is that we were all engaged in getting our share of 'the pie', not realizing that none of us were keeping an eye on the hen house. Just so long as we could keep what we'd ca4rved out for ourselves.
But some of us home schooled. Fewer of us refused the 'mandates' of the "Cower in place" masters.
Now, with civilization teetering precariously, we will see if people finally understand that this brief beginning of eternity in these bodies is worth risking life and limb, that to refuse to bend a knee to the satanic will reap unbelievable rewards. This brief beginning of eternity is showered with so much promise and possibility. God set a path for each of us, but it was always our decision to make: whether to follow (and stay on) the path or not.
Do you want to be with Rockefeller, or Lincoln, when you stand in the multitude of eternity?
It will require prayer and courage. I understand one, pray for the other.
Neither Lincoln or Rockefeller were good people.
Lincoln was not actually the man the historic narrative tells you he was. He expressed white supremecist views at times and the civil war was more about economics than freedom. Lincoln had to make the war about slavery later as he could not attract young men to fight a bankers war.
Rockefeller created the NIH and funded in through the Rockefeller Medical Institute in NYC which was originally called The Rockefeller Centre for Population Control.
I wouldn’t consider the globalist only left. Both left and right globalists want power. The historical political labels just don’t work now, really. It’s true the globalists are using left issues and the left as patsies
Con’t: but we see the “right” or republicans going along with “left” and the globalist.
I completely agree. The 'left/right' paradigm is the lexicon forced on us by propagandists. But there are perpetrators of an unspeakable evil, and they are engaged in a war against all creation. From chemtrails, to aspartame, to DDT, to vaccines and on and on.
All the same teams as before, just new players.
And while the "vote-them-out-of-office" crowd thinks they are engaged in a competitive game of checkers, the "kill-and/or-control-the-useless-eaters-before-they-use-up-all-our-petroleum" crowd has murder on their minds.
Guess who is ready and who isn't?
"All the same teams as before, just new players"
I'm convinced that what is currently happening is somehow connected to "Operation Paperclip".
For those not familiar, "Operation Paperclip" was a secret program of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services.....now known as the CIA) that brought 1,700 of Hitlers top doctors, scientists, engineers, etc into the United States after WWII, and placed them into top positions in our government, running things like NASA and the Space Program. They were also placed into top positions in industries like BIG PHARMA and BIG CHEM.
If the CIA says they brought 1,700 Nazis into the United States after WWII, they probably brought 5,000
Many of the same players are involved in what is going on today. Our government (DOD, CIA, etc) big pharma (pfizer is a german company) big chem (Monsanto is owned by Bayer, which is a German company) and large corporations in general, like Blackrock. Also, the father of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, literally worked with the Nazis during WWII. Then there is the situation in Ukraine. Ukraine worked with the Nazis during WWII, and still has "neo-nazis", some of which even fight in their military. Then there is NATO. Several of Hitlers top commanders helped to form NATO after WWII.
And lets not forget the bankers. 🙄
A woman by the name of Annie Jacobsen wrote an excellent book back in 2014 entitled "Operation Paperclip" that I highly recommend.
My man, you are nailing it. Another hard-to-find book is "The Invisible Government" 1964, by David Wise and Thomas B Roth. Between that and "The Devils Chessboard" which target Dulles specifically and all the horrid treasonous activities he sponsored, I had never felt the level of shame for my government as I do now. What "We the (impotent) People" have done to the rest of the world by funding the most incomprehensible evil is unimaginable.
We were co-opted into the great whore.
The left right - right paradigm is dead and detracts from your credibility. Time to unite against common enemy.
South Dakota is the first legislative session of the year, and is now 98% completed, BUT legislators will come back for a last day of reckoning at the end of March. Regarding CBDC's there was a bill that was passed by the SD legislature (1193), which was Vetoed by Gov. Kristi Noem, last Thursday. MOSTLY because of pressure which came from the citizens who realized the perils "just in time" and how CBDC's were being potentially enabled. Citizen pressure came to bear despite much organizational influence being directed to the Governor to sign off!!
This is a quick 4.5 min. video of Kristi being interviewed by Tucker C. which gives a good explanation of what's up with this legislation. Kristi mentions near the end that 20 other states, will also have to grapple with this soon, but I would say, the cat's out of the bag, and that's a really good thing!
Coming to a state near you soon.......SO HEADS UP EVERYONE!!
More important details on pending CBDC legislation in various states.
Absolutely right. I have started using cash. My small protest. People under 40 who are phone-centric and embrace “convenience” like an old friend will, like, totally be into it. But among some people the authoritarians will have a tough fight on their bloody hands.
Smartphones will end up being a boot on their necks.
Look at China.
Yes if they aren’t already on all. I am typing this on one.
Do you remember the brutal Hong Kong crackdowns were taking place and suddenly a couple million Iphones disappeared? We need to ditch ours soon as well
The FBI used geofencing to round up the folks at the Capitol on 6 January.
So...if you were just walking to the nearest Metro stop to travel to work, or even walking your dog, you were sucked up into it.
But here in lies the issue. Everyone says the sky's falling, Trump was right, etc... But NO ONE is doing anything to stop it. Who has power to stop this, refuses to stand. Those who swore an oath to protect against domestic and foreign threats refuse to stand. So then what? What good does this do without a solution, or the people rising? How do you stop this?
1. Refuse to pay taxes, every single person.
2. Barter with neighbors. Stop shipping online at amazon. Stop using big-box stores like Target and Walmart. Take the power back.
But here’s the issue, people won’t. As long as it isn’t affecting them they turn a blind eye. And in today’s world people are selfish cowards. No one helps anyone, unless there’s something in it for them. So we reap what we sow.
Number 2 is doable. I think things have to get extremely bad and then a general strike and refusal to pay taxes would be possible. Most of the western world has Not experienced any real suffering yet & we obviously don’t even care about the actual poor and the starving
unrelated yet tying in with what you say about possible protests: destroying surveillance cameras in 15'cities! if true it's a good sign - https://rumble.com/v2ct5zq-revolution-against-15-minute-city-has-begun-anti-slavery-resistance-smash-t.html
better start giving the right example then. my role's at #2 already and it's a lot of fun :-))
Again, I said EVERYONE stops paying taxes. A singe person can't do squat. Freedom isn't free and unless ALL of us stand right now, they will take everything from us. We are at war, even if most don't want to believe it.
Your idea Kev, but how do we actually do that? Seeing as how payroll taxes are deducted at payday and accrue throughout the fiscal year, how does one actually not pay taxes unless they are self-employed?
As a small business owner I would only have one quarter to sub not submit payroll taxes until the state came down on me hard.

If not a single business owner, then the rest needs to stop filing taxes all together. Employers will report, and the employees don't file. But we all have to do it in unison. It's the only way it works. If the state comes after one, they come after everyone. It won't be easy, but it's the only way out of this mess.
And they jack up prices though I support as much as I can.
Yeah, there's a book "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency"- worth a read IMO.
I'm not a financial advisor but having s much cash on hand as you can afford would be good idea right now.
Been telling people for months to take extra cash out of the ATMs.
Thanks, Mark. Digital currency is the "end game" for the Big Brother sect. Once it's introduced, it will keep encroaching until cash transactions are banned completely. I'm sure they will let the Big Banks keep their credit cards so they can get 29 percent interest on those debts, but cash as we know it will soon be gone. "Our" money will be "their" money. People better start waking up about this component of the program. It's probably already a done deal.
i just posted below an article i found on ‘the canadian encyclopedia’ saying that Canada’s been experimenting digital currency since 2016.
They're not exactly hiding it. I think the smaller banks are putting up the only real opposition. I'm sure the mega banks, mega retailers and most of government is already "all in." I think they will use some "carrots" of depositing a guaranteed income into people's accounts to get the majority of the population on board.
There is no question that the Canadian Revenue Agency, the banks, social credit score and government have been aligned for at least 3 years. The Bank of Canada is owned by the banks which are owned by Vanguard and Blackeock. WEF private public partnership.
Threatening and going after the trucker's bank deposits (and taking away their ability to get insurance for their trucking businesses) was a big wake-up call for me, showing how far they could and would go. I think that was forshadowing of what's in store for the rest of us dissenters/contrarians.
Nailed it baby, but most Canadians believe the truckers believed it was the right thing to do.
my mum read the fine print on a GIC investment... i have not read it myself, but she said that it says that if the emergency measures act is invoked, the contract (guaranteed part of the contract?) is void... her interpretation is that if emergency measures are declared she might not get her money.
and we saw how easily the emergency measures act was declared.
i have signed 2 contracts this year. one has a clause that they don’t have to pay if force majeure. the other that they don’t have to pay if Emergency Measures are invoked.
we’ve been warned.
it’s happening.
we should all know what to do to avoid being steamrollered with the system.
Mark, how do explain the silence of Chomsky, Michael Moore, and Ralph Nader? What happened to Nader's Public Citizen? Have they been purchased/threatened into silence, or are they true believers?
Money = Health
Systemic Banking Failure = Pandemic
CBDC = Vaccinations
Too many nice people, like Jane Goodall, are Malthusians, and so they agree with the ends if not the means of the "Great Reset".
Malthus was just plain wrong.
Malthusianism and Eugenics are nothing more than covers for hereditary rule.
A History of Globalism Part III: How the Malthusians Took over post-JFK
Nice is fake.
This is a woketard mismanaged bank failure.
CBDC's are looming on the horizon.
Being able to freeze our funds is very appealing to would be overlords.
Vigilance is recommended.
The woketard ideology is CIA and nothing about left and right.
geopolitically disabled is more polite
Maybe geopolitically challenged is better. We must be inclusive.
"would be overlords"?
more like "afraid they will no longer be overlords"
Noam Chomsky, a zionist from way back, has always been on the globalist's side and Naomi Klein joimed in 2008, so don't expect criticism from that quarter. Our problem in the Resistance movement is that almost nobody seems to be capable of objective analysis. Everybody is blindsided by perception responses... monstrous, evil, sycophantic, satanic... and so on. Yet certain facts have been staring us in the face for three whole years: the media. politicians, bureaucrats, and medicos, have all used identical language and verbiage in their demands that we comply with the "safe and effective" jab. This could only be possible if the media was coordinating the entire programme. And why not? The global media is owned by seven entities, all subservient to Rupert Murdoch, who has been coordinating the globalist putch since 2017. Ergo, Murdoch is the programme. Anybody with an eye on the ball should know that Murdoch was annointed global successor to David Rockfeller in 1973. Yet the Resistance regards him as a grumpy old spectator. Oh well, history is going to be very unforgiving of those who were too blind to see. If Murdoch is eliminated the NWO fails. it's as simple as that.
Tucker and Fox News will save us. :)
This is not a Hollywood movie, where there are goody parts and baddie parts. This is the real world where the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and another enemy's weapon gets turned against him, and so on. If you can't cope with complexity, crawl back in your teapot.
Umm, I think we share the same views . I’m not into teapots unless spiked with something.
Sorry, I thought you were being dismissive. All good. Wishing you only virginal teapots.
No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. Occupy Your City until they back-off and let us be. https://localresistance.org/news
U.S. does have the arms and those techno geeks they just wiped out financially have very powerful ones too.