I personally do not believe Bobby K would be safer under government funded security with the secret service.

He’s probably safest the way he is under the protection of a private security firm.

I pray for his safety.

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If you don’t already recognize that the DNC is a fascist organization, with street armies of antifa & BLM, you’ve not been paying attention for a few years...

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Slightly off topic Mark - but have you seen the English news ? They are coming after Russell Brand . There is a witch hunt on to smear him and accuse him of rape, going back 20 years ago.

Its headline news and there is a documentary on TV this evening in the UK. I feel so bad for him - he had his demons in the past but he doesn't deserve this. He was telling too many truths and they don't like that ☹☹☹☹☹

(he interviewed Robert Kennedy on his channel )

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My friend and I went. We were wondering why things felt tense but not so tense that it was in any way fearful. RKF, jr went on the stage and spoke riveting the crowd. He spoke openly about the need for a strong border but also a wide gate. Such a beautiful way to phrase a necessity. He also spoke about the dangers of BlackRock. Not only is it scooping up homes in the US but also farmland in Ukraine. I told my friend, who is part of the Ukrainian community, that Black Rocks seemed to be achieving what Stalin dreamed of. But I really wonder if RFK, jr should continue posing as a Dem. It is unrequited love. The party has been gentrified and only the name remains.

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The United States now has to be the largest, most powerful banana republic in history. Our government is completely dysfunctional. The irrational behavior of both political parties is beyond belief and the consequences have never been greater.

We have fallen behind in education, economics, scientific achievement, and military preparedness. This is one of the results of succumbing to cultural Marxism, which is prevalent to a high degree in each of the categories mentioned.

It is difficult for those of us who value individual rights and free markets to watch our culture disintegrating before our eyes. The irrational behavior we see in politics is the effect. The cause is a philosophy founded on the ethics of collectivism, altruism, and mysticism; where some groups are deemed worthy of sacrifice and others are supported by force.

The war we are fighting is for mind of America and the significant battles are not in Washington D. C. and state houses. The significant battles are in the discussions we have with those who are in our circle of influence. We can’t force conversations but we can be ready to give an answer in defense of freedom whenever the opportunity arises.

Stay diligent!

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Thanks Mark for putting this synopsis out. I just filmed Bobby in SC, and it has received 55K + views in 2 weeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgNuXlmE-vY

Since I had to run back and forth from the camera out front, to the audio board behind the curtain, I was the only one behind the barricades with Bobby and Cheryl. I'd like to say that Bobby's security did a fine job of combing the entire area throughout the day. And when I reached for the knobs to adjust the mixing board, I had three sets of well trained eyes on my hands.

I also worked closely with Mr. Kucinich who arrived early with the security. He most acutely made sure that all was in order for Bobby's arrival. The day was hot and Bobby took selfies with all 500+ in attendance. One of the security guards told me that he and Cheryl had a five hour ride to their next stop. Such a grueling schedule, with the security team moving fast to pack up the steel barricades and move on. It was almost like a small, fast moving circus crew at work. But with such potential peril, possibly lurking in the bushes or at the hand of some stranger.

I witnessed first hand, a courageous, strong man.... working hard in the trenches. Bobby Kennedy. The one candidate who has been taking actions to expose and hold accountable the great forces which have hijacked this wonderful country. He speaks in truth and reason. So much so, that we can only hope that the "composite, moderate democrat," who has been fooled into supporting the fascist agenda..... will take the time to listen to him, and to see the timely ray of hope that this brilliant man represents. He knows the risk. And there he stands. As did his father and his uncle. We, the nation of Red, White and Blue.... left and right, are more indebted to his courage than we could ever fully imagine.

And thanks once again to you Mark, for your clear mindedness, your writings, your sweat and grind... and your relentless courage as well.

Bobby Roland.

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I like RFK. Crazy he has no protection. There should be massive outcry

As much as I love him (and DeSantis), I hope we can appreciate the message they bring and not look to them as saviors, but use their message to change our lives


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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Thank you MCM for telling us to watch the Robert Kennedy video to the end (a frustrating video). Regarding the tie...

The standard US edition had a different cover, does NOT have a dying Robert Kennedy on the cover, was deemed too graphic for US audiences:


However, it contained a pullout of the infamous photo, which placed tie right on the crease - is it there hidden in the crease, or was it airbrushed out? Looks airbrushed out to me:


Today, the Life magazine web site has it both ways, making me wonder if someone moved the tie some time between photos (or destroyed the evidence?):



Also, everyone should look up the bizarre story of Scott Enyart.

He was an eye witness with the only photos as the shooting was unfolding. He wasn't sure what all he captured, he was just snapping photos like crazy, but surely it would help complete the picture of exactly what went down that day.

His camera and film were confiscated by the police. They said they needed it for the trial, but the film was never used in the trial. He asked for it back and they said it would be sealed for 20 years. In the 80's he asked for it back again, they said they lost it. He asked again, and they said we found it and will return it to you - but the officer in charge left them in a briefcase in a rental car and the car got broken into and the briefcase was stolen. I mean, come on, how could anyone say this with a straight face. Scott Enyart sued and was awarded $465,000, but those photos will never see the light of day.

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The "Deep State" wants RFK, Jr. dead as surely as they wanted both his father and uncle (JFK) dead. JFK had promised to clean up the FBI (J. Edgar Hoover's purview) and other organizations. Yes, I too believe that there are many who call themselves "Republicans" who are also part of the Deep State, and they want RFK, Jr. dead just as the DNC wants to eliminate him. I've been worried about ever since he stepped forward and announced his intent to run and spoke out about the killings of his father and uncle. This country's leaders have been rotten for many decades.

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It is absolutely insane and incredibly telling that they refused RFK JR security. I may have to switch so vote in the Dem primary. In this caveman's opinion being opposed by the powers that shouldn't be is the highest credential currently for my vote.

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The Demonrats are Terrorists and they know it. That is why they use the Marxist ploy of calling the other side what they are and what they do. Very obvious. I wish everyone would see and understand it.

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I used to be a leftist. I became disenchanted and disillusioned with leftists. The vast majority of leftists are statists and the vast majority of statists are totalitarians. Same goes with liberals. Communism and socialism are liberal, statist and totalitarian. Leftists have always wanted an all-powerful Leviathan, but with only themselves at the helm.

What about conservatives, aka libertarians? Most of them only pay lip service to limited government with specific, enumerated powers.

As for fascism, this quote makes sense to me:

“The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’. The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice, have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of régime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different.” ~ George Orwell, Politics and the English Language

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What other outrageous, perverted and criminal activity do we need to recognize that the Biden administration are practicing Stalinists? Enemies are publicly eliminated; a former President charged with bogus (but projected) crimes and will face a "show-trial" and will be found guilty--but Trump still believes in the "law"; a honest liberal contender will not be allowed to debate, is maligned and have no security protection!

The Constitution--and Natural Law-- remind us that "When the government works against the Liberty and Safety of the people and will not Redress their wrongs, it is the Duty of the citizens to demand a different government. Anything clearer than that? The only way is with Mass Demonstration, which is the antidote for "Mass Formation".

Declaration of Independence

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

What is obvious is they are trying to get rid of both RFK, Jr. and Trump through any means possible. Justice be damned! They aren't even making a pretense of hiding that objective.

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Private security is the way to go. Most Feds are either incompetent, corrupt or both.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

I was at the RFK event. I was in the second row and apparently the guy was detained quickly as we heard a little about it but I didn''t see anything. Two speakers briefly mentioned that RFK was at risk and reminded the audience of what happened to RFK's father but it was handled so well that most in the audience had no idea of what had happened with the guy who tried to get in. Fortunately, RFK was late in arriving. There were performances and speeches before his arrival. I have wanted RFK to run for President since before he even picked up the vaccine issue as he is and has been the top environmental attorney in the USA. RFK, through education, saved millions of American lives during the last three years. His suits against Monsanto have courageous and necessary. He is the only candidate this year fighting for safe and clean food, water and air.

If the DNC cheats RFK (and it probably will), Michael Rectanwald is running for the Libertarian nomination and is a good choice for the general election if RFK is not on the general election ballot. What happeend last night does show that certain people will try to do what it takes to keep him out of office and the DNC is being really obvious with the election rigging.

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