Hey, black people, I know a good amount of you already know this, but for those that don't, when the white man starts "caring about you", run, run like your hair is on fire.
Exactly. Run run run. Here in NZ they are being especially kind to the indigenous now on many matters; it helps with the divide & rule card. On the vax well they are ensuring people of colour have free access. Early on it was bribery in the poor districts with grocery vouchers ... KFC vouchers ... lotteries for large sums and so on. And for many no jab no job. It works really well.
Some covidians were able to concede black people were justified in their skepticism because of past betrayals like the Tuskegee syphilis studies. This was tied to the assumption the government respects the lives and safety of whites more. But the reality is that it never mattered what color you were to these groups. Look up the history of radiation studies on humans around the development of the atomic bomb.
Recall the First People getting the jab first in Canada and that weirdo white couple that got in line because they thought they were getting passed over. Oh man, I want to turn it all off. The First People believed the government finally cared about them and you had other people saying "thats not fair" and my God it is just a blender of being uninformed.
Disabled people have always been in the same boat. Look up the studies where they fed radioactive food to people in group homes and psychiatric hospitals.
White neurotypical people have always been more trusting of their medical system and Big Pharma is finally taking advantage of that.
Yes, but in this case we have a situation where an experimental shot is being rolled out and the message is, "oh we should give it to people of color first because we have treated them so badly in the past"
What difference does it make whom they will get first? White, college-"educated" people were the demographic group on the top of the list of those, who voluntarily accepted the toxins pumped into them.
There is no "we," but I agree that people in the US have been treating each other like trash in the last decade or two, mostly irrespective of color, although reverse discrimination against whites have been widely accepted by the criminal globalist-owned MSM. My ancestors and I certainly didn't "treat" any people of color "so badly" in the past.
You are missing my point here. First off, I'm describing the situation via the narrative employed, and that should be obvious. As to the rest, I'm not disagreeing, its just not what I was talking about.
Especially sickening to have seen that PSA last year with Spike Lee escorting an elderly black woman to a car to take her for her "this time they really care" vaccine. I'm pretty sure he opined at one time about the "true source" of AIDS; that doesn't reflect a trust in government to me.
So… they will require the ID to register them as new cult members.
ID is not required to get the shot, it will be required after to register your status. And it will be required everywhere from the gym to the hospital. But it won’t be required to vote. Until we manage to make vaccination a requirement for voting.
They 'followed the science' straight off the cliff. Turns out the science they followed was a shyster selling fake life insurance and vacuum cleaners without motors!
I can verify your assertion - it's like living in a Borg Cube up here in rural hinterland Quebec. Perhaps 10, maybe 15% of people even have access to the English language, and consequently the "outside world" in these parts.
Yeh, the hinterlands are another world. I always laugh when Quebecers make fun of the American south. We're Mississippi North and Francois Legault is Boss Hogg.
We're heading to Montreal this weekend for the first time since 2019. We absolutely loved it there in the beforetimes so we'll see how things are now. They dropped the jab requirement to enter Canada in October. None of the websites of any places we're planning to go mention anything about masks or jabs so we're planning to walk our barefaced, non-GMO selves right on in.
Out of awareness of my white privilege, I forwent the “vaccines” (all of them) so as not to deprive a BIPOCS of their safety. I guess I’m getting the hang of this “woke” stuff...
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889
We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
China seems to be the closest manifestation. Have you seen the videos of the people lining up outside in the snow waiting for their routine testing every two or three days?
Not sure why but I saw right through O'bummer from the start but sure got played by Sanders. I ripped his yard sign out 30 seconds after he conceded the primary to his 'friend Joe' and felt like an ass for believing in him.
I got completely suckered by Obama but by August 2009 I figured it out, I was so destitute politically by the W admin I would believe anything. And I haven't since. That fucker.
True he is the biggest fucker of them all. My sister was suckered too and figured it out around the same time. That too was bizarre bc she always sees a snake oil salesman ahead of me. O'bummer had a way of sucking people in. I am still sickened I got played by Sanders.
I was too, but senile McCain and Cultie Caribou Barbie were worth seeing the end of, at least that's how I saw it at the time. He also ran against a lady name Hillary that year who was attempting to 'inevitable' her way in for the first time. I voted for him because he promised not to do a bunch of the stuff Hillary was shrilling about. Within 30 days of taking office he did all the things Hillary would have done. So I gave up --again, I hadn't voted in any elections for 25 years except that weird CA gov recall election that gave us Arnie. I'm ashamed I voted D. I should have voted for Gary Coleman. Or Angelique. Or for the Beer Party. If I was going to throw a vote away, I should have had fun with it. It seemed enough at the time to vote in a major race with 158 candidates.
That’s fascinating. I think he’s controlled like everyone else. It’s up to the people to stand up. No politician has the power to change anything for the better, IMO.
I agree with his general drift (given he's a mainstream political figure), but it might be said that Bernie started the outsider take over of Burlington which eventually became woke Vermont.
Yes, I believe there were at least two black state legislators who rather recently had to step down from there positions because of ongoing harassment which involved their homes and families.
Vermont has 'fallen' apparently. Such a beautiful state. I thought Connecticut (more masks by the day) was bad. Good grief. Leave the children alone, dear God.
Not everyone in Vermont is jabbed. Not me and one other friend. That said it is very very very lonely. Two of my friends who received initial jabs are refusing any further inoculations.
Similar in WA state, although in my rural nook near Seattle a handful of us unvaxxed are still about and hold regular events to socialize. I've noticed a lot of the vaxxed no longer talking about it. Many of them have lost family. Lot's of new widows in the last 2 years. I don't know if the vax or stress, but many of them aren't looking well. I know I've aged years over the last 18 months.
There’s a few of us but it sure is bleak here in the Green Mtn State. It is lonely, being a part of the small rural communities is such a challenge these days. Hang in there!
Hope it's not a "Infiltration and Murder" scam like the FBI pulled off on the "Black Panthers" in the 60's-early 70's California... must use highly developed cognitive skills (and maybe trust your ancient genetic, "gut feelings" more when wearing your heart-on-your-sleeve but ;not to discourage! Learn how to avoid snitches.
Yes we still have a fair amount of them and businesses varied in their responses. The library’s and organic farmers have led the charge. It’s so weird.
I know, I expected the organic farmers to be aware of the scam and on our side, but not so much... apparently, it's OK to inject the poison, just don't eat it.
I'm in Burlington which is the most populous city in the state. We have a progressive city council which passed a defacto proof of jab requirement, meaning that businesses didn't have to require masks if they required jabs.
The strangest thing is that many businesses here required these fascist things all on their own! That seems pretty unique to the northeast.
The only business I'm aware of that still requires proof of jab is the pathetic "comedy" club here in Burlington.
I still have a soft spot in my heart for that area as I lived in Shelburne during high school but left after graduation in 1989. It was liberal then, but I'm sure it's worse now. Bush won state in 88, which surprised me at the time but I guess there was still a large republican remnant.
A comedy club voluntarily requiring proof of jab sounds like an unfunny place!
Why a business would choose to exclude a population of customers is beyond me.
Lol! I think it’s meant to mean (to the poc) that they are, but in reality it just reduces them to their skin color, which is ultimately dehumanizing so I don’t really know why any of them would use it at all. Being white is nothing to me other than a condition of which requires me to wear sunscreen if i spend too much time outside so...other than that i spend zero time thinking about it. I’m sure this is considered racist but its just my reality.
What is weird is that it's supposed to emphasize the first two (B and I) because they're seen as the most discriminated against, yet all POC end up being included (I guess to be "inclusive,), which defeats the purpose of having something that's supposed to call attention to Black and Indigenous people.
There are no people of color in Vermont. It is all white die-hard Woke liberal clowns and are the most vaccinated state in the U.S.(surprise, surprise). My cousin lives there and she was organizing her parents 60th wedding anniversary earlier this year and on the invitation(via email) it said everyone must be fully vaccinated and if not, must wear a N95 mask and social distance. I never RSVP´d. I´m done with her.
Black people reject the jab because they know stories about how they have been experimented on, not because they are stupid. These arrogant mofos think that the only reason to not get a clot shot is stupidity.
Masks, gloves, and elbow "greetings" still on the menu, yet it's time for the fourth shot. (Or is it the fifth? I lost track.) Because, you know, these jabs work..!
If, three years ago, you had asked me in my sleep whether anyone would ever be stupid enough to post an ad like this one, I would have thought the person asking was either in a bizarre dream themselves, or crazy. Now, three years later, I think it's both.
Hey, black people, I know a good amount of you already know this, but for those that don't, when the white man starts "caring about you", run, run like your hair is on fire.
Exactly. Run run run. Here in NZ they are being especially kind to the indigenous now on many matters; it helps with the divide & rule card. On the vax well they are ensuring people of colour have free access. Early on it was bribery in the poor districts with grocery vouchers ... KFC vouchers ... lotteries for large sums and so on. And for many no jab no job. It works really well.
Some covidians were able to concede black people were justified in their skepticism because of past betrayals like the Tuskegee syphilis studies. This was tied to the assumption the government respects the lives and safety of whites more. But the reality is that it never mattered what color you were to these groups. Look up the history of radiation studies on humans around the development of the atomic bomb.
Recall the First People getting the jab first in Canada and that weirdo white couple that got in line because they thought they were getting passed over. Oh man, I want to turn it all off. The First People believed the government finally cared about them and you had other people saying "thats not fair" and my God it is just a blender of being uninformed.
Disabled people have always been in the same boat. Look up the studies where they fed radioactive food to people in group homes and psychiatric hospitals.
White neurotypical people have always been more trusting of their medical system and Big Pharma is finally taking advantage of that.
Julian West picked on the minorities, I think he was afraid of them. He was a monster and applauded in public.
Because there is a fucking coming your way...
Doesn't that apply to all subjects of the state? It started treating people as its property over a hundred years ago:
Yes, but in this case we have a situation where an experimental shot is being rolled out and the message is, "oh we should give it to people of color first because we have treated them so badly in the past"
There was nothing "experimental" about the lethal injections; they all fit into the globalists' agenda:
What difference does it make whom they will get first? White, college-"educated" people were the demographic group on the top of the list of those, who voluntarily accepted the toxins pumped into them.
There is no "we," but I agree that people in the US have been treating each other like trash in the last decade or two, mostly irrespective of color, although reverse discrimination against whites have been widely accepted by the criminal globalist-owned MSM. My ancestors and I certainly didn't "treat" any people of color "so badly" in the past.
You are missing my point here. First off, I'm describing the situation via the narrative employed, and that should be obvious. As to the rest, I'm not disagreeing, its just not what I was talking about.
In that case, please clarify: what exactly were you talking about?
I have had a similar experience, Bay Area is brutal
Especially sickening to have seen that PSA last year with Spike Lee escorting an elderly black woman to a car to take her for her "this time they really care" vaccine. I'm pretty sure he opined at one time about the "true source" of AIDS; that doesn't reflect a trust in government to me.
"This time they really care". Priceless.
Fear and Loathing are great goads to human behavior..
I wonder too !!
Lol "proof of ID is never required."
Unless you don't get the shot. In which case proof of your vax status will be demanded of you at every college...
So… they will require the ID to register them as new cult members.
ID is not required to get the shot, it will be required after to register your status. And it will be required everywhere from the gym to the hospital. But it won’t be required to vote. Until we manage to make vaccination a requirement for voting.
And accessing your digital bank account.
Just north of Vermont, the tide is turning:
Not really. Canada is bonkers as ever.
They 'followed the science' straight off the cliff. Turns out the science they followed was a shyster selling fake life insurance and vacuum cleaners without motors!
True dat. 😭 (S.O.S. from BC.)
#NoAmnesty 💉
#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️
B.C. and Quebec are in a race to the bottom. Remarkably astonishing how backward they are.
I can verify your assertion - it's like living in a Borg Cube up here in rural hinterland Quebec. Perhaps 10, maybe 15% of people even have access to the English language, and consequently the "outside world" in these parts.
Yeh, the hinterlands are another world. I always laugh when Quebecers make fun of the American south. We're Mississippi North and Francois Legault is Boss Hogg.
"The Sound of (Silenced) Science"
Five Times August has great songs too. Sad Little Man !
Montreal was awesome from the 70s-90s. To me, it rivalled any city on the continent. And it was super cool.
Now it lost its vibe and spirit.
Love old Montreal, and Quebec City... but, of course, cannot visit either now.
We're heading to Montreal this weekend for the first time since 2019. We absolutely loved it there in the beforetimes so we'll see how things are now. They dropped the jab requirement to enter Canada in October. None of the websites of any places we're planning to go mention anything about masks or jabs so we're planning to walk our barefaced, non-GMO selves right on in.
makes me think of the lemmings. and of the Rat catcher of Hameln !
And health care facility.
Out of awareness of my white privilege, I forwent the “vaccines” (all of them) so as not to deprive a BIPOCS of their safety. I guess I’m getting the hang of this “woke” stuff...
This is utter criminal and beyond belief. To push this absolutely bullshit procedure on anyone is tantamount to murder.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:
When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.
Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.
Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889
We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
i think “equity” really means everyone gets screwed the same.
With the exception of some of the fat hogs who are more equal than the rest of us.
We are living in a Kafka novel.
China seems to be the closest manifestation. Have you seen the videos of the people lining up outside in the snow waiting for their routine testing every two or three days?
And of course Bernie Sanders is for all of this nonsense.
Biggest political disappointment of my life.
Obama was a bigger disappointment
Not sure why but I saw right through O'bummer from the start but sure got played by Sanders. I ripped his yard sign out 30 seconds after he conceded the primary to his 'friend Joe' and felt like an ass for believing in him.
I got completely suckered by Obama but by August 2009 I figured it out, I was so destitute politically by the W admin I would believe anything. And I haven't since. That fucker.
True he is the biggest fucker of them all. My sister was suckered too and figured it out around the same time. That too was bizarre bc she always sees a snake oil salesman ahead of me. O'bummer had a way of sucking people in. I am still sickened I got played by Sanders.
2020 primaries was the most fixed game I've seen since the Harlem Globetrotters beat the Washington Generals.
I was too, but senile McCain and Cultie Caribou Barbie were worth seeing the end of, at least that's how I saw it at the time. He also ran against a lady name Hillary that year who was attempting to 'inevitable' her way in for the first time. I voted for him because he promised not to do a bunch of the stuff Hillary was shrilling about. Within 30 days of taking office he did all the things Hillary would have done. So I gave up --again, I hadn't voted in any elections for 25 years except that weird CA gov recall election that gave us Arnie. I'm ashamed I voted D. I should have voted for Gary Coleman. Or Angelique. Or for the Beer Party. If I was going to throw a vote away, I should have had fun with it. It seemed enough at the time to vote in a major race with 158 candidates.
Yup, mother is highly sus
He did say it wasn't his job to tell people to get the vaccines. But he didn't stand up against mandates.
Exactly. Biggest "pro-worker" candidate I ever knew. And no words for the tens of thousands who lost their jobs.
I didn’t hear him say that. I guess that’s the new normal version of standing up to big pharma!
RFK met with Bernie (some time around the 2020 primaries) and said Bernie was "very receptive" to the information presented.
And Bernie has spoken out against Pharma, consistently, though not against the jab.
I too am extremely disappointed in Bernie, but maybe there is a glimmer of hope that he'll come around, eventually see the light.
That’s fascinating. I think he’s controlled like everyone else. It’s up to the people to stand up. No politician has the power to change anything for the better, IMO.
I agree with his general drift (given he's a mainstream political figure), but it might be said that Bernie started the outsider take over of Burlington which eventually became woke Vermont.
Plato o plomo.
I saw a black guy in Vermont a few years ago.
I believe there are more health food stores in Vermont than Black people.
Yes, I believe there were at least two black state legislators who rather recently had to step down from there positions because of ongoing harassment which involved their homes and families.
I think I saw him too, he was waiting for his connecting flight at BTV.
Vermont has 'fallen' apparently. Such a beautiful state. I thought Connecticut (more masks by the day) was bad. Good grief. Leave the children alone, dear God.
The northeast looks lost, you have to get south of the Mason Dixon line to start seeing some sanity.
Weird thing is, five years ago I would have said the opposite.
This isn't a pendulum, its a wrecking ball.
"This isn't a pendulum, its a wrecking ball."
Upside-down-inside-out world continues.
Try Brookline and Northampton MA. Drivers masked alone in their cars are still very common sights.
Perhaps they cannot stop farting…
I got family there and yikesaroni!
I still see this in Burlington, VT too. I will never not gawk at them like they have 3 heads.
Not everyone in Vermont is jabbed. Not me and one other friend. That said it is very very very lonely. Two of my friends who received initial jabs are refusing any further inoculations.
Similar in WA state, although in my rural nook near Seattle a handful of us unvaxxed are still about and hold regular events to socialize. I've noticed a lot of the vaxxed no longer talking about it. Many of them have lost family. Lot's of new widows in the last 2 years. I don't know if the vax or stress, but many of them aren't looking well. I know I've aged years over the last 18 months.
There’s a few of us but it sure is bleak here in the Green Mtn State. It is lonely, being a part of the small rural communities is such a challenge these days. Hang in there!
There's a anti-vaccine (and much more) organization in VT called Resistance and Resilience.
Hope it's not a "Infiltration and Murder" scam like the FBI pulled off on the "Black Panthers" in the 60's-early 70's California... must use highly developed cognitive skills (and maybe trust your ancient genetic, "gut feelings" more when wearing your heart-on-your-sleeve but ;not to discourage! Learn how to avoid snitches.
That's great! Do they still have vax passports there? Did most businesses enforce that?
Yes we still have a fair amount of them and businesses varied in their responses. The library’s and organic farmers have led the charge. It’s so weird.
I know, I expected the organic farmers to be aware of the scam and on our side, but not so much... apparently, it's OK to inject the poison, just don't eat it.
I used to live in VT, that's why I'm interested. Libraries rebeled against vax passports??
Jon, I think Hanna meant that the libraries and organic farmers strongly supported the vax passports.
Oh, thanks. That makes more sense (even if it makes no sense)
I'm in Burlington which is the most populous city in the state. We have a progressive city council which passed a defacto proof of jab requirement, meaning that businesses didn't have to require masks if they required jabs.
The strangest thing is that many businesses here required these fascist things all on their own! That seems pretty unique to the northeast.
The only business I'm aware of that still requires proof of jab is the pathetic "comedy" club here in Burlington.
I still have a soft spot in my heart for that area as I lived in Shelburne during high school but left after graduation in 1989. It was liberal then, but I'm sure it's worse now. Bush won state in 88, which surprised me at the time but I guess there was still a large republican remnant.
A comedy club voluntarily requiring proof of jab sounds like an unfunny place!
Why a business would choose to exclude a population of customers is beyond me.
Diane, I'm glad your two jabbed friends woke up! Sympathy to you from Portland, Maine.
Bottom right you can see the date: December 2022.
What is BIPOC?
Black, Indigenous and People of Color
Sounds like a respiratory condition. Are they considered persons? Or just BIPOCs?
Lol! I think it’s meant to mean (to the poc) that they are, but in reality it just reduces them to their skin color, which is ultimately dehumanizing so I don’t really know why any of them would use it at all. Being white is nothing to me other than a condition of which requires me to wear sunscreen if i spend too much time outside so...other than that i spend zero time thinking about it. I’m sure this is considered racist but its just my reality.
ie not you filthy white people who don’t need or appreciate our help
What is weird is that it's supposed to emphasize the first two (B and I) because they're seen as the most discriminated against, yet all POC end up being included (I guess to be "inclusive,), which defeats the purpose of having something that's supposed to call attention to Black and Indigenous people.
Big idiotic people of color? Your turn
There are no people of color in Vermont. It is all white die-hard Woke liberal clowns and are the most vaccinated state in the U.S.(surprise, surprise). My cousin lives there and she was organizing her parents 60th wedding anniversary earlier this year and on the invitation(via email) it said everyone must be fully vaccinated and if not, must wear a N95 mask and social distance. I never RSVP´d. I´m done with her.
I'd social distance. All the way from home.
Sorry to talk badly about your cousin, but she’s full of it. I’d do the same as you. What nerve.
You´re absolutely right, she is full of it and she has some nerve doing what she did.
Thank you for your support.
Black people reject the jab because they know stories about how they have been experimented on, not because they are stupid. These arrogant mofos think that the only reason to not get a clot shot is stupidity.
Masks, gloves, and elbow "greetings" still on the menu, yet it's time for the fourth shot. (Or is it the fifth? I lost track.) Because, you know, these jabs work..!
If, three years ago, you had asked me in my sleep whether anyone would ever be stupid enough to post an ad like this one, I would have thought the person asking was either in a bizarre dream themselves, or crazy. Now, three years later, I think it's both.
How many "people of color" could there possibly BE in the "Green Mountain State"?
I lived there in the 80s. In my public high school we had 2.
What color WERE they?
Black. 0 hispanics, asians or anything else. Only prominent ethnicity was french. Up near Quebec, lots of French ancestry.
Demographics 2022: White: 93.60% Two or more races: 2.74% Asian: 1.62% Black or African American: 1.28%
Maybe Ben and Jerry will name an ice cream for the cause.
Clotted Cream Swirl?
FKA Someone! Welcome back. You were missed!
Thank you!
Cherry Safe and Effective
Vanilla Suddenly
Died Sundaely