Dr. Miller, I could not agree with you more. Although I’d been skeptical of the JFK and RFK assassination “stories”, and September 11, (forget about Covid and that particular plan, skepticism doesn’t begin to cover it, the evidence is out in the open for all of us to see that crime by the government), it was the Lahaina fire that cemented everything for me. The scary thing is, the “Illuminati” (I’m using that term because we don’t know who is behind it all) is so brazen now that they have used the same tactic within a couple of months of each catastrophic event: the intentional stand down of the government. There is no way in hell that the IDF was not just unprepared, but nonexistent for all those hours.

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I believe they are allowing it to happen in order to expand the chaos and interactions that will happen as a result. Kissinger said in 2012 that in 10 years Israel will not exist anymore.

Search this or any semblance of it ( kissinger 2012, Israel will not exist )


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Yet another bullshit video.

I watched about 3 minutes I wish I could get back. Hebrew was lost and they didn't know how it was spoken? How did the Sephardic Jews know? How do Sephardic Jews talk in hebrew with Ashkenazi? Google translate? Yeah they know what they're talking about.

BTW, Palestinians are a fictional people named by yasser arafat. He admitted that. They are largely Jordanians and Egytians (arafat was an Egyptian born in Cairo). Your video knuckleheads have that wrong too.

So much for your awareness.

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Finish watching

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At the 24-25 minute mark of this video it shows that Putin / Russia is working with Igor Berkut to solidify the transition from the Middle East to Ukraine. ALL of this over the last almost 2 years looks to be what? A F_cking Conspiracy between powerful entities to get this done and much more. What has to happen? The slaughter of the Donbass and Maidan to make room for the new settlements.

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Maybe this man's work might interest you, as to who 'they' are:


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Wow. This is a treasure trove of the parasite’s hierarchical control system.

Thanks for posting.

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You're welcome

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Netanyahu presided over a country divided in deep crisis and civil turmoil. An audacious attack by Hamas would be just the thing to unite the Israeli population behind an existential war (and by extension, behind him, consolidating his faltering power).

Cui bono?

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A perfect way to shift attention from the ongoing "injection Holocaust" (as an Israeli friend of mine calls it).

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Are the people in Israel starting to see what was done to them or is it like here in the US where most have no clue whats been done?

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The CDC has decided to stop reporting weekly deaths and causes of death


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Assuming arguendo "they let it happen." Those who did the killing, raping, mutilation, kidnapping... are still culpable. Even if the Iranians did it alone, Hamas allowed and celebrated the carnage.

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it wasn't 'the Iranians', it was Israel from within (Netanyahu needs a war to unite the country against a made-up 'evil enemy' a.k.a. Iran).

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Isn't calling an "injection Holocaust" anti-semitic?

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Nope 👎

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A Holocaust is literally A burnt Offering. That is what the term means in the Bible.

There is no talk of A Holocaust after the Cannanites are slaughtered.

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No. But the government of Israel is definitely anti-semitic. Especially since they are using their own populace as pawns, and they have been treating the Semitic population of Palestine as vermin since the mid-1940s.

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Holocaust : a mass slaughter of people

especially : GENOCIDE

(Just a quick definition)


also: a sacrifice, consumed by fire

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was it not derived from the time of burnt offerings, when a part of the animal to be roasted and eaten would be removed and burned on the altar as a sacrificial offering to a god or gods ?? but when, rarely there would be the sacrificial offering of the entire animal, that would be a holocaust ?

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I have no idea, I just looked up the definition to see what the word meant.

It's interesting what you say.

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nope. i'm jewish. it WAS an injection holocaust.

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1) Are those of us, like MCM and his friend, who think the Covid/Vax Disaster and the Cover-Up of its Vax-Harm aspect together constitute the biggest story of our time right? Yes.

2) Might our corrupt regimes/media orchestrate big events to distract attention? Yes.

3) Are there other significant stories and conflicts at work in the world besides the struggle over the Covid/Vax Disaster? Yes.

4) Is there any rationale for thinking that the calculations made by Iran/Hamas to start this war involved aiding whatever forces want the Suppression of the Covid/Vax Disaster story to continue? No.

5) If we do find Israeli govt. error leading to the ease-of-incursion, what level of error would lead one to posit a plot-to-use-the-exposure of Israeli civilians for political purposes? Answer: it would have to be VERY high levels of error. (And BTW, the jury is still quite out on what happened in Lahaina.)

6) Even if one had evidence for 5), what political purpose besides pretext for a massive attack on Gaza could be involved? Are we really going to go down the road of thinking the WEF or whoever influenced corrupt Israeli officials, or Hamas/Iran, or both, for the sake of starting a distraction from the vax-harms?

7) So back to point 1: the very nature of the Covid/Vax Disaster inevitably is going to cause us to seem to the uninformed like single-issue obsessives. But let's not rush to confirm that sterotype, okay?

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a war in the Middle East distracts - from the Bidens' indictments; Ukraine; and serves as a mighty tool for Netanyahu's government to bring about a sense of unity in an otherwise severely fractured Israel.

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It’s distraction, yes, but there’s a greater agenda. Distract, push agenda, distract, push agenda, distract. We keep moving toward the cabal’s stated goals and death and destruction are a means to an end.

They’re going to get their great reset whether we like it or not. Also, I fear what happened in Israel is a rehearsal for what will happen here. I’ve been trying to have serious talks with my husband today about how we will look at our lives moving forward. It’s ridiculous to ignore the obvious. There are very hard times ahead.

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Great Reflect, thanks for your thoughts. I couldn't agree more:

"istract, push agenda, distract, push agenda, distract. We keep moving toward the cabal’s stated goals..."

I wish there was some way to stop this but unfortunately most people have no free will and they will respond predictably to whatever buttons the psychopaths push next.

One way that I can prove myself that I MIGHT have free will is to actually change things that I can - including spending less time online.

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Oct 8, 2023
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Yes indeed, I too am sickened by the fog that we have so long been in, trusting the TV duet, “Night, David, Night Chet” for all those years. Who knows how much they edited, rewrote five minutes before airing?! and we can’t imagine our govt, those folks who made big promises, who sent out pre election pictures of pretty wife, four kids, all so happy with their honest family leader…haha ~~~ And yes, my church closed down for months, masks and distancing, remote services….former church now, though I loved them all. We must keep swimming, though the rip tides are strong. Etc etc etc. We have discovered each other, keep sharing. Don’t give up

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The churches are either ignorant or cowardly. I’d rather have ignorant.

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Or the churches are complicit! The Pope is the spiritual advisor to the globalists, as stated by a Catholic nun.

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And Pope Francis was (IS linked!) linked to Operation Condor in Argentina a South American version of Operation Gladio!

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Was this about Los Desaparecidos that the Mothers dressed in white protested?

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I will have to look that up, but he is evil incarnate! He was guilt tripping parishioners into taking the covid poison! How much lower can you go?

I was raised Catholic and sent my 4 daughters to an independent Sacred Heart Catholic school run by independent nuns, who were wonderful. My daughters received an excellent education, including learning about world religions, not just Catholicism. The Catholic Church's history is rife with abuse.

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This book has helped me understand the spiritual battle we are in:


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I hope you write something soon, Galen. I subscribed. Thank you.

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Oct 9, 2023
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Yes, I heard that Donald Trump asked a group of pastors what concerns they had, back in the 2015 election period, they told him 501c3, makes difficult to tell truth snd conscience from the pulpit because of the gvt controls on free speech

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The irony is that, if you dig into the tax code just a little bit, you will learn that anyone not doing business as or with the government is not obligated to pay taxes. In other words, most taxes are voluntary. Thus, churches operating in the private realm do not need permission from the government for tax-exempt status.

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Without having to read liberal blogs for the answer, why is Sara Netanyahu running Israel for Bebe?

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bebe looks like maybe he believed the pfizer lies--SAR in his face

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Thanks for this. It probably is with the way Israel was pushing the shots. The three countries that didn't, the leaders were killed.

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"Hamas forces’ easily breached Israel’security—a massive breach unseen (?) and unobstructed, provoking no response and somehow sparking no alarms—is a story as preposterous as all the others that have been deployed against us since November 22, 1963."

Here's an excerpt from an article written in 2012:

"Israeli video security companies provide some of the most advanced solutions in the world, selling to authorities all over Europe, the US and Asia. Their most common innovation – smart video surveillance systems that not only observe, but also analyze, alert and deliver results to security personnel."

So how is it possible that a country equipped with the most sophisticated surveillance technology on the planet would incur such an attack.


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Agreed 100%. As someone who has been following the reality and history of the the Israel-Palestine issue for years prior to 9/11 and my immediate spider senses activating with the announcement of the towers being hit and the realization this would lead to wars in the Muslim world, my internal radar detector went off yesterday. Realizing all the scandals unfolding and how every time Netenyhu’s corruption catches up to him, and engagement with Hamas in Gaza always saves his skin as the purported savior of Judea. This whole fiasco has all kinds of filthy prints on it, and I fear people on both sides are taking the bait, as always. May God protect us all and make clear the truth to us in these trying times, Ameen!

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indeed: 'Cult-owned Hamas attack Cult-owned Israel for a Cult that wants war with Cult-owned Iran on the road to WW3. Innocent civilians, Israeli and Palestinian, which neither Cult ‘side’ gives a shit about, are the casualties – as always. Evil fights evil for the benefit of evil....' (David Icke) - https://davidicke.com/2023/10/08/cult-owned-hamas-attack-cult-owned-israel-for-a-cult-that-wants-war-with-cult-owned-iran-on-the-road-to-ww3-innocent-civilians-israeli-and-palestinian-which-neither-cult-side-gives-a-shit-about/

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This seems to be bloodlust theater being played out.

They all have rolls, but it's the same theater troupe.

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indeed! however, none of the actors have a complete version of the play and we're just the audience they can't be without.

[ps: roles].

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There is no reason to clear out Gaza or go after Iran since Israel mass injected their citzens to extinction anyway.

Already through acquantances, I know of three murders, one kidnapping and two missing....a high number to know of from in one event. Really believe this is a Las Vegas style op.

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If God actually had any problem solving skills, he would've slaughtered every one of his believers long ago...

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Thank YOU once again, MARK for removing any clouds that hide the real truth. Hardly, anyone is

exposing this attack on Israel the way you are doing. I think the 2nd Smartest Guy wrote similar to

you. I don't know what we would do without you. GOD BLESS YOU and the work that you do

to keep the truth coming +

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The first tip off that all was not as presented? Within minutes of this event hitting the "news," all broadcasters were calling it the "Pearl Harbor" event of Israel. Their script was pre-coordinated.

Just as on Jan 6, all "news" outlets within minutes were using the same script and calling the flubbub in Washington, DC, an "insurrection."

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Here, the equivalent of "insurrection" is the negation of history (older and current) and simply calling this an "attack." (Like Putin just waking up that February morning last year and deciding to "invade" Ukraine).


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good find

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Some might find this article I wrote on the weekend useful, including the False Flag checklist.

Understanding False Flags


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Good article thanks.

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Great synopsis to keep in your 'back pocket'.


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Passive Facilitation in particular cries out.

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Wonderful post.

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Man, I don't think a lot of us NEED to know what happened. What we need to do is to ensure that we don't fall for any narratives that end up building realities:


Just like with 9/11 and Hawaii, what we SEE on the screens can paint very different stories:


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I think the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting belongs on this list. Something doesn't smell right about that narrative either.

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No kidding. Nor is that the only "mass shooting" story that does not hold up.

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Uvalde also comes to mind. Such a coincidence the back door was casually left open.

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Sandy Hook

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I'm an American living in a very Muslim part of a southeast Asian country. Yesterday we drove far out into the country to visit a struggling family and they served us herbal tea and almond cookies that the hijab-clad woman now sells after learning how to make them from YouTube. They were struggling because their male provider never woke up last month after getting a Covid shot, but all the anger yesterday was aimed at the Jews.

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There you go. Worked like a charm.

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this is an exceptional paragraph; to me, reading it recalls a Shirley Hazzard novel --

and brings to mind scenes from films ( black and white ) by Satyajit Ray

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A bit off topic per se - the one profound common denominator albeit the JFK assassination is the overwhelming and total disregard for human life! That fact alone speaks volumes how all of this comes to be.

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"Surprise attack" on Israel and Numerical "Coincidences"

Nothing to see here, just another "crazy conspiracy theory".


The World Is A Stage


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Laudato Deum- calling for “teeth” for the Jesuit led UN-NWO-NWR to punish the heretics who will dare oppose the papacy when the world “wonders” after it.

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JJ Couey is amassing a great archive on Twitch (GigaohmBiological) of biology lessons explaining the psyop of covid. His strongest message is that we must avoid the illusion of consensus, which is exactly what you are so well-versed in Dr Miller.

Can I recommend this presentation to a group of doctors that he gave recently: https://rumble.com/v3ljg6i-dr-jonathan-jay-jj-couey-phd.html

and hope that the two of you can at some stage connect, because there is such alignment in your message.

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Excellent idea!

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Regarding the Israel issue, do a search on when Henry Kissinger stated in 2012 that in 10 years Israel will not exist anymore. He said this for a reason, most likely because that was and is the plan. This video points out what could really be happening with Ukraine and how it ties in with what is happening this week. This is all part of the grand agenda from those who believe they have the right to rule over and steer the world in their favor.


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If the HAMAS attack on Israel was a "false flag" it was likely because China is backing Palestinian statehood in a 2-state solution with Israel, based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capitol. Can you imagine Netenyahu willing to roll back the borders? China aims to be the mediator in the conflict as peace negotiations have been stalled since 2014. Saudi Arabia said that normalization with Israel can only happen if the Palestinians get their own state. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/like-the-911-inside-job-israel-coincidently

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UPDATE: Paul Craig Roberts Sees Similarities to 9/11 - Hamas’ Attack on Israel Is Puzzling - https://tinyurl.com/ews86s3s

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UPDATE - Israeli Reporter Reveals Video Confirming Widespread Foreknowledge of HAMAS Attack - https://tinyurl.com/9jasksee

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UPDATE: Judge Napolitano interviews former CIA, Ray McGovern who suspects Israel and the US "let it happen" in the hopes they could "demolish HAMAS, definitively.” Perhaps it was the desired covert outcome that by Israel declaring war on GAZA it becomes next to impossible for Chinese President Xi Jinping to mediate normalization with Israel and Saudi Arabia, a radical deal for Israel that stipulates the Palestinians finally get their own sovereign state with the borders returned to the 1967 levels as insisted by Xi last June - https://tinyurl.com/49sn47fk

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UPDATE: Mike Adams Claims Events in GAZA Signal Obama’s Plan to Destroy America and Israel is Beginning to Unfold - https://tinyurl.com/mr2hkk6k

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UPDATE - Scott Ritter Claims Israeli Misplaced Confidence in "Security" via Artificial Intelligence Played a Role in HAMAS Success - https://tinyurl.com/y5vt2rcw

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UPDATE: George Webb Claims "GAZA" is a Bioweapons Testing "STRIP" - https://tinyurl.com/59yze6xt

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UPDATE: BOMBSHELL: Netenyahu Confesses to Strategy of Paying HAMAS for Dirty Tricks to Undermine Palestinian Statehood

This makes Israel and the US complicit in Crimes Against Humanity (AGAIN!) - https://tinyurl.com/3pavbehr

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UPDATE: China Announces Support For Palestinian Statehood but Israel Now Seeks Normalization With Saudi Arabia in a “New Middle East” Denying Palestine Statehood in Aftermath of Purported HAMAS Terrorism. Possible $Trillions at Stake for Israel are the vast Oil and Gas Reserves offshore the GAZA Strip that Palestine Could Claim under China's proposed normalization with Saudi Arabia and official statehood. - https://tinyurl.com/fuw3fdf5

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At one point in time, we could say-“we think we know“ (even, perhaps, “we thought we knew”)

Now we can say with firm assurance ,

“we know- nothing...”

("We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false")

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We do know one thing. We can trust nothing that any governmental authority tells us. Or their mouthpieces in media.

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Yes - “Trust to not Trust” -

as in “Toys ‘R’ Us”....

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Oct 9, 2023
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Yep, down on the corner, where the creatures meet, willie and the poor boys are playing , bring a nickel, tap your feet

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