I don't know. The moral panic about the metaverse is reminiscent of that surrounding video games, satanic heavy metal, hip-hop and pop music lyrics and so on, a la Tipper Gore, as Linda Hagge mentions.
And if there are "plans" to have us move our lives into that realm, we do have the agency to opt out. I think parents will have to be vigi…
I don't know. The moral panic about the metaverse is reminiscent of that surrounding video games, satanic heavy metal, hip-hop and pop music lyrics and so on, a la Tipper Gore, as Linda Hagge mentions.
And if there are "plans" to have us move our lives into that realm, we do have the agency to opt out. I think parents will have to be vigilant about what their kids are up to and provide sound guidance.
I don't know. The moral panic about the metaverse is reminiscent of that surrounding video games, satanic heavy metal, hip-hop and pop music lyrics and so on, a la Tipper Gore, as Linda Hagge mentions.
And if there are "plans" to have us move our lives into that realm, we do have the agency to opt out. I think parents will have to be vigilant about what their kids are up to and provide sound guidance.
Yep, and I think that's why Mark is seeing it as a new way to institute cultural taboos that can be monitored.