Those pushing for an "amnesty" would like us to forget the criminal collaboration of the media in ruining the world—as in this clip from Canada, and George Clooney's brainless rant on mandatory jabs
Fuck George Clooney and the horse he rode in on and fuck everybody else who's pushing these poisonous jabs on a brainwashed sleeping public. I'm pissed off enough as it is that so many people in society got the poisonous jabs, but I'm murderously angry at the bastards behind this whole agenda and the fact that they are using the media and brainless dumb shit actors and actresses to push this narrative. Fuck all of them. They should all die screaming.
Italian citizens were very compliant, by and large. Everyone I know who lives in that country was sick and on their 3rd round of shots in January of 2022.
Those who couldn't produce a "Green Pass" were badly mistreated. Especially Italian workers over the age of 50.
I live in Italy and I can tell you it was absolutely bloody awful for those of us who chose NOT to take this shot. (I refuse to call it vaccine). As an over 50 , I confirm that we were not allowed almost anywhere. The Super Green Pass was abominable. But I have a good memory and I will not give those businesses my money ever again. Some of them seemed to enjoy this authority they were given. I was a nervous wreck and I lost my job. But I would do it all over again. (btw, there are quite a number of Italians who did NOT take the poison. We went to a march down in Turin and there were thousands and thousands of us. It was never reported in MSM. These marches took place every single weekend all over Italy). So many' celebs' and politicians were vile on daily talk shows too. There was a frenzy like hate towards us - it was really really horrid.
Hi Puffin, I watched the Turin protests via alt media sources.
I saw what was going on and sent many many links to my cousins in Italy.
I saw masses of folks who were prohibited from eating in restaurants (and their supporters!) gathered in the piazze of towns and cities, eating their picnics, laughing, communing unmasked, and breaking bread together.
While open restaurants, which enforced the mandates and denied them entry, sitting EMPTY... (Good!)
"La gente come noi non molla mai!"
The last time I spoke with one of my cousins in northern Italy was around Christmas of 2021. He was double jabbed, and had Covid. Told me he was waiting to recover and looking forward to getting his 3rd jab in January...
There really is no arguing with folks who drank the koolaide. I've lost family and friends, trying.
"You can't fix stupid", so I stopped.
Since that time: another of my elderly aunts (on that side of the family) died in care.
DR. MARK TROZZI: Anyone who has not been injected yet has had to be very committed to not being injected. Right? So if you say 20% of Canadians are not injected, that's not just because they didn't get to them yet. That means they were willing to give up their job or give up travel or go through whatever kind of abuse this criminal organization imposing these not-a-vaccine injections on people have done. So that's a very committed crowd.
So let's say in Canada you have, what, we have about 40 million people in Canada? So 20%, that's like 8 million people. I don't feel very alone if I'm on a team of 8 million people. Right? Like I mean, if you were one of one million people in your organization in Canada, I don't think you should feel very insecure, especially when you consider that 20%, that 8 million, are very awake, very focused.
Now to boot you have a whole bunch of people who've been victimized by this injection. And there are no patients of this injection, there are no subjects in the experiment because everybody's been lied to. People think, oh, I'm getting a vaccine! Right? So everyone's a victim because the Nuremberg Code and all medical ethics have been violated to stick that needle into them and give them something they didn't realize what they were getting. A lot of them have already felt the injury. Quite a few of them have died. What have we got, how many 30 plus doctors or, depends on what time of day it is, how many more people have died in Canada, right? From the injection? So you have a lot of people who've been forcibly injected and are not taking the next one.
Well so, I'll tell you, like, if I didn't take injection in the first place, what about the people who actually got injected and then realized what's been done to them. And I know some of them and you know what, they are rightfully pissed off as they should be.
So take that 8 million and start adding to it. Right? So we are a force to be reckoned with.
I'm very sorry you and others in Italy went through that. I'm really coming to believe that it is going to take a global revolution to set things straight again.
Thanks, Puffin, for that great report. I was pretty sure that things must have been like that in Italy. I’ve been to Italy many times and read much about its post WW1 history. It’s great to hear confirmation of a strong resistance there,
So he was bought and paid for way before the covid lockdowns even occurred.
But I had the same sort of visceral reaction as ‘kris’ to Jennifer Anniston who was spewing this hate in 2021… “Jennifer Aniston revealed in a new interview that she's been forced to cull friends from her circle who 'refused' to get their COVID-19 vaccine.”
I’m sure he was jabbed. She was out of her mind crazy about being around unjabbed people. Even family members. She is the epitome of uneducated wacko. More human waste.
ah but see, he is one who hopes he will be in the lucky handful that are allowed to have the world to themselves. for them the rules don't apply. They only apply for the plebs. Us Yes brave new world was supposed to be fiction and when I did my endwork on it, the teacher was surprised I told him I thought this is where capitalism would end, even though the book is anticommunist. Obviously me being 17 at the time had an eye for disaster
Hi Ingrid, what we have in prominent western societies today is not capitalism which can only exist in free and open markets ... what we have is a bastardized version, an unholy union of business and government, “CORPORATISM” ... perhaps it is the natural end of capitalism but it is not capitalism
I mean to say plenty of people who know that the injections are bad are getting saline or not shots and they need fake inoculation proof. But there are many people, I'll say it - dumb enough to not know, and blindly trust and get the shots. Those don't need a fake card. My suggestion is Clooney strikes me as THAT dumb.
I guess time will tell....kinda quickly...many of the vaxxed look pretty bad, their skin looks wrong to me. Greyish or ruddy. Tick....Clooney strikes me as a 'rules for thee but not for me' type...
Yes, I don't buy the excuse that they just didn't know and trusted the science. They did not do their due diligence. Dr Michael Yeadon who used to work for Pfizer even said he did not do his due diligence. He just trusted that the jabs were safe. I'm sorry. I simply do not forgive or forget and that includes those who came to the table late and have since changed their minds about the safety and efficacy of these poisonous jabs. Too many people have died and been maimed from this shit. Think about all the little children. Think about all the adolescents who dropped dead and those living who now have heart problems for the rest of their lives because their parents took them to take the poison jabs. Think about all the pregnant women and their unborn babies who were harmed because of this shit. No amnesty for any of these fucktards. Think about all of that and then get murderously angry and stay that way. What they want is for us to forgive them and act like they had no idea that the jabs were poisonous. That is bullshit. They knew full well the jabs were dangerous, and they pushed the agenda anyway even as people were dropping stone dead.
"Dr Michael Yeadon who used to work for Pfizer even said he did not do his due diligence. He just trusted that the jabs were safe."
Mike Yeadon did NOT say that about the covid jabs - he said it about conventional vaccinations (which were not his area of research). He said the story seemed not to be as represented, but AS A SCIENTIST, he accepts he hasn't done enough homework yet so won't damn them all at this point.
How can you possibly say he trusted the covid jabs were safe when he and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote to the European Medicines Agency, before the rollout even began, to protest that the proposed technology was not safe and the 'vaccine' rollout should not go ahead.
Mike Yeadon is an admirable human being and I don't like seeing people saying stuff about him that manifestly isn't true. And especially when it's based on nothing more than blah blah doesn't add up blah blah. There are people out there with an agenda which is to discredit good people an divide the truth movement.
Now me, I was dumb enough to take two shots before I found out what was going on (principally that public health authorities are actively malevolent, a fact of which I was unaware). So have a go at me if you want to attack someone who didn't do their homework, but don't make stuff up about Mike Yeadon. What you think he could possibly gain by making stuff up is absolutely beyond me.
I wish I'd heard him in June 2020 - would have saved me taking the two jabs! And it's obvious he hates the publicity and hates public speaking (as he says). You can hear it in his voice, especially in the earlier interviews (2021 for me, although you've obviously heard him earlier). He's not a natural, but he does it because it has to be done. He's given approaching 90 interviews - and just wants his life back (but fears he's never going to get it back).
Well, conventional vaccinations have not been proven safe, either. In fact, the MMR and DPT have been shown to have a direct correlation with autism in children. Michael Yeadon does not get a pass from me. He works for Pfizer. Big Pharma is evil. They are only in it for the profit. And I'm sorry that you took the two jabs. My daughter did, as well, and you never saw the meltdown that I had in the living room when I found out about that. She had already had covid and it took her two weeks to get over it. She did not need the fucking jabs. So, now I have to spend the rest of my life worrying about what's going to happen to my daughter. So, get off your fucking high horse and don't preach to me.
He doesn't work for Pfizer. He WORKED for Pfizer, then, after being made redundant, started up his own biotech firm. He never worked in vaccines at any point. I'm not telling you to give him a free pass. I responded because you told lies about what he said.
And my daughters broke my heart by taking the jabs too, after me telling them what was going on. And one has a child, both of whose parents are jabbed, so I don't know what's going to happen to him. So get off your own fucking high horse and don't preach to me. But mostly, dont tell lies about what people like Mike Yeadon have said. Big Pharma are evil, and yet many people still owe their lives to some of the products of Big Pharma. Life is like that.
Well said. It’s a tough situation all around and anger abounds. I think smoldering anger is necessary, but uncontrolled anger won’t help change things, which we need to do.
No shit, Sherlock. But by and large they're in business for all the billions they can make and they couldn't give two flying Philadelphia fucks about the rest of us. And my daughter and her wife both took the jabs, and I have 3 1/2 year old fraternal twin granddaughters that may be without mothers in the future. So, let's not punch down, my dear. Let's punch up and hit these motherfuckers squarely in their fucking balls and then drag them out and eliminate them with extreme prejudice.
Sorry to hear. I feel the same about my son, his family of four, and my son-in-law. Constant threat. At least I’ve convinced two of them to not submit to boosters.
Did Yeadon call for using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine early on? Dr. McCullogh did. Dr. Pierre Kory did. Yeadon still thinks childhood vaccines have been studied thoroughly and are safe and effective? He still believes in those? He doesn't get a free pass from me, lady. He might have disagreed using the spike protein in the MRNA jabs, but he said the elderly should be isolated and protected because they had weakened immune systems. Now what exactly did that mean? How in the hell were people in nursing homes supposed to be isolated and protected when the very people who were supposed to be taking care of them were bringing the virus into the nursing homes? Was he an advocate of giving old people the jabs to "protect them"?
Well said. But for Yeadon and a very few others most of us would probably have taken these poisons. He has now admitted as you say below that he regrets not looking more closely into actual vaccine safety beforehand but I think he thought he was working in an ethical business not for a bunch of criminals.
Remember the “ pedestal” the dr/nurses were put on ?? Heard some towns had parades for the front line workers but...... in actuality the hospitals were empty! People were filming it!!!! It was cricket’s!!! The footage shown on tv(I guess- don’t have one-haven’t watched in 10 yrs) was fake ,either  crisis actors, or from yrs ago not related! But I do know it wasn’t portraying the current situation! You always had to hear how “Essential “ they all were!!! Quite frankly if it’s your/my job it’s pretty Fucking essential! ( I may have gone off on a rant there)
Yeah, I might agree with you there. I also have a big problem with Dr Robert Malone. Even though he has been speaking out about these poison jabs and the agenda of Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and the WEF, he was the one who started doing the research on the first mRNA jabs. Now you might say if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. That is probably true. But it's still pisses me off royally. He should not have been working on that type of technology. You don't screw around with RNA and DNA. These scientists think they are gods, and they think they have the right to experiment with viruses and bacteria and come up with their poisons that the rest of us rubes are supposed to take unquestioningly. That doesn't work with this girl.
So how does someone so intimately familiar with the so-called mRNA tech decide to take the jab? That part really didn't make any sense. Yes, it's your choice as a grown adult to take it or not.....but what benefit did you think you would get by taking it?
I really have no idea. I never had any intention of taking those jabs. I don't trust a single thing that comes out of the government's mouth or any of the three letter agencies associated with it. I am an anti authoritarian malcontent from the get. Anytime a politician is moving his or her lips, I know he or she is lying. If you just remember not to trust a single thing that anybody in power says, you will be all right. Follow your own gut and your own common sense.
Right. I mean do those Tesla morons busy perfecting automated driving (ie “loss of bodily autonomy while in a car”) anticipate what will come of it in the end? Nope. They are distracted by the bright shiny thing they are making ... I know that pursuing a goal is intoxicating and can be somewhat blinding too
i think both of them and maybe some others stepped out once they realized what they were doing. VanDenBossche too. He worked for a few chems before speaking up. You got to realize they did not do themselves a favor by speaking up, much on the contrary. Malone strikes me as less trustworthy because he took the jabs, saying he needed to travel internationally (so do the others, did they take the jabs?) He is now jab harmed.
It's really amazing, isn't it? They'd rather take untested on humans poisonous jabs so they can travel as opposed to erring on the side of caution and not taking the jabs so that they don't have autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart problems or any other number of myriad problems in the future. It boggles the mind.
Oh, I do blame them. But mRNA technology was never tested in human beings and was never brought to the fore until this bioengineered virus was released from a lab either in Fort Detrick or Wuhan China. The lab engineered virus was released as an excuse to roll these poison jabs out. There is no way in hell that the public would ever take gene therapy jabs and these assholes knew that. Therefore they called them vaccines because they know the public trusts vaccines.
All businesses have cons, examples: complex financial instruments, super computing trades, insurance exclusions, ect.. average citizens typically lose in the long game cons.
In my book any popular figure purporting to be a friendly, may be a spy or controlled opposition. Malone and his wife Jill tried to cover their tracks when it was revealed that she had strong links to some of the worst Techno Tyrants. I read a lot of what he published early, then when that came out I put in my ashcan of rubbish figures. Yeadon is so likeable and seems so sincere. Nothing really bad has happened to him and that is suspicious, alone. Also the fact that he was able to move to Florida from the UK, despite being a “truthteller”. My verdict on him is still not in, and may never be. I think he has given a lot of good information, and continues to, so I’ll just read him very carefully. Truth be told, even the most hardened revolutionary may be turned under enough duress. Best to judge each leader by their actions each day as long as they are active. Everything changes.
I knew the media was slime long before the Plandemonium. I never trusted Drs blindly but now I trust them virtually none at all. And I kept waiting for the Hippocratic oath to become relevant again since April 2020. Still waiting as it turns out.
Anger should be our prevalent emotion at this point in the genocide of "useless eaters." When we get together, I predict the whole shithouse will go up in flames for klaus anal-schwab and his gang of homicidal misfits.
When enough people start to suffer and get hungry, desperation will set in. They want us divided to reduce our numbers, so we need to remember who our true enemies are.
Get PISSED! These people don't just dislike us, they want us DEAD!
What a joke! We are definitely in the Upside Down. I don't know if you've ever watched Stranger Things, but if you have, you will know what I'm talking about.
While I do appreciate your pacifism, there needs to be justice in this world for these murdering thugs. And I would hope that if they came after you and yours, you would set your pacifism aside and defend yourself and your family to the death if necessary.
There will be no justice on this world. True justice is cosmic, separating good from evil and delivering exacting punishment. We will not see that here.
Exacly L, and a meme in the works. For those that pushed this poison on others, AND STILL DO!! well, I think their souls had holes already...there are about a billion folks I will grieve for first...or at least forgive, but not jab mandators. When will he see it? I don't like him but is he that dumb? yes
You know actors.. they are good at memorizing lines and pretending to be someone else. For "some" reason people think they are smart.... no they are just good actors.
Actually, I think actors can be some of the hardest people to interact with for this reason, pretending skills. Personal experience, trying to divorce an actress now. Few actors remain themselves, it seems. Especially if you are interacting with them among others, the person I know is seldom the same as when they are alone. It's mostly a show, they are trained and rewarded this way.
My past experience with actors… I didn’t feel comfortable around them. They seem like fake people. It’s like you really don’t know who they really are because they are so good at pretending to be someone else. I am sure there are some really genuine people who are also good actors. It’s just hard to trust them.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree Kris! I'm so tired of the constant stream of bullshit flowing from their clamoring skull caves! They will soon be on their way home to join their father Satan.
I don't believe in deities of any kind, so if there is no justice on planet Earth there will not be any at all. I do want to see them dealt with in the harshest fashion and turned into compost. They can't harm anyone if they are composted. what people believe or disbelieve will never change what is. the problem with 'karma' is that we all want front-row seats and we want them now. sadly, that rarely happens...
Don't let the anger get to you that much though, it's not worth it. I've been angry most of my life and can certainly related. We need strong, unvaxxed people like you now more than ever.
Circumstances recently is my life have reawakened in me a profound acknowledgement of the thread of giving love to the world that has run through my entire life. Through everything (the good bad and horrible) still exists the unselfish kid who is now an old man.
I agree 100%, and I'm beyond caring who dies now. Every day there's another set of youngish people who died "unexpectedly" who were prominent enough to be noticed, so there are likely dozens more that are anonymously dying as well. The government and media (redundant, I know) don't care, and cannot be made to care, and continue with their gaslighting and outright lies, so I'm done caring as well.
Patience is up I couldn't agree more on the evil bastards doing this are all schill traitors to the people on earth and have everything coming to them they deserve……eventually.
Join the mission and lets bypass censorship algorithms and draw attention to the case that has a man politically persecuted that may hold the only key to reversal of vax damage in many cases possibly. This is the last chance before mass destruction.
George Clooney is not a go-to for scientific inquiry. He is cinema eye candy. Why do people equate
pretty people who are actors with medical authority? What cooked it for me was when Dolly Parton sang her old stand-by, Jolene, Jolene, with the word exchange, Vaccine, Vaccine. Incredulous. The
coercion sent a chill. In no way do actors inform me about life, science, or anything else.
That’s why when they did event 201, one of the parts was TO HAVE PEOPLE OF INFLUENCE to perpetuate and give credence to the scam of the pandemic and Covid.
Yes, Debra Birx even stooped to calling prominent churches and women's prayer circles to encourage vaccines within the congregation, especially the elderly. One dear Christian saw the corruption and spoke out publicly about it.
Thank you. You're right. I don't spend much time watching movies, and I haven't had TV in decades. I've rarely seen a pharma commercial, so it has helped see the farce more clearly. I admire you and all your work of waking people up. Not an easy task to birth creative and critical thinkers. Hats off!
As I see it, in the U.S. too many are celebrities. Politicians are celebs, business leaders are celebs, even the chair of the Federal Reserve is a celeb. I see this as a big problem. Many do pay attention.
OMG. Thank you for the post. I did not realize this statement from G Clooney was in the corporate print news. Well, Clooney made his fortune selling Tequila, B movies, and investments. A true dem neoliberal---he got it wrong on Syria and other US imperialism political news. He's still wrong. I doubt he would be singing vaccine's praises if his beautiful wife were to get Bells Palsy. God forbid. A phool for pharma.
Mary I think we do this out of our innate need to worship ... when we do not worship God we worship other things like George Clooney 🤢🤢 worship is as necessary to our spiritual being as breathing is to our physical being. Celebrity worship is only idolatry, modernized and (very) pretty ... cinema eye candy ... ha!
I agree. I've often thought of this need for group worship when I see sport arenas full of people gathered together wearing coordinated attire of one mind, body, and purpose. (Psalm 95:6-7) As sophisticated as people like to think they have evolved---well, they haven't. The first commandment still stands; it has been fulfilled in Christ, not nullified or abolished.
I never thought of sports that way. I don't watch them myself, but I have family and friends who do. Although when I think about it, almost any activity can become an "idol." so we need to constantly re-evaluate our priorities. Thanks for sharing that.
I recently discovered there was an idol in my life, something I’d never dreamt could be worshipped … I was hanging all my hopes and dreams on WEEKENDS … seriously. I was so desperate for them, always feeling like j barely skidded into Friday then was feeling even more tired out when Monday rolled around because I have young children so there can be no true rest even on a weekend. The cycle was exhausting me and making me even more tired and also ungrateful and unhappy. One day it dawned on me what I’d been doing … I’d been looking to my “days off” for my rest! There is plenty in the Bible in the topic of rest and it does not come from time, it comes from GOD. When the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years in disobedience, God says “they will not enter My rest”! There is a whole section on this in one of the epistles … I can’t look it up at the moment but it’s there plain as day … anyway, I am learning something new every day these days and (mostly) feeling grateful for it!
Yes I felt so sad when I watched that. It didn't bother me when I went to the Smokey Mountains and saw all the Dolly Wood stuff and all. But that vaccine song just made feel so sad.
Until something happens to his wife , his child and himself and his bank account and to the people he knows and loves . I’m tired of the bleeding, miscarriages, stillborns and female cancers . Cmon George Clooney wake up .
Brandon, he’s part of the enemy forces. Hollywood is filled with agency and Mossad assets, and Clooney is one of them. Others include Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, Robert de Niro, Arnan Milchan (Mossad), probably Brad Pitt, Leonardo diCaprio. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
You went to UCLA too? I spent three years there in the ‘60’s. I worked a couple of nights for a year at the Daisy Discotheque, a private, super exclusive disco for the H-wood elite, some athletes, a few politicians, and a handful of gangsters. Gave me great insight in to separating the PR myth personality from the actual persona.
It was gone by your time. Was on Rodeo Dr in Beverly Hills. Tips were great and living was cheap so I could get by working a few nights a week. Sinatra would come in with his ratpack and drop a $100 tip regardless of the bill. It was a real eye opener on how bizarre and sometimes downright mean many in that crowd could be. I lost all interest in celebrities’ opinions after that as I iNstinctively realized there was so much dishonesty in this influencer industry.
Clooney obviously doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. How he can spew utter bullshit as if it’s facts shows how totally ignothe is to the truth.
I’ve said this so many times but it NEEDS to be said again:
When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.
Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.
Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889
We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.
People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.
And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.
Okay, I am hear and listening now. But my story may interest you ...
up until two years ago I thought it was a forgone conclusion that vaccines extended lifespan and saved us from smallpox and polio! My instincts were warning me otherwise but the messaging was SO COMPLETE that I, naturally opposed to being told what to do and proclaimed “anti establishment” leanings, shot my own babies up with a hundred vials of absolute shit while they screamed and cried. I held them down for the nurses, every intuition alive in me in conflict with my actions. I have five children so you can imagine how many times I did this, how fully I assumed what I’d been told was true.
Outstanding! This level of propaganda and messaging is impressive and I must credit my enemies for their brilliance in it. Wow.
I am not the sort of person swayed by emotional arguments and I’ve never just gone along with the crowd but things have been executed in such a way that it took covid to wake me up. Or maybe a combination of things leading up to covid....
1) I was pregnant during swine flu and was mercilessly hounded to get vaccinated “for the baby” but I did not. I found the pressure to be repulsive and out of it I grew baby legs of resistance. Still, I am ashamed to say, I probably signed off on a dozen or more injections for my other babes.
2) A few years ago I met my first proper “anti vaxxer” and considered the issue for the first time. My conclusion then was to just avoid all “new” vaccines ... gardasil had just been added to the schedule in our state and it had my hackles up ... but the rest I still dumbly went along with.
By the time covid came, I was ready to hear the truth behind MMR, Salk, Gates and the rest. It helped that I have a deep distrust of government and the overreaction to early covid set off every alarm bell. Mandates were coming, I knew this in my heart very early on. I had trouble sleeping, laying awake in the night imaging all levels of awful things.
It was obvious I could not function long in that state so I decided to turn it over to God. For some reason, Matthew 11:29 came to me “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Others that were more obviously fitting, Philippians 4:6 and 1 John 4:18 ... these, or the effect of studying these, put my heart at ease and I was able to be more objective in my approach, reading so many studies and commentary, speaking out the best I could to my little circles of me ugh it’s and family and friends.
In short, if “they” could fool me, they could fool anyone. Also, Jesus is a lovely answer to all that ails us ... peace.
I’m glad the truth found you no matter how you did. That my friend is a blessing.
As long as the world believes in the scam that is the germ theory, we will always be susceptible to the medical cartel and the pharmafia’s stranglehold on the human race.
They will continue to roll out bogus pathogenic viruses ad nauseam as the reason for whatever illness they choose, and their equally bogus survival tactic that is yet another poisonous vaccine that the sheep will gladly roll up their sleeve for.
Until the inherent understanding changes, morons like Clooney and the thousands/millions like him will believe the crap they believe is true.
Thank you!! Here those are if they are of use to anyone here …
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and He delivers them”
Pretty sure the French language video is from Quebec, Canada rather than France. Not that it matters much. Both countries have been appalling. It was in another french language broadcast that our prime minister called us unv'd racists, misogynists and wondered if we should be tolerated.
Well, I think Canadians were very brave and fought hard. I hope you get your country back. I have very decent people I know in Canada. God bless you all in getting those commies defeated
Entertainment lawyer has said in posts that Clooney almost killed several women at his estate in the years before he "married" his "wife." Why are events like this never exposed? Guess they are all paid off.
Entertainment lawyer does not say but implies perhaps drugs or alcohol involved. Whoever this lawyer is, they sure seem to hear everything. It's hard to search though for specific past items.
Things changed for George Clooney when he married Amal who was an aide to Hilary Clinton.
The French video is horrifying. Wasn't the first Hitler and the 3rd Reich enough for the world to learn?
Judging from the fascinating mud fight taking place on Twitter, it will take a long time for half the country to remember what the constitution says and why the Revolutionary War was fought.
Clooney did heavy propaganda for "humanitarian intervention" in Sudan in the 2000s, long before the White Helmets, and before Amal. All those stories of "Janjaweed militias" creating a "genocide in Darfur".
Turns out it was the CIA using all means fair and foul to create a regime change in Sudan, which was one of Rumsfeld's "seven countries in five years" to be cracked to secure dominance in the region.
I must say, I'm surprised. Clooney is such an easily manipulated and gullible wimp! Or, perhaps, in the controlling clutches of the WEF!
Hasn't Clooney heard about the thousands that suffer long term health issues or death (Since 2020) following the exposure to 'experimental' (POISON)? So useless, they had to change the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' (Twice in 10 years) to accommodate an injected 'POISONOUS' solution that DOES NOT cure a disease - and DOES NOT STOP THE SPREAD of a disease.
Doesn't he know ALL the manufacturers of the POISON have done a PERMANENT deal with the Devil to avoid LEGAL LIABILITY from any/all health issues that follow the use of their poisonous crap? What logical reason can he, or they, offer sane human beings for Big Pharma avoiding LIABILITY?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Joining the dots to learn the reality of the Covid Scam and Depopulating 'VAX'.
someone should explain to clowny that covid vaxx do not stop transmission. vaxxed or non-vaxxed they all transmit the sickness ... what a clown, does not even bother to read anything ...
Oh Yes!!! He is still repeating the garbage! I happened to come across an interview of him with Julia Roberts - a promo for Australian TV (I think) done by an Aussie interviewer - because their latest film, Ticket To Paradise, was apparently shot in Australia.
Clooney offered up - much to my horror - a comment going something like this:
Clooney - loosely quoted:
“Australia did so great on their COVID policies!! I wish the whole world - especially the US - had done the same. We would have gotten past this much sooner!”
I’m sure most of us are aware of the horrors the Aussie govt inflicted upon its people - I’m not sure if they still are?
Dragging people out of their homes by force. Incarcerating people who’d not followed the draconian rules - who dared to step out of their homes. Internment camps for the allegedly ill or allegedly exposed... It goes on and on. A horrific nightmare many of us feared/suspected was “practice” for what would come to the US.
Living in LA - as a retired film worker but still a member of my union - I can tell you that Hollywood has been the worst and continues to be. As far as I know, RTW - Return To Work” agreements between all the major unions, including SAG-AFTRA, still force vaxx proof, and testing every fucking day - and masking. And of course, those who’ve refused to comply with the idiocy have lost their livelihoods.
There is a small - but still unacknowledged - resistance. One branch of it is Hollywood 4 Freedom.
But it’s veeery small so far and of course has not been given voice or even a mention in the press.
And as we all know, so far only one name actor has spoken - Tim Robbins.
And the President of SAG-AFTRA made a gentle statement (on Twitter?) decrying the prejudice that has kept people from working... I don’t know what, if anything, has happened since.
I pray that many lawsuits against the studios, the producers, and the unions are in the works!
Part of the much smaller film community up here in SF, and it's pretty much the same. My wife worked for the film festival for years (but luckily got out before all this started happening). We went to a recent Pasolini festival at the Castro Theater last month, which had dropped their vaxpass, and most of the audience was unmasked and having a great time. The only worried maskers? Her former colleagues from the film festival. Pretty sure they're fully boosted, too. I think they're all so story based in work and life, so don't feel comfortable looking at data & scientific studies, that they just leave these decisions up to their trusted experts from the captured Democratic Party.
there was this chapman woman, health behaviour advisor at carnegie (sort of goebbels advisor), being cited the other day in NY Times that vaccination efforts should be focused on un-vaxxed instead of giving the 5th shot to already injured.
She is high if she thinks the unvaxxed, those of us who withstood every effort so far, are going to be a profitable target for any “effort”. Woman, please. I really think this shows the level of ignorance to our position! That anyone would say that! Like saying “anti racism efforts should be focused first on the kkk” ... total stupidity
Thank you for all your dedication and insights. You voice of sanity is so needed while we try and stay a float in the propaganda cesspool.
Just a note on this post. The television show is Québécois not from France. I’m American but live in France and my wife is French and the Canadian accent is so thick it could not be from French TV…. Not that they are anymore sane over here, but just for credibility I thought I’d write.
Thank you again for your courage and critical reasoning!
I wish I could agree with you that 'the tribunal' to deal with covid crimes 'will come'. The people behind this global monstrosity appear to be untouchable.
Show tribunals to make examples of some Nazis (with large numbers protected and used for self training by the CIA) and Japs (excepting some who gave up their bioweapons research to the US as quid pro quo for amnesty whole or partial) were held because these were the defeated powers in WW2.
But the financiers and providers of Hitler - the banking cabal including the Fed, ECB, Bank of England etc and corporations like Standard Oil, Ford and GM, not to mention Bayer & IG Farben - remained untouched. Pfizer infests the FDA, CDC, NIH etc.....all completely captured. And the banksters, Big Pharma, Food etc are installing their global dictatorship via the CIA-front WEF, and the Gates/Rockefeller controlled WHO. The WEF and WHO (among others) deserve to be branded criminal organizations; instead they continue to call the 'shots'.
With Musk reinstating suspended accounts on Twitter, possibly we will have mention on that platform of VAERS, but massive corporate advertising there already shows blowback, directed from the de facto global tyrants BlackRock et al. As for the major MSM, it is VERBOTEN to mention deaths and injuries from the mRNA jabs. And doctors who have expressed doubts or criticisms of the official narrative are being persecuted everywhere, as in Ontario, England (Dr. Aseem Malhotra), the US (Dr. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone etc.).
If there can be no stopping this..... then I’ll be rooting for Yellowstone ....... ( super volcano- would be for sure extinction level event) if I’m going to get taken out ( but not to lunch) I’d prefer Mother Nature to those (there aren’t enough adjectives to describe.......those psychotic shit bags) Yellowstone would take ALL of us out not just the “useless eaters” guess that would foil any new world order take over!!!!they are all afraid of dying....... probably because they know where they are going!!!! & eternal damnation / karma are a real bitch! As horrible as it sounds, when I’m having a tough day & everything feels hopeless!! I remember the saying: what you put out , here on earth ...... in Hell you’ll. Get back 10/fold.... satan is the prince of lies... just because they have money here on earth doesn’t mean a pinch of shit in Hell much to their chagrin.. it’s not going to be like dinner parties & double’s tennis
it's been more than a decade since I came to the conclusion that clooney is a cia asset (as is ben affleck). all the signs have been there for quite a while.
absolutely not. this started a couple of decades before they even started 'dating.' however I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn their relationship is a match built in dc...
can't remember exactly when it started, but there was a bunch of funny business with + he was completely on 'the wrong side' re some charitable work that was an obvious psyop. was it Somalia? something like that.
then there were reports that he was seen a number of times at cia headquarters in dc and was allowed to come and go without following the usual 'guest' protocol + he was allowed in areas forbidden to 'guests.' many agents weren't happy about this but were told by higher-ups that it was for a movie. then he was involved in productions that seemed obvious propaganda.
I haven't paid attention to hollywood since leaving there in the early '80s, so I can't remember exactly which productions but his name would be on them. the same thing (in dc) was happening with affleck and he was also in a number of films that were obvious propaganda.
Fuck George Clooney and the horse he rode in on and fuck everybody else who's pushing these poisonous jabs on a brainwashed sleeping public. I'm pissed off enough as it is that so many people in society got the poisonous jabs, but I'm murderously angry at the bastards behind this whole agenda and the fact that they are using the media and brainless dumb shit actors and actresses to push this narrative. Fuck all of them. They should all die screaming.
Betcha 10 to 1 he has a FAKE vax card....
Yeah, and I wonder if his children have gotten the poisonous jabs. I would be very curious to know that.
He spent the better part of lockdowns with his wife and kids in his luxurious Como Italy residence.
Italian citizens were very compliant, by and large. Everyone I know who lives in that country was sick and on their 3rd round of shots in January of 2022.
Those who couldn't produce a "Green Pass" were badly mistreated. Especially Italian workers over the age of 50.
I live in Italy and I can tell you it was absolutely bloody awful for those of us who chose NOT to take this shot. (I refuse to call it vaccine). As an over 50 , I confirm that we were not allowed almost anywhere. The Super Green Pass was abominable. But I have a good memory and I will not give those businesses my money ever again. Some of them seemed to enjoy this authority they were given. I was a nervous wreck and I lost my job. But I would do it all over again. (btw, there are quite a number of Italians who did NOT take the poison. We went to a march down in Turin and there were thousands and thousands of us. It was never reported in MSM. These marches took place every single weekend all over Italy). So many' celebs' and politicians were vile on daily talk shows too. There was a frenzy like hate towards us - it was really really horrid.
Hi Puffin, I watched the Turin protests via alt media sources.
I saw what was going on and sent many many links to my cousins in Italy.
I saw masses of folks who were prohibited from eating in restaurants (and their supporters!) gathered in the piazze of towns and cities, eating their picnics, laughing, communing unmasked, and breaking bread together.
While open restaurants, which enforced the mandates and denied them entry, sitting EMPTY... (Good!)
"La gente come noi non molla mai!"
The last time I spoke with one of my cousins in northern Italy was around Christmas of 2021. He was double jabbed, and had Covid. Told me he was waiting to recover and looking forward to getting his 3rd jab in January...
There really is no arguing with folks who drank the koolaide. I've lost family and friends, trying.
"You can't fix stupid", so I stopped.
Since that time: another of my elderly aunts (on that side of the family) died in care.
In any event:
Cheers, and apropos of your comment:
Covid-19 Is a Deceptive Criminal Campaign [Interview with] Dr. Mark Trozzi
by Gord Parks, Bright Light News, November 26, 2022
DR. MARK TROZZI: Anyone who has not been injected yet has had to be very committed to not being injected. Right? So if you say 20% of Canadians are not injected, that's not just because they didn't get to them yet. That means they were willing to give up their job or give up travel or go through whatever kind of abuse this criminal organization imposing these not-a-vaccine injections on people have done. So that's a very committed crowd.
So let's say in Canada you have, what, we have about 40 million people in Canada? So 20%, that's like 8 million people. I don't feel very alone if I'm on a team of 8 million people. Right? Like I mean, if you were one of one million people in your organization in Canada, I don't think you should feel very insecure, especially when you consider that 20%, that 8 million, are very awake, very focused.
Now to boot you have a whole bunch of people who've been victimized by this injection. And there are no patients of this injection, there are no subjects in the experiment because everybody's been lied to. People think, oh, I'm getting a vaccine! Right? So everyone's a victim because the Nuremberg Code and all medical ethics have been violated to stick that needle into them and give them something they didn't realize what they were getting. A lot of them have already felt the injury. Quite a few of them have died. What have we got, how many 30 plus doctors or, depends on what time of day it is, how many more people have died in Canada, right? From the injection? So you have a lot of people who've been forcibly injected and are not taking the next one.
Well so, I'll tell you, like, if I didn't take injection in the first place, what about the people who actually got injected and then realized what's been done to them. And I know some of them and you know what, they are rightfully pissed off as they should be.
So take that 8 million and start adding to it. Right? So we are a force to be reckoned with.
I'm very sorry you and others in Italy went through that. I'm really coming to believe that it is going to take a global revolution to set things straight again.
Thanks, Puffin, for that great report. I was pretty sure that things must have been like that in Italy. I’ve been to Italy many times and read much about its post WW1 history. It’s great to hear confirmation of a strong resistance there,
Like I said, fuck George Clooney. He's stupid rich trash.
Rules for thee, not me.
We’ll be eating bugs while he’s flying between his four lavish mansions on different continents in his private Gulf Stream eating burgers!!
And, of course, he’s a climate zealot too! That makes sense.
This was 2019… and listen to his anti Trump… pro-vaccinate… climate change rant on Kimmel
So he was bought and paid for way before the covid lockdowns even occurred.
But I had the same sort of visceral reaction as ‘kris’ to Jennifer Anniston who was spewing this hate in 2021… “Jennifer Aniston revealed in a new interview that she's been forced to cull friends from her circle who 'refused' to get their COVID-19 vaccine.”
No more.
I won’t watch any of their movies ever again.
most hollywooders seem to be total nutcases
Her dad, John Aniston, died on November 11 at the age of 89.
I guess natural causes. Cause of death not listed anywhere.
I’m sure he was jabbed. She was out of her mind crazy about being around unjabbed people. Even family members. She is the epitome of uneducated wacko. More human waste.
I hadn’t heard that
but when I just looked
I found this on a Soap forum- John Aniston was said to be recovering from a heart attack that occurred Friday, August 18th...
ah but see, he is one who hopes he will be in the lucky handful that are allowed to have the world to themselves. for them the rules don't apply. They only apply for the plebs. Us Yes brave new world was supposed to be fiction and when I did my endwork on it, the teacher was surprised I told him I thought this is where capitalism would end, even though the book is anticommunist. Obviously me being 17 at the time had an eye for disaster
Hi Ingrid, what we have in prominent western societies today is not capitalism which can only exist in free and open markets ... what we have is a bastardized version, an unholy union of business and government, “CORPORATISM” ... perhaps it is the natural end of capitalism but it is not capitalism
The very definition of fascism.
aha. that is a better terminology. thanks !
At least we know where he lives.
Post of the week
yeah he seems pretty sure of himself. i read somewhere his father was involved in news media
His aunt was Rosemary Clooney, you can fill in the rest by imagination.
I had forgotten that.
News for me. Good old Hollywood nepotism.
His old man was in the media. I can't remember if he worked for some news station as a commentator, but I think he did.
Plus he is a LOOKER. Damn ...
Well, it's like anything else. Looks fade but stupid is forever.
He won't be as he's hung.
And I'm better looking
IDK it wouldn't surprise me if he is not read in.
I mean to say plenty of people who know that the injections are bad are getting saline or not shots and they need fake inoculation proof. But there are many people, I'll say it - dumb enough to not know, and blindly trust and get the shots. Those don't need a fake card. My suggestion is Clooney strikes me as THAT dumb.
He struck me as that dumb since his first TV roles.
never seen any of his movies and now never will
Me too. I could never watch him.
I guess time will tell....kinda quickly...many of the vaxxed look pretty bad, their skin looks wrong to me. Greyish or ruddy. Tick....Clooney strikes me as a 'rules for thee but not for me' type...
Barney, ill be smiling at this for awhile
just like Jobs, Gates etc didn't give their children tablets.
Especially the fricken doctors involved.
Yes, I don't buy the excuse that they just didn't know and trusted the science. They did not do their due diligence. Dr Michael Yeadon who used to work for Pfizer even said he did not do his due diligence. He just trusted that the jabs were safe. I'm sorry. I simply do not forgive or forget and that includes those who came to the table late and have since changed their minds about the safety and efficacy of these poisonous jabs. Too many people have died and been maimed from this shit. Think about all the little children. Think about all the adolescents who dropped dead and those living who now have heart problems for the rest of their lives because their parents took them to take the poison jabs. Think about all the pregnant women and their unborn babies who were harmed because of this shit. No amnesty for any of these fucktards. Think about all of that and then get murderously angry and stay that way. What they want is for us to forgive them and act like they had no idea that the jabs were poisonous. That is bullshit. They knew full well the jabs were dangerous, and they pushed the agenda anyway even as people were dropping stone dead.
"Dr Michael Yeadon who used to work for Pfizer even said he did not do his due diligence. He just trusted that the jabs were safe."
Mike Yeadon did NOT say that about the covid jabs - he said it about conventional vaccinations (which were not his area of research). He said the story seemed not to be as represented, but AS A SCIENTIST, he accepts he hasn't done enough homework yet so won't damn them all at this point.
How can you possibly say he trusted the covid jabs were safe when he and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote to the European Medicines Agency, before the rollout even began, to protest that the proposed technology was not safe and the 'vaccine' rollout should not go ahead.
Mike Yeadon is an admirable human being and I don't like seeing people saying stuff about him that manifestly isn't true. And especially when it's based on nothing more than blah blah doesn't add up blah blah. There are people out there with an agenda which is to discredit good people an divide the truth movement.
Now me, I was dumb enough to take two shots before I found out what was going on (principally that public health authorities are actively malevolent, a fact of which I was unaware). So have a go at me if you want to attack someone who didn't do their homework, but don't make stuff up about Mike Yeadon. What you think he could possibly gain by making stuff up is absolutely beyond me.
I trust Dr. Yeadon. He was fighting against this from very early on.
I remember listening to him and a few others, terrified. June 2020?
I wish I'd heard him in June 2020 - would have saved me taking the two jabs! And it's obvious he hates the publicity and hates public speaking (as he says). You can hear it in his voice, especially in the earlier interviews (2021 for me, although you've obviously heard him earlier). He's not a natural, but he does it because it has to be done. He's given approaching 90 interviews - and just wants his life back (but fears he's never going to get it back).
I was terrified. I love those doctors that spoke to me.
Hell, I'm still terrified
Well, conventional vaccinations have not been proven safe, either. In fact, the MMR and DPT have been shown to have a direct correlation with autism in children. Michael Yeadon does not get a pass from me. He works for Pfizer. Big Pharma is evil. They are only in it for the profit. And I'm sorry that you took the two jabs. My daughter did, as well, and you never saw the meltdown that I had in the living room when I found out about that. She had already had covid and it took her two weeks to get over it. She did not need the fucking jabs. So, now I have to spend the rest of my life worrying about what's going to happen to my daughter. So, get off your fucking high horse and don't preach to me.
He doesn't work for Pfizer. He WORKED for Pfizer, then, after being made redundant, started up his own biotech firm. He never worked in vaccines at any point. I'm not telling you to give him a free pass. I responded because you told lies about what he said.
And my daughters broke my heart by taking the jabs too, after me telling them what was going on. And one has a child, both of whose parents are jabbed, so I don't know what's going to happen to him. So get off your own fucking high horse and don't preach to me. But mostly, dont tell lies about what people like Mike Yeadon have said. Big Pharma are evil, and yet many people still owe their lives to some of the products of Big Pharma. Life is like that.
Well said. It’s a tough situation all around and anger abounds. I think smoldering anger is necessary, but uncontrolled anger won’t help change things, which we need to do.
No shit, Sherlock. But by and large they're in business for all the billions they can make and they couldn't give two flying Philadelphia fucks about the rest of us. And my daughter and her wife both took the jabs, and I have 3 1/2 year old fraternal twin granddaughters that may be without mothers in the future. So, let's not punch down, my dear. Let's punch up and hit these motherfuckers squarely in their fucking balls and then drag them out and eliminate them with extreme prejudice.
I too worry about my daughter. She and a bunch others graduated high school and got the deathvax.
I had given her info. She's not worried. I weep sometimes.
My little baby girl.
Sorry to hear. I feel the same about my son, his family of four, and my son-in-law. Constant threat. At least I’ve convinced two of them to not submit to boosters.
I get that you're mightily pissed off because I called you out on a LIE. AKA bearing false witness. Tough. Moving the goalposts doesn't work.
Did Yeadon call for using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine early on? Dr. McCullogh did. Dr. Pierre Kory did. Yeadon still thinks childhood vaccines have been studied thoroughly and are safe and effective? He still believes in those? He doesn't get a free pass from me, lady. He might have disagreed using the spike protein in the MRNA jabs, but he said the elderly should be isolated and protected because they had weakened immune systems. Now what exactly did that mean? How in the hell were people in nursing homes supposed to be isolated and protected when the very people who were supposed to be taking care of them were bringing the virus into the nursing homes? Was he an advocate of giving old people the jabs to "protect them"?
Well said. But for Yeadon and a very few others most of us would probably have taken these poisons. He has now admitted as you say below that he regrets not looking more closely into actual vaccine safety beforehand but I think he thought he was working in an ethical business not for a bunch of criminals.
Absolutely no amnesty.
And who is anyone to grant it anyway?
We aren't in cold ground dead, murdered, a minor who had it forced on them.
The world agreed on Nuremberg code75 years ago.
There's no amnesty.
No opinions, no thing but trial and if convicted, hung until criminals are quite dead
Damned skippy!
Had to look up Skippy. I admit it
They got a kickback!!!
Remember the “ pedestal” the dr/nurses were put on ?? Heard some towns had parades for the front line workers but...... in actuality the hospitals were empty! People were filming it!!!! It was cricket’s!!! The footage shown on tv(I guess- don’t have one-haven’t watched in 10 yrs) was fake ,either  crisis actors, or from yrs ago not related! But I do know it wasn’t portraying the current situation! You always had to hear how “Essential “ they all were!!! Quite frankly if it’s your/my job it’s pretty Fucking essential! ( I may have gone off on a rant there)
Fuck the celebutards!
Damn right. Putting food on the table is freaking essential
Yeah, I might agree with you there. I also have a big problem with Dr Robert Malone. Even though he has been speaking out about these poison jabs and the agenda of Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and the WEF, he was the one who started doing the research on the first mRNA jabs. Now you might say if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. That is probably true. But it's still pisses me off royally. He should not have been working on that type of technology. You don't screw around with RNA and DNA. These scientists think they are gods, and they think they have the right to experiment with viruses and bacteria and come up with their poisons that the rest of us rubes are supposed to take unquestioningly. That doesn't work with this girl.
So how does someone so intimately familiar with the so-called mRNA tech decide to take the jab? That part really didn't make any sense. Yes, it's your choice as a grown adult to take it or not.....but what benefit did you think you would get by taking it?
I really have no idea. I never had any intention of taking those jabs. I don't trust a single thing that comes out of the government's mouth or any of the three letter agencies associated with it. I am an anti authoritarian malcontent from the get. Anytime a politician is moving his or her lips, I know he or she is lying. If you just remember not to trust a single thing that anybody in power says, you will be all right. Follow your own gut and your own common sense.
The jabs logically induce some antibody immunity. What malone didn't look into was how bad spike protein is on it's own. Now he knows.
Scientists make mistakes too. Good ones come clean and admit them.
Malone coming up with the idea doesn't make Malone some GOD WHO KNOWS ALL POSSIBLE RESULTS OF IT.
He just did the first work into figuring out how it could be done. It's up to a whole process to ensure it's safe.
Malone also didn't engineer the spike protein (That was the Baric/Daszak network).
Malone also didn't setup the production of spikejab and corruption of the CDC/FDA (Walensky network).
Right. I mean do those Tesla morons busy perfecting automated driving (ie “loss of bodily autonomy while in a car”) anticipate what will come of it in the end? Nope. They are distracted by the bright shiny thing they are making ... I know that pursuing a goal is intoxicating and can be somewhat blinding too
Correct. That’s how progress in science or anything else works. On the shoulders of others. For good and bad.
i think both of them and maybe some others stepped out once they realized what they were doing. VanDenBossche too. He worked for a few chems before speaking up. You got to realize they did not do themselves a favor by speaking up, much on the contrary. Malone strikes me as less trustworthy because he took the jabs, saying he needed to travel internationally (so do the others, did they take the jabs?) He is now jab harmed.
Someone who took deathvax so they could travel, or keep their job, or see Elton John is a freaken idiot
It's really amazing, isn't it? They'd rather take untested on humans poisonous jabs so they can travel as opposed to erring on the side of caution and not taking the jabs so that they don't have autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart problems or any other number of myriad problems in the future. It boggles the mind.
You're conflating scientific discovery with the government forcing it on you.
If I discover how to make a artillery, and some government starts shelling civilians, would you really blame the inventor of artillery?
Why can't you just blame the people who are forcing shit on people?
Oh, I do blame them. But mRNA technology was never tested in human beings and was never brought to the fore until this bioengineered virus was released from a lab either in Fort Detrick or Wuhan China. The lab engineered virus was released as an excuse to roll these poison jabs out. There is no way in hell that the public would ever take gene therapy jabs and these assholes knew that. Therefore they called them vaccines because they know the public trusts vaccines.
All businesses have cons, examples: complex financial instruments, super computing trades, insurance exclusions, ect.. average citizens typically lose in the long game cons.
I think they do, too.
In my book any popular figure purporting to be a friendly, may be a spy or controlled opposition. Malone and his wife Jill tried to cover their tracks when it was revealed that she had strong links to some of the worst Techno Tyrants. I read a lot of what he published early, then when that came out I put in my ashcan of rubbish figures. Yeadon is so likeable and seems so sincere. Nothing really bad has happened to him and that is suspicious, alone. Also the fact that he was able to move to Florida from the UK, despite being a “truthteller”. My verdict on him is still not in, and may never be. I think he has given a lot of good information, and continues to, so I’ll just read him very carefully. Truth be told, even the most hardened revolutionary may be turned under enough duress. Best to judge each leader by their actions each day as long as they are active. Everything changes.
Wow. What do you know about Jill Malone?
And the corrupt slime in the media.
I knew the media was slime long before the Plandemonium. I never trusted Drs blindly but now I trust them virtually none at all. And I kept waiting for the Hippocratic oath to become relevant again since April 2020. Still waiting as it turns out.
Anger should be our prevalent emotion at this point in the genocide of "useless eaters." When we get together, I predict the whole shithouse will go up in flames for klaus anal-schwab and his gang of homicidal misfits.
I agree and love you for stating that.
arch.stanton, what makes you think we'll ever get together? I see no evidence of that happening.
When enough people start to suffer and get hungry, desperation will set in. They want us divided to reduce our numbers, so we need to remember who our true enemies are.
Get PISSED! These people don't just dislike us, they want us DEAD!
It's happening.
You do good work Commander
Klaus anal-Schwab... I had heard that before, that’s brilliant
And his wife is a " human rights" attorney and "voice for the oppressed". What a f#cked up world!
What a joke! We are definitely in the Upside Down. I don't know if you've ever watched Stranger Things, but if you have, you will know what I'm talking about.
She’s not really
Is my guess
She’s likely Just another Masquerading do gooder- progressive… Davos/WEF set
They rub shoulders with the Obama’s …go to Daos/WEF meetings … she was ‘honored’ there so that about says it all
clooney migrated from being a democrat from Kentucky to being a Hollywood elite progressive …
Anyone that goes to WEF is a traitor
Bbbut, they're a Power Couple!!
Celebrity Influencers…
More rich brainless trash.
He's a little bitch and so is his wife.
She seems to want his money. Piss on them both
Even as a pacifist, I deeply appreciate the sentiment.
While I do appreciate your pacifism, there needs to be justice in this world for these murdering thugs. And I would hope that if they came after you and yours, you would set your pacifism aside and defend yourself and your family to the death if necessary.
Is there a choice?
Im more of a pacifist at the organised, world level. Any fucker comes near my loved ones and they're a dead fucker
There will be no justice on this world. True justice is cosmic, separating good from evil and delivering exacting punishment. We will not see that here.
There sometimes is justice in this world... Sometimes it will come in the next
I expect some justice for these subhumans
Pass a fist! :)
HA! Nice play on words, Jimychanga
Rob, my gift
Thanks John. I love Braveheart
He Rob. I wish I was a kinder person.
You stay healthy. Vit D.
So when he gets the Pfizer complementary toe tag you will not be enduring multiple days of grieve from his passing?
Exacly L, and a meme in the works. For those that pushed this poison on others, AND STILL DO!! well, I think their souls had holes already...there are about a billion folks I will grieve for first...or at least forgive, but not jab mandators. When will he see it? I don't like him but is he that dumb? yes
You know actors.. they are good at memorizing lines and pretending to be someone else. For "some" reason people think they are smart.... no they are just good actors.
Actually, I think actors can be some of the hardest people to interact with for this reason, pretending skills. Personal experience, trying to divorce an actress now. Few actors remain themselves, it seems. Especially if you are interacting with them among others, the person I know is seldom the same as when they are alone. It's mostly a show, they are trained and rewarded this way.
My past experience with actors… I didn’t feel comfortable around them. They seem like fake people. It’s like you really don’t know who they really are because they are so good at pretending to be someone else. I am sure there are some really genuine people who are also good actors. It’s just hard to trust them.
Constantly gauging their actions on the reactions of others who are usually seeking to be entertained by them. What could go wrong?
I won't shed a tear.
I bet you would like my SubStack - here is one post: Will there be room in Argentina for all the Vaccine Genocide Criminals?
Worked for lots on Nazis, including Adolph and Dr. Mengele.
I read the post and I liked it. I subscribed to your substack.
Cool... the vaccine rabbit hole it's been called. Enter with caution...
Ain't skeered.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree Kris! I'm so tired of the constant stream of bullshit flowing from their clamoring skull caves! They will soon be on their way home to join their father Satan.
I don't believe in deities of any kind, so if there is no justice on planet Earth there will not be any at all. I do want to see them dealt with in the harshest fashion and turned into compost. They can't harm anyone if they are composted.
Too bad you don't believe. It's actually quite satisfying picturing their future in hell.
I'd rather picture them being fed feet first into a wood chipper. That does my heart good.
Yes but that lasts only a moment. Eternity, well that's forever. what people believe or disbelieve will never change what is. the problem with 'karma' is that we all want front-row seats and we want them now. sadly, that rarely happens...
That’s true, but I’ll bet if they were fed slowly into Kris’s wood chipper it would feel like forever!😂
Yes, you are so right 😂
Don't let the anger get to you that much though, it's not worth it. I've been angry most of my life and can certainly related. We need strong, unvaxxed people like you now more than ever.
You might like my SubStack - here is one for you: Changing the World One Good Deed at a Time
Setting your Moth Free
Thanks for sharing Lawrence. I always felt bad for moths...not many people like them. Check out mine as well!
I am a giver of love. Always have been. Never made me a lot of money. But it has rewarded me in other ways. At age 71, I don't regret a thing.
That's inspiring to hear...some things and people, age finer than wine, or money.
Circumstances recently is my life have reawakened in me a profound acknowledgement of the thread of giving love to the world that has run through my entire life. Through everything (the good bad and horrible) still exists the unselfish kid who is now an old man.
I agree 100%, and I'm beyond caring who dies now. Every day there's another set of youngish people who died "unexpectedly" who were prominent enough to be noticed, so there are likely dozens more that are anonymously dying as well. The government and media (redundant, I know) don't care, and cannot be made to care, and continue with their gaslighting and outright lies, so I'm done caring as well.
Damn I love your spirit
If vampires exist, George Clooney is definitely a vampire.
Please leave the horse alone.
Patience is up I couldn't agree more on the evil bastards doing this are all schill traitors to the people on earth and have everything coming to them they deserve……eventually. telegram
Join the mission and lets bypass censorship algorithms and draw attention to the case that has a man politically persecuted that may hold the only key to reversal of vax damage in many cases possibly. This is the last chance before mass destruction. telegram
Brainwashed - or bribed or even blackmailed ?, but yes; Fuck em all.
Not the horse man!
Strong rope and strong oak trees is all we need.
I'm with you, lady.
George Clooney is not a go-to for scientific inquiry. He is cinema eye candy. Why do people equate
pretty people who are actors with medical authority? What cooked it for me was when Dolly Parton sang her old stand-by, Jolene, Jolene, with the word exchange, Vaccine, Vaccine. Incredulous. The
coercion sent a chill. In no way do actors inform me about life, science, or anything else.
That speaks well for you. But celebrities do have enormous influence on many, many, many, many others.
That’s why when they did event 201, one of the parts was TO HAVE PEOPLE OF INFLUENCE to perpetuate and give credence to the scam of the pandemic and Covid.
Yes, Debra Birx even stooped to calling prominent churches and women's prayer circles to encourage vaccines within the congregation, especially the elderly. One dear Christian saw the corruption and spoke out publicly about it.
Tried and true technique of early planned parenthood. Reading Sanger is utterly disgusting... But she needed traitors in the churches also
Thank you. You're right. I don't spend much time watching movies, and I haven't had TV in decades. I've rarely seen a pharma commercial, so it has helped see the farce more clearly. I admire you and all your work of waking people up. Not an easy task to birth creative and critical thinkers. Hats off!
The poster behind Clooney says film festival 2021 just fyi.
As I see it, in the U.S. too many are celebrities. Politicians are celebs, business leaders are celebs, even the chair of the Federal Reserve is a celeb. I see this as a big problem. Many do pay attention.
George Clooney Wants Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines: 'To Me It's Really Simple'
OMG. Thank you for the post. I did not realize this statement from G Clooney was in the corporate print news. Well, Clooney made his fortune selling Tequila, B movies, and investments. A true dem neoliberal---he got it wrong on Syria and other US imperialism political news. He's still wrong. I doubt he would be singing vaccine's praises if his beautiful wife were to get Bells Palsy. God forbid. A phool for pharma.
Of the mainstream musicians of the 60s generation only Roger Waters gets it right.
Waters says donate to :)
A lot of the mainstream 60’s musicians were nurtured by the vietnam perp’s. See Dave McGowan on Coldstream Canyon.
Extremely unfortunate!
We live in the post celebrity era. Popular culture is a facade.
Still, Dolly surprised me. I expected some country horse - sense, but no.
bill gates a nobody is the main authority on vaccination.
everything is upside down.
Mary I think we do this out of our innate need to worship ... when we do not worship God we worship other things like George Clooney 🤢🤢 worship is as necessary to our spiritual being as breathing is to our physical being. Celebrity worship is only idolatry, modernized and (very) pretty ... cinema eye candy ... ha!
I agree. I've often thought of this need for group worship when I see sport arenas full of people gathered together wearing coordinated attire of one mind, body, and purpose. (Psalm 95:6-7) As sophisticated as people like to think they have evolved---well, they haven't. The first commandment still stands; it has been fulfilled in Christ, not nullified or abolished.
I never thought of sports that way. I don't watch them myself, but I have family and friends who do. Although when I think about it, almost any activity can become an "idol." so we need to constantly re-evaluate our priorities. Thanks for sharing that.
I recently discovered there was an idol in my life, something I’d never dreamt could be worshipped … I was hanging all my hopes and dreams on WEEKENDS … seriously. I was so desperate for them, always feeling like j barely skidded into Friday then was feeling even more tired out when Monday rolled around because I have young children so there can be no true rest even on a weekend. The cycle was exhausting me and making me even more tired and also ungrateful and unhappy. One day it dawned on me what I’d been doing … I’d been looking to my “days off” for my rest! There is plenty in the Bible in the topic of rest and it does not come from time, it comes from GOD. When the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years in disobedience, God says “they will not enter My rest”! There is a whole section on this in one of the epistles … I can’t look it up at the moment but it’s there plain as day … anyway, I am learning something new every day these days and (mostly) feeling grateful for it!
Beware of false idols
Like MCM said, celebrities, pop stars, social media influencers, et al are used to market products.
The. Viruganda was self apparent to me.
Too bad nobody pays me to tell the truth nor Question Authority.
Unless by going to jail as payment
Agree. Dolly Parton is cringe worthy.
Yes I felt so sad when I watched that. It didn't bother me when I went to the Smokey Mountains and saw all the Dolly Wood stuff and all. But that vaccine song just made feel so sad.
Omg that was atrocious!!! I completely agree !!! Well said
But that is why I wrote Maxxine
The Dude is doing deathvax ads . I thought he was cool. Now, garbage
Until something happens to his wife , his child and himself and his bank account and to the people he knows and loves . I’m tired of the bleeding, miscarriages, stillborns and female cancers . Cmon George Clooney wake up .
I suspect in his case, it would probably only be his bank account and himself that would really affect him.
I seriously doubt that he or anyone in his family took the real shot(s). and I've long believed that clooney (and affleck) are cia assets.
Brandon, he’s part of the enemy forces. Hollywood is filled with agency and Mossad assets, and Clooney is one of them. Others include Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck, Robert de Niro, Arnan Milchan (Mossad), probably Brad Pitt, Leonardo diCaprio. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Tom Tunes I agree …. 4 years was enough for me in Westwood…It’s not all Hollywood, some of the coaches and athletic trainers were cockroaches too.
You went to UCLA too? I spent three years there in the ‘60’s. I worked a couple of nights for a year at the Daisy Discotheque, a private, super exclusive disco for the H-wood elite, some athletes, a few politicians, and a handful of gangsters. Gave me great insight in to separating the PR myth personality from the actual persona.
Tom Tunes yes , late 70’s … I don’t know that place … good memories mostly but met some bad people along the way.
It was gone by your time. Was on Rodeo Dr in Beverly Hills. Tips were great and living was cheap so I could get by working a few nights a week. Sinatra would come in with his ratpack and drop a $100 tip regardless of the bill. It was a real eye opener on how bizarre and sometimes downright mean many in that crowd could be. I lost all interest in celebrities’ opinions after that as I iNstinctively realized there was so much dishonesty in this influencer industry.
Same here Tom , couldn’t agree more!
What a douche bag! When he gave or shall I say lent Zelensky his Oscar “for safe keeping “ 😆😂😂😂😂🤣Embarrassing...... ck out video for a good laugh!
What an irrelevant TOOL
Clooney obviously doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. How he can spew utter bullshit as if it’s facts shows how totally ignothe is to the truth.
I’ve said this so many times but it NEEDS to be said again:
When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.
Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.
Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886
- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889
- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889
We’ve known for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.
And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.
If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.
People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.
And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.
Okay, I am hear and listening now. But my story may interest you ...
up until two years ago I thought it was a forgone conclusion that vaccines extended lifespan and saved us from smallpox and polio! My instincts were warning me otherwise but the messaging was SO COMPLETE that I, naturally opposed to being told what to do and proclaimed “anti establishment” leanings, shot my own babies up with a hundred vials of absolute shit while they screamed and cried. I held them down for the nurses, every intuition alive in me in conflict with my actions. I have five children so you can imagine how many times I did this, how fully I assumed what I’d been told was true.
Outstanding! This level of propaganda and messaging is impressive and I must credit my enemies for their brilliance in it. Wow.
I am not the sort of person swayed by emotional arguments and I’ve never just gone along with the crowd but things have been executed in such a way that it took covid to wake me up. Or maybe a combination of things leading up to covid....
1) I was pregnant during swine flu and was mercilessly hounded to get vaccinated “for the baby” but I did not. I found the pressure to be repulsive and out of it I grew baby legs of resistance. Still, I am ashamed to say, I probably signed off on a dozen or more injections for my other babes.
2) A few years ago I met my first proper “anti vaxxer” and considered the issue for the first time. My conclusion then was to just avoid all “new” vaccines ... gardasil had just been added to the schedule in our state and it had my hackles up ... but the rest I still dumbly went along with.
By the time covid came, I was ready to hear the truth behind MMR, Salk, Gates and the rest. It helped that I have a deep distrust of government and the overreaction to early covid set off every alarm bell. Mandates were coming, I knew this in my heart very early on. I had trouble sleeping, laying awake in the night imaging all levels of awful things.
It was obvious I could not function long in that state so I decided to turn it over to God. For some reason, Matthew 11:29 came to me “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Others that were more obviously fitting, Philippians 4:6 and 1 John 4:18 ... these, or the effect of studying these, put my heart at ease and I was able to be more objective in my approach, reading so many studies and commentary, speaking out the best I could to my little circles of me ugh it’s and family and friends.
In short, if “they” could fool me, they could fool anyone. Also, Jesus is a lovely answer to all that ails us ... peace.
I’m glad the truth found you no matter how you did. That my friend is a blessing.
As long as the world believes in the scam that is the germ theory, we will always be susceptible to the medical cartel and the pharmafia’s stranglehold on the human race.
They will continue to roll out bogus pathogenic viruses ad nauseam as the reason for whatever illness they choose, and their equally bogus survival tactic that is yet another poisonous vaccine that the sheep will gladly roll up their sleeve for.
Until the inherent understanding changes, morons like Clooney and the thousands/millions like him will believe the crap they believe is true.
The glory that has been built on a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance.
Mark Twain
Thank you for the verses. Psalm 34:4-7 were a great comfort to me this week.
Thank you!! Here those are if they are of use to anyone here …
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and He delivers them”
~ Psalm 34:4-7
Such beautiful verses!!
"The darkness of dumbness is descending." - Ilana Mercer
Pretty sure the French language video is from Quebec, Canada rather than France. Not that it matters much. Both countries have been appalling. It was in another french language broadcast that our prime minister called us unv'd racists, misogynists and wondered if we should be tolerated.
I think you're right. Those accents say Quebec
Well, I think Canadians were very brave and fought hard. I hope you get your country back. I have very decent people I know in Canada. God bless you all in getting those commies defeated
And don't forget....if you disagree with them, make sure NOT to buy their products, or you're supporting the shit they spew.
Entertainment lawyer has said in posts that Clooney almost killed several women at his estate in the years before he "married" his "wife." Why are events like this never exposed? Guess they are all paid off.
uhhhh...I believe it was said he almost killed several young men (and caused one of them to fall from a cliff while attempting to escape), not women.
Yes that sounds like what I read, maybe got the gender wrong! But what is he doing?
I would love to know a little more about this. In what way did he almost kill several women (or men) at his estate.
Entertainment lawyer does not say but implies perhaps drugs or alcohol involved. Whoever this lawyer is, they sure seem to hear everything. It's hard to search though for specific past items.
Things changed for George Clooney when he married Amal who was an aide to Hilary Clinton.
The French video is horrifying. Wasn't the first Hitler and the 3rd Reich enough for the world to learn?
Judging from the fascinating mud fight taking place on Twitter, it will take a long time for half the country to remember what the constitution says and why the Revolutionary War was fought.
Clooney did heavy propaganda for "humanitarian intervention" in Sudan in the 2000s, long before the White Helmets, and before Amal. All those stories of "Janjaweed militias" creating a "genocide in Darfur".
Turns out it was the CIA using all means fair and foul to create a regime change in Sudan, which was one of Rumsfeld's "seven countries in five years" to be cracked to secure dominance in the region.
Yes, it's a constitutional test. But it's an important one. I refer you to Michael Boldin's "Tenth Amendment Center'.
It's not difficult, and it makes very clear what defending the constitution really is about.
My thoughts exactly.
Betsy, how does the Tenth Amendment relate to the Thirty Enumerated Powers?
Clownee is a bubble baby.
Born in a bubble.
Lives in a bubble.
I must say, I'm surprised. Clooney is such an easily manipulated and gullible wimp! Or, perhaps, in the controlling clutches of the WEF!
Hasn't Clooney heard about the thousands that suffer long term health issues or death (Since 2020) following the exposure to 'experimental' (POISON)? So useless, they had to change the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' (Twice in 10 years) to accommodate an injected 'POISONOUS' solution that DOES NOT cure a disease - and DOES NOT STOP THE SPREAD of a disease.
Doesn't he know ALL the manufacturers of the POISON have done a PERMANENT deal with the Devil to avoid LEGAL LIABILITY from any/all health issues that follow the use of their poisonous crap? What logical reason can he, or they, offer sane human beings for Big Pharma avoiding LIABILITY?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Joining the dots to learn the reality of the Covid Scam and Depopulating 'VAX'.
someone should explain to clowny that covid vaxx do not stop transmission. vaxxed or non-vaxxed they all transmit the sickness ... what a clown, does not even bother to read anything ...
Or IS reading from his script and reaping the resulting financial reward.
I care so much about what George Clooney thinks....LOL!
The Clooney clip is from the BFI London Film Festival in October 2021. Wonder if he would be repeating this garbage a year later?
Oh Yes!!! He is still repeating the garbage! I happened to come across an interview of him with Julia Roberts - a promo for Australian TV (I think) done by an Aussie interviewer - because their latest film, Ticket To Paradise, was apparently shot in Australia.
Clooney offered up - much to my horror - a comment going something like this:
Clooney - loosely quoted:
“Australia did so great on their COVID policies!! I wish the whole world - especially the US - had done the same. We would have gotten past this much sooner!”
I’m sure most of us are aware of the horrors the Aussie govt inflicted upon its people - I’m not sure if they still are?
Dragging people out of their homes by force. Incarcerating people who’d not followed the draconian rules - who dared to step out of their homes. Internment camps for the allegedly ill or allegedly exposed... It goes on and on. A horrific nightmare many of us feared/suspected was “practice” for what would come to the US.
Living in LA - as a retired film worker but still a member of my union - I can tell you that Hollywood has been the worst and continues to be. As far as I know, RTW - Return To Work” agreements between all the major unions, including SAG-AFTRA, still force vaxx proof, and testing every fucking day - and masking. And of course, those who’ve refused to comply with the idiocy have lost their livelihoods.
There is a small - but still unacknowledged - resistance. One branch of it is Hollywood 4 Freedom.
But it’s veeery small so far and of course has not been given voice or even a mention in the press.
And as we all know, so far only one name actor has spoken - Tim Robbins.
And the President of SAG-AFTRA made a gentle statement (on Twitter?) decrying the prejudice that has kept people from working... I don’t know what, if anything, has happened since.
I pray that many lawsuits against the studios, the producers, and the unions are in the works!
Part of the much smaller film community up here in SF, and it's pretty much the same. My wife worked for the film festival for years (but luckily got out before all this started happening). We went to a recent Pasolini festival at the Castro Theater last month, which had dropped their vaxpass, and most of the audience was unmasked and having a great time. The only worried maskers? Her former colleagues from the film festival. Pretty sure they're fully boosted, too. I think they're all so story based in work and life, so don't feel comfortable looking at data & scientific studies, that they just leave these decisions up to their trusted experts from the captured Democratic Party.
It’s truly sad and discouraging - as so much of the truth is coming out constantly. How can they avoid it?? Why do they cling to their little masks?🤯😳
'Jax" from General Hospital was canned for not taking the shot and he's got a lawsuit against them
good to know. '
there was this chapman woman, health behaviour advisor at carnegie (sort of goebbels advisor), being cited the other day in NY Times that vaccination efforts should be focused on un-vaxxed instead of giving the 5th shot to already injured.
She is high if she thinks the unvaxxed, those of us who withstood every effort so far, are going to be a profitable target for any “effort”. Woman, please. I really think this shows the level of ignorance to our position! That anyone would say that! Like saying “anti racism efforts should be focused first on the kkk” ... total stupidity
Dear Mark,
Thank you for all your dedication and insights. You voice of sanity is so needed while we try and stay a float in the propaganda cesspool.
Just a note on this post. The television show is Québécois not from France. I’m American but live in France and my wife is French and the Canadian accent is so thick it could not be from French TV…. Not that they are anymore sane over here, but just for credibility I thought I’d write.
Thank you again for your courage and critical reasoning!
I wish I could agree with you that 'the tribunal' to deal with covid crimes 'will come'. The people behind this global monstrosity appear to be untouchable.
Show tribunals to make examples of some Nazis (with large numbers protected and used for self training by the CIA) and Japs (excepting some who gave up their bioweapons research to the US as quid pro quo for amnesty whole or partial) were held because these were the defeated powers in WW2.
But the financiers and providers of Hitler - the banking cabal including the Fed, ECB, Bank of England etc and corporations like Standard Oil, Ford and GM, not to mention Bayer & IG Farben - remained untouched. Pfizer infests the FDA, CDC, NIH etc.....all completely captured. And the banksters, Big Pharma, Food etc are installing their global dictatorship via the CIA-front WEF, and the Gates/Rockefeller controlled WHO. The WEF and WHO (among others) deserve to be branded criminal organizations; instead they continue to call the 'shots'.
With Musk reinstating suspended accounts on Twitter, possibly we will have mention on that platform of VAERS, but massive corporate advertising there already shows blowback, directed from the de facto global tyrants BlackRock et al. As for the major MSM, it is VERBOTEN to mention deaths and injuries from the mRNA jabs. And doctors who have expressed doubts or criticisms of the official narrative are being persecuted everywhere, as in Ontario, England (Dr. Aseem Malhotra), the US (Dr. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone etc.).
If there can be no stopping this..... then I’ll be rooting for Yellowstone ....... ( super volcano- would be for sure extinction level event) if I’m going to get taken out ( but not to lunch) I’d prefer Mother Nature to those (there aren’t enough adjectives to describe.......those psychotic shit bags) Yellowstone would take ALL of us out not just the “useless eaters” guess that would foil any new world order take over!!!!they are all afraid of dying....... probably because they know where they are going!!!! & eternal damnation / karma are a real bitch! As horrible as it sounds, when I’m having a tough day & everything feels hopeless!! I remember the saying: what you put out , here on earth ...... in Hell you’ll. Get back 10/fold.... satan is the prince of lies... just because they have money here on earth doesn’t mean a pinch of shit in Hell much to their chagrin.. it’s not going to be like dinner parties & double’s tennis
it's been more than a decade since I came to the conclusion that clooney is a cia asset (as is ben affleck). all the signs have been there for quite a while.
long read on the involvement of both CIA (MKUltra) in US counterculture -
Did you read an earlier comment that perhaps the connection to the bad people is through his wife, Amal who was close to Hilary? Ah ha ....
absolutely not. this started a couple of decades before they even started 'dating.' however I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn their relationship is a match built in dc...
Could you elaborate on that thought, please?
can't remember exactly when it started, but there was a bunch of funny business with + he was completely on 'the wrong side' re some charitable work that was an obvious psyop. was it Somalia? something like that.
then there were reports that he was seen a number of times at cia headquarters in dc and was allowed to come and go without following the usual 'guest' protocol + he was allowed in areas forbidden to 'guests.' many agents weren't happy about this but were told by higher-ups that it was for a movie. then he was involved in productions that seemed obvious propaganda.
I haven't paid attention to hollywood since leaving there in the early '80s, so I can't remember exactly which productions but his name would be on them. the same thing (in dc) was happening with affleck and he was also in a number of films that were obvious propaganda.
Thank you. And here I thought he was merely glib and ignorant.
¿por qué no los dos?