Amen Mark. This article by David Stockman is also one of the best for the greenhorns out there to get up to speed. Some people are so assimilated to the Ukrainian Borg, it doesn't matter what the truth is, they're happy to outsources their brains to the CIA controlled media.


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I thought you did a stellar job in “Ukraine in the Membrane“ (https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/ukraine-in-the-membrane) and have been recommending that to help get people up to speed :-)

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thank you so much. I appreciate that!

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Mar 2, 2022
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Thanks JR.

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Where has all the on the ground war reporting on Syria been all these years?

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Excellent question.

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Thanks Mark.

The liberals are falling all over themselves to prove who is the staunchest supporter of outright Nazis in the Ukraine. It is quite something to watch the people who call everybody they don't like Nazis now supporting people aligned with Nazis and actual swastika wearing Nazis in Ukraine.

For 70 years the CIA has been working to undermine and occupy Ukraine to bring down Russia using such things as paramilitaries, right wing Nazi groups, corrupt politicians and businessmen, coups, and warfare in the eastern Ukraine region of the Donbass.

None of these studiously ignorant individuals parading around with blue and yellow flag pins gave a thought to Ukraine a few days ago and now *poof* the mighty Wurlitzer has their scrambled brains thinking about "solidarity" with proto-fascists in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.

Meanwhile Operation Covid has been banished to the dustbin of their short memories.

An antidote to the historical illiteracy of the liberal academics and their legion of acolytes below. How is it possible that all of these "educators" can be this consistently ignorant on these matters:

Declassified CIA document: “Cold War Allies: The Origins of CIA’s Relationship with

Ukrainian Nationalists”


Since 2014, with American help and money, Ukraine has been refashioned as a nationalistic state, a deadly weapon aimed against Russia. The Ukronazis, never spoken about on the West, have been given an easy road towards power. Other elements in the national makeup have been intimidated and suppressed as a Ukrainian national identity has been imposed on a multicultural people. The message from nationalists has been – become part of our dream of Ukraine, or leave. We have no use for you, this is our land now.

The Russian Orthodox Church was penetrated and turned against the church centre in Moscow. A tragic schism has taken place.

Terrible events – above all, the torching by Ukronazis of the Odessa Trades Union Building in April 2014, and the burning to death of 45 peaceful protesters who had taken refuge inside – drove home the deterrent message of suppression of human rights. Do not resist us, you will pay with your lives.

And the heroism of the people of Lugansk and Donetsk in saying no to such cruelty, in taking up arms to defend their vision of their homeland after Poroshenko in May 2014 ordered an all-out military assault on them – all this went unreported in the West.

For eight long years the Russian government tried to make the Minsk Accords peace process work. Kiev prevaricated and sneered, as the shells continued to rain down death on the rebel regions. And as the US and NATO pumped more and more weapons and instructors in terrorism and sabotage into Ukraine.

Finally in December last year, Russia had had enough. Putin tried to propose ambitious new principles for relations with the West, most importantly a pledge that Ukraine would never join NATO and the withdrawal of NATO weapons from Russia’s borders. All to no avail. The West prevaricated, cherry-picked and sneered at Russia’s peace proposals.

The west remains mired in its fantasy world of big bad aggressor Putin ruling his unhappy country with an iron fist. How totally untrue this narrative is, as I have tried to relate in my two books on Russia in 2017 and 2019.

Now, the real world of bombs and bullets, and the Western false narrative world of selective indignation and pointless ‘how does it feel’ fact-free journalism, finally have come together in jarring dissonance in Ukraine.


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Yup, it's the same damn script they just swapped the virus for Putin.

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Absolutely - the Stockman article has a lot of the gritty detail.

Most Americans couldn’t locate the Ukraine on a map - that’s what we’ve got to start with.

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There is no "the Ukraine" it is just Ukraine. Might want to get that right before attacking ignorance of opponents.

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During most of the 20th century, Ukraine was referred to in the English-speaking world as "the Ukraine". Sorry you don’t approve, but my point stands.

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Try telling that to a Ukrainian.

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Regardless his point is valid. Let's not sink to ad hominem attacks.

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You might want to look up the meaning of ad hominem. I didn't attack the person, I simply stated a fact. Ukrainians refer to their country as Ukraine, not the Ukraine.

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Fair enough, but I think at this point the use of an article before the name is the least of everyone's worries.

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Thank you Mark, my other substacks are dropping like flies.

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To summarize, two regions (Donetsk and Luhansk) declared independence from Kyiv in 2014, and Kyiv has been at war with them ever since. It's an internal Ukrainian conflict between the breakaway regions and the central government in Kyiv.

"How long should Russia have waited to intervene?" asks the podcaster.

How long did Russia wait to intervene when Catalonia held a referendum on independence from Spain in 2017, and then the Spanish authorities arrested and tried the independence leaders for rebellion?

Oh, that's right, they didn't. Because it's not their country and none of their goddamn business.

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Spain is on Russia's doorstep, and has a large population of ethnic Russians? I had no idea.

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Shoot, I wasn't aware that having a large population of a particular ethnicity nullified all those pesky international laws regarding invasions and such. So if, for argument's sake, France had a large population of ethnic Catalans, France would be well within their rights to invade *all* of Spain (not just Catalonia) and fire missiles at government buildings in Madrid? Good to know!

I just find it ironic that after going on and on about illegal invasions of various countries by NATO and the United States, he seems to have no such concerns regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "If NATO can do all these bad things and the US can do all these bad things, how come Russia can't do bad things too? Waaah."

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You're being obtuse. Spain is hardly comparable to East Ukraine, where the people of Donetsk and Lugansk have been shelled and bombed by the US-backed regime in Kiev for the last eight years. Were you as exercised when the US placed that regime in power, and when its forces started massacring the people in the East, as you are now? I reckon you were not; so you've just proved the key point of that video.

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You say "US-backed" like it's a bad thing. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it's not for you or me to decide. As far as I can tell, most Ukrainians prefer a US/EU-backed regime to a Russia-backed one. You can clearly see it in the streets of Ukraine - Russians are not exactly being greeted as liberators from the awful, oppressive, US-backed regime in Kyiv, are they?

As far as Kyiv's war on the people of Donetsk and Luhansk is concerned, yes, of course I was (and am) against that. If Québec held a referendum and voted to peacefully secede from Canada, would I want to see Ottawa going to war with Montréal over it? Of course not. But I doubt I would support a full US military invasion of Ontario, Vancouver and Alberta with civilians being killed in places as far away as Newfoundland.

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President Earpiece W. Teleprompter announces continuation of state of emergency that has been going on already since the Corona Cult, er ah, pandemic began. 100% of the boiling frogs, er ah, American people hail the dear old decrepit dictator. Dissidents have been corralled into virtual ghettos and will soon be riding actual boxcars to the reeducation camps with classes to begin right after a good long hot shower.

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Great link will be posting today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Loved all the people waving their little Ukranian flags at the SOTU. Didn't see any for Yemen!!!!!

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Uh, another piece of Russian propaganda narrative with all the whataboutery and even with Russian subtitles overlay. A classic of "Firehose of Falsehoods".


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The RAND Corporation? Why not the CIA? And if you can name a single "falsehood," please do.

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He didn't say anything obviously "false", it was just 10 minutes of "you didn't care when the US invaded country X and you didn't care when NATO bombed country Y", followed by the "conclusion" that the Russian invasion was "overdue" (he literally said that) because one part of Ukraine had been involved in an armed conflict with another part of Ukraine.

Well, some of us did care when all those other invasions took place. Some of us were against the wars in Iraq and Syria and Libya and the former Yugoslavia. Some of us believe in the right to self-determination and that Kyiv should have given DNR/LNR the autonomy they wanted. Some of us are against *all* wars. Shocking concept, I know.

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The RAND Corporation, you cannot be serious!

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This video was practically a carbon copy of Putin's invasion speech where he went on and on about the "empire of lies" and how they lie and cheat and invade countries. The Nazi narrative is particularly laughable, as if the Azov Battalion is somehow representative of all Ukrainians.

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You really don't know what you're talking. Have you heard of Svoboda? Right Sector? Stepan Bandera? Evidently not. While it's certainly true that ALL Ukrainians aren't neo-Nazis, the neo-Nazi element in the Ukrainian REGIME is a lot bigger than you think, and has been slaughtering people in the East since 2014. If find that "laughable," you have a twisted sense of humor.

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Here, worth reading from an expert working for Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. I would rather trust what real experts say than listen and watch Russian propaganda.


Here from another researcher:

"Svoboda’s approach to ethnic relations has been termed fascist, but in point of fact it is strikingly similar to official policy in Estonia, Latvia, and Israel. In effect, Svoboda aspires to create a “lite” version of what Israeli scholar Oren Yiftachel calls an “ethnocracy,” a system of rule within which the titular nation holds a position of dominance over the other nations inhabiting the land, such as Estonians and Latvians vis-a-vis Russians or Jews vis-a-vis Palestinians."


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The fact that you consider the behavior of Israel towards the Palestinians in any way acceptable or justifiable speaks volumes.

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I said nothing about Israel and the Palestinians...

But Israel, Estonia, and Latvia are not the only world's ethnic democracies. Same with Japan and Singapore, and even with Denmark. In 2010 Angela Merkel declared that Germany will be the same way, since the German 'multiculti' policy has failed. That speaks volumes.

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Svoboda and Right Sector are far-right political parties. They have been smeared with allegations of Nazism and anti-Semitism, which may or may not be true. Let's say they are. What is the combined percentage of the vote they received in the last election? 10%? How many seats do they hold in the Rada out of 450? 20? Claims that these fringe groups somehow represent the regime are laughable, yes.

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I just checked they have 1 (one) seat in the Ukrainian parliament. https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/603784.html

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And Right Sector has zero. All those neo-Nazis really penetrated the Ukrainian REGIME.

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Check out that account "Good Citizen" at the top of the replies. I did a forensic search on pictures and memes in this thread “Ukraine in the Membrane“ https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/ukraine-in-the-membrane

It is all custom made fakes.

The real story of the poor woman is here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10560223/Ukrainian-image-war-shows-wounds-Russia-accused-faking-injuries.html

The story of "CNN journalist" Bernie Gores is here https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com/2022/02/25/bernie-gores-is-dead-again-this-time-killed-by-a-landmine-in-ukraine/

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I looked at his other videos. The guy literally placed bronze Putin's bust and Stalin sculpture figurine on a shelf behind him...

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Yes, by all means attach the source when you are incapable of refuting the facts.

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Mark, it's far worse than you think.



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Good perspective, thanks for sharing!

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I sent the video you linked to my ex who is Ukrainian and currently lives in Zaporozhye and she said that video you sent ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OisJkpGYpAo ) was Russian propaganda and she says " They are bombing the cities!!! And not only military infrastructure. They kill civilians everywhere." So I am not sure what to make of it. I understand the history of Ukraine since the Fall of the USSR. I can see propaganda from the west everyday and can recognize it as such, but Russia must be using propaganda too and for as an anarchist, Putin is not better than any other person in government anywhere else. They are authoritarian garbage, from Trudeau to Putin, they are all the same. I would like to hear more from credible everyday people who actually live in Ukraine... I find it so hard to get reliable information these days....

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Hey JS , save your nerves and effort. This is just another one of those garbage vomiting, 3 pennies paid russland propaganda posts normal people should avoid like a plague. Ukraine will Prevail.

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Easily predicted. Nothing more than just another platform upon which to virtue signal mindlessly, lest they be thought about uncaring person. And yes, they’ll believe anything.

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Excellent. I'd love to share this on Facebook, rub some of my friends noses in their own hypocrisy. But I quit in disgust over covid.

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Thank you Mark, one appreciates those who can see and call the bullshit.

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