When? How? Please enlighten me…I’m in northern Commifornia where the lightbulbs are dim to nothing. I’m part of a freedom group that are trying to fight via the polls and contacting our representatives but it seems it’s a drop in the ocean…
I lived in SF for about 20 years, and Alameda for another 4... I hear your frustration and I share it. I moved to a small, under-nourished town in Western WA, across the Puget Sound from Seattle, one of the three "Red" counties in the state, and people are seemingly asleep. BUT ... I think the tide is turning, and now that it's turning, it seems as though it's quickening, too. I believe the KEY is local, very local, and NOT trying to influence the federal govt, they are ALL corrupted, one way or another, and have been for a long time. I am NOT an expert in politics, or in public anything, I just have a grasp on what's happening, a good brain, and a LOT of "Hell, NO" going on...
I think a FREEDOM GROUP is an excellent start... I'm working on that, too... LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL... Because when we can see each other's faces and have that immediate connection, it means so much more than being in something that we never even SEE the leadership, or the other members, hardly ever! REAL LIFE CONNECTION, that's where to start, in my opinion. As for the "faster" part, that is most likely to be just natural and happen organically... SO, Diligence, Steadfast Working at it, and Teaching by Example... Word of Mouth... When we have enough people, Non-Violent Protest in MASSIVE NUMBERS. I don't think we need to "fight" anybody. Just NOT COMPLY!! LOUDLY and CLEARLY. And the lawyers and law enforcement (sheriffs are the ones! they take an oath to the Constitution, unlike cops... also SOLDIERS and Vets are going to be with us...)
I feel we're getting close to a tipping point... I say all of this as a person JUST LIKE YOU... Ready for some GUTS and LOUD CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (not violent)... What we could probably use well is the EVIL of what is going on... jabbing BABIES????? People are starting to die in droves... This is GENOCIDE... A cold bucket of water (metaphorically speaking) does wonders. Courage is contagious. Make up some good mottoes that get people's blood moving around... Americans are so dulled down.
All that said, there's a great book every citizen of this planet should read... It's short and cheap. "Common Sense for the 21st Century" by Roger Hallam.
When enough of us get our heads on straight, we'll put an end to it.
When? How? Please enlighten me…I’m in northern Commifornia where the lightbulbs are dim to nothing. I’m part of a freedom group that are trying to fight via the polls and contacting our representatives but it seems it’s a drop in the ocean…
So, what’s a better and faster plan?
I lived in SF for about 20 years, and Alameda for another 4... I hear your frustration and I share it. I moved to a small, under-nourished town in Western WA, across the Puget Sound from Seattle, one of the three "Red" counties in the state, and people are seemingly asleep. BUT ... I think the tide is turning, and now that it's turning, it seems as though it's quickening, too. I believe the KEY is local, very local, and NOT trying to influence the federal govt, they are ALL corrupted, one way or another, and have been for a long time. I am NOT an expert in politics, or in public anything, I just have a grasp on what's happening, a good brain, and a LOT of "Hell, NO" going on...
I think a FREEDOM GROUP is an excellent start... I'm working on that, too... LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL... Because when we can see each other's faces and have that immediate connection, it means so much more than being in something that we never even SEE the leadership, or the other members, hardly ever! REAL LIFE CONNECTION, that's where to start, in my opinion. As for the "faster" part, that is most likely to be just natural and happen organically... SO, Diligence, Steadfast Working at it, and Teaching by Example... Word of Mouth... When we have enough people, Non-Violent Protest in MASSIVE NUMBERS. I don't think we need to "fight" anybody. Just NOT COMPLY!! LOUDLY and CLEARLY. And the lawyers and law enforcement (sheriffs are the ones! they take an oath to the Constitution, unlike cops... also SOLDIERS and Vets are going to be with us...)
I feel we're getting close to a tipping point... I say all of this as a person JUST LIKE YOU... Ready for some GUTS and LOUD CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (not violent)... What we could probably use well is the EVIL of what is going on... jabbing BABIES????? People are starting to die in droves... This is GENOCIDE... A cold bucket of water (metaphorically speaking) does wonders. Courage is contagious. Make up some good mottoes that get people's blood moving around... Americans are so dulled down.
All that said, there's a great book every citizen of this planet should read... It's short and cheap. "Common Sense for the 21st Century" by Roger Hallam.