After all we've witnessed the past 2.5 years, is it appropriate to even question this at this point? We know exactly what's going on.

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This is NOT a knock on MCM; your reporting is GREATLY appreciated.

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Not everyone does. Some are probably still in the 'that' can't be right' camp.

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Heard on the news

Children having heat stroke

From climate change, not jabs or anything. Yah right.

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Nor from wearing masks during sports practice.

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It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled (MT/SC).

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I blame the White Russians dude.

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Cattle regularly put up with 110 or 120 degree days in Australia. As I'm sure they do in Texas as well.

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Just talked to a friend who raises cattle and got a diff perspective. These cattle that died - they were feedlot cattle. That means they are fat and ready to go to slaughter. At the feed lot they are given high-fat & high-protein diet - very hard on the liver, but great for the fat marbling. So if the processing plant is down or backed-up due to destroyed (by fire, remember?) facilities - and the cattle cannot get cooled down fast enough - they will die. It's not JUST the high temps - but timing is everything. Perfect storm?

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Thanks for that information. We can’t always assume the most obvious explanation is the ONE.

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But we can still consider it...

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If you own that Feed lot... Don't you take measures to prevent the death of your stock? Hose 'em down...move them into some shade, etc.?

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Do a Google image search for "Kansas feedlots". There ain't no shade in Kansas -- especially at the feedlots. Time for a reality check. How many trees do you think are in a prairie? Not many. Feedlot shade? You're dreamin'.

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Do they not have hoses, or Barns or areas under a tarp? Why NOW? This isn't unseasonable weather.

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It is reported that Kansas is in drought right now. I’d bet that under usual operation that theses animals would not be left out in the sun long enough to be affected.

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Take the link. See the Kansas feedlots. See any trees? See any shade? No.


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So this just like Soccer player deaths - where totally normal occurrences lead to mass deaths...?

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No, I don't think so. I think this is more like The Perfect Storm. Cattle processing (time to slaughter) involves moving through optimal logistics & timing. When that timing gets interrupted and you have fat cattle, fed high fat/high protein food which is hard on the liver, AND they are delayed to go to processing for some reason (destroyed processing plants? . . . or they are simply backed up), AND you have high temperatures, AND you cannot give them cool them down with shade or water, THEN you have dead cows. This combination is not normal - but - shit happens. On purpose? By accident? Who knows? But not that hard to disrupt logistics.

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So it's like the Perfect Storm - of Whistles killing soccer players, is what I hear you saying.

Cattle have ALWAYS spent time in those feed lots. There is water available - and I'd bet you could turn a firehose on to the mist setting - if you were worried about a transient heat wave. This hot spell is NOT a perfect storm, or 100 year event. It's within the normal limits of climatic variability. We don't often hear about stories like this.

A back up at the Slaughterhouse, or an inability to transport the cattle would only add time to their lifespans.

This looks like something OTHER than weather to me. Perhaps we should be doing some autopsies on the cows, before we conclude that there was no foul play.

A feedlot full of dead cows...that sounds to me like a cut-your-Christmas-Tree lot... No reason to let all of that good beef go to waste - if they weren't poisoned. That's a marketing failure.

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They don't give covid vaxxes to cows (yet) so comparing to dying soccer players is wrong.

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I was comparing the similar lines of nonsensical, propagandistic, narrative-protecting bullshit... Not people being killed by forced Human Medical Experimentation Gene Therapy injections, to cows being killed in a feed lot - either by deliberate means like poisoning, or deliberate neglect.

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One would think so.

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Sounds like it makes sense.

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But does this absolve government policies or other causes? Yes, when any link in the supply chain is interrupted, the affects are wide spread and even usual occurrences can cause bigger problems if they happen at the same time as these interruptions. It is better not to cause or allow these interruptions.

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The Kansas City Star article also says this was unusual and that cattle are hearty animals.

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Just as "unusual" as all those 30-some food storage facilities burning down within what, a week, or two, of each other? And the train full of potash in Canada strangely, oddly, derailing? And the videos I saw on FB last spring of farmers saying they were told to plow under their crops or be sprayed with paraquat? I mean, when do we stop being STUNNED and WONDERING and start FIXING THE WAGON?

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Posts on IG are saying that over 70 food processing plants have been burnt in the US this year so far.

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I am not surprised. The Evil Ones are freakin out. It's gonna get pretty ugly for THEM, and maybe for us, too... Pretty likely.

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Manufactured food crisis you say? Nah they'd never do that right?

In 1873 the American government killed 1.5 Million buffalo in that one year alone to starve the Native Americans so they would be come more dependent on the American government to survive.


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They'd do damn near ANYTHING. They're jabbing BABIES.

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Wow! They are doing the same thing to us!

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Yeah, this is completely screwed up. Cattle do not die under those conditions, and the humidity levels they mention are actually really low--dry, in fact.

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I lived in Kansas for six years. Ain't NO humidity in the summers, or winters. It's fricken dry.

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Jun 17, 2022
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I believe I can adjudicate this dispute. Eastern Kansas can get humid. Western Kansas is mostly dry.

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Jun 17, 2022
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Both Nebraska and Kansas have distinct breaks between the climate systems of east and west.

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Oh, well, just CANCEL me. I know it's ILLEGAL now to say something someone might DISAGREE with. Geezuz.

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Jun 17, 2022
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You know what? I don't LISTEN to that shit. How you think you know all afuckinbout me by my ONE SENTENCE. Shuttup. I can understand being all uptight, but I'm NOT THE CAUSE. Lay off.

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Jun 16, 2022
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Yeah, we've been having humidity in the 70 to 90% range with the highs in the mid to high 90's, 100 in some areas. That's hot and humid! Humidity of 35% at those temps isn't anything.

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Good point. In the 1980s when I was working in Iowa, I saw quite a lot of 100F, 100% humidity in Chicago. No mass deaths there. I flew to Phoenix where it was cooler!

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Is there a lot of white stuff sprayed into the sky by airplanes?

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Not that I've noticed. It's been pretty and clear from what I've seen. --- Except on the over cast/rainy days.

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Well, here, when they spray the hell out of us, which happens almost daily, it becomes overcast after that. I don't know, but I suspect the worst of these people (globalist psychopaths) because they're jabbing babies and kids, and killing them. I don't put anything past them. They've been spraying us with heavy metals for decades.

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I also thought of the chemtrails.

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Yeah, they've been grooming us to think it's a "conspiracy theory" for decades... Baaaah.

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35%! Is this what they are calling “high” humidity?

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IKR?! I don't think the humidity EVER gets that low here. Too many trees for that to happen. --- Maybe in the dead of winter....

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In the winter I have experienced much lower, but not this time of the year. Farm land needs lots of water, which evaporates and creates high humidity. Is this more than whatever vegetation was originally there, don’t know, but as you said, trees keep humidity higher than that.

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I don't know how low the humidity gets in winter. I only really notice when you start getting shocked when you touch something. 😏 I haven't noticed that for many years.

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Well, huh. I just can't understand what might have happened to those cattle.

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Great find! That may well have something to do with this. We need to investigate and get to the bottom of this. We also need to protect the remaining food supply.

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They have to starve us before a critical mass wake up to the poison they were injected with. As Ed Dowd said, imagine what’s going to happen when these unhinged violent leftists realize what’s been done to them.

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Those unhinged violent leftists aren't the problem. The problem is those unhinged violent globalists; and saying otherwise is only playing into their hands.

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They are both problems. But, my point is that the globalists are attempting to starve us creating chaos and famine. By the way, I greatly admire you and your writings.

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Leftists aren't traditionally armed or violent. That's the far right that you're thinking of.

Where you DO have violent armed "leftists" - you'll usually find a CIA front and FBI Handlers, too. See the SLA, the Manson Family etc..

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I'd say there's armed and violent people on all sides... The "far right" and gun owners in the US are hunters, a lot of them. It's not a political thing, always, or even much, maybe.

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Say what? Take a look at who has shot who throughout history. Guess those fellas in Russia and China are far rightists. Nazis, BTW, where not on the right.

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You mean the comparative UPSTARTS in the mass killing game...whose (actual, as opposed to implausibly exaggerated) body counts are clearly dwarfed by Rightist (Capitalist) Regimes, over the same periods?

And NO. The mere presence of the word "Socialist" doesn't make Nazis leftists - any more that the DPRK are Republicans. They hijacked a workers party, and then turned the lumpenproletariat into foot soldiers for the Capitalist elites - AGAINST the leftists, first in Germany - and the later in Eastern Europe and Russia. They meshed well with Ukrainian and Polish fascists, too.

"Characteristics of Fascism" by Lawrence Britt Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, wrote an article about fascism that appeared in Free Inquiry magazine -- a journal of humanist thought. Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile). He found the regimes all had 14 things in common, and he calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The article is titled 'Fascism Anyone?', by Lawrence Britt, and appears in Free Inquiry's Spring 2003 issue on page 20. The 14 characteristics are:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism -- Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights -- Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to 'look the other way' or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause -- The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic, or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

4. Supremacy of the Military -- Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

5. Rampant Sexism -- The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

6. Controlled Mass Media -- Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or through sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in wartime, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security -- Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined -- Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is Protected -- The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed -- Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely or are severely suppressed.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts -- Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free-expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment -- Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses, and even forego civil liberties, in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption -- Fascist regimes are almost always governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions, and who use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

14. Fraudulent Elections -- Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against (or even the assassination of) opposition candidates, the use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and the manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Oh, nicely said!

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Lefties taking out other lefties do not make them righties.

Fascism is incompatible with the right as it includes government control of business, amount other things.

The Ten Charateristics.

1. As with China and the Soviet Union. 2. As with China and the Soviet Union and the political Left in the US today. 3. As with China and the Soviet Union and the political Left in the US today. 4. As with China and the Soviet Union. 6. As with China and the Soviet Union and the US today. Those being “cancelled” are rarely on the Left, and when they are, it is because they question the Left. 7. As with China and the Soviet Union. 8. Communism and often socialism are Sate religions. 9. Yes, but this is NOT an idea held by the Right in the US. Who was it that forced banks restrict corporate account holders based upon the policies they supported? 10. The Left in the US owes much of its power to labor unions but have long not been on the side of the memberships of them. 11 and 12 are of issue in the US today but can not be creditably argued as anything other than the pendulum swing back after excesses. 13. Long been a growing problem in the US. However, I will refer to my earlier question on who subordinated the banking sector to enforce its political policies. FATCA/FBAR and CBT are other areas to look into too. 14. Even been threatened with death as a child because your guardian witnessed ballot box stuffing as an election judge in a country that had never elected anything but democrats to any office since the civil war? I have. The threat was delivered to my guardian when they asked “What is this!?” When after the polls closed a large number of ballots were brought in the back door and dumped in tho the ballot box. The threat was delivered openly in front of the Sheriff who stared at my guardian as it was delivered. learned of this years later when I told my guardian that the crews of US naval vessels home-ported in Japan did not receive their ballots in time to vote for the election that Bill Clinton won. Inquiries indicated that this may have been a service wide problem.

In reference to FDR’s quote, look into the ESG scoring system.

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AGAIN - Nazis are not now - and never were - "the left". That's a rightwing canard and a persistent fallacious trope. If you want to get set-straight in a debate, in short order - try running that past Professor Richard Wolff, who has heard that brand of nonsense, before.

Congratulations - it sounds like you're slowly coming around to the awareness that you live in a Fascist = Corporatist = "Corporate Socialist" Police State. Which we've been, at least since the Civil War, to some extent - but ever increasingly so.

Neither Bill Clinton, nor Hillary Rodham are actual leftists... Nor have they ever been, in reality. She's a "Goldwater Girl" sent in, to infiltrate the left long ago. Her college thesis means nothing - Saul Alinsky is nobody on the actual left. We never talk about him - but maybe she does, I have no idea.



FDR was an Elite Corporatist - a scion of the Delano family (opium pushers for the Queen, in China). The Wobblies, and people in the CIO were leftists - the AFL - much less so.

What you're pointing towards is the reality that both the USSR and China were TOTALITARIAN States. Communism doesn't kill people - Nation STATES kill people. And the elevation of the State to a "religion", is a common trait in almost every State. But what the USSR had, and the PRC have - is nothing like the Religious States of France or England, or Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Fr. Blase Bonpane, used to preach leftist fire and brimstone about the religion of "Americanism" which is the platform upon which Trump stood - and many before him. That is significantly different from Theocracy, or the marriage between the Catholic Church and the Third Reich, under Pius the 2nd.

Vietnam and Cuba,are both significantly better for Human Rights, than either the US Empire, or their US-backed prior Governments.

Let's not forget that the USSR was founded by a guy with backing from German Intelligence, and was funded by Wall Street.

And from it's very inception - it was assailed from without, and within, by invasion, civil warfare, and internal dissension - all fueled by people like "Reilly Ace of Spies", the UK, US, Wall Street and City of London.


That kind of stuff can rightly make you paranoid. And it led directly, to something called "War Communism" - and the rise of a Totalitarian Police State.

The Paris Commune wasn't known for it's Gulags or Secret Police. Nothing in Marx and Engles demands a Totalitarian approach...being surrounded by a planet full of ruthless nations, committed to your destruction does that, all by itself.

Please compare the Communists in this video - rallying for the Metaphorical death of the Klan - as a racist, rightwing organization - to the Klansmen who showed up - with the blessings of the local cops, and the FBI, to kill them, in a very non-metaphorical way.


I've been an Anti-Fascist, since the 1970's. There is no Grand Lodge of Anti-Fascism handing out Charters and Membership cards - like there is for the Klan, and various other Rightwing bodies. ANYONE can declare themselves to be "Antifa", sadly...even cops and intelligence assets... And promoting violence between left and right is a "strategy of tension" that goes back quite a ways. Frankly, some of these little idiots calling themselves "Antifa" piss me off enough that I want to slap the taste out of their mouths, too. But they are hardly a monolith. And the lack of prosecutions for the violence and "rioting" in 2020 - along with my own first hand observations, tells me that most of that was done by Feds and Cops and Informants - Like "Umbrella Man" from Minneapolis. He was rightly ID'ed as a St. Paul cop - despite their belated, and unconvincing attempt, to provide him with an Alibi. The other guy, that they tried to pin that on, was a Prison Nazi, and part of an Outlaw MC...SO CLEARLY, not a leftist in either event.


#9 is TOTALLY true of the Right in the US - which is why the Koch Brothers spent so much $ on bolstering the Tea Party and modern GOP. It's still Corporate Socialism and Corporate Welfare, at the end of the day - that even Dominionist Xristianists are supporting. People have rights, and aren't even subject to US or STATE Income Taxes, in the several States. But PERSONS - are ALWAYS within the US Corporation, and in Interstate commerce, as a De Jure Matter. So keeping the rightwing shock troops confused, and hyped about Taxes - serves the goals of Koch Industries - which is a PERSON, and not a living breathing child of God. Keeping people confused about who and where they really are - is part of the scam that keeps the right fighting against their own interests.

Along with all of racist Obama caricatures, depicting him as witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose...one of my favorite Tea Party signs was "Keep Your Government Hands Off of MY MEDICARE!!!". Yeah... That was a real thing.

Even one of the Koch brothers' think tanks admitted - that a Single Payer system, would improve healthcare distribution, while lowering costs overall. Now that doesn't mean a Nationalized Medicare Bureaucracy, necessarily. It COULD mean that every private Doctor and Hospital just sends their bills in to the Treasury, the same way that the Pentagon does... with no questions asked. The experience of the last few years has cured me of any desire to see HHS doing ANYTHING, but cutting checks to Hospitals and Doctors, based upon mutual and informed consent with the patients, and ethical medicine as each provider sees it. And prior to this attempted Genocide - Single Payer healthcare was actually majority popular, even with the Republican base... about 70%+ popular overall, with all voters.

I have no idea what ESG is.

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Then, there are no leftists.

Yes, we have all heard the “But pure communism hasn’t been tried” argument. Human nature prevents it. China and the Soviet Union are the natural progression of a system that must take possession of private property to set up.

Yes, Cuba’s human rights are so wonderful that people risk dying at sea to escape it. Likewise, the US so bad that there are not large numbers risking death to enter.

As a friend of mine liked to say, apply the gate test to different forms of government. Open the gates and see which people flow.

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People flee Cuba - because we've been crushing their Economy for more than 60 years - with an Illegal blockade and Sanctions. And the CIA beams messages into their country telling them that the goodlife and a hand up onto the deck of a US Vessel - is just a raft ride away.

The vast majority of Cubans are happy with their Government - and that's why our Coup and Color Revolution attempts always go nowhere. You know who wants to flee ti freedom? People in Haiti and Guatemala and El Salvador... But because we support the Tyrrany being imposed upon them - they're NEVER welcome. That's the core of the rightwing Trumpist appeal - turning back the people (refugees/asylum seekers) fleeing the effects of OUR NeoLiberal and Fascist foreign policies.

If 'Socialism Never Works' - why do we have to spend TRILLIONS trying to destroy it? You'd think we could just stand back and watch it organically collapse into its own footprint, at freefall speed - like WTC7...

NO. The reality is that Venezuela, under Chavez had a rapidly improving set of social metrics (life expectancy, literacy, decreasing infant mortality and homelessness rates, etc.), and a GROWING GDP... People were fleeing there, from the NeoLiberal paradise in Colombia. Which is WHY the US declared them to be a "bad(=good) example" that had to be subjected to redoubled hybrid warfare efforts. And STILL people are poor there - but they have healthcare and access to education. The Slums of Caracas have been replaced with Social Housing... If you're looking for people sleeping under bridges - you need to head somewhere else. That's not really a thing, there or in Cuba.

Do I need to go into Bolivia? Morales cut extreme poverty rates in half, in just a decade or so. That's why Trump and the fascists had to do a Coup. And given a somewhat free and fair election - the Coup leader just got replaced, and sentenced to 10 years in prison (the Government is appealing for a longer sentence - and she deserves it. If they had the Death Penalty - that would be the appropriate punishment). Apparently the Bolivians didn't get the memo, from the well endowed Rothschild Chairs in Anti-Communism.

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Oh for crying out loud. You are a walking propaganda speaker. We hands access to health care in the US before the ACA. I live in Japan, BTW.

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There still are. We just AREN'T supporters of the Blue Team in the MONOPARTY Kayfabe.

So anyone $hilling for the Democrats is either not really on the left - or they're VERY confused, and playing some kind of "long game", that they're doomed to lose. Few people know this - but Barack Hussein Obama - is Dick Cheney's cousin. He comes from a CIA family, not a socialist one...and his REAL dad wasn't even Kenyan...



The Blue Team has adopted 'Wokeness', as an attempt to indulge a popular impulse on the left, that need not become the pathology that they have deliberately turn it into. The basis for what some now call CRT - I've always known as "American History" + "Ethnic Studies". I took many upper division classes that explored those ideas, without any injury to my whiteness. But the BEST classes in that vein, also took into account Class and Power...

Prior to the movement against Unaccountable (often racist and/or classist) Police Violence and Murders - being hijacked by some unscrupulous opportunists, and rebranded as "BLM" - some REAL LEFTISTS started the StolenLives.org project, and October22.org coalition. Those groups were old enough to vote, before BLM was a hashtag... Look at the pictures in the collage of victims at the first site. There's plenty of white folks. But because the organizational basis was universal, non-divisive and class based...they couldn't get two column inches in any paper... Even when the cops showed up and brutally attacked them, in Police Riots. And never were their names heard on the nightly news, either. They were a populist appeal that could cross over from poor right to poor left. The Democrats hated them just as much as the Republicans.

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I could say with equal veracity, that all these who say are on the right are not true righties.

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Those fellas? Who are you talking about? Are you saying Nazis were "leftists"? Up until recently, when up became down, boys became girls, and lies became truth, the "right" was considered to be "conservative," and the "left" considered "liberal." Who knows what's what these days, as per the "media." The MEDIA is sure "liberal"-- with their bullshit and utter nonsense. But that's the nature of propaganda, no? lol The entire planet has gone completely insane...

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Socialists are NOT on the right. Yes, classical liberalism meant freedom from government and it certainly does not now, nor has it for a long time. The majority of violent attacks are not from the right. Antifa, BLM and others behind violent attacks in the US are of the left and their actions by far outnumber those from the right. Mass shootings too.

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Well, okay. You're using the terms that are being tossed around as if they actually apply... Not by YOU, I mean tossed around by our corporate bull pucky media pretending to be "journalism." But all these terms have been undone and re-configured to further confuse the issues...It's an old game, to confuse everyone. If you think Nazis are the same as "socialists," in the true meaning of socialism, wherein the PEOPLE own the means of production (not always, but usually), that's just a false label. They called themselves "socialists," yes, they sure did, but they were fascists, pure and simple. MY way or the highway (or the gas chamber, maybe), was their basic stance. Anyway, that's the thing about tyranny, the bad guys always make up some wonderful title like "democrats" and then act like absolute fascist (authoritarian, dictatorial) jerks... Because calling themselves "authoritarians" doesn't go down that well. It's all a big game, but then people suffer, and die, so it kinda sucks!

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True with the Nazis, but government control of business is not a thing of the right.

Can’t see the rest of the thread, but my comments are against the statement that violence a right thing and not from the left. The nazis may not have been as far left as the Soviets, but that does not place them on the right. Unless one’s point of reference is between the two. They feared each other only due to fear that that they may lose powers to the other.

In do not have any close to hand, but there are some nice comparisons of how many died untimely deaths under leftist governments compared to rightest governments. Not even close. The numbers on the Left side of the chart are far far far higher than those on the Right. Pinochet, yes, a rightie and bad one at that. Can’t hold a candle to Mao or Stalin. Not even close.

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It's been done to EVERYBODY.

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Weather manipulation is real. Where was bill gates? He’s trying to destroy everything for his selfish insane agenda

Along with the other lunatics

Why can’t a natural disaster happen at davos or wef ?

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Yes---all stones need to be unturned to get to the bottom of this. Were there any chemtrails prior to this? Has anyone checked the soil/vegetation for poisoning?

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I don’t remember chem trails in the 1980’s . I have been busy with a bunch of autoimmune issues to test any soil. My neighborhood in baldwinsville New York recently, the pine trees are dying. Like rust . Heavy metal? And WiFi visibility burns half or a quarter of the bushes. It so many levels of crimes against humanity and nature.

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I hope you feel better soon!🙏

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Jun 16, 2022
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& o can’t find a sheriff to make an arrest. I can’t get close enough to make citizens arrest

I’m all broke down from Fauxchi & Monsanto wearing my body down with bad food and booster shot for work in autistic classroom years ago.

I’m taking responsibility but I’m holding them accountable

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Hmmm, I dunno!! Maybe because they're not trying to kill themselves! Yet...

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10.00o head of cattle? THAT IS OBSCENE. WHERE ARE the stand up loyal patriots? This will continue to happen until someone exposes it. Definitely POISONING. You can t even eat the meat now. O dear Jesus come soon.

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Jesus ain't comin'. This is up to US.

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Jun 17, 2022
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That makes sense, actually.

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I remember a combination of heat and humidity being able to create a condition known as wet-bulb temperature. Having worn rain gear in such conditions for forty years, I learned to recognize heat exhaustion and heat stroke pretty much instinctively. I don’t know if that’s the case here, but I know how it works. Sweating alone doesn’t cool you . It’s the evaporation that does that; unless you either block it, or the humidity does.

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That sounds more like what happens in San Antonio in the summer. Kansas is a dry heat. NORMALLY. That's why I suspect all kinds of fuckery is going on. I mean, why would they stop NOW? They know the tide is turning. I'd say they're getting pretty itchy...

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So utterly depressing that they’re getting away with murder and mayhem.

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When enough of us get our heads on straight, we'll put an end to it.

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When? How? Please enlighten me…I’m in northern Commifornia where the lightbulbs are dim to nothing. I’m part of a freedom group that are trying to fight via the polls and contacting our representatives but it seems it’s a drop in the ocean…

So, what’s a better and faster plan?

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I lived in SF for about 20 years, and Alameda for another 4... I hear your frustration and I share it. I moved to a small, under-nourished town in Western WA, across the Puget Sound from Seattle, one of the three "Red" counties in the state, and people are seemingly asleep. BUT ... I think the tide is turning, and now that it's turning, it seems as though it's quickening, too. I believe the KEY is local, very local, and NOT trying to influence the federal govt, they are ALL corrupted, one way or another, and have been for a long time. I am NOT an expert in politics, or in public anything, I just have a grasp on what's happening, a good brain, and a LOT of "Hell, NO" going on...

I think a FREEDOM GROUP is an excellent start... I'm working on that, too... LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL... Because when we can see each other's faces and have that immediate connection, it means so much more than being in something that we never even SEE the leadership, or the other members, hardly ever! REAL LIFE CONNECTION, that's where to start, in my opinion. As for the "faster" part, that is most likely to be just natural and happen organically... SO, Diligence, Steadfast Working at it, and Teaching by Example... Word of Mouth... When we have enough people, Non-Violent Protest in MASSIVE NUMBERS. I don't think we need to "fight" anybody. Just NOT COMPLY!! LOUDLY and CLEARLY. And the lawyers and law enforcement (sheriffs are the ones! they take an oath to the Constitution, unlike cops... also SOLDIERS and Vets are going to be with us...)

I feel we're getting close to a tipping point... I say all of this as a person JUST LIKE YOU... Ready for some GUTS and LOUD CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (not violent)... What we could probably use well is the EVIL of what is going on... jabbing BABIES????? People are starting to die in droves... This is GENOCIDE... A cold bucket of water (metaphorically speaking) does wonders. Courage is contagious. Make up some good mottoes that get people's blood moving around... Americans are so dulled down.

All that said, there's a great book every citizen of this planet should read... It's short and cheap. "Common Sense for the 21st Century" by Roger Hallam.

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Sadly all part of Agenda 201 and the culling of humanity! They will pay the ultimate price for their crimes!

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Yes, but we won’t live to see it.

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Some of us will.

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What is doubtful? But whatever, I'm getting off Substack for tonight. If you disagree, it's fine.

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I doubt there will be any of us left alive to see them get their just rewards. Many have already been taken much earlier than they would have been if not for the policies of our various governments. World wide food shortages couple to the ESG social credit system and these coupled with QR Code controlled access and we either toe the line or are allowed to starve.

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I pay attention to dead animal news a lot. I remember hearing about mass cattle deaths every few years, from heat in the summer, and cold in the winter. There is a profit motive for the animal business to be reckless and cruel, as they get paid insurance with my tax money when their animals die of neglect.

Here's a story from 2011 about thousands of cattle dying from "heat".


PETA says of the millions of pigs killed every year for food, more than 1 million die annually just during transport to the slaughterhouse, and at least 40,000 have sustained injuries by the time they arrive. https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/

I also remember seeing news stories of mass animal deaths from every hurricane, from trapped animals being abandoned and left to drown or starve. One year the story was about hundreds of thousands of chickens, another year pigs.

And that massive death toll is still small compared to the number killed for disease outbreaks, like the millions killed for bird flu, swine flu, and the mass cattle killing in the UK a few years back for hoof and mouth disease.

Commercial fishing catches and dumps dead at sea massive amounts of unwanted sea animals.

I'm saying massive, horrifying animal deaths are business as usual for the meat business.

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True, but as you know of these, they are reported. They just are not reported in the fashion they are being reported now. This may be due in part with the fact that a lot of food processing plants and storage facilities are being reported as being destroyed in huge numbers. I have wondered if these numbers, large though they are, are really unusual. They sure seem to be to me but lacking numbers from other years, it is impossible to compare. This trick has been used on Covid, reporting numbers of daily deaths worldwide, which are huge but when compared with those of non covid years, nothing unusual.

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Think of all the cattle raised in Texas in the 1800s. It gets HOT in Texas, and those cattle survived.

"Climate change" is a scam, like the COVID pandemic, and the scammers are still active, along with their media aides.

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PETA's been trying to draw attention to the mass cruelty of shipping sheep for years. Here's what they wrote about 14 thousand drowned sheep in 2019:


They found evidence the ship may have sank due to being overloaded.

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Similar to the Sewol.

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I think it's eugenics.

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It was 114° on Austin TX maybe 10 years ago. We had reports of cattle and chickens expiring from the heat. Think the middle east and reports of crop failures and extreme temperatures. In 2015 WaPo reported an Iranian city with heat index of 165°. The article:

“Iran city hits suffocating heat index of 165 degrees, near world record”

By Jason Samenow

July 31, 2015 at 10:29 a.m. EDT

The most I’d heard of before was 154° actual temperature.

We’ve had extreme weird weather for about as long as we have known a but about geoengineering. Remember when we were kids and we heard about cloud seeding to make it rain, and it was used, and then the Vietnam War came along and we were not told they had used weather warfare to make monsoons worse. When is the last time we have heard cloud seeding to make it rain has been used …. Anywhere.

Look up NYT “War of the Weathers” by Lowell Ponte April 17, 1976 in the archives.

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