And I will perhaps be willing to join you, and make common cause on many issues.
My politics for the commons are on the left - but until we have human socialism, I eschew any Government Handouts or assistance - because the costs are too high, and the deal being offered just SUCKS...
And I'm capable enough, and have enough "privilege"…
And I will perhaps be willing to join you, and make common cause on many issues.
My politics for the commons are on the left - but until we have human socialism, I eschew any Government Handouts or assistance - because the costs are too high, and the deal being offered just SUCKS...
And I'm capable enough, and have enough "privilege" that I can squeak by without it. But I understand that the disabled, for instance, may need help. And those who've been wronged historically, deserve to be made whole, too. Aetna Insurance started off insuring the Slave Trade. That's a corporate liability.
But I happen to be a small r republican, who lives in the California Republic state. I'm not a "Republican" per se. In fact I'm Peace and Freedom, currently - but considering a switch to the Movement for a People's Party. The Jab cultishness and stupidity of fauxgressive wokeness is beginning to push me away from the P&F crew.
I will work with all people of good faith and conscience. Join me, won't you?
A great speaker on history and propaganda about and versus the left - is Michael Parenti. ScrewUToob is littered with shadow banned videos, that come right up with a simple websearch. I highly recommend him.
Human socialism can not exist. Human nature prevents it.
Righting historical wrongs can never work as their is not a people upon this planet that have not, at some time in their past, been enslaved and at other times, been the enslaver. While we may not be able to go back it time far enough to discover every instance, this is true. The best we can do is do all we can to prevent it from happening to us and to keep us from doing it. That involves governments have extremely limited power, being subservient to those they govern. Good luck creating that in today’s environment.
We have a system of law which says that those who've been injured deserve to be made whole. There are no analogs for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, which combined slavery with dehumanization. If there are - then let those folks be compensated, as well. We are a Nation whose capital was built by slaves, and whose economic growth was built upon centuries of unwaged labor. Along with that, came laws against literacy, and fomenting familial destruction. There were still some slaves, in Texas, until the 1950's. There were public lynchings all through the 20's and 30's (and on into the 1960's, at least... What year was James Byrd?)... The Tulsa Riot was an attack upon Black Wall Street... And redlining and Jim Crow and social programs that encouraged dependence, or whose benefits were denied to certain groups are all factors. The USA is a unique case.
Human Socialism CAN and actually DOES exist. Workers in Germany sit on Corporate boards. Worker-owned collectives are possible, and can be successful. The limits you're imagining are illusions. The Paris Commune had to be torn apart, by the outside world. Systems based upon sharing, cooperation and collaboration, can be just as productive as systems based upon greed and selfishness and competition.
You are talking nonsense. There is not a single soul alive today who was enslaved in the US to pay reparations to. Nor is there a single person alive today who enslaved anyone within the US from whom to extract reparations from.
Then we have the fact that everyone loves to overlook. Over 300,000 boys in blue never made it home from the war that resulted in the freedom of those enslaved in the US, most of whom were not of the race freed. That debt has been paid in blood.
You're speaking from the easy and comfortable position of someone whose family was never torn apart, and whose ancestors weren't robbed of their labor, and productivity. Your ancestors weren't prevented by law from being literate.
You're clearly ignoring the reality, that if they found slaves on a plantation in Texas in the 1950's - there could quite easily be someone alive today who was enslaved. You're incorrectly supposing that all of the racist injuries ended with slavery, and they did not. Sennet and Cobb's "The Hidden Injuries of Class" showed how poverty is reproduced intergenerationally, in a race neutral context - amongst poor whites in Boston. Add race to the equation and people are double screwed. There was never even the promised 40 acres and a mule - but rather, sharecropping and De Jure discrimination that continues-on, well into the present day - if you know where to look.
Slavery wasn't the only thing those people were fighting over, so let's not oversimplify and over-lionize those who died - many of whom were on the other side of that issue, including in the North.
14th Amendment "citizenship" was never equal to State (or state) Citizenship.
Responsibility is individual. There are none today who are responsible for slavery in the US. Reasons for the war as immaterial as are the reasons a drunk gets behind the wheel. Their reason for the drunk was not to kill whomever he slammed his car into, he just wanted to get home. His victims are dead none the less. regardless of the reasons they went to war, the end result was that the slaves were freed. I wonder if you have read any of the writings of participants of that war written at the time. Though far from universal, a common theme is a gradual change from exposure to the enslaved race from ambivalence or racism to, what would surprise most modern Americans, an open respect and acceptance, though with limits. Abolition came about due to the blood spilt by the US Army and Navy and of the treasure of the criticizes of that time.
Unworkable at any rate. Would immigrants from Africa getting sworn in today be due immigrants from Germany taking the oath of allegiance right next to them? How about the Amish? Native Americans? Anyone who arrived after the abolition? Nonsense. The Nigerians I had the pleasure of drinking with when I first arrived here in Tokyo this time would think your idea absurd in the extreme.
And I have some personal experiences that surprise most because I am white and in Japan. My wife is Japanese as is our kid. He gets victimized by his father’s homeland and his due to one of his parents being a USC and picked on for being a “hafu”, especially “American” one here in Japan. Like my fellow Americans of color, he has features that he was born with that can not be hidden and the idiots of the world take as license to make life as difficult as possible for him, including wanna be do gooders from Europe who apparently thought something must be amiss when an older Gaijin man is walking with what probably looked like to them a full Japanese boy of 4 in the tourist areas of Kyoto. My friends of color in Japan, admittedly have a hard time here too, but there is little doubt that they are the parents of own children as there has been with me and my own son. I’ll leave it here. More can be said, but not to you.
And I will perhaps be willing to join you, and make common cause on many issues.
My politics for the commons are on the left - but until we have human socialism, I eschew any Government Handouts or assistance - because the costs are too high, and the deal being offered just SUCKS...
And I'm capable enough, and have enough "privilege" that I can squeak by without it. But I understand that the disabled, for instance, may need help. And those who've been wronged historically, deserve to be made whole, too. Aetna Insurance started off insuring the Slave Trade. That's a corporate liability.
But I happen to be a small r republican, who lives in the California Republic state. I'm not a "Republican" per se. In fact I'm Peace and Freedom, currently - but considering a switch to the Movement for a People's Party. The Jab cultishness and stupidity of fauxgressive wokeness is beginning to push me away from the P&F crew.
I will work with all people of good faith and conscience. Join me, won't you?
A great speaker on history and propaganda about and versus the left - is Michael Parenti. ScrewUToob is littered with shadow banned videos, that come right up with a simple websearch. I highly recommend him.
Human socialism can not exist. Human nature prevents it.
Righting historical wrongs can never work as their is not a people upon this planet that have not, at some time in their past, been enslaved and at other times, been the enslaver. While we may not be able to go back it time far enough to discover every instance, this is true. The best we can do is do all we can to prevent it from happening to us and to keep us from doing it. That involves governments have extremely limited power, being subservient to those they govern. Good luck creating that in today’s environment.
We have a system of law which says that those who've been injured deserve to be made whole. There are no analogs for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, which combined slavery with dehumanization. If there are - then let those folks be compensated, as well. We are a Nation whose capital was built by slaves, and whose economic growth was built upon centuries of unwaged labor. Along with that, came laws against literacy, and fomenting familial destruction. There were still some slaves, in Texas, until the 1950's. There were public lynchings all through the 20's and 30's (and on into the 1960's, at least... What year was James Byrd?)... The Tulsa Riot was an attack upon Black Wall Street... And redlining and Jim Crow and social programs that encouraged dependence, or whose benefits were denied to certain groups are all factors. The USA is a unique case.
Human Socialism CAN and actually DOES exist. Workers in Germany sit on Corporate boards. Worker-owned collectives are possible, and can be successful. The limits you're imagining are illusions. The Paris Commune had to be torn apart, by the outside world. Systems based upon sharing, cooperation and collaboration, can be just as productive as systems based upon greed and selfishness and competition.
You are talking nonsense. There is not a single soul alive today who was enslaved in the US to pay reparations to. Nor is there a single person alive today who enslaved anyone within the US from whom to extract reparations from.
Then we have the fact that everyone loves to overlook. Over 300,000 boys in blue never made it home from the war that resulted in the freedom of those enslaved in the US, most of whom were not of the race freed. That debt has been paid in blood.
You're speaking from the easy and comfortable position of someone whose family was never torn apart, and whose ancestors weren't robbed of their labor, and productivity. Your ancestors weren't prevented by law from being literate.
You're clearly ignoring the reality, that if they found slaves on a plantation in Texas in the 1950's - there could quite easily be someone alive today who was enslaved. You're incorrectly supposing that all of the racist injuries ended with slavery, and they did not. Sennet and Cobb's "The Hidden Injuries of Class" showed how poverty is reproduced intergenerationally, in a race neutral context - amongst poor whites in Boston. Add race to the equation and people are double screwed. There was never even the promised 40 acres and a mule - but rather, sharecropping and De Jure discrimination that continues-on, well into the present day - if you know where to look.
Slavery wasn't the only thing those people were fighting over, so let's not oversimplify and over-lionize those who died - many of whom were on the other side of that issue, including in the North.
14th Amendment "citizenship" was never equal to State (or state) Citizenship.
Responsibility is individual. There are none today who are responsible for slavery in the US. Reasons for the war as immaterial as are the reasons a drunk gets behind the wheel. Their reason for the drunk was not to kill whomever he slammed his car into, he just wanted to get home. His victims are dead none the less. regardless of the reasons they went to war, the end result was that the slaves were freed. I wonder if you have read any of the writings of participants of that war written at the time. Though far from universal, a common theme is a gradual change from exposure to the enslaved race from ambivalence or racism to, what would surprise most modern Americans, an open respect and acceptance, though with limits. Abolition came about due to the blood spilt by the US Army and Navy and of the treasure of the criticizes of that time.
Unworkable at any rate. Would immigrants from Africa getting sworn in today be due immigrants from Germany taking the oath of allegiance right next to them? How about the Amish? Native Americans? Anyone who arrived after the abolition? Nonsense. The Nigerians I had the pleasure of drinking with when I first arrived here in Tokyo this time would think your idea absurd in the extreme.
And I have some personal experiences that surprise most because I am white and in Japan. My wife is Japanese as is our kid. He gets victimized by his father’s homeland and his due to one of his parents being a USC and picked on for being a “hafu”, especially “American” one here in Japan. Like my fellow Americans of color, he has features that he was born with that can not be hidden and the idiots of the world take as license to make life as difficult as possible for him, including wanna be do gooders from Europe who apparently thought something must be amiss when an older Gaijin man is walking with what probably looked like to them a full Japanese boy of 4 in the tourist areas of Kyoto. My friends of color in Japan, admittedly have a hard time here too, but there is little doubt that they are the parents of own children as there has been with me and my own son. I’ll leave it here. More can be said, but not to you.