Trudeau proposes poisoning those who object to being poisoned.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I think what has gone on in Canada has been a huge surprise to most Americans. It has totally changed my view of Canadians, that they are going right along with their descent into totalitarianism. There must be a really deep class divide for the country to turn against the truckers and the freedom convoy. I hope the truckers and their supporters emigrate to the U.S. We need people like that.

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Canada's fall into soft tyranny has been the most depressing story of covid, eh?

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

"Treat vaccine hesitancy with drugs and psychotherapy"

I wonder how they plan to deal with drug and psychotherapy hesitancy - handcuffs and straitjackets?

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The only words that come out of my mouth are really bad. Every Canadian needs JP's "Make 1984 fiction again", T shirt.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

While Trudeau is on the world stage decrying misinformation and harassment, the truckers convoy hearings are going on in Ottawa. The really good stuff is not being reported by the mainstream media. Of course. All sorts of emails and texts and directives have been exposed, showing just how hard Trudeau’s operatives were working to spread misinformation about the convoy. Even discussing using prominent journalists behind the scenes. In the alternate reality of truth, this would be front page news.

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All the discussion of resorting to psychotherapy to eliminate injection wrongthink is a reminder of the CIA's MKULTRA experiments performed by Dr. Ewen Cameron at McGill University. Dr. Cameron tried to wipe minds clear of wrongthink with, for instance, lobotomies, electrical shock. LSD and other drugs. That is a part of Canada's heritage presently invoked by the present excesses of Klaus Schwab's favourite Prime Minister.

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I am a dual national Canadian/American and now i have trouble deciding which is more shameful: TURDEAU OR UNCLE SCAM

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Canadians gonna tolerate.

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Save money. Re-open the Soviet pyschiatric prisons from the 1960s.

At least Canada isn't as bad as the hell-hole of New Zealand... by a tad.

Truth is, this is nothing more than scientific Lysenkoism brought forward to our times.

What? You don't know what Lysenkoism is? And as you look it up don't you DARE use the vile, filthy, disgusting, locus of all that is evil, Google and it's Chrome. Not when there is Brave with engines like SwissCows, PreSearch or FreeSpoke. Otherwise you are just feeding the crocodile that is planning to eat your for lunch in a couple hours

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I think it's awful here, and then I remember Canada.

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I am of those few who actually relocated to Canada during baby Bush's reign of terror. You may say that I was Liberal back then. Please forgive me, for I have seen the light since then.

Looking at the Trudeau regime and how it reacts, I am becoming more and more optimistic. For one we had the Trucker rebellion at the beginning of year, shining a bright light on Trudeau's junta. It is quite obvious that the narrative is running away from them. In other words, the horses are out of barn and are long gone.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Here's a way the fasco-Marxists can save money: Treat vaccine hesitancy with drugs and psychotherapy: Ontario College of Physicians??? Better idea: Just re-institute the old Soviet pyschiatric prisons. At least they were more humane

And of course the FDA just announced that they didn't really ban ivermectin, it was just a suggestion. I"m not a cursing man, but I will make an exception this one time: I'll bet the a-holes at the not-so-college are right behind them in their lies. Thankfully, Premier Smith is bucking the trend in Alberta

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Trudeau is a nightmare. There are a lot of stupid people in Canada who still support him. Many of them are older women. I had been a member of a knitting forum for many years. It was sold last year to a Canadian company that adores Trudeau. I was banned from the group because I had commented on some of the tactics Trudeau had used against the truckers, such as freezing bank accounts.

Some of the members had strenuously objected to my opinions on this.

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Just saw this with Bob Moran's latest cartoon. It needs a wider audience! Can you give it one, Mark?!


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Justin Castro's father was a totalitarian Communist and now he has gone a step further to embrace Facism, where he uses the banks, industry, Internet with big government to control the people.

Canada is no longer free and they are under the control of Justin's masters at the WEF.

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