What a F’en loss and what a F’en crime. I submit to you that most of these nurses were forced into taking the Jab to remain employed. Even though they were medical professionals I submit that there WAS NO INFORMED CONSENT. Thus I hope lawsuits ensue…which is little comfort to the survivors BUT it can go a long way in preventing future evil acts. Pax
I too am a nurse. An unemployed nurse. I refuse all vaccines and no longer wish to work for physicians and a healthcare industry that continues to push and cover up the scam of covid vaccines.
I don't know how our medical professionals are putting up with this ruse it's beyond my comprehension it seems to be a lot of people in the profession are under some type of psychosis
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
That makes sense. Kelly Sexton is infoming us of what persons are. We thought it was only the Nazis, in 1940.
... [p.s. -alert- I have a real Substack that has many articles, so the language "jacob's Newsletter" means something in my case. There is a "newsletter," with articles. I thought I would clarify that. I therefore do not only write in the 'Comments' sections. Although, honestly, some of you persons who write these 'Comments' are very articulate indeed!]
Good for you. We are cut from the same cloth. I refuse to ever allow anyone to make me do something against my will for a paycheck. My will is not for sale.
I found an area of nursing where they literally didnt even ask me about my va((ination status upon higher. I take care of patients in their home whose care is covered by the dept of labor because they got sick for something they were exposed to at work. I absolutely love the job. Easiest job i have ever had, for the most money i have ever made as a nurse. I dont know where you are located but i know my employer is in several states. They are called Giving Home Health. Great company. My email address is pinkmisty18@gmail.com if you would like to discuss further.
I am a retired nurse of 43 years. I retired before this horror of lock down. Many nurses and physicians I personally know WOULD NOT STAND UP and question the political take-over of medicine. I am an enemy to and lost friendships with family and friends because I questioned the horrors perpetrated by…..who? What??? Why??? My life will never be pain free because I will always feel for those who forfeited their lives and others lives.
I feel your pain. I am so sorry. I just can't go along with the lies and deceit from the medical community. I honestly don't know how doctors and nurses can.
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
No one on the planet could give informed consent as no one outside the jab manufactures knew the full list of ingredients. Even now I don't think anyone has complied a definitive list of all the ingredients and understood why different batches had different adverse event profiles.
This is a huge issue. Though we may be able to refuse shots at our regular doctor appts, however eventually most of us need dental work. We don't know what is in the shots at the dentist. I bet my fluoride loving dentist would ask for extra MRNA in his shots to get extra money if he could. I have had 4 dental shots since covid began and can I really now say I don't have any of Gates MRNA/Nano tech crap in me anymore?
We have have this crap in us. Those that allow themselves to be injected are getting a mega dose in a much shorter time span. There are natural ways to heal your teeth as well as alternative means to numb yourself from the pain.
Hello Judith, here are some starting points. BTW I'm a mRNA serum survivor, understand your concerns. My daughters, virologists adenovirus vaccine researchers, manufacturers & vaccinologists are unconstitutionally imprisoned under the same abusive NDAA provision that was used against all the Jan-6th political prisoners, to silence dissent by federal intimidation...
You are definitely my hero! I would never have thought about acupressure.
According to Dr. Ana Mihalceas's microscopic work (she's on substack), it's not so much mRNA in anesthetics we have to worry about as it is graphene oxide.
I currently have 2 molars that lost their amalgam-mercury fillings (yea!), which left huge holes. I haven't been to a dentist in MANY years, but I fast walk for 40 minutes, eat a healthy diet (including sufficient calcium and Vitamin D) and brush with calcium carbonate powder instead of toothpaste, among other things. Oh yes, and I don't listen to the insane babblings of dermatologists who tell you to never allow the sun to touch any part of your body without sunscreen. I will expose my bare skin to 30 minutes of sun (wearing a hat) if I'm needing to work outside (for the free vitamin D).
Marianne, I had to have an emergency root canal back in December. My first and hopefully last. Are you saying the numbing agents injected like Lidocaine are all MRNA now?
That is very devastating. So sorry to hear that. I feel you. Although my husband and son si currently ok after taking 2 doses of this killing shot, I’m grieving since! I didn’t take the injections but cost me my nursing job for 2 years and almost lost my house and my marriage. But lost so many opportunities, friends and some family members. I’m back to nursing home but deaths continues on massive numbers hit 2 weeks ago 4 deaths in 5 days! So many healthcare care workers are now have some significant health issues! I’m the next 5 years global massive deaths will continue!!!
I told my sister who is a nurse to not take it. She swiftly corrected me and said that I wasn’t a doctor. When i said neither are you she hung up on me. Trade school vs medical school. In 5th grade my teacher taught us a class about critical thinking and subliminal messages. I think it’s imperative that children learn to think critically. The government gave us the blueprint when they said the disinformation dozen were crazy. Immediately i knew i was being lied too.
As if "doctors" somehow have access to information that the layman cannot access on their own if they choose. PubMed anyone? The library?? The arrogance of the medical establishment was a turn off for me long before Covid. Imagine taking your car to the repair shop for an oil change and they tell you you need all new tires when you had them replaced a week ago. You'd be like "go pound sand" and would be well within your right to do so. The majority of adults have become infantile and weak beyond reproach.
Just had a discussion with new primary care phys about why I was refusing tetanus booster. She says hardly anybody gets tetanus because of the 10 yr boosters. I think it's bc we aren't getting punctures in dirty farm soil. Recent study shows tetanus boosters last 30 yrs, not 10.
Wow. I told my family about health before the plandemic. My younger brother understood what I was saying, had conversations about it. Then once he was belittling me saying didn't you study nutrition at Penn State. I realized he just wanted to force me to comply. And I think the vaccine separated people along a separation that was already there
I think you're right. The separation was already there but needed something like the injections to really find out. That's good, because now you know who they really are.
I agree, it was no doubt my way or the highway type of thing. The same thing went on up in Canada. I heard something like 58 doctors (though I'm not 100% of the number) died but that was quickly covered-up. These people pushing this are evil monsters!
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
While I hear you…not everyone believed that they had an option…so methinks you are not being generous with your sympathy. Trust me, I know RNs first hand that believed (and still do) that mRNA is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just proves that there ain’t no cure for stupid,,,, but here we are. The underlying point is how do we awaken people to effect change. Pax
You're so right, there is no cure for stupid... I'm in the UK, have been 'awake' for 40-45 years (am 65), and have been desperately trying, for decades, to wake up my relatives (and all bar two already 'awake' friends). And never more so than over the past 4.5 years. However, without success. They choose to continue to blindly believe what they're told on their beloved TVs... more fool them.
They all had at least four injections (I refused to submit, have been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years). Several of them now have quite serious health issues. Well, I did provide them (before and after the 'roll out' of the injections) with masses of high-quality, trustworthy evidences which proved what was (and still is) going on. But they refuse to accept it... what can one say, when faced with stupidity of that degree...? (rhetorical question...).
They're all so gullible, brainwashed, naive, indoctrinated... and they refuse to open their minds and acquire the actual facts, the actual truths.
You appear to be a follower of Christ so I will pull my punches.... Are you remotely familiar how the medical system works? Do you realize how the medical system is in big-pharma's back pocket and if they want to receive support they had best fall in line. So please wise up. Pax
People love to say, "Correlation does not equal causation." so much bullshit. "They learned a baby girl would join them in November. Tragically their anticipation turned to heartbreak on July 28, 2023, when Lily Rae at 25 weeks was delivered without a heartbeat. The following month began a yearlong battle for them as Kelsey was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. " Age:--29!! There's some DIRECT causation, in my view.
Exactly! Said as much to my husband and son:( I live in fear every day and watch them carefully for any bad reactions. So far , they seem to be okay but, I can guarantee they will be stupid enough to take them again if their jobs are threatened. Insanity! I refuse to for Any reason or any one!
I pray all the time that my teen daughter got saline. At least she got a dose of ivm later that same day, and never suffered any side effects from the jab that we know of.
So very angry that she was coerced by my ex into getting two Pfizer shots at age 14!!
I had 3/5 children coerced. Two were in college and they got the jab plus one or two boosters and one was actually working as a teacher and believed the lie that “things would get back to normal…” She only got the first jab. My husband got the J&J jab and didn’t tell me for a month!! We’d go on walks and I’d be telling him all the things about the jabs and then I found out after a month he gave in! He told me, “I did my research.” I was mad!! Really dear?!?!? If he had dropped dead, I would never had known! I was able to protect my younger kids. I pay careful attention too to all their health. I swear my husband is aging in his brain though!! I know of two people that seemed to develop a turbo cancer after injection. My sister was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer Oct 2021. No family history of that. It just makes one wonder!!
It doesn't make sense so I don't buy it. The perpetrators would not have not let 30% of their victims walk off scot-free. The explanation is different: some of the shots were less toxic, but they still gnaw inside and shorten the live of the recipient.
I think it is a numbers game. They don't care how people die. They just want a percentage dead. So if they let 30 percent of first time shot takers to get off scot free, they can get you dead another way, and oh there are so, so many ways to poison you. Just add more toxic crap to your water, spray more toxic crap in the skies, squirt your fruit and vegetables up more with toxic crap. And whola, more chronic illness and death.
If letting 30 percent of the shots not to have immediate toxic crap in it allows them to trick more and more people to get shots and they succeed in getting the other 70 percent sick and dead, then they did what they wanted.
With that being said you have to stop thinking in terms of an immediate effect. Some shots are more of a slow poison and it may not be years till the real effect start to bother a person and by then they have long forgotten the shots they took and won't link their illness to the shot. It may set in motion a slow growing cancer etc. SV40. The shot may effect your immune system in a way that you can't fight off infections as easily.
Again it doesn't matter how you die, or why you died. They just want a certain percentage of us dead by a certain time and they aren't talking about themselves being dead.
A year ago, I calculated from an Italian study that the odds for a single “dud” were 22%. Thus, your chance of getting 2 shots out of which none is toxic is 4.8%. Up that to 3 shots, and your chances of not getting the poison is reduced to 1.06%.
www.howbadismybatch.com This will give you all of the data on the shots and lethality by country, state & region one wishes to find. We don't need to guess, because the data exists.
And if they say anything, who will listen? Most of their family members, journalists and doctors pushed it and took it. Are they willing or able to process the implications to themselves and society as a whole? I’ve thought a lot about this and it’s obvious the people who took it just aren’t able to process what’s going on.
Not necessarily true. My boyfriend was truly in the dark then and took 2 right when we started dating. He now fully regrets it because I’ve spent time educating him and he’s no longer vaccinating his son.
It's interesting. My husband only took one...so his parents would see him ( by the way they never would...and all the shots killed my father-in-law) but my husband only took the one. He sees very clearly that THAT was a huge mistake. He warns everyone today NOT to take any! He take Nattokinase, and fights the after effects, and so far so good.
I took 2X Moderna, then got infected thrice and had some kind of heinous cardiovascular issue I struggled through. I see what has happened. It angers me so much that my fellow vax cattle can’t muster the courage to see what has been done to them. Effin cowards. Post-modernist morons. And as the CDC continues to cause the ignorant to inject infants with this garbage, I say loudly “damn them all to hell.”
Sounds very much like a story Dr Makis wrote about in July. From Australia:
25 year old suffers stillbirth at 34 weeks, collapses at home a week later, found to have brain tumors and is declared brain dead hours within Turbo Cancer diagnosis.
Ca two weeks ago a Danish couple from a tv show lost their baby at week 21:
'The malformation scan in week 20 showed a small malformation in the little boy's organs, which cost him his entire life, Isabella writes in a post on Instagram, and to HER&NU/Realityportalen she elaborates:
- I hadn't had any pain, discomfort or bleeding, so we had no idea that anything could be wrong. We really just thought we were going to go in for the scan and say hello to him. We had been to both a 12 weeks scan and an extra gender scan at week 15 where everything had looked fine, so it was a huge shock that turned our whole world upside down, Isabella explains.'
In April a Danish MP, Fie Hækkerup, lost her newborn baby girl, Carla, within 24 hours. I think it was something with her brain. She had been pregnant previously where the fetus died in week six.
In early 2022 there was an article about one zone therapist who in one month had three pregnant injected women who all had to have their births induced due to preeclampsia. All three placentas had been full of blood clots. The first person I told about this bursted out 'my friend also had preeclampsia!'.
I would suggest people look up their country's fertility rate and live births (if available). Is seems obvious there must be many we don't here about! Here are those for Denmark. Scroll down for graphs:
Interesting. Back in April 2023 I read the following comment and copied it because it was shocking to me:
"Twice in the past month my colleagues have provided anesthesia to parturients that had babies break through the placenta. They had emergency cesareans and when the uterus was incised the OBs stared in disbelief, "Where is the baby?" In the peritoneum, of course! One baby survived, the other did not. Heavily juiced with mRNA technology in case you were wondering. These placental abnormalities are extremely worrisome. Wonder what kind of wonders we will find with this poison down the line?"
Oh, wow! James Patrick and his Big Picture company is seeking funding for a documentary on this issue (among others); Silent Infertility: A Documentary on Fertility & the Jabs. Maybe you should contact him with this info? And please share the word on the project, so we can get it funded 🙏
With the obituaries, however, they only raise suspicion. It's not an investigation by itself that holds up to critical thought. It's hard to do a thorough investigation of the listed names. By themselves it's easy to say correlation does not necessarily mean causation. It's more interesting when it's combined with other solid data, like Dr. Campbell on youtube, who states a lot of eye-raising facts, and gives a perspective from his medical education. It would be much easier for someone with resources to attack the obituary lists in a debate than the other facts in the matter.
The value of obituaries is that one, they are authentic because they're paid by the families and verified by the publisher. And two, they make deaths visible, where we may not experience them in our small circles. Not everyone gets an obituary published, which leaves out many poor folks.
I knew one man who was diagnosed and died of a brain cancer within months of the shots. His family wondered if it had something to do with the shots he got. Then, two local people who were in their 50's or younger died with heart issues, within a few weeks of the shots. And another senior I know got sick immediately after each of the first two shots, bounced back, then started a mental decline worse than the one as seen in the debate, complete with hallucinations. I know one person who said they tested positive for covid. They had what appeared to be cold symptoms. They stayed home and recovered in days with no doctor visit.
At the same time, I know people who did get the shots who have no known adverse effects at least in the short term. I don't know anyone who died of covid. Just my own personal experience.
The most I suffered through the great reset event was harassment from people who wanted me to wear a mask when I was not wearing one, and harassment from group B people who didn't want me to wear one when I put one on to go along to avoid group A in the stores. Secondly, censorship and destruction of free speech online. I was shadow banned on twitterx, and had a strange experience with disrupters that appeared to make a false account with a national security facade. Third, the massive propaganda campaign/head hitjob in concentrated big cartel media, and its other social and psychological effects besides the mask wars. The most eye opening thing was the terror of seeing how many otherwise capable people simultaneously followed the media program in their own actions and consent, without any question whatsoever. That shows the vital importance of the work of Dr. Miller, James Corbett and others who educate the masses about media and public relations--one of the most important subjects I've ever learned. Fourth, the economic and financial impact that is ongoing. And fifth, the call for another increase of the super-Stasi electronic mass surveillance in the guise of health the way it was done in the name of terror security, yet another hit on our Bill of Rights, freedom, and fundamental values.
In other words, "don't believe your lying eyes". And people actually fall for it. That'd be like getting into a car accident, dying of the injuries and then the paramedics saying that the two things were unrelated. Yea maybe to a moron.
Is this for real? This is INSANE...what a tragedy! It's almost unbelievable. My amazing Mother was trained as a nurse and she tragically left this world 3 years ago, apparently from "COVID" infection, whatever that is. She did not take any injections. My top suspect is shedding. Are these jabs even killing people who were smart enough to NOT take them? My heart is broken and my soul is crushed. What am I supposed to do now? How are all the loved ones of these beautiful people supposed to carry on living? This is a tragedy of epic proportions.
So true I am so sorry for your loss As a nurse I have a cold anger I did not know was possible. What they did to humanity is so psychotic and ‘they’ continue to get away with the denial of truth.
My research does not prove the existence of Covid at all. It was never isolated, purified or cultured so therefore has not been proven to exist. If you have information that shows otherwise I'm open to looking at it. The bioweapon was the clot shot. Covid is the flu rebranded to justify people taken the clot shot. If you aren't familiar with check out the work on this topic by Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Ana Milhalcea, Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt. Best
If you created a bioweapon that was released and people say killed millions of people and destroyed the world economy, would you provide proof? I’ve heard all the arguments on the no virus side and I don’t dismiss them but an absence of proof doesn’t prove anything. What we can prove is they spend billions of dollars each year experimenting, examining and developing something. What exactly? I can’t say but what I can say this. I clearly remember having to choose among attending four different funerals in November of 2019. All of those people had serious comorbidities but everyday in the news they were talking about a mysterious vaping disease going around. Remember that? I didn’t put anything together at the time. I just thought it was odd, but it all went away when COVID was announced that January.
Once the pandemic was declared I got sick with something unlike any cold I had ever experienced in my 50 plus years of living. While I was off work, I found Whitney Webb’s article linking to an article from the Fort Dettrick newspaper that the base was closed down that August because of a contamination leak right around the time and area the vaping deaths started.
Again, I can’t be sure wtf happened, but I do know people started dying in increased numbers and the cold I caught that March was different. Yeah the vaccine is a more dangerous bioweapon for sure, but we are in a full scale depopulation agenda and the attacks seem to be coming on multiple levels. They are clearly planning wars, famines, pestilence, water shortages etc., but they are all being engineered by men.
I hear you and you have several valid points. There is no doubt that bioweapons are real and are being made by the military industrial-pharmaceutical complex. What I was trying to say is that these weapons are not viral but are chemical based weapons. I do remember the vaping thing and had the same thoughts as what you have articulated. I am not disputing that they did release a bioweapon and called it “covid” claiming it was viral in nature. It isn’t viral. It is a chemical weapon, or a weapon that alters our physiology to create flu like symptoms. I feel that it is important to stick to what we can prove. By calling it a “virus” we are being erroneous when in fact it is a bio-synthetic, chemical weapon.
If you are unfamiliar with the Carnicom Institute you may want to look into the work they’ve been doing for the last 25+ years. What they prove is that what is being sprayed on us is the same as what was in the “covid” jabs. But it isn’t limited to just those. It is now found in basically everything. Food, water, air, “medicine” etc. This bioweapon does a multitude of things which sickens and weakens the population. It is beyond complex. Whomever engineered this thing is not of this world in my opinion.
Like you, I was hit with something in February of 2020 that devastated me as well. My immediate thought was bio-weapon because it was, as you indicated unlike any “flu” I had ever had. I thought I was done for.
Ironically enough a day before I started getting sick there was a very strange “fog” in my neighborhood. I don’t believe in coincidences.
I so feel for you 🥲🥲It breaks my heart I lost four dear loved ones from the vaccines I cry when I hear other peoples story I am so angry and so traumatised my heart is broken
🥲 we must fight for Justice to stop other people and children being coerced into these death shots Keep telling everyone 🙏
Thank you Sues, and I'm so sorry for your losses. What a horrifying nightmare we are living in. Mom and I were both the type who basically never got sick, and we didn't expect to get sick from this either, and we certainly didn't expect it to be lethal. I thought it might even be fake just to get people to take the shots because of how "over the top" the propaganda was. She was actually happy that she had "it" at first because she thought she would then be immune.
I have no idea what "it" is, other than an engineered bioweapon of some sort, but it was targeted at people like my beautiful Mother. She did everything for everyone else her whole life and she deserved the best of everything and she didn't get to live out her life in peace because of the monsters who planned this genocide. First [they] destroyed her life by stealing everything that made life worth living with the lockdowns, no family gatherings, no going to the beach, my siblings going crazy from watching CNN and obsessing about masks and testing and getting the jabs for themselves and their children (all her grandchildren). She actually said that "if they got the boosters" it would be the death of her. They even tried to bully her into "getting vaccinated" because they were so sure they were right.
She was the most wonderful person I ever knew and I believe she lost the will to live because the world changed too dramatically. Basically, the whole world turned against her, even most of her family and it went on way too long. If it had only been a few months, she would have been able to endure it. I think she was most afraid she would have to endure watching her children and grandchildren getting ill or dying. What a catastrophe.
If you study the Bible, you’ll see the suffering of the innocent ultimately will be avenged. For all their sinister “intelligence” in designing this catastrophe, the perpetrators have no idea what awaits them because they’ve never understood the plot.
I'm so sorry this happened to your precious mother, to you & your family. How old was your mother? When did she pass away? I'm keeping you in my prayers. I silently scream every time I read a story like yours. It feels so unbelievable! Such a horrendous & unnecessary loss of life for so many people all over the world. I'm deeply saddened and feel helpless to do anything except to try and share what I know and to pray for everyone. Big hug for you. 🤗
Thank you, Simple Scribe. She was in her early 80's and healthy and active, still living in her home of over 50 years. I almost can't recall her ever being ill my whole life. It happened almost exactly 3 years ago. It started with a little cough, and 10 days later she was gone. I initially felt like I'd been poisoned and had no idea that was "it" whatever "it" is. My sisters had been screaming (publicly) all over FB for a couple of months that we we're "putting her at risk by not getting vaccinated" and actually accused my brother (on FB) of killing her while she was still perfectly fine. I believe they put a target on us. Then it became a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroyed all of our lives, which is exactly what it was designed to do. The Devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I believe the Devil was literally involved, and that we are in a supernatural battle of good vs evil.
We all are very sorry to learn of these things, but I for one wish you to know that it is souls like your dear mother, who will finally be resurrected and granted eternal life. Jesus spent His life on earth doing for others' as well. So He certainly will grant her admission if she was a believing soul in His proclamation of being the Son of man, and the Son of God.
Spiritism is as abhorrent to the Creator as witchcraft. Your suggested read reportedly has no author, but the info therein rather "channeled" by some celestial being. That right away raises red flags. Here is what Google says:
The Urantia Book declares that Jesus died for the Gospel and not for our sins. 6. The Urantia Book denies that Jesus' crucifixion is an atonement for the sins of humanity. In conclusion The Urantia Book proclaims a different God, a different Jesus, and a different Gospel than the Bible.Nov 25, 2018
There is not enough time for anyone to suffer through over 2,000 pages of material that is undoubtedly a construct of the enemy. We've been given the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy as plenty sufficient for the purposes God has for the enlightenment of souls, to make a logical choice to OBEY His commands, and live, or to reject the Truth, the Godhead, and the promises therefrom, and die eternally. It's our choice. Free-will to make that choice still lives.
I'm so sorry. I also watched my father being so isolated and broken hearted because of the lockdowns. It broke him. Then he got the flu shot, in 2020 had heart problems, went to the hospital and whatever deadly protocol he received made him unable to walk on return, caused non stop vomiting and total organ failure a day later. His last words were 'I don't know what's happening Nicks'. I knew what was happening - murder!. It was traumatic.
Omg this is very sad news A nurse told me that she worked in a London hospital on the Covid team She said 9 Doctors and Nurses died and she said it was the vaccines This is very traumatic for everyone that lost a loved ones and the worst thing is they threatened Doctors Nurses Care workers with their license if they said anything 🥲🥲
That is exactly what they expected here in America,.if my memory serves me correctly, they had national gaurd /military backed up likely in case of a mass walkout from the hospital system. Hard to believe that 99% of highly educated drs and nurses and so many in the bio and science fields stayed silent and also rolled up their sleeves. I’m a “layman”person and when you tell me that this spike protein is toxic and the major component of a deadly virus then tell me this dart in the arm is going to make me produce said protein??? Okay , what could possibly go wrong here.?? Just saying, as an uneducated person I knew that I needed to further research what I was being told. To think that any one doctor, nurse, practitioner, anybody with a degree in just about any profession would be able to think critically through this crisis? It still just wows me to think that now “they” , whomever the powers may be, know how vulnerable our populous is! That’s scary!
There’s a literal humanitarian health crisis in the western world and it’s being ignored. I often refer to it as "COINCIDITIS": this includes Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Convulsions & Seizures, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Encephalitis, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Venous Thromboembolism, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Transverse Myelitis, Thromboctopenia, Kawasaki disease, Guillain-Barre, Autoimmune disease and Sudden Death that all coincidentally and consistently affects those jabbed with either mRNA and/or adenoviral vector DNA lipid nanoparticle gene editing technologies.
I will never forget the story of a bright and beautiful 20 year old nursing student, required by her school to get the COVID jab in order to participate in clinicals. 24 hours after getting injected, she was no longer alive. Her name was Regan Lewis. Her story also appears in Ed Dowd's book Cause Unknown.
It's not a conspiracy. The COVID injections have harmed huge numbers of people. If you are actually in the medical field you should be paying a lot more attention to physicians around the world who have been expressing serious concerns about these injections for three years. Pay attention to those who have been injured and are chronically disabled. I know many of them and most of them were treated horribly by doctors who couldn't figure out how to help them, were in denial that the covid "vaccine" could cause such terrible adverse events, and told their suffering patients it was all in their head. Have you ever read Ed Dowd's book? His research is based on government data. How about Naomi Wolf's project in which she enlisted 3000 medical experts to drove into the Pfizer trial documents - have you read about any of their discoveries? Not a conspiracy at all, it is all there in Pfizer's documents. You can pre-order her book about this now, why don't you read it when it comes out and then troll these pages calling people like me know who knows dozens whose lives were destroyed by the shots a conspiracy theorists. Do you know about the organization React 19? You need to spend some time looking into React 19, founded by two remarkable vax injured individuals dedicated to helping others who have been terribly injured, while supporting serious research into treatments. Look up Dr Joel Wallskog and ask him if his injury was a conspiracy. Do you know who Maddie DeGarey is, what happened to her, and how she and her family were treated in the wake of her injury? Have you not yet heard of Dr Peter McCullough? If not your head is buried in the sand. Are you familiar with his qualifications? Read his book, The Courage to Face COVID. Read it and then tell me we're a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Look Ernesto Ramirez in the eye and tell him his son dying suddenly 5 days after getting jabbed was just a coincidence and that he's a conspiracy theorist and his son's death had nothing to do with the injection. Why don't you have a conversation with the actual doctors treating adverse events and ask them how many children they treated for cardiac issues and strokes prior to 2021. Take some time to go through data analysis by Steve Kirsch on record level data from several countries. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the work of brilliant Canadian scientist Jessica Rose. Listen to personal interviews conducted all over the country by Children's Health Defense. Watch the documentary "Anecdotals" by filmmaker Jennifer Sharp. Have you read the book by Fareed and Tyson on how they successfully treated thousands of COVID patients early on with almost zero deaths and very few hospitalizations? Spend time with Dr Pierre Kory's book "The War on Ivermectin". Why was Ivermectin smeared, banned in places, and disparaged wrongfully by the FDA? Are you aware of the fairly recent court decision regarding the FDA and it's wrongful characterization of Ivermectin?
You could also ask Dr McCullough to refer you to numerous peer reviewed publications which support his concerns, everything he says is based on the peer reviewed literature, and he has authored more than 600 articles in the peer reviewed literature himself.
You could talk to Dr Harvey Risch from Yale, or Dr Aseem Malhotra. Do you even know who they are? Have you ever read anything from them? Get their opinions on what is conspiracy and what is not. While you're at it, take a careful listen to Byram Bridle.
Another great resource is 5 hours of testimony given in Washington DC in January 2022, testimony by doctors, nurses, attorneys, and everyday people whose lives were wrecked by the shots. It is called COVID 19, a Second Opinion. Listen to the testimony of military doctor Theresa Long, and the testimony of attorney Thomas Renz about military data on the harms to military personnel from these shots.
Unless you've taken the time to follow these people and many more, read the countless books and publications, listened to the agonizing personal stories of those whose existence has been turned upside down after making the worst decision of their lives, paid attention to those treating these injuries,, you're full of shit, completely ignorant, or a troll to say stupid things like "Y’all have decided it’s a conspiracy and nothing else will do". Wake up.
If your whip has been worn out on this "dead horse" I can donate mine to you. It's not being used any more. It does have a little wear and tear on it from 2020, but that's all. It still works fine. Oh, that reminds me! I still have a partial case of "Sheep's Eye Salve" which I also do not attempt to apply any more to the blind sheep, since it is useless to try and get them to hold still.
Not quite. My financial advisor has noted an alarming trend that a significant number of his older clients have died. No illness, just died suddenly. Additionally, the 'all death mortality' rate is up in most Western countries. For instance, If I recall correctly, it's around 15% above historical trend.
I'm sure you must looking forward to getting the Monkeypox jab.
I'm glad you have the comfort of your delusion, cyd. 80% of wowan in our OR with heavy bleeding for 2 plus years, ages 17- 74 have Sudden Late stage cancers. They have been up to date on all their gene therapy too. Y'all take care and God Bless you, CYD.
Cognitive dissonance is like a psychological deep seated illness in itself. Turning a blind eye to all the global stats of excess deaths since roll out Dec 2020, not before, until 2024. numerous Vac injury and Died Suddenly groups, documentaries, testimonies from family and friends, scientists, doctors, Funeral Directors, Insurance Companies, Evidential documents, Studies, Books written....you are in a fools paradise. It is beyond disgusting your perpetual blindness, denial and CIA- phrase created rhetoric. You are one ignorant, microscopic minded tool. On behalf of all of us who have had often healthy, (not all )family members and friends killed from the poisons and hospital protocols and the billions of witnesses world wide in all fields.
“You can’t stop what’s coming. It ain’t all waitin on you. That’s vanity.” This is the end of allopathy and corrupt biomedical research science. Their dark towers will lie in smoldering ruins, and history will adjudge you an idiot.
Hi El "Cyd", by now you've been righteously slapped to shit by the overwhelming majority of aggrieved witnesses & survivors of the mRNA serums, so I & mine will spare your pitiful self our backhands. A lurking Queera Big Med/Big Pharma troll/harpy(not a typo, it's your pronoun, T-Perp) such as you play your stoopid COVIDiot tricks thinking your gaslighting changes the truth into your ideological narrative. We are waaaaay past your screeching points that you are irrelevant, so move on, stay the f**k out of our way as we survivors & witnesses seek answers & justice...
I am an RN who left hospital nursing years ago. Never regretted the decision Hospital’sand those that run them run a business it’s the line workers who care about the patients. Not the administrators not the Boards not the management. I believe Obama removed informed consent under the Patriot Act Informed Consent was not done and probably under EUA that’s was allowed since without a product insert how was any Practioner to know side effects etc. The nurses doctors and whoever gave these genetic delivery systems were either steeped in fear incompetent or down right evil!!!
This sends chills down my spine, I’m an RN that left my career to be a mom and wife after the jabs were shoved down my throat by my job and I refused…. I am looking in the faces of these awesome women with much sadness…
So how many really died during this week. We don’t know. In Mark’s recent United States death list there were 6 in my area with two more in the obituaries that were not counted. Here it costs $100 to post an obituary. How many deaths are not in the obituary then?
There is a perfect storm brewing that will overwhelm and then shutdown hospitals everywhere. They are:
#1 continue death by adverse reactions of any one injected (hospital workers who multiple injected will go first)
#2 a growing wave of Covid and other infections among the vaccinated as breakthrough variant infections making the vaccinated sicker and sicker.
#3 the emergence of an immune escape variant that will kill the vaccinated by the millions.
You are correct, this list comes from a subset of the daily deaths and this list is generally only those under the age of 68-75. Many more who were over the age of 68 pass every week who are not getting recorded. Also this list would be longer if there were resources to monitor and review every death.
Mark Zuckerberg apologized for censorship during covid and on a different substack they asked "Is that enough?" After going through all of these obits, I would say HELL NO.
I warned my wife in 2020/21 that these 'jabs' were dangerous well before they came out. From that point onwards she thought I was crazy. Fast forward to today and she's divorcing me due to her cognitive dissonance.
She took 3 to four of these death shots, I only hope they were all saline. This has been a tough few years for the criticsl thinkers among us.
Many have lost jobs, family and friends and been put through a crazy amount of mental and emotional abuse.
Well I'm here to say well done everyone here for standing up for what's right, you're all a credit to humanity. The truth can't be stopped.
I’m 79 & in great shape. No fkn shots of any kind for me. My wife & I did our research & used the Zelenko protocol. No. COVID. No flu. No nothing. I lost two friends who died suddenly & unexpectedly after taking the “safe & effective” death shots. Read RFK Jr’s book on that bastard Fraudci & Pedo Gates. Hell is not enough for these scum. ⚔️🤮⚔️
What a F’en loss and what a F’en crime. I submit to you that most of these nurses were forced into taking the Jab to remain employed. Even though they were medical professionals I submit that there WAS NO INFORMED CONSENT. Thus I hope lawsuits ensue…which is little comfort to the survivors BUT it can go a long way in preventing future evil acts. Pax
I too am a nurse. An unemployed nurse. I refuse all vaccines and no longer wish to work for physicians and a healthcare industry that continues to push and cover up the scam of covid vaccines.
I admire your courage Kelly
I don't know how our medical professionals are putting up with this ruse it's beyond my comprehension it seems to be a lot of people in the profession are under some type of psychosis
It's like they know but just don't care. And go along with the illnesses and deaths. No one talks about it. But everyone knows what's going on.
Thank you for telling us they don't care.
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
Yes it is
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
Wow, what happened to all the doctors and nurses that wanted to save people? This is so sick and sad! I have lost my trust in the medical world.
That makes sense. Kelly Sexton is infoming us of what persons are. We thought it was only the Nazis, in 1940.
... [p.s. -alert- I have a real Substack that has many articles, so the language "jacob's Newsletter" means something in my case. There is a "newsletter," with articles. I thought I would clarify that. I therefore do not only write in the 'Comments' sections. Although, honestly, some of you persons who write these 'Comments' are very articulate indeed!]
Money is very mesmerizing! Many of the doctors/nurses/hospitals are getting compensated for their loyalty to their benefactors.
Threatened by the Colleges of P's and S's! And they are likely backing the U.N. and government narratives!
Good for you. We are cut from the same cloth. I refuse to ever allow anyone to make me do something against my will for a paycheck. My will is not for sale.
Thank you! I'm 81 not jabbed and never will be! I no longer have any great trust in the medical profession especially GP's...
legalized drug pushers. I was in to see my GP yesterday for vertigo and told her my wife thought I should have a blood pressure
test, she asked if I had a device at home, I said yes and she said go take it at home!! I do have white coat syndrome but still!!!
Also the only drug I take is my glaucoma drops....I'll go lie down if I have a headache! My dad was a surgeon....never had great trust
in pills!
By the way. IF you do get high blood pressure. Taking
about 800 mg Potassium a day really helps. Don't take my word for it, watch Dr. Henry Berg videos.
I hope that sufficient time has passed and the need has increased to where you can get a job on your terms. Pax
I found an area of nursing where they literally didnt even ask me about my va((ination status upon higher. I take care of patients in their home whose care is covered by the dept of labor because they got sick for something they were exposed to at work. I absolutely love the job. Easiest job i have ever had, for the most money i have ever made as a nurse. I dont know where you are located but i know my employer is in several states. They are called Giving Home Health. Great company. My email address is pinkmisty18@gmail.com if you would like to discuss further.
You are a very lovely person 😃👏💐
I am a retired nurse of 43 years. I retired before this horror of lock down. Many nurses and physicians I personally know WOULD NOT STAND UP and question the political take-over of medicine. I am an enemy to and lost friendships with family and friends because I questioned the horrors perpetrated by…..who? What??? Why??? My life will never be pain free because I will always feel for those who forfeited their lives and others lives.
I feel your pain. I am so sorry. I just can't go along with the lies and deceit from the medical community. I honestly don't know how doctors and nurses can.
I was at my local clinic yesterday and while waiting to see my doc.
in waiting there is a screen with various health advise and I was
sorta surprised that they are still pushing the covid jabs and boosters!
Ahh even health in Canada , Beachburg, Ontario are still following the
DEPOPULATION AGENDA of the corrupt U.N./WHO/WEF, Gates and the
rest of the scum of the earth!
Good for you, you are a very brave woman and I admire you for that!
God bless you
Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0voBXZgbgLI
I consider you a hero!👏
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
No one on the planet could give informed consent as no one outside the jab manufactures knew the full list of ingredients. Even now I don't think anyone has complied a definitive list of all the ingredients and understood why different batches had different adverse event profiles.
just had 2 teeth filled without dental anesthetics because the drugs have MRNA in the injections I used acupressure which worked well
I am sincerely asking - what are the facts about the dental anesthetics now?
I keep reading references to the mrna but no real facts.
I have to have some dental work done and will need anesthetic. I cannot do acupressure or anything else. It's pretty serious work I need.
Does anyone have the facts about this new situation, and what some viable alternatives are.
I have thought about asking dentists what they use but I'll bet they don't know!
Thank you.
You need to look at the work Dr. David Nixon is doing on ALL dental anesthetics. It contains the same nano-tech, transhumanism poison as all vaccines.
Try to find a holistic dentist. I know they exist in Florida or at least in Fort Lauderdale. Hope they exist in your state too!
What would a holistic dentist do? Wouldn't they still have shots to numb the area before they work on it? Who makes their shots?
This is a huge issue. Though we may be able to refuse shots at our regular doctor appts, however eventually most of us need dental work. We don't know what is in the shots at the dentist. I bet my fluoride loving dentist would ask for extra MRNA in his shots to get extra money if he could. I have had 4 dental shots since covid began and can I really now say I don't have any of Gates MRNA/Nano tech crap in me anymore?
Just skip the dentist and take good care of your teeth. That´s what I have been doing and haven´t been to a dentist in 22 years with no problems.
Skip the shots or skip the dentist
We have have this crap in us. Those that allow themselves to be injected are getting a mega dose in a much shorter time span. There are natural ways to heal your teeth as well as alternative means to numb yourself from the pain.
Hello Judith, here are some starting points. BTW I'm a mRNA serum survivor, understand your concerns. My daughters, virologists adenovirus vaccine researchers, manufacturers & vaccinologists are unconstitutionally imprisoned under the same abusive NDAA provision that was used against all the Jan-6th political prisoners, to silence dissent by federal intimidation...
You are definitely my hero! I would never have thought about acupressure.
According to Dr. Ana Mihalceas's microscopic work (she's on substack), it's not so much mRNA in anesthetics we have to worry about as it is graphene oxide.
I currently have 2 molars that lost their amalgam-mercury fillings (yea!), which left huge holes. I haven't been to a dentist in MANY years, but I fast walk for 40 minutes, eat a healthy diet (including sufficient calcium and Vitamin D) and brush with calcium carbonate powder instead of toothpaste, among other things. Oh yes, and I don't listen to the insane babblings of dermatologists who tell you to never allow the sun to touch any part of your body without sunscreen. I will expose my bare skin to 30 minutes of sun (wearing a hat) if I'm needing to work outside (for the free vitamin D).
I'm now in my 7th decade.
Who knew those meds contained mRNA. For the purpose of...?? Thx for sharing!
Marianne, I had to have an emergency root canal back in December. My first and hopefully last. Are you saying the numbing agents injected like Lidocaine are all MRNA now?
Marianne, did your dentist tell you that, or you just knew about the mRNA from another source?
What do you replace them with?
Keep telling the truth. Drown the lies Keep talking
No informed consent, EUA...experimental, and no support from govt. if adverse event, also followed Reiner Fullmitch and the
WHO approval of Drosten's Chinese dna breakdown and RT PCR test that was never peer reviewed! so I said to myself FU!
not touching that! I'm 81.
I have 3 family members includes my son and 2 friends who have died from the jab
That is very devastating. So sorry to hear that. I feel you. Although my husband and son si currently ok after taking 2 doses of this killing shot, I’m grieving since! I didn’t take the injections but cost me my nursing job for 2 years and almost lost my house and my marriage. But lost so many opportunities, friends and some family members. I’m back to nursing home but deaths continues on massive numbers hit 2 weeks ago 4 deaths in 5 days! So many healthcare care workers are now have some significant health issues! I’m the next 5 years global massive deaths will continue!!!
I told my sister who is a nurse to not take it. She swiftly corrected me and said that I wasn’t a doctor. When i said neither are you she hung up on me. Trade school vs medical school. In 5th grade my teacher taught us a class about critical thinking and subliminal messages. I think it’s imperative that children learn to think critically. The government gave us the blueprint when they said the disinformation dozen were crazy. Immediately i knew i was being lied too.
As if "doctors" somehow have access to information that the layman cannot access on their own if they choose. PubMed anyone? The library?? The arrogance of the medical establishment was a turn off for me long before Covid. Imagine taking your car to the repair shop for an oil change and they tell you you need all new tires when you had them replaced a week ago. You'd be like "go pound sand" and would be well within your right to do so. The majority of adults have become infantile and weak beyond reproach.
Just had a discussion with new primary care phys about why I was refusing tetanus booster. She says hardly anybody gets tetanus because of the 10 yr boosters. I think it's bc we aren't getting punctures in dirty farm soil. Recent study shows tetanus boosters last 30 yrs, not 10.
Wow. I told my family about health before the plandemic. My younger brother understood what I was saying, had conversations about it. Then once he was belittling me saying didn't you study nutrition at Penn State. I realized he just wanted to force me to comply. And I think the vaccine separated people along a separation that was already there
I think you're right. The separation was already there but needed something like the injections to really find out. That's good, because now you know who they really are.
I wish I would have said that to my sister when they said you aren't a doctor. LOL
Yes! Smart! You used your head. So many have white coat authority syndrome. Just believe anything told to them without question👍
This is beyond awful and such a heavy burden to bare…
My most sincere empathy for all ur
losses. I am stunned at the number of people you lost. Special prayers for u as u try to cope w the loss of ur son.
May u find peace and comfort to continue on.,
I’m so sorry for your loss.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sorry for your loss.🙏🏼
I agree, it was no doubt my way or the highway type of thing. The same thing went on up in Canada. I heard something like 58 doctors (though I'm not 100% of the number) died but that was quickly covered-up. These people pushing this are evil monsters!
You can’t have Consent when the Inserts are F’n Blank! Total 💩-show. We need Nuremberg 2.0
The truth of this technocratic eugenics program is just too horrifying for the average person to allow themselves to see, let alone come to terms with.
The Evil acts will never go away until the system of enFORCEment we all lived under is abolished.
Dude. People don’t understand how wicked it IS or was and therefore are never watching.
I had to teach my own wife to be suspicious of anything done by any large organization. Especially governments.
While I hear you…not everyone believed that they had an option…so methinks you are not being generous with your sympathy. Trust me, I know RNs first hand that believed (and still do) that mRNA is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just proves that there ain’t no cure for stupid,,,, but here we are. The underlying point is how do we awaken people to effect change. Pax
You're so right, there is no cure for stupid... I'm in the UK, have been 'awake' for 40-45 years (am 65), and have been desperately trying, for decades, to wake up my relatives (and all bar two already 'awake' friends). And never more so than over the past 4.5 years. However, without success. They choose to continue to blindly believe what they're told on their beloved TVs... more fool them.
They all had at least four injections (I refused to submit, have been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years). Several of them now have quite serious health issues. Well, I did provide them (before and after the 'roll out' of the injections) with masses of high-quality, trustworthy evidences which proved what was (and still is) going on. But they refuse to accept it... what can one say, when faced with stupidity of that degree...? (rhetorical question...).
They're all so gullible, brainwashed, naive, indoctrinated... and they refuse to open their minds and acquire the actual facts, the actual truths.
Facing the truth can be hard, difficult, and scary…all you can do is be there for when they ultimately collapse. I’m in a similar position. Pax
You appear to be a follower of Christ so I will pull my punches.... Are you remotely familiar how the medical system works? Do you realize how the medical system is in big-pharma's back pocket and if they want to receive support they had best fall in line. So please wise up. Pax
People love to say, "Correlation does not equal causation." so much bullshit. "They learned a baby girl would join them in November. Tragically their anticipation turned to heartbreak on July 28, 2023, when Lily Rae at 25 weeks was delivered without a heartbeat. The following month began a yearlong battle for them as Kelsey was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. " Age:--29!! There's some DIRECT causation, in my view.
30% of the shots were Saline which makes it harder to prove causation They knew what they were doing
Yes, in the Fauci documentary by Dinesh D’D’Souza, only 1 in 5 vials were contaminated in order to produce “the endorser effect.”
oops, I’m sorry, not Dinesh D’Souza, but Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The more covid shots someone takes the higher the chance they get a hot batch.
Good Lord
It’s Like Russian Roulette
Exactly! Said as much to my husband and son:( I live in fear every day and watch them carefully for any bad reactions. So far , they seem to be okay but, I can guarantee they will be stupid enough to take them again if their jobs are threatened. Insanity! I refuse to for Any reason or any one!
I pray all the time that my teen daughter got saline. At least she got a dose of ivm later that same day, and never suffered any side effects from the jab that we know of.
So very angry that she was coerced by my ex into getting two Pfizer shots at age 14!!
I had 3/5 children coerced. Two were in college and they got the jab plus one or two boosters and one was actually working as a teacher and believed the lie that “things would get back to normal…” She only got the first jab. My husband got the J&J jab and didn’t tell me for a month!! We’d go on walks and I’d be telling him all the things about the jabs and then I found out after a month he gave in! He told me, “I did my research.” I was mad!! Really dear?!?!? If he had dropped dead, I would never had known! I was able to protect my younger kids. I pay careful attention too to all their health. I swear my husband is aging in his brain though!! I know of two people that seemed to develop a turbo cancer after injection. My sister was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer Oct 2021. No family history of that. It just makes one wonder!!
It doesn't make sense so I don't buy it. The perpetrators would not have not let 30% of their victims walk off scot-free. The explanation is different: some of the shots were less toxic, but they still gnaw inside and shorten the live of the recipient.
I think it is a numbers game. They don't care how people die. They just want a percentage dead. So if they let 30 percent of first time shot takers to get off scot free, they can get you dead another way, and oh there are so, so many ways to poison you. Just add more toxic crap to your water, spray more toxic crap in the skies, squirt your fruit and vegetables up more with toxic crap. And whola, more chronic illness and death.
If letting 30 percent of the shots not to have immediate toxic crap in it allows them to trick more and more people to get shots and they succeed in getting the other 70 percent sick and dead, then they did what they wanted.
With that being said you have to stop thinking in terms of an immediate effect. Some shots are more of a slow poison and it may not be years till the real effect start to bother a person and by then they have long forgotten the shots they took and won't link their illness to the shot. It may set in motion a slow growing cancer etc. SV40. The shot may effect your immune system in a way that you can't fight off infections as easily.
Again it doesn't matter how you die, or why you died. They just want a certain percentage of us dead by a certain time and they aren't talking about themselves being dead.
and the more shots you get the more likely you are to have gotten the real thing.
If you keep playing Russian Roulette eventually you will one day get the bullet.
A year ago, I calculated from an Italian study that the odds for a single “dud” were 22%. Thus, your chance of getting 2 shots out of which none is toxic is 4.8%. Up that to 3 shots, and your chances of not getting the poison is reduced to 1.06%.
I haven’t run the numbers but yours sound correct. Some of my friends have had eight. Boggles the mind.
I agree. I believe there were toxic batches and REALLY toxic batches. No placebos.
Doing it the way Sues stated, doesn’t make sense to you? That’s about as simple a concept can be explained.
I believe this to be the case also. Our enemies hate us much too great for there to be any truly clean shots:(
www.howbadismybatch.com This will give you all of the data on the shots and lethality by country, state & region one wishes to find. We don't need to guess, because the data exists.
Yes. The youngest on the list was the most telling. Completely heart wrenching. Her family and coworkers must be asking questions.
Exactly. All of these stories are very sad. But Kelsey Cole dying 1 year after her still born baby is especially devastating.
But do THEY see it? Why are we all so scared to say it? If we don't talk about it & warn others...they will continue to do this to us !!
And if they say anything, who will listen? Most of their family members, journalists and doctors pushed it and took it. Are they willing or able to process the implications to themselves and society as a whole? I’ve thought a lot about this and it’s obvious the people who took it just aren’t able to process what’s going on.
Not necessarily true. My boyfriend was truly in the dark then and took 2 right when we started dating. He now fully regrets it because I’ve spent time educating him and he’s no longer vaccinating his son.
The trouble is we are talking to EGO. Ego will not admit"I was wrong".
either aren't able or won't, it is losing battle to discuss with those who took the shot.
It's interesting. My husband only took one...so his parents would see him ( by the way they never would...and all the shots killed my father-in-law) but my husband only took the one. He sees very clearly that THAT was a huge mistake. He warns everyone today NOT to take any! He take Nattokinase, and fights the after effects, and so far so good.
I took 2X Moderna, then got infected thrice and had some kind of heinous cardiovascular issue I struggled through. I see what has happened. It angers me so much that my fellow vax cattle can’t muster the courage to see what has been done to them. Effin cowards. Post-modernist morons. And as the CDC continues to cause the ignorant to inject infants with this garbage, I say loudly “damn them all to hell.”
The problem is if a loved one took the shots, it’s already done and I want them to enjoy the time they have left
Sounds very much like a story Dr Makis wrote about in July. From Australia:
25 year old suffers stillbirth at 34 weeks, collapses at home a week later, found to have brain tumors and is declared brain dead hours within Turbo Cancer diagnosis.
Ca two weeks ago a Danish couple from a tv show lost their baby at week 21:
'The malformation scan in week 20 showed a small malformation in the little boy's organs, which cost him his entire life, Isabella writes in a post on Instagram, and to HER&NU/Realityportalen she elaborates:
- I hadn't had any pain, discomfort or bleeding, so we had no idea that anything could be wrong. We really just thought we were going to go in for the scan and say hello to him. We had been to both a 12 weeks scan and an extra gender scan at week 15 where everything had looked fine, so it was a huge shock that turned our whole world upside down, Isabella explains.'
In April a Danish MP, Fie Hækkerup, lost her newborn baby girl, Carla, within 24 hours. I think it was something with her brain. She had been pregnant previously where the fetus died in week six.
In early 2022 there was an article about one zone therapist who in one month had three pregnant injected women who all had to have their births induced due to preeclampsia. All three placentas had been full of blood clots. The first person I told about this bursted out 'my friend also had preeclampsia!'.
I would suggest people look up their country's fertility rate and live births (if available). Is seems obvious there must be many we don't here about! Here are those for Denmark. Scroll down for graphs:
Fertility: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/fertilitet
Live births: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/foedsler
Interesting. Back in April 2023 I read the following comment and copied it because it was shocking to me:
"Twice in the past month my colleagues have provided anesthesia to parturients that had babies break through the placenta. They had emergency cesareans and when the uterus was incised the OBs stared in disbelief, "Where is the baby?" In the peritoneum, of course! One baby survived, the other did not. Heavily juiced with mRNA technology in case you were wondering. These placental abnormalities are extremely worrisome. Wonder what kind of wonders we will find with this poison down the line?"
Oh, wow! James Patrick and his Big Picture company is seeking funding for a documentary on this issue (among others); Silent Infertility: A Documentary on Fertility & the Jabs. Maybe you should contact him with this info? And please share the word on the project, so we can get it funded 🙏
With the obituaries, however, they only raise suspicion. It's not an investigation by itself that holds up to critical thought. It's hard to do a thorough investigation of the listed names. By themselves it's easy to say correlation does not necessarily mean causation. It's more interesting when it's combined with other solid data, like Dr. Campbell on youtube, who states a lot of eye-raising facts, and gives a perspective from his medical education. It would be much easier for someone with resources to attack the obituary lists in a debate than the other facts in the matter.
The value of obituaries is that one, they are authentic because they're paid by the families and verified by the publisher. And two, they make deaths visible, where we may not experience them in our small circles. Not everyone gets an obituary published, which leaves out many poor folks.
I knew one man who was diagnosed and died of a brain cancer within months of the shots. His family wondered if it had something to do with the shots he got. Then, two local people who were in their 50's or younger died with heart issues, within a few weeks of the shots. And another senior I know got sick immediately after each of the first two shots, bounced back, then started a mental decline worse than the one as seen in the debate, complete with hallucinations. I know one person who said they tested positive for covid. They had what appeared to be cold symptoms. They stayed home and recovered in days with no doctor visit.
At the same time, I know people who did get the shots who have no known adverse effects at least in the short term. I don't know anyone who died of covid. Just my own personal experience.
The most I suffered through the great reset event was harassment from people who wanted me to wear a mask when I was not wearing one, and harassment from group B people who didn't want me to wear one when I put one on to go along to avoid group A in the stores. Secondly, censorship and destruction of free speech online. I was shadow banned on twitterx, and had a strange experience with disrupters that appeared to make a false account with a national security facade. Third, the massive propaganda campaign/head hitjob in concentrated big cartel media, and its other social and psychological effects besides the mask wars. The most eye opening thing was the terror of seeing how many otherwise capable people simultaneously followed the media program in their own actions and consent, without any question whatsoever. That shows the vital importance of the work of Dr. Miller, James Corbett and others who educate the masses about media and public relations--one of the most important subjects I've ever learned. Fourth, the economic and financial impact that is ongoing. And fifth, the call for another increase of the super-Stasi electronic mass surveillance in the guise of health the way it was done in the name of terror security, yet another hit on our Bill of Rights, freedom, and fundamental values.
In other words, "don't believe your lying eyes". And people actually fall for it. That'd be like getting into a car accident, dying of the injuries and then the paramedics saying that the two things were unrelated. Yea maybe to a moron.
The fact that allopaths lean so heavily on that trite truism just proves how effin stupid they are.
Correlation IMPLIES causation and should be investigated FIRST, not LAST! It's pure evil for doctors to spout this knee-jerk phrase.
I saw a witty rejoinder to that trope or truism about correlation and causation
Might not equal it, but does suggest it….
What was the rejoiner?
I am so ANGRY!
We need to stay angry so it doesn't happen again.
If you're not OUTRAGED you are NOT paying attention!!
Scrolling through this list was excruciating. A Holocaust! Never again!
Is this for real? This is INSANE...what a tragedy! It's almost unbelievable. My amazing Mother was trained as a nurse and she tragically left this world 3 years ago, apparently from "COVID" infection, whatever that is. She did not take any injections. My top suspect is shedding. Are these jabs even killing people who were smart enough to NOT take them? My heart is broken and my soul is crushed. What am I supposed to do now? How are all the loved ones of these beautiful people supposed to carry on living? This is a tragedy of epic proportions.
So true I am so sorry for your loss As a nurse I have a cold anger I did not know was possible. What they did to humanity is so psychotic and ‘they’ continue to get away with the denial of truth.
The virus was an engineered bioweapon itself. Ralph Barick proudly lists its ability to cause myocarditis on his resume. Believe it or not.
My research does not prove the existence of Covid at all. It was never isolated, purified or cultured so therefore has not been proven to exist. If you have information that shows otherwise I'm open to looking at it. The bioweapon was the clot shot. Covid is the flu rebranded to justify people taken the clot shot. If you aren't familiar with check out the work on this topic by Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Ana Milhalcea, Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt. Best
If you created a bioweapon that was released and people say killed millions of people and destroyed the world economy, would you provide proof? I’ve heard all the arguments on the no virus side and I don’t dismiss them but an absence of proof doesn’t prove anything. What we can prove is they spend billions of dollars each year experimenting, examining and developing something. What exactly? I can’t say but what I can say this. I clearly remember having to choose among attending four different funerals in November of 2019. All of those people had serious comorbidities but everyday in the news they were talking about a mysterious vaping disease going around. Remember that? I didn’t put anything together at the time. I just thought it was odd, but it all went away when COVID was announced that January.
Once the pandemic was declared I got sick with something unlike any cold I had ever experienced in my 50 plus years of living. While I was off work, I found Whitney Webb’s article linking to an article from the Fort Dettrick newspaper that the base was closed down that August because of a contamination leak right around the time and area the vaping deaths started.
Again, I can’t be sure wtf happened, but I do know people started dying in increased numbers and the cold I caught that March was different. Yeah the vaccine is a more dangerous bioweapon for sure, but we are in a full scale depopulation agenda and the attacks seem to be coming on multiple levels. They are clearly planning wars, famines, pestilence, water shortages etc., but they are all being engineered by men.
I hear you and you have several valid points. There is no doubt that bioweapons are real and are being made by the military industrial-pharmaceutical complex. What I was trying to say is that these weapons are not viral but are chemical based weapons. I do remember the vaping thing and had the same thoughts as what you have articulated. I am not disputing that they did release a bioweapon and called it “covid” claiming it was viral in nature. It isn’t viral. It is a chemical weapon, or a weapon that alters our physiology to create flu like symptoms. I feel that it is important to stick to what we can prove. By calling it a “virus” we are being erroneous when in fact it is a bio-synthetic, chemical weapon.
If you are unfamiliar with the Carnicom Institute you may want to look into the work they’ve been doing for the last 25+ years. What they prove is that what is being sprayed on us is the same as what was in the “covid” jabs. But it isn’t limited to just those. It is now found in basically everything. Food, water, air, “medicine” etc. This bioweapon does a multitude of things which sickens and weakens the population. It is beyond complex. Whomever engineered this thing is not of this world in my opinion.
Like you, I was hit with something in February of 2020 that devastated me as well. My immediate thought was bio-weapon because it was, as you indicated unlike any “flu” I had ever had. I thought I was done for.
Ironically enough a day before I started getting sick there was a very strange “fog” in my neighborhood. I don’t believe in coincidences.
Do you have a link for this? My cousin has developed myocarditis.
And here’s some highlighted excerpts someone posted on Twitter to save you some time.
Wow, I had missed that about Baric, really add fuel to the planned fire.
Here’s a link via RFK Jr’s Children Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wuhan-citations/curriculum-vitae-ralph-s-baric-3/
Kennedy: COVID-19 vaccines are a "crime against humanity"
I believe Dr. Peter McCullough has also talked about the jabs causing myocarditis.
It’s also still up on the UNC website:
Thank you so much for all the links. I did find his CV last night but it's 43 pages long....
Ikr lol I’m scared of what I’d find reading all of it.
I don’t get it. He’s on utube pushing the shots.😡
Barick you mean?
I so feel for you 🥲🥲It breaks my heart I lost four dear loved ones from the vaccines I cry when I hear other peoples story I am so angry and so traumatised my heart is broken
🥲 we must fight for Justice to stop other people and children being coerced into these death shots Keep telling everyone 🙏
Thank you Sues, and I'm so sorry for your losses. What a horrifying nightmare we are living in. Mom and I were both the type who basically never got sick, and we didn't expect to get sick from this either, and we certainly didn't expect it to be lethal. I thought it might even be fake just to get people to take the shots because of how "over the top" the propaganda was. She was actually happy that she had "it" at first because she thought she would then be immune.
I have no idea what "it" is, other than an engineered bioweapon of some sort, but it was targeted at people like my beautiful Mother. She did everything for everyone else her whole life and she deserved the best of everything and she didn't get to live out her life in peace because of the monsters who planned this genocide. First [they] destroyed her life by stealing everything that made life worth living with the lockdowns, no family gatherings, no going to the beach, my siblings going crazy from watching CNN and obsessing about masks and testing and getting the jabs for themselves and their children (all her grandchildren). She actually said that "if they got the boosters" it would be the death of her. They even tried to bully her into "getting vaccinated" because they were so sure they were right.
She was the most wonderful person I ever knew and I believe she lost the will to live because the world changed too dramatically. Basically, the whole world turned against her, even most of her family and it went on way too long. If it had only been a few months, she would have been able to endure it. I think she was most afraid she would have to endure watching her children and grandchildren getting ill or dying. What a catastrophe.
Sorry for your loss, Swan.
If you study the Bible, you’ll see the suffering of the innocent ultimately will be avenged. For all their sinister “intelligence” in designing this catastrophe, the perpetrators have no idea what awaits them because they’ve never understood the plot.
I'm so sorry this happened to your precious mother, to you & your family. How old was your mother? When did she pass away? I'm keeping you in my prayers. I silently scream every time I read a story like yours. It feels so unbelievable! Such a horrendous & unnecessary loss of life for so many people all over the world. I'm deeply saddened and feel helpless to do anything except to try and share what I know and to pray for everyone. Big hug for you. 🤗
Thank you, Simple Scribe. She was in her early 80's and healthy and active, still living in her home of over 50 years. I almost can't recall her ever being ill my whole life. It happened almost exactly 3 years ago. It started with a little cough, and 10 days later she was gone. I initially felt like I'd been poisoned and had no idea that was "it" whatever "it" is. My sisters had been screaming (publicly) all over FB for a couple of months that we we're "putting her at risk by not getting vaccinated" and actually accused my brother (on FB) of killing her while she was still perfectly fine. I believe they put a target on us. Then it became a self-fulfilling prophecy that destroyed all of our lives, which is exactly what it was designed to do. The Devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I believe the Devil was literally involved, and that we are in a supernatural battle of good vs evil.
A beautiful , but tragic comment, sister Swan!
We all are very sorry to learn of these things, but I for one wish you to know that it is souls like your dear mother, who will finally be resurrected and granted eternal life. Jesus spent His life on earth doing for others' as well. So He certainly will grant her admission if she was a believing soul in His proclamation of being the Son of man, and the Son of God.
Blessings to you any yours,
You may benefit from reading 'The Urantia Book'. 2,000 pages. Part 4 will reveal Jesus' life on earth. Urantia is the spiritual name of planet earth.
Spiritism is as abhorrent to the Creator as witchcraft. Your suggested read reportedly has no author, but the info therein rather "channeled" by some celestial being. That right away raises red flags. Here is what Google says:
The Urantia Book declares that Jesus died for the Gospel and not for our sins. 6. The Urantia Book denies that Jesus' crucifixion is an atonement for the sins of humanity. In conclusion The Urantia Book proclaims a different God, a different Jesus, and a different Gospel than the Bible.Nov 25, 2018
There is not enough time for anyone to suffer through over 2,000 pages of material that is undoubtedly a construct of the enemy. We've been given the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy as plenty sufficient for the purposes God has for the enlightenment of souls, to make a logical choice to OBEY His commands, and live, or to reject the Truth, the Godhead, and the promises therefrom, and die eternally. It's our choice. Free-will to make that choice still lives.
I choose life. How about you?
I'm so sorry. I also watched my father being so isolated and broken hearted because of the lockdowns. It broke him. Then he got the flu shot, in 2020 had heart problems, went to the hospital and whatever deadly protocol he received made him unable to walk on return, caused non stop vomiting and total organ failure a day later. His last words were 'I don't know what's happening Nicks'. I knew what was happening - murder!. It was traumatic.
Omg this is very sad news A nurse told me that she worked in a London hospital on the Covid team She said 9 Doctors and Nurses died and she said it was the vaccines This is very traumatic for everyone that lost a loved ones and the worst thing is they threatened Doctors Nurses Care workers with their license if they said anything 🥲🥲
Then they should have said something and gave up their license. Not just go along with what they know is wrong.
That is exactly what they expected here in America,.if my memory serves me correctly, they had national gaurd /military backed up likely in case of a mass walkout from the hospital system. Hard to believe that 99% of highly educated drs and nurses and so many in the bio and science fields stayed silent and also rolled up their sleeves. I’m a “layman”person and when you tell me that this spike protein is toxic and the major component of a deadly virus then tell me this dart in the arm is going to make me produce said protein??? Okay , what could possibly go wrong here.?? Just saying, as an uneducated person I knew that I needed to further research what I was being told. To think that any one doctor, nurse, practitioner, anybody with a degree in just about any profession would be able to think critically through this crisis? It still just wows me to think that now “they” , whomever the powers may be, know how vulnerable our populous is! That’s scary!
Exactly. I feel like anyone with the smallest amount of intelligence would know that something was wrong with the entire picture.
This makes no sense
There’s a literal humanitarian health crisis in the western world and it’s being ignored. I often refer to it as "COINCIDITIS": this includes Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Convulsions & Seizures, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Encephalitis, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Venous Thromboembolism, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Transverse Myelitis, Thromboctopenia, Kawasaki disease, Guillain-Barre, Autoimmune disease and Sudden Death that all coincidentally and consistently affects those jabbed with either mRNA and/or adenoviral vector DNA lipid nanoparticle gene editing technologies.
The list of adverse event for Pfizer ran for ten pages if I recall.
And body fat.
I will never forget the story of a bright and beautiful 20 year old nursing student, required by her school to get the COVID jab in order to participate in clinicals. 24 hours after getting injected, she was no longer alive. Her name was Regan Lewis. Her story also appears in Ed Dowd's book Cause Unknown.
You do know that lots of people die from unknown circumstances every day. Y’all have decided it’s a conspiracy and nothing else will do.
It's not a conspiracy. The COVID injections have harmed huge numbers of people. If you are actually in the medical field you should be paying a lot more attention to physicians around the world who have been expressing serious concerns about these injections for three years. Pay attention to those who have been injured and are chronically disabled. I know many of them and most of them were treated horribly by doctors who couldn't figure out how to help them, were in denial that the covid "vaccine" could cause such terrible adverse events, and told their suffering patients it was all in their head. Have you ever read Ed Dowd's book? His research is based on government data. How about Naomi Wolf's project in which she enlisted 3000 medical experts to drove into the Pfizer trial documents - have you read about any of their discoveries? Not a conspiracy at all, it is all there in Pfizer's documents. You can pre-order her book about this now, why don't you read it when it comes out and then troll these pages calling people like me know who knows dozens whose lives were destroyed by the shots a conspiracy theorists. Do you know about the organization React 19? You need to spend some time looking into React 19, founded by two remarkable vax injured individuals dedicated to helping others who have been terribly injured, while supporting serious research into treatments. Look up Dr Joel Wallskog and ask him if his injury was a conspiracy. Do you know who Maddie DeGarey is, what happened to her, and how she and her family were treated in the wake of her injury? Have you not yet heard of Dr Peter McCullough? If not your head is buried in the sand. Are you familiar with his qualifications? Read his book, The Courage to Face COVID. Read it and then tell me we're a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Look Ernesto Ramirez in the eye and tell him his son dying suddenly 5 days after getting jabbed was just a coincidence and that he's a conspiracy theorist and his son's death had nothing to do with the injection. Why don't you have a conversation with the actual doctors treating adverse events and ask them how many children they treated for cardiac issues and strokes prior to 2021. Take some time to go through data analysis by Steve Kirsch on record level data from several countries. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the work of brilliant Canadian scientist Jessica Rose. Listen to personal interviews conducted all over the country by Children's Health Defense. Watch the documentary "Anecdotals" by filmmaker Jennifer Sharp. Have you read the book by Fareed and Tyson on how they successfully treated thousands of COVID patients early on with almost zero deaths and very few hospitalizations? Spend time with Dr Pierre Kory's book "The War on Ivermectin". Why was Ivermectin smeared, banned in places, and disparaged wrongfully by the FDA? Are you aware of the fairly recent court decision regarding the FDA and it's wrongful characterization of Ivermectin?
You could also ask Dr McCullough to refer you to numerous peer reviewed publications which support his concerns, everything he says is based on the peer reviewed literature, and he has authored more than 600 articles in the peer reviewed literature himself.
You could talk to Dr Harvey Risch from Yale, or Dr Aseem Malhotra. Do you even know who they are? Have you ever read anything from them? Get their opinions on what is conspiracy and what is not. While you're at it, take a careful listen to Byram Bridle.
Another great resource is 5 hours of testimony given in Washington DC in January 2022, testimony by doctors, nurses, attorneys, and everyday people whose lives were wrecked by the shots. It is called COVID 19, a Second Opinion. Listen to the testimony of military doctor Theresa Long, and the testimony of attorney Thomas Renz about military data on the harms to military personnel from these shots.
Unless you've taken the time to follow these people and many more, read the countless books and publications, listened to the agonizing personal stories of those whose existence has been turned upside down after making the worst decision of their lives, paid attention to those treating these injuries,, you're full of shit, completely ignorant, or a troll to say stupid things like "Y’all have decided it’s a conspiracy and nothing else will do". Wake up.
If your whip has been worn out on this "dead horse" I can donate mine to you. It's not being used any more. It does have a little wear and tear on it from 2020, but that's all. It still works fine. Oh, that reminds me! I still have a partial case of "Sheep's Eye Salve" which I also do not attempt to apply any more to the blind sheep, since it is useless to try and get them to hold still.
Let me know...
Totally agree with your message. Well done
RN of 46 + year's who wouldn't comply. Im an Aussie from NSW Australia.
Not quite. My financial advisor has noted an alarming trend that a significant number of his older clients have died. No illness, just died suddenly. Additionally, the 'all death mortality' rate is up in most Western countries. For instance, If I recall correctly, it's around 15% above historical trend.
I'm sure you must looking forward to getting the Monkeypox jab.
I'm glad you have the comfort of your delusion, cyd. 80% of wowan in our OR with heavy bleeding for 2 plus years, ages 17- 74 have Sudden Late stage cancers. They have been up to date on all their gene therapy too. Y'all take care and God Bless you, CYD.
Cognitive dissonance is like a psychological deep seated illness in itself. Turning a blind eye to all the global stats of excess deaths since roll out Dec 2020, not before, until 2024. numerous Vac injury and Died Suddenly groups, documentaries, testimonies from family and friends, scientists, doctors, Funeral Directors, Insurance Companies, Evidential documents, Studies, Books written....you are in a fools paradise. It is beyond disgusting your perpetual blindness, denial and CIA- phrase created rhetoric. You are one ignorant, microscopic minded tool. On behalf of all of us who have had often healthy, (not all )family members and friends killed from the poisons and hospital protocols and the billions of witnesses world wide in all fields.
“You can’t stop what’s coming. It ain’t all waitin on you. That’s vanity.” This is the end of allopathy and corrupt biomedical research science. Their dark towers will lie in smoldering ruins, and history will adjudge you an idiot.
Hi El "Cyd", by now you've been righteously slapped to shit by the overwhelming majority of aggrieved witnesses & survivors of the mRNA serums, so I & mine will spare your pitiful self our backhands. A lurking Queera Big Med/Big Pharma troll/harpy(not a typo, it's your pronoun, T-Perp) such as you play your stoopid COVIDiot tricks thinking your gaslighting changes the truth into your ideological narrative. We are waaaaay past your screeching points that you are irrelevant, so move on, stay the f**k out of our way as we survivors & witnesses seek answers & justice...
I am an RN who left hospital nursing years ago. Never regretted the decision Hospital’sand those that run them run a business it’s the line workers who care about the patients. Not the administrators not the Boards not the management. I believe Obama removed informed consent under the Patriot Act Informed Consent was not done and probably under EUA that’s was allowed since without a product insert how was any Practioner to know side effects etc. The nurses doctors and whoever gave these genetic delivery systems were either steeped in fear incompetent or down right evil!!!
It's why they are bringing in foreign nurses from Africa. Nobody wants to do it anymore.
Oh, but there were product inserts ... and they were completely blank on both sides of the paper, according to several videos I saw. Just horrible!
This sends chills down my spine, I’m an RN that left my career to be a mom and wife after the jabs were shoved down my throat by my job and I refused…. I am looking in the faces of these awesome women with much sadness…
So how many really died during this week. We don’t know. In Mark’s recent United States death list there were 6 in my area with two more in the obituaries that were not counted. Here it costs $100 to post an obituary. How many deaths are not in the obituary then?
There is a perfect storm brewing that will overwhelm and then shutdown hospitals everywhere. They are:
#1 continue death by adverse reactions of any one injected (hospital workers who multiple injected will go first)
#2 a growing wave of Covid and other infections among the vaccinated as breakthrough variant infections making the vaccinated sicker and sicker.
#3 the emergence of an immune escape variant that will kill the vaccinated by the millions.
You are correct, this list comes from a subset of the daily deaths and this list is generally only those under the age of 68-75. Many more who were over the age of 68 pass every week who are not getting recorded. Also this list would be longer if there were resources to monitor and review every death.
Interesting if the new obituary fee in newspapers is part of the attempt to downplay these tragedies.
Mark Zuckerberg apologized for censorship during covid and on a different substack they asked "Is that enough?" After going through all of these obits, I would say HELL NO.
No cause of death reported. None necessary.
Now HERE is wisdom! What a brilliant comment! Thank you for that!
Thank you for reporting.
Does this ever stop?
Yes, it will. Their days are coming to an end very soon.
I warned my wife in 2020/21 that these 'jabs' were dangerous well before they came out. From that point onwards she thought I was crazy. Fast forward to today and she's divorcing me due to her cognitive dissonance.
She took 3 to four of these death shots, I only hope they were all saline. This has been a tough few years for the criticsl thinkers among us.
Many have lost jobs, family and friends and been put through a crazy amount of mental and emotional abuse.
Well I'm here to say well done everyone here for standing up for what's right, you're all a credit to humanity. The truth can't be stopped.
I love you all.
I’m 79 & in great shape. No fkn shots of any kind for me. My wife & I did our research & used the Zelenko protocol. No. COVID. No flu. No nothing. I lost two friends who died suddenly & unexpectedly after taking the “safe & effective” death shots. Read RFK Jr’s book on that bastard Fraudci & Pedo Gates. Hell is not enough for these scum. ⚔️🤮⚔️