First to be jabbed will be the first to be slabbed. So what might the true number be? This is getting insane. All of these nurses are multiple jabbed, so they are going to be the first to go.

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My coworkers got 4 and they are all fine. They think I am insane for losing my job due to mandates.

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Fine today...

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hey Lawrence, hello. One more year above ground, my 60th year is reached this week. My sympathy wanes for jabbing medicos and chemtrail pilots, and yet their misplaced grief is all ours to bear, eventually, I suppose. Thank you again for your realistic guidance.

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I call it like a see it. Nothing else makes sense to me.

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Happy birthday, Jacquelyn!

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Sep 4Edited

No cause of death reported....because investigative reporting is no longer notable or in vogue. Allow me to help: Murdered by mandates, followed closely by: murdered by ridicule, threats and coercion.

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Tptb know that we know what the cause is. They don't care as most complied, to various degrees, and took the shots and boosters. No outcry for justice or retribution from most of the compliant vaxxed. It seems like it is only the unvaxxed who are up in arms over this. Frustrating.

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Anytime there's no cause of death....they got jabbed

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Fauci's Law

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All that knowledge and experience gone, not to mention their personal contributions and relationships. This is criminal mass murder by billionaires. Destroy the country by a thousand cuts.

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"No cause of death reported." Why not!? What is being hidden? What are the life insurance companies and actuaries saying about these premature, unexplained deaths? Why isn't the media covering this?

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The modern media is the handmaiden of the corporation masquerading as a government. Even if people dropping dead in public became a commonplace and everyday occurrence they cannot report on it, because the instant they report the magic sauce is the cause they themselves become criminally complicit. Every single one, to a person, who advocated for the sauce, advertised it, administered it, encouraged its use, is complicit to manslaughter at an absolute minimum. One count per death. They know this, and so you'll NEVER hear a peep out of any of them. Ever.

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That is a cogent argument.

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Media is a paid propaganda outlet and life insurance and health insurance are as fraudulent as the pharmaceutical industry.

Money and profit is their god.

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2 Corinthians 6:2

King James Version

2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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Society world-wide is slowly crumbling and the health care edifice that administered the bio-weapon is going first.Humanity is in deep trouble and like a frog in a pan of water slowly heating may never know. We must keep screaming, maybe wake up a few!

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Again, the same age distribution as last week: over 70% of the nurses are in their 50s and 60s. I guess that's the age range the body can't take it anymore. Convenient to the perpetrators as the deaths seem rather natural.

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I keep thinking they won't need social security. 🤨

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EXACTLY! 65 plus we're the recommended first targeted group

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Gotta pay for the illegals.

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No Shit

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My initial thought, when husband told me of this disease "outbreak" hitting the elderly, back in late winter '20, was 1) Chinese bio-weapon (I was wrong), 2) this will fix the Social Security funding problem (was I wrong here too?)

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There is no Social Security problem. There is the illusion of a Social Security problem.

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More, please?

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If you make over a certain low 6-figure income, SS isn't collected. If there's a solvency problem, which I doubt, there's your fix. Wall Street can't wait to get its hands on that money.

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Thank you!

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There is enough money in SS to pay everyone they are supposed to pay??

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Sure. It's a fake problem. Also, it's not a “benefit” or handout as claimed by criminals trying to get their hands on it. It's deducted from income. It's earned.

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Right on. The "crisis" is the fact that Treasury has "borrowed" (stolen) the money from the SS trust fund and is desperate to not have to return it.

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My cousin is in her mid-eighties, and last week added (proudly, I will add) shot number #6, along with a flu shot--one in each arm. Refuses to listen to any delicate effort on my part to consider not doing this . , considers me to have "fallen" for misinformation, In fact, urged me to talk with another cousin's daughter, a young woman who works for .....(drum roll please) ....Pfizer. !!

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No one is so blind as those who cannot see. Unfortunately those who have fallen for this false narrative will slowly loose their minds when the truth of the Covid hoax finally becomes exposed for all.

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I now doubt that it ever will become exposed for all. I suspect that the true believers will remain faithful unto death.

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I agree, and as cruel as this is, since it wasn’t just their own lives but the lives of children and innocents that were at stake, and still they failed to hear the fog horn, I have nothing left to say but “be ye gone.”

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I believe it’s…no one is so blind as those who think they see.. when they don’t! I have family… who refuse to even discuss it…because they took it! They’re scared and rightfully so….I guess that acknowledging it…would bring on unfavorable circumstances…if they even mention it! I feel for them as one of them just had surgery for lung cancer! Hopefully they got it with no reoccurrence! God help them!

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The vaxxed I know, who have not experienced any issues, use this as the reason to wave away all the stories of vaxxed injuries. If it didn't happen to them then "oh well." NTP = Not Their Problem. It is a very shallow and callous viewpoint on their part.

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If you recall in 2020, those who they targeted first were the 65 and up group. Predicted those are the group retiring and getting SS, won't have funds to payout. Now all the illegals in to work and pay SS.

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And remember…for some reason…illegals were not required to take it! Isn’t that amazing…guess they had the ability to never get it…or threaten Grandma or Grandpa with it…like us! Also Congressmen…and gov employees…and Pfizer and Moderna employees didn’t have to take it! Didn’t they have elderly relatives too! Amazing how selective COVID was!

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I suspect they will all be working under the table, as illegals have, I believe, for decades.Thus, they keep what they earn, and we pay for their care. Nice work if yo can get it.

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Devastating! 💔

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It is telling that the Q plan is also the NWO plan. In a technocratic transhumanist society I suppose individualized care would no longer be desirable since the agenda is to off as many as possible and treat the rest like machines. Euthanasia would be mandatory over a certain age and for people with disabilities. It’s genius to convince the people who hold the guns and are the least likely to have been vaccinated (i.e. the last ones to contend with toward the end of the great culling) that the thing the globalists want is also part of the plan on the “freedom” side and to get them to believe in and applaud the take down of our organizations. It reminds me of Obama saying they can take down a country by inserting enough distrust in our institutions. If you break your leg, who ya gonna call if the medical system is completely dismantled? Can’t resist pointing out that J.D. Vance’s wife Usha is first cousins with Vivek Ramaswamy whom Trump has allegedly offered a very important position to. Usha is a Pilgrim Society member and was placed without experience as the legal aide to two Supreme Court justices, Kavanaugh and Roberts and Roberts has admitted to being a member of The Knight’s of Malta. Trump had war monger Bolton screwing with Venezuela, Alex Azar with full authority to declare a pandemic and Scott Gottlieb as head of FDA and he’s looking to fill his cabinet with more traitors and people think he is on the people’s side. Interestingly, Gottlieb is invested in the same Pharma company as Vance that inserts vaccines directly into the skulls of LIVE monkeys. Now why would they need to do that? Because they have a lot to figure out in regards to transhuman programming/healthcare.

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This ensures the "healthcare" system will continue to decline with some of the most experienced nurses taking the hit. Not to mention the doctors.

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I’m seeing it already. The doctors are few and far between who can critically think. They go by the recommendations of the AMA and the AHA.

Scary. When they suppress Natural cures , functional medicine doctors and alternative therapies you have to scratch your head.

You cannot make decisions for your own body or your children. If your child is diagnosed with cancer and you choose a different route than traditional chemo etc. They turn the children protective services on you and remove your rights as guardian of your own child.

This happened to a family in Illinois. This is pure evil .

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The Department of Child Kidnappers should be disbanded and scattered to the wind! They make a complete mockery of the law!

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It happened to a single mother here in Oregon last spring. The chemo was making her daughter very sick. She wanted to pursue an alternative treatment. She took her out of state to stay with a relative and they wanted to sentence her to a year in jail. Protective services took her teen daughter.

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We'd all be better off if the hospitals all burned down to the ground!

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If we sent every MD in the world to Antarctica and cut off all communication with them, and tossed biomedical researchers into the ocean, human health would immediately improve.

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This may be unrelated, but I have heard of a lot of eye disorders with the jab, and I have noticed a lot of kids who got the shots now wearing glasses, as I am a mom.and see lots of kids around. Wondering if anyone else is noticing this?

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Steve Kirsch has eye issues. Granted, he’s not a kid. A friend is a 1st grade teacher and this spring a child in her class lost his vision in one eye. It was not by some freak accident either. Very sad.

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The toxins in the vaccine -- if they hit any portion of the complex, intricate nerves in the head/face -- wreak havoc.

For example, hit the nerves connected to the mouth -- partially paralyzing, say, one side of of the mouth (CSS: "crooked smile syndrome") -- some people call this "Bell's Palsy"

For example, hit the nerves connected to the eyes -- partially paralyzing, say, one eye (LES: "lazy eye syndrome"). Look for one eye turned in or turned out.

Eye glasses at such an early age -- in so many kids compared to, say, 50 years ago, could be indicative of damage to the eye nerves from a vaccine

Ear nerves, too.

Are you also seeing a rash of toddlers wearing Styrofoam helmets? Indicative to nerve damage at the base of the skull.

Once you see any of this, you can't unsee any of this.

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Can you elaborate about helmets? 🙏

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Yes. Multiple blood vessel issues with eyes. Also poor ocular muscle control.

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I was in Healthcare for 36 yrs worked at the same hospital. I never took the flu shot and never vaccinated my kids.

When the “ shot “ came out , my hospital accepted all religious exemptions. But… many co - workers were giddy when it was offered . I looked at them and said “ I hope your life insurance is up to date “

I haven’t heard of anyone dying from the shot at my work . I did retire last December. One of our Neonatologist was given 10 mos do to a brain tumor found:( Most Docs I worked with took it . The dominoes all falling :(

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I often find myself thinking of the loved ones that all of these people are leaving behind. And then I have to stop. It becomes too much.

I just wish this so called 'Great Awakening' would hurry up! It's taking too long!

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I agree. I have lost too many family members to this. Brother in laws-2, cousins -2, aunts and uncles -3, friends and acquaintances- 4, parishioners at my church- too many to count.

I’m sure the list will continue…

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I'm sorry to hear that you have lost so many people Donna. It's all so horrible. I hope your list doesn't continue to grow xo.

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Houston, we have a BIG problem...

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Another F’en waste and so unnecessary…downright evil. To make matters worse (which will come across as selfish) but think how our medical system has been diminished. It’s like a snowball. But hey… make sure you get your booster. 🤬

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We need the Rockefeller founded medical system like a bullet in the head, and I'm not sorry to say those nurses are better off dead!


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Remember when you went to school and so many of your classmates died from football injuries? Yeah, I don't either. Not ONE classmate in all my 12 years of schooling died from heatstroke or the other football-related injuries. If they did, you can guarantee football would have been banned in schools.

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Everybody on this thread feels so sorry for the nurses who likely have more blood on their hands than could ever be washed off, but you have sympathy for the children. Congratulations. You have more heart and brains than the majority of commenters I've read so far.

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I wondered why no one talked about the children either. Maybe they should have been listed first since people have the tendency not to read all the way to the bottom. Most children and old folks in nursing homes were the only ones not able to choose the poison shots. EVERYONE else had a choice, and especially nurses who had a choice to propel the propaganda and kowtow to the medical industrial complex mass murder.

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