I can't read these anymore. The death toll is amazing. And half the country has no idea this is happening. Unconventional warfare for sure.

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I understand how you feel. Once you know you know. Life will never be the same. My father was a marine and fought in Okinawa. He was 18 and was deeply affected by the deaths of those he served with. He came home and married my mother and they went on to raise a family. They both passed long before Covid. We will also survive despite the unconventional nature of this war. the killing will continue, raise your voice, be brave, and fear not, for life is short and eternity awaits.

Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

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These obituaries/death notices are getting longer and longer, just as Dr. Sherry Tenpenny said they would when I first heard her speak back in 2021 or 2022. She said the deaths would increase over the next five years. Are people getting it yet???? Do they understand what's really happening??? It's genocide beyond belief because it's "hidden" behind the wall of "natural causes" or diseases we know cause death, as Big Pharma planned. The infant deaths are the worst.

The depopulation goals are working as planned.

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Wondering if nurses felt getting the jab was, as the Pope told us, "an act of compassion"...........

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Sadly, they probably did.

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I have a feeling that most of the nurses in this report, continued getting boosted after information on the dangers had already spread widely through anecdotes and word of mouth, alternative media, etc.

Of course for some it doesn’t take many shots to cause a disaster, and that information was well known also.

The tendency to “ guess “ at what is the truth regarding whether or not the jabs are dangerous, was probably a big problem for many people.

It seems like it came down to the uninitiated citizen to make the call based on a value judgement, as to which people were telling the truth about the shot: The CDC vs the non CDC.

Unfortunately people tend to side with what they deem as the “ real authorities, “ ( bigger, shinier, bigger budgets, a lot of face time on mainstream media, Hollywood celebrity endorsements, etc.

Anything except good information, which is still being concealed.

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There are so many more nurses than there are doctors, it makes sense we would see enough deaths among them to get our attention. The left doesn't have a problem with abortion (strangely, my iPhone won't recognize the word when I drag my finger across the keyboard), and they have always killed millions of people as a means to an end, so it seems with the left's capture of institutions in the West, dying is once again on the rise. Populations take a hit, people are resilient, those who survive try to teach their children well, but the human condition such as it is, always leads us back to another crisis, another regime of amoral people willing to do anything to crush their enemies.

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I was hospitalized for Covid-19 in August of 2021 and had many conversations with nurses during my stay They were not very educated about any of the alternative treatments for Covid because they were only exposed to what the hospital was promoting. The doctors were no better. It looks like the more shots that you receive the greater the chance that you will suffer harm. Expect higher numbers in the future.

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Operation COVID-19 and the Five Eyes

‘Pacific Eclipse’ and the military-security-intelligence industrial complex


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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

So many have been failing to “connect the dots” about the poison shots (c19 and others) - especially doctors, nurses and pregnant women.

And how many of these dying nurses collaborated with the regime during CON-vid, and injected others young and old - who are also dying?

Ignorance, laziness, and letting “authority figures” tell us what to do can be lethal.

After receiving these newsletter for years, the only possible conclusion for me, is that humankind has been dumbed down beyond hope. The proof is here.

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A famous hair and make-up stylist here in Denmark, Dennis Knudsen, lost one of two twin girls to 'SIDS' in November 2022. They were born in September by a surrogate mother in the USA. She was 1 1/2 months old.

'RIP. My Little Angel Naomi 15/9/22- 01/11/22. We wish (the whole family) for peace and quiet to be together in our grief.'

'The 59-year-old make-up artist doubled the number of children when he became the father of four in September (2022). Here his twin girls were born into this world with the help of a surrogate mother in the United States.'


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