Kayla was donated a therapy dog and now money is being given for a van so she and her family can get around well! This is one of the best responses I know to the murderous nature of the Canadian and other govts.--we the people showing we care about our fellow citizen. We will help out to the best of our ability.

I hope this failure to kill a young woman goes all the way up to Turdeau where he learns that we the people have a different vision for our lives and the lives of others than he and his masters! We will live and we will prevail!!

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The government agencies offered her to die instead of a dog and a van??? wtf!!!

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Yes, they want us dead. That is the truth--all around the world. And we are going to have to show these evil, unjust "authorities" that we do not accept their so called "authority", that they may not and will not kill us, that we will stand in the breech for each other and those in the coming generations.

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Wow! What parallelism! In the onset of freedom from religious oppression, the ideal of "freedom" was so strong that nothing could prevail against it. We (and they) knew that it is a RIGHT given every human being and that of God, and not of any Govt. Entire families faced horrendous slaughter, wickedness from the pits of hell, led out by Satanic Romanic agents of death and injustice during the inquisition. But the efforts of the enemy failed, causing the "seed" of Truth to spread with the wind, and spring up everywhere, just as God had designed. Satan's tactics were overthrown, and it became evident to him that another tactic was necessary for his successful endeavor to eliminate Christ's Sovereignty from the minds of men. What followed is what we now witness throughout "Christendom" in the apostate churches everywhere. Lies in the place of light and Bible Truth; just enough so as to make it palatable and not cause any disturbance to the sleeping pew-warmers. The plan, as it has been divulged by God's end-time prophet, is this: To cause as many as possible to believe that breaking the Law of God is of no consequence. Specifically, the Sabbath Commandment is targeted because of it's "seal" which identifies the owner; the True Creator, His Domain, and His Name. We are all admonished to "Remember" this.

All who have been under this blanket of falsehood, being told that the "Law" has been done away with, might consider otherwise, and most definitely look deeper than what a "pastor" from Babylon says.

Yes, I'm passionate about this. Lives; ETERNAL lives are at stake! What stakes could be higher?


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Revelation 14:6-12

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This is the "Great Commission" given to mankind. Once we are settled in the Gospel Message of Truth, it then becomes ours to warn the world of the danger facing those who mock and deride the Truth, making null and void the promises of Christ. If we live, we should live for this calling, since there is none more pressing, and consequentially eternal in its nature. But the "world" which is overseen by the arch enemy has been derailed; robbed of the simple faith delivered to the saints. Institutes of "higher learning" have poisoned the minds of their students, mocking the obvious; turning the Written Truth inside out, proclaiming the creation to be hundreds of millions of years old, in blatant defiance of all the evidence to the contrary. Ridicule is their only weapon, sighting their "education" as they parrot the priests of perversion with full confidence.

A jury of 7 year-olds would have no trouble deciding in favor of the True Science behind the more tangible disciplines, if given time to understand every issue set forth! And this is at the CORE of Rev.'s First Angel's message; to give glory to God for He alone created everything. We MUST have this clearly portrayed in our minds before progressing to the other angels' messages, and of course of the "angel" in Rev. 18, as repetition and urgency is made plain.


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Agree 100%. They can not win, but are taking many souls with them, and a few are becoming uplifted, even more so at what is taking place now.

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The new Canada, baby -- or as it is now known : Canuckistan, or Chinada -- both work.

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Trudeau. That's what I call him too

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Oops stupid spell correct. I meant Turdeau

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First name "Justine" for that girly-man.

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The madness continues. I'm in downtown Toronto. My wife is fully vaxxed and boosted. I refused from the start. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in the fall. She had a lumpectomy scheduled in early January so her first thought was to get boosted ahead of time. (We have given up trying to convince the other on this - two solitudes).

She had a scan and found it has spread to her bones. She is now Stage 4. They have decided to treat with radiation and (very expensive) drugs.

So she was on the phone with Shopper's Drug Mart tonight to arrange for this medication. They asked if she was vaccinated, and she proudly proclaimed she was fully vaxxed and boosted. When she got off the phone, she made a point of telling me they were thorough to ask about being fully vaxxed because they were concerned about her health. Just about spit out my water.

There is no convincing them about how dangerous these shots are. But there is also nothing they can say to convince me to take them. The difference is that I get my information from sources other than mainstream media and I connect dots that they just don't want to see or talk about.

I never imagined I would be watching the woman I love defiantly killing herself. I never thought I'd be living in a country where the "leadership" encouraged this.

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Yep. I am sorry to hear and cannot imagine what you must be going through. I have a relative who is now continually sick and cannot understand why, but is happy he is fully boosted or “it could be much worse”. My sister in law got “vaccinated” on a Wednesday, died suddenly and unexpectedly the following Sunday, and NOT ONE of those who pressured her continually to take it will consider that it was anything other than one massive coincidence. Even though she was relatively healthy and in her 50’s no autopsy was performed. These people are under some sort of spell, as they are clearly not thinking straight. They are literally advocating for their own immolation and defending their murderers.

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OMG I'm really sorry to read this. But you did the right thing not getting it. Best wishes from another mad country - Italy 🤗

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No different here in the USA. I believe strongly in sweeping our own front porch before being critical of other countries.

That said, I'm very sorry. I have a warm spot for Canada. You provided a safe haven for our draft dodgers during Vietnam. You pulled off a miracle with The Freedom Convoy. The world watched...

We have all fallen...

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I have a warm spot for the many special people and places I have encountered in America.

For some reason, your last line made the song Tubthumping by Chumbawamba pop into my head - "I get knocked down, but I get up again, You're never gonna keep me down ..." We have got to stay connected with each other and share our collective wisdom.

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So painful, my brother fully jabbed is bedridden, muscles seem to be weakening. Lots more symptoms he has, at least publicly he not questioning jabs. My cousin in stage 4 cancer, her son in law had had attack, he only in 30's, my other cousins wife collapsed one day and dies. Yet not a one has questioned.

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I am very sorry to hear about this. Glad you saw through it though. My mum is suffering now in a nursing home after three shots that siblings insisted on. We are not alone. Sending best wishes.

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"Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was It Ivermectin?"

Drs. Paul Marik and Kathleen Ruddy are exploring a new frontier in cancer treatment


(Dr. Marik's credentials are flabberghasting, and very medical model until he left his job because he refused to watch patients die when he had a protocol that could often save them. They are in the first few pages of The War on Ivermectin by Dr. Pierre Kory and Jenna McCarthy. Those credentials have a chance of convincing people who are blue pilled, just as Naomi Wolf at Hillsdale College reading from actual Pfizer documents red pilled people I know. Appeal to authority, but who gives a flying, if lives are saved)

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Thanks for this! I need to dive in and do some more research.

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Hello, sorry for you and your wife.

I'm french, here a blog = susbtack who inform us, this article could help you, there's links

https://www.covid-factuel.fr/2023/02/14/ivermectine-et-cancer-reserve-aux-chevaux https://www-covid--factuel-fr.translate.goog/2023/02/14/ivermectine-et-cancer-reserve-aux-chevaux/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp

And here too, vitamine C (in intraveinous for these cases) https://www.xavier-bazin.fr/category/articles

As we say since the yellow jackets, strength and courage

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I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA.

We are also watching my wife's best friend and her only sister kill herself while following the Allopathic Reductionistic medical cartel chemotherapy she started last week.

My wife and I are older and never ever sick which they've watched for decades.

We've studied and implemented mineral rich nutrient dense super foods and such for decades and tried to teach them but to no avail.

We've never done a flu shot or any poison JABS since the 60s.

When the the PLANDEMIC started we tried to educate them to read Druthers which I distribute monthly but they would not read an article.

Chemotherapy was moved into the number one treatment a few years ago because it pays better I guess.

She's only had one treatment and feels very bad.

My wife and I are preparing mentally which we have already had to do as her sister is not the only MKUltraed person we know.

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I am so sorry you are going through this, I am also unvaccinated and a nurse, but even being a nurse I could not convince my husband or 2 children to not get vaccinated. It baffles my mind how people cannot think critically and its so hard to watch everyone be so brainwashed by the media. Thankfully my husband only received one booster and now regrets ever taking it. My prayers go out to you and your wife.

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Writing from Montreal, I am so sorry to hear this, cannot even imagine how difficult this must be for you, and as I read other comments, for so many in this position. It's mind-blowing how people remain blind. I lost my husband in 2015, and when the jabs came out and this madness began, it was the first time I was glad he was gone, because I feel sure he would have insisted on getting jabbed, and what that would have done to our relationship... as tough as it was to be unjabbed in Canada (and elsewhere), it would have been tougher with a pro-jab spouse. I wish all the best for you, strength to get through this.

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This young woman was severely abused by her parents as a child. Why on God's Earth would she get a booster, which was mandated, to go visit her father...one of her severe abusers??? Stockholm syndrome? I have friends who were abused as children, by their parents, and yet they not only continue to visit them in their adulthood, but they drag their children to their abuser's home to allow them to be abused by them as well. Then they come back from their visits angry and upset that their parents inflict their abuse on their children. This is a mental pathology I'll never understand...

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These are the people that were bred into societies that provided the basics but nothing else. No real love.

The professional managerial class fits in this group too.

These are the people who won't stand up to genocide , cough Kennedy, because of their own abusive upbringing.

And no, it is not just physical abuse...

The adult children of narcissists have similar issues and lacks in awareness to what adult children of alcoholics get.

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I agree! Mental abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. However, abusive parents have been around far longer than the 50's & 60's.

I've personally found Narcissism, whether covertly or overtly displayed, is a condition of psychopathy. These people are all about Control!

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I feel the need to comment about RFK, Jr. I just watched an excellent documentary on him. In it, he said when he and his siblings were children, they were put outside the house and not allowed back inside for the rest of the day. While it benefited him because he became an outdoors man and an environmentalist, I highly doubt it was the best approach of Ethel's, for some of her other 10 children. Seems to me, while Ethel was in competition with her mother in law (Rose had nine children), in the baby making game, she didn't want to have to deal with her eleven children being in the house and disrupting her day. Just think how quiet her house was...peaceful...with all 11 children outside...all day...

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we shouldn't over-generalise.

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was wondering the same thing, it's curious to say the least.

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Make Nuremberg Justice Again

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Nuremberg wasn’t justice

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It’s a start. Live and learn.

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I'm all for justice, not lawfare

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"Three generations of imbeciles is enough."

Buck v. Bell, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing for the 8-1 majority eugenicist ruling. Cited by defendants at Nuremberg on trial for their crimes against humanity. Doctors and judges of the Third Reich insisted "you Americans said it's ok, what's the big deal?"

Euthanasia, sterilization (like vax side effects and "gender-affirming care") all back en vogue in elitist circles under the global neo-eugenicist movement we find ourselves living under.

They consider stories like this a mere statistic. As Stalin said, "one death is a tragedy, one-million deaths is a statistic."

They're well over a million now. Statistics. Fewer imbeciles to deal with in future generations. Eugenics. That's what this all comes down to.

Instead of focusing on just Roe v. Wade the pro-lifers would be well-advised to focus on overturning Buck v. Bell, too. Skinner didn't finish it off in the 1940's. Buck and Jacobson were both frequently cited in upholding vax and mask mandates. There's work to do.

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"Three generations of imbeciles is enough."

I assumed this was a reference to the US Congress.

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You should’ve known three was way too small a number for that bunch . . .

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So many SMART people here, and you're among the (can I say...?) elite. I wish I had your knowledge of things. But we all do our best here, and are becoming more savvy by the day. Can you imagine what a void we would be living in if it were not for the wonderful info provided us here by the likes of posters such as yourself? I'd be stumbling around in the dark, and angry with having been deluded so completely while KNOWING it from all that is happening around me as I groped about.

Thank you for your posting!


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Lol! Surely you know I channel the voice of those who consider themselves the elite.

I know better, so do you. We have common sense. Something the supersmert convinced eugenicsts lack. I just read a lot and understand more than most of us imbeciles are supposed to. Having done my time in their world to learn what they read and how they think.

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'common sense' is hard to come by these days, though: in the UK politicians are on the road to make menopause (yes, uncomfortable, but still, one of those naturally occurring life-cycle thingies for many) a judicial basis - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/27/how-long-before-being-female-is-itself-classed-as-a-disability/

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The ability of Trudeau to lie straight face to the people is reprehensible. This monster has no conscience

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How long before Trudeau confiscates the poor woman’s donations, arrests the donors and have a Dr. Death finish her off?

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Canada was and still is awful with everything surrounding these shots. We couldn't travel, couldn't go anywhere without a "vax passport" couldn't visit family in hospitals or long term care. Kids couldn't play sports or go to college. Endless propaganda and I mean endless... I lost my health care job. BC still won't hire us back (not that I'd go back). And we are stuck with divisive and nauseating Trudeau and is equally awful and nauseating sidekick Freeland. One person in my small town came up with a debilitating neurological disease and she took MAID which was happily provided. Pretty sure it was a vax injury. Fatal heart attacks, strokes and aneurisms no longer few and far between.


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All good, except that Freeland is NOT Castreau's sidekick. Quite the other way 'round.

Freeland is Castreau's handler, and is WAY above that "duplicitous Ken doll", as evidenced, if by nothing else, than by her being on the WEF's Board of Trustees.

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I can't disagree with you there. She's more educated, more conniving and connected to some nasty people and organizations. She's leading Canada into a planned financial demolition. Definitely not working for us. 🧙‍♀️ Oh....and a Nazi to boot.

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Yup. Or, as I would say, a Nazi to jackboot!

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Arrogant Aspergians rule (literally)!

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( 'dupicitous'...?)

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My bad. Thanks for the pointer.


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once an editor, always an editor, I guess ;-))

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Those who turned down the lucrative offer of a free donut can hold their heads high.

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I so appreciate the laugh! Thanks! Love dry humor!

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Anytime, Elizabeth! We live during insane times and need to laugh whenever we can. It's good for the soul.

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Canada's Bill C-63: Life Imprisonment in Canada For Saying Something "Hateful" Online

Imagine a world where you cannot say or write an unpleasant thing about somebody/something in case other people will have a low opinion of them?


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We are soooo far beyond the movie idiocracy

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Bill C36 is real....

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Feb 28, 2024
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That's genius!

Thanks for the chuckle, but really it's NOT funny.

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Feb 28, 2024
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love, life, laughter's what they're after.

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I'm glad Kayla's story is getting out there.

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What a horror. That lying scumbag J.T. ought to be in jail. But, of course, the politicians will never suffer any consequences for their actions, any more than the Nazis who carried out the Final Solution. Yes, of course many of the leaders were imprisoned and a few were put to death, but many more continued in their government positions as if nothing had happened. You can read about this in Raul Hilberg's book, "Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders."

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Sometimes it seems this has been planned for decades, right?

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The "simple" answer is usually the RIGHT one! YES! Except, far more than just decades, but centuries back. Jesuits infiltrated and conquered from within, hardly firing a shot, except for the handful of assassinations. Naturally, no one in that most evil secret society would ever admit to having colluded to foment the wars and revolutions, which caused such destruction of life, liberty, and property! Oh no! Far be it from their humble outward show.


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"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."

Iain Davis, from


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canadia loves euthanasia

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Oh Canada

Our home and native land

True vax love in all thy sons command

From far and near we see thee fall

The true north no longer free

Oh Canada Oh Canada what will become of thee?

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Update it with "naive land" for that extra booster.

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