
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with life’s challenges. If it offers you any comfort, know that by posting their stories, you’ve given a voice and restored honor and dignity to those unfortunates who’ve suffered and died as a result of vaccine injuries. I wish you peace and better days ahead!

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Jun 10Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I am a regular reader of Mark's work. I am also a novelist, trying to articulate some version of what so many of us endured over the past years. I have also written a short story about a woman watching NYC go insane in the early days of lockdown. https://inscape.byu.edu/2024/02/01/the-summer-of-the-sharks/

Posting this not to self-promote. Just want other fiction writers in this space to know they are not alone! I'd be happy to connect with any of you, any time.

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So so good! All the nuances and nuttiness, over these past years, the background thoughts while speaking to someone else, who would be just shocked! ~~~To know they are standing within feet! Mere feet! of you, and to find out now that you never bothered to take the shots, which you knew were strongly recommended for everybody! Those who cared about their neighbors that is, so selfish….of you ….when can everyone read it?! Such great timing…not everybody will get the irony and sarcasm…..too rich.

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I'm a poet and I wrote a poem I call "Fix Me, Doctor" and I often read it at open mic poetry venues. I also write poems about the Palestinians, hoping to raise awareness of that issue. I wrote one based on Heron's "The Revolution Will Not be Televised" I call "The Genocide is Being Live-Streamed" We all do what we can.

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Fred is us. Great short story.

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Indeed! Ha. Thank you so much.

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Beautiful story, Becky! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you!!

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What a gift your story is! Thank you. It beautifully reflects so much of what I experienced as a New Yorker. I forgot about the sharks. I did recall during the great shutdown my panic during the “ men’s health crisis”. my ability to panic this time, was seriously compromised. When I learned Fauci was at the center of it all the propaganda completely collapsed. My friends rushed to be vaccinated before there was even a conversation about consent, experimental clinical trials, or the dead ferrets. It’s all very S.A.D.S.

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Thanks so much for reading and for sharing your experience. Totally get it.

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I heard Yehudi Menuhin play Mozart’s VC 5 at the old Massey Hall in Toronto in the mid 70’s it was so beautiful. I’ve never forgotten his superb playing. How lucky I was at 23 to witness such greatness because a friend didn’t want to go and gave me his ticket

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these things are not just luck....you could hear it....

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So so true. “Its loveliness increases it will never fade”

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Yes, it's illogical and brutal for artists like Neil Young who wrote “rebellious” songs such as “Rockin' in the Free World” to call for censorship so that government lies could triumph. I have some great news to impart, though: On Friday an appeals court allowed an appeal to go forward in the case of a lawsuit challenging a school district’s COVID vaccine mandate. The appeals panel wrote that the district had misapplied a 1905 ruling that allowed the requirement of vaccination with something like smallpox, "because unlike ‘traditional' vaccines, THE COVID-19 SHOTS DON’T PREVENT INFECTION AND TRANSMISSION.” (Emphasis mine) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/employees-can-sue-la-schools-covid-vaccine-mandate-appeals-court-rules/ May this become a huge, defining fissure that cracks open the COVID propaganda, so that even those who hadn’t previously understood what happened to them will do so.

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It doesn't MATTER if a vaccine or a treatment stops infection or transmission, this misses the point! It is the MANDATE of ANYthing under ANY circumstances that is illegal, immoral, unjust and unconstitutional. Regardless of any 1905 "ruling" or " precedent". It is TYRANNY

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I can see your point, but the dam-busting part of this is that even within the viewpoint of those who say vaccines are needed, these do not meet the definition of what would have possibly made that 1905 ruling applicable since they don't stop transmission or infection. This is one of the most heavily censored and pivotal pieces of information in the COVID-con.

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well said.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Perhaps the most ironic was the band, "Rage Against the Machine". The irony is in their very name vs the way in which they stood in stark opposition to those who were actually FIGHTING "The Machine" during COVID.

I dare say, those guys wouldn't know an actual machine if it fell on their heads.

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They started out against the machine but the love of money won their souls

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LOL. All these mandates the more maddening because it shows they are sure we can’t think for ourselves. Unbelievable

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the ironic turn of phrase referencing needles is just too much . baby .

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Is this the Jacobson precedent and the Los Angeles School District?

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Yes. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/employees-can-sue-la-schools-covid-vaccine-mandate-appeals-court-rules/ And here you can hear attourney Leslie Manookian describe from the inside how this legal strategy evolved and the utter contempt for law exhibited by the representatives of the Los Angeles Unified School District. They thought they'd get away with it and continue to shut those who refused the vaccine out from their jobs and their pay, but instead the appeal of the unvaccinated workers who chose to refrain from getting an experimental gene treatment is going forward: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/victory-in-9th-circuit-against-covid-vaccine-mandates/

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Exalt the common man for their resistance to the covid cult. I didn’t need a famous luminary to convince or influence my actions as a free and able critical thinker I was able to respond independent of any propaganda. You have no idea how many people like me there are that said NO. Idol worship is a disease I never caught.

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Cheering opposition by the prominent isn't tantamount to blowing off the "common man," nor is it "idol worship." Such dissidence is valuable because it helps INCREASE that opposition, and thereby helps it to prevail all that much sooner. Certainly it does more good than self-importance such as yours.

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Yes, we gather strenght by relying on others…..always be thankful to you Mark and your staff.

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I agree with the both of you.

But that last remark is uncalled for.

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Jun 10Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

as this community is generally of like mind and spirit concerning these grand deceptions , and most of us are still very much without a large individual voice it's reassuring to note that there are also some individuals that through their celebrated talent and audience reach do indeed speak the same language . They're in some ways more vulnerable in their dissent. They could easily just keep quiet out of convenience or to protect their financial public position , but they don't. It's a good thing .

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Me neither … so very thankful now that I can look back and see what suffering has come to others

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We are all hypnotized, to one degree or another. None of us can move very far outside of our cultural and familial "wounds." It's the human condition, in my estimation. As I have rediscovered my Christianity, I would just call such a thing "sin." When I look back on my life, I could have been dead many times. I could have taken the jab. I'm not sure why I did not, excepted for an ingrained skepticism of all things that the crowd does, and a belief, even in my worst moments, of something higher.

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Regarding Yevtushenko: see Shostakovich, Symphony No. 13 "Babi Yar." Possibly his best. Combines humor, terror, narrative, using every possible orchestral combination. Gotta find a good recording tho where the choir/soloist is evenly paired with the ensemble.

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This video may help you in finding a great performance of Shostakovich's Babi Yar symphony: link: https://youtu.be/yOxJPsBghH8

Music critic Dave Hurwitz introduces and discusses his top picks among the many performances of this masterpiece.

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I’m just a nobody portrait painter, but when this madness began I started an instagram project to raise awareness by painting vaccine victims and sharing their stories. I was heavily censored of course, but still managed over 18k followers sharing what was happening. It’s @covidvictimsportraits. I’ve since had a baby so all my focus has been on her, but I definitely tried to use my art to speak out 🙏🏼

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Excellent, humanizes the injured which is very important.

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Neighbor, bass player, also pilot, had divorced from his wife and moved. But he moved back in with his ex when he came down with ALS. Now he is wheelchair bound. They have been in grief since he fell sick, I have been in grief since 2021.......not sure they even see what I see....in terms of genocide.

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Awful so sorry…l know someone who shared with me some months ago, in whispers that she didn’t know her husband had certain beliefs, and now has to keep quiet about them. Doesn’t dare get in a discussion…..what tensions and struggles, trying to be true to one’s self

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Pretty tough to be 'yoked to an unbeliever'.

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Yep, it gets way too dark after awhile. Eventually you got to come up once in awhile and smell fresh air and actually find something to laugh at. Enjoy life.

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Simply stunning. I dearly miss attending the symphony so thank you for this, sir.

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Punks punked out.

I may not look or dress like a punk but I'm more punk than they turned out to be.

Punk is a state of mind.

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They were never punk. They are just a bunch of talentless and image-obsessed posers. Yes, Punk...is all upstairs.

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I so appreciate you and all you are doing. Your body of work in chronicling and calling out the global democide will be a lasting legacy for future generations. You are a hero of our time.

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I'm an artist and I thank God for this lifelong inclination toward the arts that has permeated my entire life, to the greatest damn of my family, whether in passive or, like now, active form. I have to say this is what has kept me sane during the plandemic. All my artist friends did the same; when locks were put on our doors we all painted, painted, and painted some more, immersed in our imaginative worlds. I know, not a very meaningful way to combat the madness of gvts, but nevertheless the best way to keep levelheaded, with an infinite road ahead. I took this opportunity to improve, all retired that I am. I just kept and keep painting. Small works, mini ones, large ones, landscapes, frogs, portraits, no matter.

Keep adding brush mileage and covering canvas roads.

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Love and prayers to you our dear courageous reporter from the Underground,

we need you more than you can know, in these dark years your conversation, observations, and horrible facts blessed with a dose of music carried us into one day after another knowing yes there indeed someone is out there who cares for truth and tenderness.

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Thanks for this. Such an important reminder. Sending you love and healing prayers.

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