MLB is still promoting vaxxines? Good Lord!!

Vaxxed won’t be getting better. Bon Jovi got shots how disappointing. It’s not God who took your voice

It’s the vaxxine dude!

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In Canada, we have a hotline for this kind of thing.....Trudeau's Canada Offers Toll-Free Assisted Dying Phone Hotline https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/trudeaus-canada-offers-toll-free

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Trudeau is an asshole!! Canada 🇨🇦 rise up!!

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Canada DID stand up! The Freedom Convoy was a sight to behold!

I find it difficult to point fingers when my country (the USA) is in the crapper. The global corruption is truly epic. But yeah, Canada is knee-deep in the BS...

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At least Canada did have the balls to stand up only to get debanked, doxxed,

Not a good ending. Disappointing truly.

As for America God Almighty people

Where is the outrage? I’ve been on fire for 4 years … I’ve come to this conclusion that people just don’t understand what happened.

When I see Europeans out enmasse

Protesting I say where is America

Are the only rioters blm antifa Marxist

Who want to burn it all down,

J6 is evidence that we no longer live

In a free country,

Canada is worse in respect to having no


I’d like to see 200 million Americans Storm the castle 🏰

And maybe that will still happen?

Me thinks Americans are too lazy and content lattes and screens and our frontier days are long passed.

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More than 1/2 of Americans are asleep! No clue what’s going on. Just like this article. If it’s not on the boob tube they’re unaware.

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Well that leaves the 50% in the dark

I don’t really know how many people are awake….

Estimate is 25-30 % not vaxxed

Somewhere 20 % changed ???

Why and by what force?

50% sit on couch eating bon bons

Frozen pizzas

Oblivious I would like to kill every screen

Then well we’d be in the dark

But changes would occur

Imagine every addicted tv cell phone

Face lost

Well this may happen

Boob tube

My dad used to say that it’s disrespectful to boobs

Well long ago avg American watches

8 hours of tv a day or more don’t quote

My memory.

But that’s all programming the brain

To pathetic mediocrity.

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They don’t want to talk about it as they are scared.

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That just might be. If IF I had taken the shit shot …. I’d be in a tizzy knowing what I’m and we are learning.

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Yep…stick a tampon in him. He’s done!

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Wished it was that easy lol. Stick a fork in him he may not bleed? Lizards ya know

Only live by sucking blood from their victims. He needs to be stopped!! Tampon fork hey how bout some mRNA

Cocktails Trudea?

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He is a terrorist like his khalistan buddy jagmeet singh

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Not aware of this, take your word on it.

Thx 🙏

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Does it get anymore twisted than this? 😳

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Stella. I am late tonight catching up on substacks and I just read your link. That was really interesting. Appreciate the link. I doubt in my lifetime I will witness the complete annilation of a group of people that I belonged to. It will probably take a few generations after I'm gone until our heritage, culture and history are erased. Perhaps it's inevitable. Perhaps in the long run we are outnumbered. Perhaps this is the goal at all levels of Canadian government. Right now thanks to those wonderful progressive policies our Country is going to hand out free birth control.

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Yikes - sad & bad x

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This war is a one sided war where people are traumatized into taking their own lives.

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Beyond sick. He’s worse than Newscum, Biden, Obama all rolled into one.

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Oh, yes....the Castro DNA, being raised by Pierre and being groomed by Schwab = this.......

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Mar 3, 2024
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1 Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

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Satans concoction……….not of God.

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He accepted the Mark of The Beast. He sacrificed his voice to Lucifer.

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Many Artist have. Seems to be the price they pay for fame and fortune. Bob Dylan in an interview called Lucifer “The Commander”

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I saw that interview. He admitted having to take a blood oath to “The Commander” to become famous. The Commander of this world is indeed Lucifer.

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Sign here here here and here now you’re all mine and what fate awaits them?…. As young men we idolized these people. Talk about false idols.

The blood oath!

By the blood of Christ we are saved.

Now we know the blood of the vaxxinated now is contaminated how Is that for a diabolical plan along with shedding.

Commander is on borrowed time he’s busy!! So many souls so little time.

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Is there any science on this?

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https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/23/two-very-rare-covid-vaccine-side-effects-detected-in-global-study-of-99-million <- inflammation in the recent "cohort study of the 99 million", here's the gruanian take on it with record number of rares in any article, ever, probably

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33063519/ <- or here

https://reports.mountsinai.org/article/ent2021-02-mount-sinai-otolaryngologists-tackle-laryngeal-complications <- apparently it's also a "post covid", ie. post covid vaccinated, ie. post-vax, well really ie vax injury topic

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The 99 million were only followed for 42 days, so if they dropped on day 43 they wouldn't be counted.

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Bonjovi talking about God? Sorry, Jon, you sold your soul to the devil (Hitlery) years ago. KARMA!

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Is this ever going to end? They are still pushing the bioweapon.

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Hardly anyone is taking the bioweapon anymore. Unless forced.

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If all you ever listen to is MSM and NPR, you will eagerly get all shots offered. Never is heard a discouraging word…and the skies are hazy all day.

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CDC "looking" into whether the RSV vaccine caused almost 2 dozen cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

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Key word is looking.........forever

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I've got co-workers cueing up for their Lethal Injections... 🤔😱

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Yep. One guy I know has dutifully gotten jabbed at every opportunity and what a surprise, he ended up with a pulmonary embolism. The spouse of a fearful and jabbed up colleague is in the ICU now, is young, led a healthy lifestyle, had cardiac issues not so long ago and is now dealing with organ failure, another spouse of a jabbed up colleague needed a pacemaker because their heart was racing wildly. And I'm uncertain these people have connected the dots, but I am certain that other work colleagues are still getting jabbed, including new parents who proudly had their baby boy jabbed. Horrors.

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There's only two dots

Ain't hard

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F*** me, ain't that the truth... After the last 4 years I now understand how things like the witch burnings (some towns and cities in Germany in the Middle Ages entirely depopulated of their women), the Indian cult of Thuggee, Bolshevism, the Irish Potato famine, the Khmer Rouge and latterly the Rwandan genocide could have happened. The human capacity for stupidity, self-deception and mind-boggling cruelty seems limitless and inexhaustible.

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People wise up!

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Hard to believe anyone would still take it. All I can say is brainwashing is complete.

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Senior Friends sharing how awful they feel after getting their little jabs of immunity. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🌎

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Here in the Midwest, there is an endless bombardment of TV and radio commercials, billboards and posters urging you to get your vaxx (and bring the entire family too). All of the major grocery chains (and those with pharmacies) bombard you the moment you step inside their doors.

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Yup. I see it. The little screens they put up in Walmart to hide the jab operation are up all the time.

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Sounds like desperation to increase the uptake of jabs.

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Believe it or not, not so much here in SoCal. Hardly at all unless you go into a pharmacy and see a sign telling you that you can get your shot there.

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Oh, if only it were the vax to blame...

(I think we are facing multiple fronts here)

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Chemtrails, poison in food, in meds, it's everywhere.

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Leslie you’d be shocked 😮

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I guess so, horrible. I guess they will never give up trying to kill us.

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It ends when people say "NO" and stand their ground come hell or high water. So, no, this will not end any time soon because most people can't do that.

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VA still giving covid shots to US veterans.

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And pregnant women

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Read this link...and weep. Covid shot clinic for pregnant women in Pittsburgh.


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Disgusting 🤮

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Over 45,000🤬🥲

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Can't like this.

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Most current update on 21 Feb 2024 propaganda about the shots being safe for pregnant women.


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Desperation on the cusp of madness. “They” didn’t anticipate that the general public would get wise to the rat poison injections so quickly!

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This is unforgivable .

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This is so despicable .

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It will end once Fauci is hanged for his crimes against humanity.

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I can't wait .

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"God took away my vocal ability" ^_^ Huuh, no, he didn't ... Pfizer and the DoD did.

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That’s a great statement because it’s so true👏👏

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Yes, it is. The guy from back in the day who had some real ability was Steve Perry. 👍🏻

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He had vocal ability?

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Satans Concoction.

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If Bon Jovi has served Satan, then it is his gift to him, not the Lord's.

Satan has no love for anyone, least of which for those who serve him. When Judas had a change of heart and regretted his betrayal of Jesus and threw down the 30 pieces of silver before those who backed him, did he find any sympathy?

"When Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was filled with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” he said.

“What is that to us?” they replied. “You bear the responsibility.”

So Judas threw the silver into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself."

Matthew 27:3-5

Satan is the Tempter, Accuser and Executioner. king of the sting.

Jesus is the Rescuer and Healer.

Look at the hands and feet of Jesus pierced through. Jesus knows all about spikes. He took in His body what Satan intended for ALL of us.

Don't blame God Bon Jovi, seek Jesus instead. Repent of your separation from God and any business you have done with Satan. Reject Satan and commit yourself and your work to the Lord. Then you will see His blessings and healing. Then will your life be redeemed.

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Yea and tell the world what the clot shot did to you. Genius. Same with Springsteen. Idiots

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Seems so many were tempted by the usual; money, fame, promotion. And yes, if they would only now be filled with remorse for leaving God and joining Satan and doing his work. If they would only now give themselves to the Lord and with their positions of influence, start working for Him. They could do a world of good while they still have light.

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Wow- great message, AT!

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I still can't delete his songs that mysteriously appeared in my Apple playlist – weird!

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King of the sting. Well said. Blessing, AT.

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Thank you and blessings back!

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Agree with Datagal and you have great writings too🙏🙂

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Thank you so much!

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So true!

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The winter sports athletes are just as decrepit.

A lot of cross-country skiers - several dozen that I know of - have had their season ruined thanks to recurring bouts of flu-like illnesses. Normally they are sturdy people who barely have been sick their entire careers. The national team coaches are in despair.

In alpine sports (downhill, slalom), there is a really conspicuous trend where, again, several dozen athletes have damaged their ligaments, and similar. This type of injury is relatively normal in those sports, but the number of injured is off the charts this year. It seems like the jabs weaken ligaments as well.

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I have noticed the same thing in athletes. I know so many who only post covid shot rollout have experienced weird catastrophic injuries after basic trips and falls or simply playing a sport. Beyond soft tissue injuries I can also point to five really bad broken legs and feet. These are young people, this is not supposed to happen.

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...and NONE of them will speak up/out against the cult because it's not allowed.... ask Jon Stewart what happened when he did.....https://rumble.com/v4fe3vl-disgusting-subways-are-the-price-of-freedom-jon-stewart.html

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Mar 3, 2024
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I mean Jon Stewart who got shunned by his Hollywood elites when he went on Colbert and talked about the lab leak....ridiculous....so now he is pandering and he is hoping that no one notices and thinks he is funny again.....

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Mar 5, 2024
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No, I know...I was being sarcastic 😉

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Judaism is a religion, but the words below are a response to your statement— your statement implies that because “Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz” is Jewish, therefore, as he, in your opinion, is an immoral person, therefore all Jews are immoral. The statement below is a response to your post:

Racism by Ayn Rand

“Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage — the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control.”


Jews are people of the mind Jewish people are at the top of every game that requires the MIND.

Some good Jews:

Leonard Bernstein

Albert Einstein

Chaim Potok



Some bad Jews:

Bernie Madoff

Jeffrey Epstein

Harvey Weinstein

Mickey Cohen

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz

That there exist Jewish people who are also at the top of the game in the way of evil is unfortunate, but rather than implying— as so many do these days— that all Jews everywhere are evil, a better approach might be ferreting out who are the perpetrators of the evil and then arresting them.

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Read the Talmud , and then the Tora. After that discuss with me who is more racist.

Depending on which book the “Jew” worships determines if he’s alien or friendly.

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Einstein and Lorentz? Einstein not evil just the controlled media wanted Einstein to get all the credit is evil.

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Ok ok ok, Jayro, so you don’t like Einstein. Ok. How about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko or Elie Weisel or Stephen Sondheim or Daniel Greenfield or David Horowitz?

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My point wasn't Einstein was bad it was the controlled message we are fed it seems to favor a certain group.

For example:

What happened on 911? An Israeli-Neocon False Flag Operation is what happened...

1. The Project for a New American Century was written in Israel in 1996 under the name - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Requires a new Pearl Harbor for their plan. This is an update of the Yinon Plan of 1982- the Greater Israel Project. From the Nile to the Euphrates River...

2. Zionist Jew Silverstein purchased WTC 6 weeks prior. First time the WTC was ever put into Private Hands. Friends with Israeli Prime Ministers & Intelligence Services, along with Fed Reserve President & World Bank Presidents.

3. Zionist Jew Frank Lowy paid $127 million in May 2001 for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Member of the Golani Brigade & fought in the Israeli war of independence.

4. Zionist Jew Ronald S. Lauder was key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC. Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.

5. Airline Security Company at BOTH the Boston & Newark airports on 9-11 was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS). Most employees were ex- Shin Bet Israeli agents.

6. Security at the WTC was run by Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll & Jerome Hauer (BOTH Jews). Hauers mother involved in the creation & maintenance of the State of Israel.

7. Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel) wrote the fraudulent 9 11 Commission Report.

8. Zionist Jew, Richard Perle, Chairman of Pentagons Defense Policy Board, was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the 1970s after NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.

9. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff was assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security.

10. Israeli messaging service Odigo sent AT LEAST 2 Israelis prior warnings on 9 11, 2 hours prior to attack. Odigo has offices in New York & in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.

11. Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Pakistani military officials whose plane (Egyptian Fl990) crashed 2 years prior to 911.

12. Israeli Mossad Jews caught & arrested filming & celebrating WTC prior to & after 1st plane hits WTC. Jumping up & down, lighting lighters & holding them up in air.

13. Ted Olsen's wife supposedly placed an impossible cell phone call from on the plane during 9 11, Ted Olsen was Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard's attorney.

14. Israeli Mossad Jews caught with explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9 11.

15. Zionist Jew Alan D. Ratners Metals Management merged with the SIMS group & the Hugo Neu Corporation & sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence.

16. Over 60 Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 & days afterwards.

17. Zionist Jew Adam Pearlman is the AlQaeda spokesman. Lived with grandfather prior to joining AlQaeda, grandfather on board of ADL & huge Israeli supporter. His father helped run the Hippie Movement in SoCal then moved family to run a Kosher farm.

18. S.I.T.E. website releases AlQaeda tapes but is owned by an Iraqi Jew who was in Israeli IDF. Her father was an Iraqi Jew & was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL in the 1967 war.

19. Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC International which developed Remote Control Flying Technology & leases Boeing 767 refuel tankers, the same planes used on 9 11. He also authored PNAC & was Comptroller of Pentagon when $2.3 Trillion went missing.

20. According to FBI, in the Year 2000 Israeli Mossad had penetrated secret communications throughout the Clinton administration, even Presidential phone lines.

21. After 9 11 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said: We Jews own America & the Americans know it.

22. Popular Mechanics so-called (Debunking 9 11 Lies) article had as its senior researcher Benjamin Chertoff, the cousin of Dept of Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff at the time, Israeli dual citizen.

23. Israeli Mossad pretends to be Al Qaeda in Palestine but is caught by the Palestinian Authority in 2002.

24. On Oct 10, 2001, just 30 days after 911, 2 MOSSAD agents, armed with Glock automatics, 9 grenades, explosives, wiring and detonators, were arrested in the Mexican Congressional building. El Diario reported they were carrying fake Pakistani passports. After intense diplomatic pre$$ure, including a special envoy from Tel Aviv, the 2 were quietly released, deported to Israel and the story, which had dominated Mexican media and press for days, completely vanished. There were 3 key Mexican govt officials, "Ladinos", involved in the negotiations: in the foreign affairs, defense and judicial depts.

25. November 2, 2001: FBI Fury As Israeli citizens With US Nuke Plans & Valid Israeli Passports Escape custody.

26. Israeli citizen Philip Zelikow led the 9 11 Commission Report.

27. US Army released on 10 Sept 2001 a study on Israel, which said: Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS Army Officers say: Wildcard. Ruthless & cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces & make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.

28. "In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington (happened to be jewish), is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?"

29. "The real report, called “shocking” by the legislators, who have called for President Obama to declassify the entire report, proves that there was no al-Qaeda involvement, no reason to invade Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman, also known as “Osama bin Laden.”"

30. "In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok to interview former Soviet nuclear intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov. Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning of September 12, 2001, he attended a breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari and his son along with other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this gathering was to celebrate the 9/11 attacks, not as Netanyahu had said, as a “fortunate happenstance for Israel” but as a Mossad attack on the United States."

31. "Thus far, the initial report to congress on the Bush falsification does not qualify as a leak. Only Bush stands accused, the 9/11 perpetrators are still safe, their identities still protected by security protocols maintained by President Obama, despite congressional demands."?

32. Israeli Mossad Motto: "By way of Deception, thou shalt do war." (Motto Removed prior to 9 11).

33. “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

34. Ehud Barak, the prime minister of Israel until March of 2001, came to the U.S. shortly after leaving office. He came, ostensibly, to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a consultant with SCP Partners, a Mossad-run private equity company focused on "security related" work. SCP Partners did business with Metallurg Holding, Inc., as well as Advanced Metallurgical Group, both sharing the same Wayne, PA address. AMG specializes in the production of the same super-thermite used to collapse the three skyscrapers on 9/11.

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Very interesting. Thank you for sending this.

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I have noticed the sick ones have been more and more cagey about their sudden surgeries and illnesses lately. I wonder if they are finally figuring it all out…

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Some are but can`t speak up

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An American tragedy. These athletes and singers are in the prime years of their lives. Most eat healthfully to maintain their looks and energy level for performance so should be in the peak of health.

Anthony Fauci and many others (DoD, CDC, FDA, too many to list) are 100 percent responsible for the suffering, injuries, death and decline of health in American and globally.

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This is a global tragedy!

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And it’s trebled gradually

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The people that have chosen to be injected with this bioweapon, whether out of fear or government coercion, are doing a lot better than I thought they would. I have no doubt that time is not going to be their friend, what can anyone do, the damage has been done. It will take a decade at least for us to see the reality of SARS-CoV-2 and its partner in crime the jab, both were bioweapons. I am expecting prion diseases to take the stage as our number one disease followed by cancer, remember lipid nanoparticles travel to every part of the body delivering their toxic payload mixed with DNA contaminants.

I'm sorry there isn't any good news here, and I have no magic wand to wave and make the situation better. Just Saying

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It's a carnage, and a lot of it is happening on the road, vaxx zealots having strokes while driving, if each and every vaxxident was reporeted on MSM, it would paint a terrifying picture. Much more afraid of drivers than shedding.

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Pray and repent…

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All getting 'long jab' due to a declining immune system. Opportunistic infections will get worse as time goes on.

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With Adele, is it the vax or the weight loss pills? Ozempic is the next big Pharma disaster waiting to happen.


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Yeah, I wonder too because look at the wrinkles. Not that I’m making fun I just remember her having such a young glowing face and I think she is really young. She’s also had a tremendous amount of cosmetic surgery so maybe she takes a lot of drugs to keep her weight stable. I know people like that. When she was heavy her skin was flawless.

Either way...it’s in God’s hands now

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So sad! She has an extraordinary voice!

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Yeah but that catchy ooh, ooh oohh Ozempic song

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Another way to wreck your health…

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Just WHEN will MSM silence fail to disguise 🥸 the ongoing reaping of our healthiest celebrities? And just in general too! Don't the Booboeoise NOTICE all the sickness and FUNERALS??? Wow. Mattias Desmet writes about Mass Formation Psychosis. I watch people's eyes 👀 ACTUALLY GLAZE OVER! I thought it a literary conceit 🤷

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The team doctors are perplexed!

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You mean “baffled.” 😏

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Whilst the witch doctors dole out hex(es)

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The multiple meanings of 'cancelled' in our 21st century...

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I think we had a bit of shaudendipity there...;)

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Ah, but I see the word 'pity' pop up out of the dipity. It offsets the shaden a little.

Thanks for an invigorating word amalgamation!

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I can't believe how many singers are having voice problems. Despite their unfortunate choices for the covid vaccines it almost seems a cruel irony that the very thing that defines them has been taken away. Was the so called price of safety worth it?

And they are all sick now. It seems like Hollywood and all related industries are suffering catastrophic losses in many ways, including death. Sadly this same gullible group of people appear to have not only promoted the shots but drank the " Kool aid" too. These events are not one offs. They are becoming the new normal we were promised. Just like the canary in the mine, they may prove to be a harbinger of what's to come.

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The LNP wrapped mRNA molecules will accumulate everywhere. If any of the cells are already stressed/damaged, the associated tissue will be hit harder causing possible symptoms. Hence, singers' vocal chords, footballers' ligaments etc.

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That’s a great point and very well put! Amazing what you can learn from comments👍👏👍

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Shut your mouth when you talking to me (sing)

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Extraordiary how the stranglehood of the pushed vaccine narrative is so powerful that still most people cannot ser what a load of hokum it is! It speaks to the utter corruption of mainstream news sources, and maybe the desire of so many not to be seen as a 'crazy' aka 'anti-vaxxer'. It also seems to have got more of the educated in its grip versus the less educated!!! Ironic really.

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Mar 3, 2024
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I would like to also. But at age 65 I fear I'd be tempting fate. People do have heart attacks and health issues completely independent of the jab.

Last thing I want is to become like the cocky morons who proudly virtue signaled their jabs without realizing they were celebrating something which could maim or kill them.

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I know, I was just being facetious! You’re correct, virtual signaling is never good. I just get fed up sometimes!

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