Until there is a massive turning to the one true God, we are in for more and more of this tyrannical totalitarianism....in the meantime let’s do all we can to stop this globalist babel in its tracks.
Until there is a massive turning to the one true God, we are in for more and more of this tyrannical totalitarianism....in the meantime let’s do all we can to stop this globalist babel in its tracks.
No things are so fucked up because we have allowed the Davos Bankster Psychos to consolidate power, erode our democracy, enact more and more onerous laws i.e. Patriot Act (now being used against Soccer moms), Freedom Act).
They assassinated the Kennedy's and everyone said: "ho-hum, ho-hum, these things happen, it must have been Oswald".
They perpetrated the 9/11 False Flag and everyone cheered and clapped.
They invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria and everyone said "America, we're #1".
They created the Covid-19 virus, infected the World, forced us to take toxic vaccines and people just blindly submitted to authority.
And now the guns are being pointed right in our faces, and everyone wonders how did this happen.
Until there is a massive turning to the one true God, we are in for more and more of this tyrannical totalitarianism....in the meantime let’s do all we can to stop this globalist babel in its tracks.
Screw your one true god. Screw all the gods. They just give people another excuse to kill one another. They're worse than flags.
There are about three billion Christians in the world and two billion Muslims.
No wonder things are so fucked up.
No things are so fucked up because we have allowed the Davos Bankster Psychos to consolidate power, erode our democracy, enact more and more onerous laws i.e. Patriot Act (now being used against Soccer moms), Freedom Act).
They assassinated the Kennedy's and everyone said: "ho-hum, ho-hum, these things happen, it must have been Oswald".
They perpetrated the 9/11 False Flag and everyone cheered and clapped.
They invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria and everyone said "America, we're #1".
They created the Covid-19 virus, infected the World, forced us to take toxic vaccines and people just blindly submitted to authority.
And now the guns are being pointed right in our faces, and everyone wonders how did this happen.