Even if We the People refuse to go along, they'll implement it anyway as they're hellbent on doing so. Then the question becomes, how vigorously will we fight the coming dystopia?

There is no more negotiation. There are no more pleas to be made. It's fight-or-die time.

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Yes. Jasper is correct. We could have half the population of the world object on paper, using the channels they gave us. and they will ignore it and do it anyway. The soliciations for opinoins are just masking the tyranny, so they can say most people/nations agreed. It is a FARCE.

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Yes, we cannot accept one order from a non American.... nor an order passed thru A FREAKEN TRAITOR POSING AS A AN AMERICAN SOLDIER, POLICE OFFICER, MEDICAL OFFICER

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I shared the news with our local sheriff at church. They won't institute martial law without a fight. They are determined to kill us in large numbers and will not stop. This is democide. Nothing to lose. (Too bad we can't fly out to where they meet. Or have Commie Ted come show his ugly face in person. He starves children in his own nation. Now he is Hell bent on doing this in America.)

Prepare to fight on a local level. Guerrilla warfare. They may send dementia Joe's immigrants. So we'll need regional meetings. I'm fine with them giving the Covidians in blue cities the Shanghai treatment. They hate us and America and just about everything. Leave them to the globalists.

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There are fine and decent Americans in in inner cities.

You are already defeating yourself if you are writing them off, disparaging them.

A most idiotic comment

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Yes, there are some decent Americans there. We need to help them evacuate.

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There are many if us!

We want to fight! I am in Austin, commie central of Texas. Even here, 12 orr cent st my job were willing to lose our job.

I know this is NWO plan, and I would much, much rather get cut down in a battle, than end up in nwo death camp....

God bless

Btw, I'm 62, and I tried 2x to join militia.

Too old? They never called me back...

I will try to hook up somehow.

God bless, many of my friends have known what general plan since March 2020, basically traditional Catholics who reject apostate Rome

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I am in Blue state forever, it will never change. The rich are here with far too much money and eventually it will be an enclave for the super wealthy. It has all ther resources and easily defensible islands.

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I live in Texas,. Things can be so fluid.

There are honest cops, good American soldiers, either retired, or kicked out.

I would just like a chance to fight.

Being killed would not be bad at all...

I just want a chance.

I want to serve under a loyal American soldier

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Nicholas so, questions to think about.

I'm not asking for answers.

How do people hook up with very small bands?

What do people like me, lone wolf from city, look for?

Probably rural folks, who will be resistance, will not trust a big city guy.

Totally understand.

So what do I do?

I am thinking I am on my own...

But just so people know, there are many, many like me....

Look at marches in big cities last summer around world...

Those were probably many city folks, some suburbs...

God bless... DEATH TO NWO

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You are not on your own...because I am on my own and want to connect to the remnant, like you. I AM looking for answers (maybe temporary ones) , because the little voice in my head says you cannot stay here and now is the time to do something, to find like minded people and MOVE. I am a lone wolf suburbanite, ...and I refuse to sit down and shut up and go along and I am tired of trying to explain to people about WEF Digital Slavery, Peak Oil, etc. etc. when it is screaming at us daily in our papers etc.

YOU are NOT on your OWN. Let us think through our next move together...what to do. I have an idea or two....

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And this morning I had a revelation. It doesn't matter what I believe, what matters is what the powers that be believe.....because they will engage hell to get it done. lI am thinking boat....sail.....then loans to family and friends in case I am digitally cut off.....

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On the subject of Oil....since April 2022....

“More Oil From U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Heads To Europe”


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You are a dear soul... there are very many in our boat, city, suburbs folks who see a good amount of what is going on....

I will start thinking, plus I am asking...

There Is reason to hope, no matter how bad we think things are...

Some of these videos are from enemy, o believe, to scare us

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We rural folk need to keep connected with you to keep bringing in the supplies. Too easy to write people off now. I think they want us to do that.

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You're a good soul.

I love God, i love my family, I love America,

I want to be in the fight.

It has been clear war is coming, worldwide.

Don't forget their and people wanting to battle NWO.

Leaders will be veterans, police who resisted and rural experts..

Don't forget us who aren't in those categories...

We want to fight, rather than be slaves.

Something I hope somebody yhinks about..

I realize I might be a lone fighter....

God bless you, family.

I have been furious for over 2 years

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Completely agree, but in the meantime if we all write against it in their own form on site, it cannot be unnoticed. I did.


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Absolutely 💯. Anything, and everything

But Jasper is right... we are moving into uncharted territories.


It's gonna be over...

Gen 315, old Testament Jews looked to great Jewish heroines when chips down.

Judith etc

All but a shadow of Mary

Catholics always looked to Great Mother of God

Pray Rosary daily and wear Brown Scapular

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gates is the single biggest contributor to the WHO. my understanding is everything get run by the BMGF. gates also has his hands in many profitable vaccine pies. all documented in robert kennedy's book. this amounts to letting a billionaire whose already made a killing on vaccines decide via the WHO global vaccine policy, mandates, etc.

i'm like no. just no. i'm not complying. gates has a long history as a monopolist. he's trying to control world health for profit.

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Does it not occur to anyone that ths is the Armegeddon and time of Tribution foreseen in the Bible?

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ha. well, that's a take on it.

my take is that human civilization goes off the rails from time to time. it's better to live your life when this does not happen. so far i have. but maybe i'm not as lucky as i think. being born in an empire during a time a relative peace gives you the impression that things will always be this way. i'm sure the people in the over 40 empires that preceded the US felt the same way.

i think we have come to the same question by different routes. : )

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I expect it occurs to everyone who is a Christian.

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This is nothing like the Kirk Cameron movies. FWIW Armageddon occurs after the Beast System. Which seems to end with the fall of "Babylon." Maybe they won't be able to build back after all.

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Now that is a thought.

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Only people who believe in fairy-tales.

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Fairy tales have a core of truth in them...they didn't last this long unless they are permently lodged in the human consciousness. No I don't believe in prince's rescuing me, or magic, but I do know that every fairy tale teaches a lesson. Sometimes more than one.

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Gates is a psychopath, narcissistic lunatic.

Can’t figure out why people don’t trust him and loathe him.

Too many sycophants sucking at his money jar.

Globalist must be eradicated now.

A Holy Smite from God would be great.

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Just because he cackles uncontrollably every time he discusses deadly plagues that will wipe out billions with relish. Just because his "charity" crippled, killed and sterilized kids in India and Africa. Gee, I can't think why he has so many enemies.

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Gates is a just another minion of the Davos Bankster Psychos, like Soros, Bezos, Bloomberg, Steyer, Zuckerberg, and top politicians McConnell, McCarthy, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and so on.

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Yes but he’s a top tier turd. Funds most of the nefarious agencies.

Scratch the surface of any system, Gates foundation is there “ helping out”

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Yes guys like Gates are on the 2nd level. They would never have achieved their wealth if they weren't pushed forward by the Bankster mafia. They serve a purpose, if there is ever any blowback they will be sacrificed and they do the dirty work while protecting the identities of the top Bankster club of trillionaires who have always strived to rule from the shadows.

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He is making a new brand of baby formula now that all the rest mysteriously vanished. I swear that sicko is just trying to poison babies. If Epstein's BFF Gates weren't a multi billionaire he would be reduced to sticking pins and razors in candy bars to hand out to kids on Halloween.

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Reminds me of the doctor who got caught using his own semen to artificially inseminate.

Gatekeeper wants us all to look like him, ugly as sin

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Actually Germany is biggest by country ....good old boys

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"The United States historically has been the largest direct donor to WHO with a contribution of $604.2 million in 2018–2019 (the last years for which numbers are available). That year BMGF gave $431.3 million and GAVI gave $316.5 million.124 Plus, Gates also routes funding to WHO through SAGE and UNICEF and Rotary International, bringing his cumulative total contributions to over $1 billion, making Gates the unofficial top sponsor of the WHO, even before the Trump administration’s 2020 move to cut all his support to the organization.

Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (pp. 631-632). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition. "

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i stand corrected, sorry, thank you. i saw a chart somewhere, a graphic, which had Germany on top of Bill Gatekeeper, but i forget where. it struck me at the time. Maybe either US wasn't on it or, as you say, broken up into pieces.

oh, the whorganization has me broken up into pieces, nice folks

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That Kennedy book is a wealth of info. But Not a fast read. Not for me anyway. 🙂

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I call it the Bible

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Looks like this has been addressed below...but THIS YEAR Germany has taken over from BMGF, and the US Government. Edward Slavsquat has the graphic, I do believe.

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hmmmm... germany is listed as the biggest 2020-21 contributor here: http://open.who.int/2020-21/contributors/contributor

but i'm still going to say gates might be #1. he is able to contribute more than one way as per kennedy's book. GAVI, rotary international, etc. although i don't know that he did these last 2 years.

good catch you guys.

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May 16, 2022
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The whore health whorganization is a threat to public safety

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I meant world health whorganization

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The owners of the US Gov't and the National Security State = the Davos Club of Psychopath Banksters are the #1. This abdication of power to a supranational organization controlled by Davos is just more concentration of power. They were doing the same with their TPP, TTIP & TISA trade agreements which put an international corporate tribunal in charge of and can override national laws. Would have happened if Trump hadn't kiboshed it.

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Yes because they'll claim climate as a health emergency, so stop driving and using AC. Immigration as a health emergency, so all countries will take xyz number of refugees Energy as a health emergency. It won't end with pandemics.

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They'll order us all incarcerated. Good luck with that. I will continue to live like they don't exist. Cuz they don't in my universe.

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Nobody answers my emails or letters. Nobody gives a goddamn what I think or care about. The Government is doing whatever the hell it wants without asking the people. And even if they did ask the people, the majority of the people would probably say yes. Sound familiar? Ask me which country I’m in. I reply - does it matter? I reckon this applies everywhere.

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Until there is a massive turning to the one true God, we are in for more and more of this tyrannical totalitarianism....in the meantime let’s do all we can to stop this globalist babel in its tracks.

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Screw your one true god. Screw all the gods. They just give people another excuse to kill one another. They're worse than flags.

There are about three billion Christians in the world and two billion Muslims.

No wonder things are so fucked up.

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No things are so fucked up because we have allowed the Davos Bankster Psychos to consolidate power, erode our democracy, enact more and more onerous laws i.e. Patriot Act (now being used against Soccer moms), Freedom Act).

They assassinated the Kennedy's and everyone said: "ho-hum, ho-hum, these things happen, it must have been Oswald".

They perpetrated the 9/11 False Flag and everyone cheered and clapped.

They invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & Syria and everyone said "America, we're #1".

They created the Covid-19 virus, infected the World, forced us to take toxic vaccines and people just blindly submitted to authority.

And now the guns are being pointed right in our faces, and everyone wonders how did this happen.

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The psychopaths that run the WEF and the WHO are the face of the new world order they are in the process of trying to ram down our throats.

Far too many people have no clue what is taking place under the radar.

It's a very dangerous path we are on at the moment

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My friends think I’m crazy when I talk about basic dictatorship of the QR codes.

Believe that the Covid emergency is almost over, things will go back to normal now…

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I sent the Mercola article to all of my local and State elected officials in Massachusetts. I constantly email them about the tyranny of biomedical mandates. Thanks for all your work on these issues Mark. You see how everything is connected. Our new Mayor in Boston, Michelle Wu, (former City Councilor) has a biographical write up on the WEF web site as she has been a recognized "young leader" by them for some years. Of course, she did the vx mandate as soon as she took office last Dec. We have a local law office in MA that filed suit for us, and she withdrew her order 5 hours later, but maybe not because of our lawsuit. They were all dropping injection mandates by then (Feb.) for the masses who wanted to dine out etc. (Eric Adams too). In any case, with the conference coming this month in Darvos, and our former Senator John Kerry attending as climate czar (he will probably arrive on his private plane as usual) the lunacy continues. We are not dropping our lawsuit against Wu. We may not be able to stop this on the Federal level, but we can all work locally. That's what made a difference in the opiod crisis. Have you seen the HULU drama "Dopesick"? A lot of parallels there to what's going on now. If we all keep pressing on our local and state electeds, via lobbying (i.e. education efforts) and lawsuits, we may be able to slow this horror train down and get it up to the Supreme Court eventually. The recent ruling in India against forced vaccination is encouraging, but the draconian measures that can still be used against the unvaxed are horrifying to contemplate.

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Americans gonna be like hell no

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the federal government doesn’t have power to give away state sovereignty and doesn’t have medical powers over states and citizens. Even if congress passes a treaty it would be unlawful, because the states didn’t give the fed this power when the states created the fed gov via their compact that is our US constitution. We must challenge vigorously any such takings of our powers.

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A similar thing happened with Britain. Transferring power to the unelected EU dictatorship was blatantly illegal under British law. A top legal team prepared an ironclad case which went all the way up to their version of the Supreme Court and the justices refused to hear the case, just like the US supreme court is refusing to hear cases detailing Election Fraud in the 2020 election. The top judges are controlled by the Bankster mafia.

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Exactly. We have blatant treason going on.

Let’s not forget the Laptop of proof , enough to drag Biden and company out of office and into Gitmo.

But it’s swept aside.

Obama committed so many crimes. Yet he’s still free and mouthing off.

1/6 political prisoners is proof. Justice against the Treasonous filth isn’t coming anytime soon.

Look at maxwell case w Epstein. That should have sent 1/2 our politicians to prison.

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What court will charge any of these criminals w treason?

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state AGs can sue fed govt in supreme court. citizens can sue - there are liberty orgs out there that can sue on behalf of citizens.

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Sheriffs can arrest treasonous politicians.

Why isn’t Gavin. Brown, Inslee, Cuomo in prison?

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The "comments" seem to be for show only. The elites have already effectively bought off major news outlets, and can easily spin this as "necessary" for our protection. The whole world has already been deceived. And no one nation seems to have the courage to resist.

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We need to accelerate the knowledge of all the people so that we all understand the Government & their corrupt media are seen as they were in the late stages of the Soviet Union:

“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”

That sows the seeds of revolution.


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"And every day brings new studies, new findings that confirm the last two years of life in the Western world is a blizzard of lies."


Mark Steyn – another “Right Winger” (by his own definition “a fully paid up Right Wing bastard”) – tells more truth in five seconds than the entire official Left have for those two years.

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“Bill Gates: For people over 50 or 60, they’ll probably have to get boosted every 6 months until we get even better vaccines; so we’re in for ongoing vaccination to stay absolutely safe…”

So … no longer a question of “staying safe” but “staying ABSOLUTELY safe”? We must have ABSOLUTION!

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Where do we write comments to stop the WHO?

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