COVID Operation Executive Summary

The virus held little danger so to fix this flaw the script was flipped to ensure that all of the preventative measures were overflowing with harm:

The masks were designed to devitalize you mentally, physically, & spiritually.

The propaganda was programmed to wreck your mind and install the “virus”.

The lockdowns were enforced to eviscerate your economies, education, and autonomy.

The injections are intended to erase you.

All of this damage is by design: death by a thousand cuts.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness

Mark, here is a huge library of history from the last 4 years if you want to add it to your archives: https://tritorch.com/degradation

You can download it with httrack: https://www.httrack.com

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This is great! Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you!

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So tragic for these young people. What our governments have done to our people is a crime and the absolute morons who vote them in, should be called out publicly. Yes, WE need to call put our friends and our families TO THEIR FACES.

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And Norway's queen Sonja was admitted to hospital with atrial fibrillation on Saturday, but is back home again. The king had a pacemaker operation last year.


Update: Queen Sonja is now scheduled to also have a pacemaker.

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Kolingar is blaming snuss. Great - now the whack jobs will try to ban it.

I guess I should have been dead 40 years ago. I still dip, and if Bryan Ardis is right, I'm avoiding the shedders.

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I wish the cancer patients would contact Dr William Makis, he could save their lives.

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I may send a tweet out to any one of them if they’re on tweeter.

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Oh thank you

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Sloan Kettering Cancer Center announced they are investigating the disturbing mystery why a growing number of young people, under 50, are being diagnosed with over a dozen forms of cancer around the world.

Yale says It's such an important question, and it points to the need for more research.

UC Davis says younger adults need to do screening to protect themselves.

UC Chicago says it a mystery

And on and on...

So sad. Too bad nobody is telling them. Oh wait. MCM is on it. These young adults are just blind and deaf to the truth. An age old story.

I am bitter today because I lost a dear, dear friend who was very health compromised and took the jabs. She will be missed by many.

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My condolences 🙏 on your friends passing.

So many are dying many years than they may have died. The current twenty and thirty somethings are suddenly dying from cancer because they have been subjected to so many vaccines, starting with a painful toxic hepititus B vaccine shortly after birth. Why toxic? There are no proper safety trials for more than 147 babies longer than 5 days--that was only 'safety trial'.

Prior to 1989, hep B vaccine caused many injuries in adults.

Those born after 1986 have already been damaged from all those mandated 72 shots of various vaccines and then the covid shots and boosters added to that vaccination list are the final coup d'gras.

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