Thank you for reporting.

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I guess we all know why they are NOT going to investigate. No point investigating something when you already know the cause was a severe case of climate change.

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shedding some light on weather issues!


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Do any of them know its from the death-vax and if so why the hell aren't they speaking out.

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It’s called denial. Or if they listen to MSM, none of this would have been reported. It’s just us “conspiracy theorists” that believe it’s the shots, right?!

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I'm sure a lot of them do know and are too cowardly to speak up lest their "friends" and "family" and companies they work for desert them. As Big J said "Who are my family? These here who listen to me are my family" and a lot of people in the last few years found that those who should have listened to them didn't and those they never thought would listen to them did.

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Excellent question

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People need a shakeup wake-up but we have all the evidence we need right-here right-now. Just as Jesus told the story in Luke 16:19-30 of the Rich Man and Lazarus

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

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As we read through horror stories related to the vax, stories like the Alabama flight school need to be held up. A fellow trainee pulls the kid having cardiac arrest off of the flight controls and goes straight to CPR while the trainer takes over the controls and emergency lands the plane. Heroic composure and execution to avoid total disaster for everyone.

Moments like that still deserve recognition and celebration despite the tragedy.

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Yes, it truly is terrible that the covid shots were forced on our military. There are some in the military that are speaking out.

Conservative group Focus on America is hosting the event PUP ( Patriots Unite & Push) on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (formerly of Project Veritas). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (was the first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers include Debbie Bernal (Pfizer whistleblower), Steve Friend ( FBI whistleblower), embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suddenly documentary), plus many more. Click links below for more info.

For info about PUP:


PUP promo video:


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Nice article! Regarding squamous cell cancer topical application of ivermectin is effective in eradicating it https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/case-report-squamous-cell-carcinoma

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Professional sports figures dropping in higher numbers than acid overdoses at Woodstock

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"It's not poison, just ba-a-ad acid!"

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colon cancer. Both Fenbendazole AND IVM show promise. Joe Tippens.

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Daily conversations with people in California 50/50 nothing here, you misinformed or stupid and other half is aware we have problems

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We’ve got severe problems

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Thank you Mark and your team.

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August 10th 4 K Footage of the War Zone, (Lahaina, Maui) by Eric West


Eric has many more videos posted with eyewitness survivors.


Please share everywhere.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Well, Zoe, I hope that you are aware of the Mass Murder/Massacre that took place on August 8th, that has been blacked out of the media., I also pray that you care for children, that have not been accounted for. Because, if people of the World are not shown this Truth, and care enough, then I have no words.

Yes, I am overloaded too, and am trying to focus on the most important one, the Massacre of my beloved people of the Hawaiian Islands.

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But you’re posting this in a lot of Covid articles and not even bothering to comment on the topic. People put a lot of effort into their writing and I find it rude when others use it to post their own work without acknowledging what the person wrote.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Yes. But on the other hand so many journals, newspapers, books, alternative media have been displaced by the Internet that this is the only choice and, in many ways, this is far more hit and miss than the old reliable sources which were far less individualized.

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Aug 26, 2023
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well I'm not totally sure about that. they managed to get the breast cancer hoax going long ago, and it's still going strong now isn't it? I don't think the fear of covid was any worse than the fear of breast cancer, or any cancer. so I think maybe the internet and social media really has been the key to seeing what's going on.

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Aug 26, 2023
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The "extreme force and weapons" came further down the line. The victims were told they were being relocated for their own safety and if you look at the contemporaneous photos few soldiers were present and did not brandish their weapons as a way to sell the lie. As I understand it (obviously I wasn't there) most boarded the trains willingly, at least for the first leg. Most of us have a hard time fully comprehending the evil in the hearts of many and are incredulous until the evidence becomes overwhelming. It has been a painful road. Most in our circle still have the scales firmly attached to their eyes. Several of them we believe to be jab injured but when the subject is (delicately, gingerly) broached they dismiss the idea. After that, it is left alone as it can only serve to alienate them and we need all the friends we can get.

Speaking from experience, it is easier to live in ignorance. Once ignorance is abandoned then vigilance must ensue. Be alert, the world needs more lerts!

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Aug 26, 2023
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First they "othered" the target group by portraying them as filthy harbingers of disease and pestilence which emboldened the remainder of the populace to treat them accordingly which suborned fear in them as everywhere they turned was antipathy and derision. This served to make them easier to remove "for their safety and the safety of others." I wonder who the Jimmy Kimmel ( https://dailycaller.com/2021/09/08/rest-in-peace-wheezy-jimmy-kimmel-icu-beds-should-only-for-vaccinated/ ) of the day was?

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Social media made the psyop possible; social media will help expose the same psyop.

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Aug 27, 2023
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It’s exhausting trying to figure out exactly what is going on. I’m always questioning my “knowledge.” The only thing that is obvious is that more people are dying and sick, yet we have myriad potential culprits: the shots? 5G? Chemicals everywhere? All of it together? Is it a tipping point where the toxins just overtake people? I try to not be married to any one theory because then I’m no better than the ‘safe and effective’ crowd. Can anyone say for sure it’s just the shots? And no one hates them more than me! I met a woman on a plane yesterday who has sudden tumors and her husband was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. She is 46, I’m assuming he’s middle aged too. She told me flat out she thinks it’s the shots. It was weird, I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Like, is this conversation really happening? And I do think it’s the shots. But sometimes I wonder if it’s something else, not because I can’t wrap my head around the evil, because I now can. Sometimes I wonder if it’s the relentless fear campaign that is making people sick. Their own minds. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. But even after 3 years of this shit, i don’t know.

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Aug 27, 2023
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I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine the level of frustration on top of grief. I hope you find a little solace in like-minded humans here. ❤️

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Amen to that Zoe.

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