They do not follow a proper rhyme scheme; these poems do not have any set rules.
This type of poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmic phrases as compared to the artificial constraints of normal poetry.
It is also called vers libre, which is a French word meaning тАЬfree verse.тАЭ
Compare these little gems of Richard Brautigan with the self-indulgent, moronic drivel above.
"There was a man sitting next to me. He was WHITEWHITEWHITE: Fat, about fifty years old, balding sort of and his face was completely minus any human sensitivity. His baggy, no-style clothes covered him like the banner of a defeated country and he looked as if the only mail he had ever gotten in his life were bills."
тАФ Richard Brautigan
тАЬItтАЩs very hard to live in a studio apartment with a man whoтАЩs learning to play the violin.тАЭ
ThatтАЩs what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver."
What Was Mao.
Is What Is Now.
Cheap, shallow, simplistic.
A Mao Apologist.
I Never Imagined.
Asking You About Mao
Is Like Asking A Rapist
What There Favorite Color is.
Free verse poems have no regular meter or rhythm.
They do not follow a proper rhyme scheme; these poems do not have any set rules.
This type of poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmic phrases as compared to the artificial constraints of normal poetry.
It is also called vers libre, which is a French word meaning тАЬfree verse.тАЭ
Compare these little gems of Richard Brautigan with the self-indulgent, moronic drivel above.
"There was a man sitting next to me. He was WHITEWHITEWHITE: Fat, about fifty years old, balding sort of and his face was completely minus any human sensitivity. His baggy, no-style clothes covered him like the banner of a defeated country and he looked as if the only mail he had ever gotten in his life were bills."
тАФ Richard Brautigan
тАЬItтАЩs very hard to live in a studio apartment with a man whoтАЩs learning to play the violin.тАЭ
ThatтАЩs what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver."
тАФRichard Brautigan
Love Poem
"тАФIt's so nice
to wake up in the morning
all alone
and not have to tell somebody
you love them
when you don't love them
Richard Brautigan
I think you've made my point for me.
That point being that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Love 'Ya
Well, it is Pride Month.
Try. :)
Good question, TQO.
I'm old and have lived a full lifeтАФ78 years.
There are crazy people in the American government driving us toward a nuclear war.
I feel the need to resist these people by understanding and resisting their propaganda.
I'd like the next generation to enjoy a full, rich life like the one I've enjoyed.
Me too.
But I worked as a teacher for most of my life and I guess I can't renounce the profession.
Thank youтАФstay strong and take care of yourself and your family.