Off topic, but watched your interview on usawatchdog.com. Fantastic.

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Also, off topic but I think Mark (and myself) would dance a little two-step if RFK, Jr. got that debate on Rogan's show ...

Regarding the Great Kennedy vs. Hotez Debate that won't happen ... If you are scared Dr. Hotez (and you are), say you're scared.


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I’m thankful I found you and CJ early on. Many thanks for your work!

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I bought the book through Amazon when it first came out and read it. I’d never heard I’d the author before but the book was hilarious and brilliant. My first banned book!

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Mark & C.J.,

It seems "the beef" is about the swastika on the book cover.

But the symbol IS ON A PRESENT DAY MASK.

(& its imprint is vague, in coloration).

You don't have to be Einstein to quickly realize it is an ARTFUL allusion (of hypothetical connection) of the PAST, occuring in a single COUNTRY with its conquered satellites, and PRESENTLY, a GLOBAL phenomenon, in most places planetary.

ART cannot be canceled.


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Pro Tip:

Mock Them.

That Is The Second Rule

In Beating Them.

The First Rule Being

Never Make Allowances For Them.


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What Was Mao.

Is What Is Now.


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A Mao Apologist.

I Never Imagined.

Asking You About Mao

Is Like Asking A Rapist

What There Favorite Color is.


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Free verse poems have no regular meter or rhythm.

They do not follow a proper rhyme scheme; these poems do not have any set rules.

This type of poem is based on normal pauses and natural rhythmic phrases as compared to the artificial constraints of normal poetry.

It is also called vers libre, which is a French word meaning “free verse.”

Compare these little gems of Richard Brautigan with the self-indulgent, moronic drivel above.

"There was a man sitting next to me. He was WHITEWHITEWHITE: Fat, about fifty years old, balding sort of and his face was completely minus any human sensitivity. His baggy, no-style clothes covered him like the banner of a defeated country and he looked as if the only mail he had ever gotten in his life were bills."

— Richard Brautigan

“It’s very hard to live in a studio apartment with a man who’s learning to play the violin.”

That’s what she told the police when she handed them the empty revolver."

—Richard Brautigan

Love Poem

"—It's so nice

to wake up in the morning

all alone

and not have to tell somebody

you love them

when you don't love them


Richard Brautigan

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I think you've made my point for me.

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That point being that you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Well, it is Pride Month.

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Jun 18, 2023
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Try. :)

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Jun 18, 2023
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Good question, TQO.

I'm old and have lived a full life—78 years.

There are crazy people in the American government driving us toward a nuclear war.

I feel the need to resist these people by understanding and resisting their propaganda.

I'd like the next generation to enjoy a full, rich life like the one I've enjoyed.

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Jun 18, 2023
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Me too.

But I worked as a teacher for most of my life and I guess I can't renounce the profession.

Thank you—stay strong and take care of yourself and your family.

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i’d been putting off buying a copy of it but this made me pull the trigger.

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HA! Me too...just got a copy. Hope this wasn't a scam to sell a bunch of books?🤣

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Not many are going to want to hear this but here it goes. Trump was part of the plan to bring about Jan-6. If he was such a threat to the military industrial complex as Carlson stated in his 3rd released video, Trump would have never been elected. The deep stated cockroaches would have organized in 2016 what they organized in 2020 to get psycho-pedo Joe in the crack house.

Political division and thus the divide and conquer that Professor Miller stated in his recent video interview is the plan for an ever widening civil war in America. The deep state masonic demons can use the Trump legal farce of document taking to provocateur with THEIR operatives to stage terror events. Trump couldn't give a shite about the Jan-6 captives. I truly believe that it was a chilling event, knowing that THEY openly stole the election, they allowed it to happen and then incarcerated protestors as a warning. What was that warning? To those who believe Biden actually won, no worries as the fools will be fools. For those that see the fake governments illegitimacy, you are next commoner scum.

Psycho Joe will call them maga republicans and we are off to the races. That braindead fool was in Philadelphia today making absolutely no sense whatsoever. I think it is time to admit that the America that we thought we knew is no more. It never was what we were told that it was and we were strung along inside their controlled system of banking and democide. It was a pleasure to hear Prof. Miller state that eugenics has been a part of America for years and not just 2020 plus.

Regarding the book ban, we have seen these events many times throughout history and they will continue because the common people believe they are free. Why would anyone fight for freedom if they think they are free? The founding father mythology is used over and over again to deceive us into thinking that WE are the people. WE are the subjects of THE PEOPLE. that compose the royal bloodlines of the kings of england. It happens no other way. Like George Carlin said " You have owners, they own you". This is the reality. If we deny this, we are only digging a deeper hole for ourselves. Voting is not going to get us out of this. Carlin said " The Game is Rigged" and then of course the above statement. Him and his words were a gift and a clue to us. We are up shit creek.

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The best slaves are the ones that think they’re free.

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Author unknown.

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The MIC and the Zionist lobby were Trump's backers in 2016 but the MIC threw him under the bus in 2020. Trump's pardoning of Pollard on the way out was as big an "F You" as Obama's letting the vote against Israel go through the UN unchallenged in 2016.

Ya gotta watch their moves on the way out the door.

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The book is for sale for $12 through Walmart. I'll be getting a copy. I hope Mr. Hopkins isn't too disturbed by the reaction to his book ridiculing the COVID psychos. Being banned is a badge of honor in our times.

Thanks for covering this, Mr. Miller.

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Both books are provocative and subversive.

Unsettling that either book could be banned.

Return of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum?

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I loved New Normal. Hated Zone 23.

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"Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito."

(There are no rules about tastes.)

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It’s on Alibris books. I’m going to get it there.

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I love banned books. I started collecting them in 2020. Thanks.

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Read this last year! So glad I got a hard copy immediately. Who knows how far this will spread.

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I note that we are all focusing on the events of the day, evaluating them against historical events of similar purpose and consequence, albeit without having learned a single thing in terms of practice, so we are repeating all errors with precision. I am trying to get our awareness above such events, and to a thinking process that assures us of success, namely to become intimately familiar with the originator of all things, the one who wrote the operating manual for life in this world, and the one who will call us all to an accounting. Absent this, for whatever seemingly logical and honest reason each of us offers, we cannot possibly alter our destiny. Our destiny seems clear to an increasing number of people by now.

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Everyone should watch the interview, so you know what you might one day have the possibility of being up against.

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I live in Germany and just ordered the book on amazon.com to be sent to Germany. It seemed to work. It is supposed to arrive June 29. 😆👍

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