was it a 'sudden death match'...?

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Too soon?

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not if you're living in the future...

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RemovedJul 7
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the words might be 'bot/spam' ...

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It would make better sense if this was a mixed martial arts match. Maybe wrestlers get body slammed to the ground. Not sure his weight category but it still seems unusual. What do I know about wrestling? Not much. Thanks MCM for another update, report, news flash. They are all much appreciated.

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And the doctors are baffled. What a bunch of hacks!!

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Jab related collapse or wrestling related?

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I've seen quite a lot of head traumas over the years but none lost consciousness. It takes real brute trauma to do that like being punched by Tyson

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A concussion is caused by cranial trauma and generally results in a bruising of the affected frontal or temporal lobe(s). Bruising is actually micro-bleeding on the surface of the brain.

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He had a concussion from hitting the floor, but the question is, why did he collapse? Right?

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What’s hard to understand is, how well read, really, how greedy for new information, contrary information, are doctors, these days?! ~~~Safely in their offices and labs, nothing to disturb their reputation, their $$$ home life and social network….oh no! Surely not! Don’t tell me that! Bang my head against my wine cellar door! Maybe that news will fall out….can’t tell my family, we could lose every thing… ….oh dear! Yuk Yuk Sickening

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…very lucky man 😁

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Where's the science connecting the jab to cancer? Pre-existing or weakened immune system, pre-disposition... This cannot be scientifically deduced, only proposed.

Are there examples in the history of medicine where the authorities have effed up so royally that they must acknowledge their errors and wrong doing? The vectors of the soft science of medicine seem to be driven by consumers. The FDA does not fine or prosecute vitamin companies for making bogus 19th c style claims so it's on the consumer to say no to the jab.

And therein lies the problem: consumers do not know, and govt employees and others were forced...

But let us separate conspiracy from simple greed and coverup. Claiming conspiracies to reduce the global population does not assist in the pursuit of justice, nor in the practice of good science.

What if the scales of justice really were on the one side to obliterate polio while triggering disease for some vs not ridding the world of polio? Excellent personal health practices will always, in my opinion, be your best defense against disease. Why? Because your 50 trillion cells are always working for you to LIVE., while your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors can pull in the other direction. Living is cumulative, breath by breath.

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govt employees, BTW, were NOT forced, they received exemption, including Wolensky and her gang, while the rest of us were threatened w/ job loss. And w/ regard to your 'Gods In White Coats ridding the world of Polio' check out Mark Smith's comment below mine.....they cured Polio way back when and now all of a sudden the majority are BAFFLED???? A 'bunch of HACKS' is spot on, not sure I would have been so kind as to describe them as such.

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English please? She rcvd compensation for what? You make no sense.


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