Live Laugh Love ….. don’t let them take it away… ever .

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The action of dancing is Theraputic just do it!

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Yes, it is. I do it all the time alone in my apartment when I hear a favorite tune - usually country western.

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"We have yet to mount a defense"

"Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal. Thus, all shot recipients were tricked into a horrific medical experiment.

Call it what it is: A war against all humans in which “crimes against humanity” are seen wherever you look. I declared war on Technocracy on December 18, 2015 – nine years ago. It was clear back then, and now we are piling up the bodies and nursing the wounded. We have yet to mount a defense." ⁃ TN (Technocracy News) Editor (Patrick Wood)

Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot


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They are planning on doing it all again.

They must have a faulty algorithm.


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deletedJun 24
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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Yes, we must counterbalance the crazy.

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Thank you for this, Mark. Life, in the midst of a mad world courting death every day.

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Yes, the time to dance DOES come! 🎵👏👏👏🥁🎻👏👏👏🪕🎺👏👏👏🎶😂👍🏼

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I see a lot of live music of various types and venues and sizes of audience and I observe nothing but joy. Of course most of the participants are unaware and/or in denial about what happened and is still happening.

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Hello Mark. Since you are a big fan of music, and those standing up against the shot and who are very wide awake, you should know about monster drummer Vinnie Colaiuta. He played with Jeff Beck (died bacterial meningitis... adverse reaction?) He not only stood up but added to his podcast to educate his audience about the dangers we see and he's right on. You tube whacked his Breakfast with Vinnie podcast channel so he had to move "our" kind of stuff over to Rumble. Check it out https://rumble.com/c/c-6159902 We all should help spread the word so he does more of these and wake up hollywood by giving him views & likes

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How refreshing to see that Vinnie is not a covidian. He’s one of my favorite drummers. As a musician myself I wasn’t shocked that seemingly 90 plus % of my peers drank the cool aid, I was just disappointed. Living in LA during Covid was surreal and it was next to impossible to find like minds in music that didn’t buy into the fear. It was as if your talent was directly related to your willingness to comply with insanity to these people. Bravo Vinnie 🫡

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These Demon Creatures live off lower dimensional energy they steal from us. You must refuse to be depressed or down. Wake up and sing and dance, it really brightens your outlook for the day. Make up songs about them, when you get pissed. Works for me, and I always say that my goal is to live to be over 100, God willing of course.

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May we all dance together! putting all differences and hate and opinions aside...We will remember how amazing we humans truly are.

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that's what I love the most about Latin cultures, they love to drink, eat AND dance!

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Vewwy special, yes we need to see out and absorb these moments. This is lovely! I spent the afternoon at Barnes and Noble, keeps my balance

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LOVE IT! Thank you for reposting this! <3 <3 <3

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hah, a flash mob, fantastic!!

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There must be additional reasons for the criminals coming out of the woodwork: the lockdowns drew up a lot of toxins underneath society but the insane behaviors are not new. What goes around comes around? USA at stupid wars since 1960's

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