Pink partnered with pfizer to produce a video telling her fans how important it was to get vaccinated in Jan 2023. Pearl Jam, Neil Young et al all got the clot shots. And they used their celeb status to push it. NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM!

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There should be an asset seizure phase wherein celebrity influencers are forced to lose ALL assets to fund victims widows orphans etc. Also seize assets of investors, execs of pharma, censorship kingpins and public health tyrants.

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The assets that they are losing is themselves - their health, wellbeing and lives. But they are "so glad they are vaccinated. It could have been much worse."

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No - a lot of them may have told others to get injected but didn’t themselves. If they die from the injection then that’s too bad but it’s important to identify key celebrity influencers, censorship kingpins, pharma investors & local health tyrants to seize every penny they own to pay victims orphans & widows. Only from that can we have assurance this won’t happen again.

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proof, again: you cannot fix stupid.

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Genius. Yes Some of the benefits can be shared from selling that $12 million home

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I have no sympathy either. Their advice killed people. I just want ONE of them to say IM SORRY. I WAS WRONG. I SO REGRET PUSHING THESE BIOWEAPONS.

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Trump is that way. Won't apologize.

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Yes, that is upsetting to his supporters. He probably can't say anything about it until he is back in office.

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Chris Cuomo was stunned by the suggestion of an apology- how could even a "reporter" possibly know better

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Pearl Jab

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I like that.

Don't forget.....Rage FOR the Machine

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maybe neil young should have listened to what Malone & Mccullough had to say instead of throwing his toys out of his pram trying to have them cancelled..

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Throwing toys out of pram is pretty much the go-to reaction to everything from the left… until it’s time to backtrack(“if Trump wins I’m leaving because he suggested a wall!! Oh, maybe later, my walled community is my home!!”🙄)

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RemovedJul 7
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I guess all the "celebrities will be gone sooner than later. Too bad they didn't research the experimental warp speed injections before subjecting themselves to them. Im nobody and I knew not to take them.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Funny how that works. My brother married his high school sweetheart 30 years ago. Beautiful tall blonde blue eyes, her mother & father lived very rough lives & were homeless off & on. No careers just manual labor, kids from multiple partners. She has more half siblings than anyone you know. But you know what? She was the FIRST person in the family to be a ‘vaccine’ sceptic. Quit her job to avoid jab. There’s a lot to be said about street smarts.

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People that have lived on, or near, the “edge,” without falling in, know when they are getting conned.

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Very pithy! The number of friends and contacts who would disregard my concern….alas

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My most skeptical friend, who never trusted the jabs or the pandemic from day one, grew up in a communist country where the government lied as a matter of course. This friend quickly recognized propaganda and knew we were being lied to.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Interestingly, I had to boot someone who also grew up in USSR. She married a Haitian. Get this: she got the shot and he didn't. Haiti isn't commie, but they've been fed lotsa freedum and democrapcy since kicking out ze French. The Afro-skeptics out number the rest by a great margin. One has to wunder why. duh-huh.

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same . I could tell likely because of my past , & the only other person I know who saw the con was a friend from a former communist country ..We both tried to warm others we knew & they all scoffed . what're you gonna do

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I just read something about this (that I’ll probably butcher) far more people have “intelligence” than have courage. The courage to say “hell no” was very rare.

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Julian Assange said it. It's true.

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And Lived it!

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It does seem like the most credulous are the most formally educated.

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I’ve seen studies where higher IQ formally educated people are more likely to join a cult.

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Formally Mis-Educated?

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I have an “education,” but my “education” does have me!

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* DOESN’T have me!

Auto-incorrected, yet again.

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It's been so interesting, and continually surprising to me to find out who figured it out and when and how they did.

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Indeed, it is amazing looking back and looking forward, so grateful to be a nobody…. A dandelion along the sidewalk but still here. LOL. So sad for those who so badly needed celebrity’s adulations back then, who never paid attention to the still small voice ….and now are paying dearly for it

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Hello Hannah. I guess what stumps me, to some degree is that seemingly all of the entertainment industry (leftists for a greater number of them) accept everything, filthy or not, fed to them by the supposed 'experts', be it politicians, scientist or whatever the case may be. What is it about being liberal that makes one so, apparently, naive??

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Beats me, Im not a liberal.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Thank God. You know these evil goons just love that lot (entertainers, etc.). In their 'social justice warrior" mindset; they question nothing feds to them.

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I don't believe it is naivety. It's delusion that they are smarter than the rest of us peasants.

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Point very well stated and taken.

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These terms are meaningless. Partisans are not married to any particular principles, but to their team. That's why people continue to project fantasy upon Cap'n Warpspeed. Reality is a nuisance and thinking outside false binaries is extremely difficult for le tardos, irrespective of whatever team it is rooted for.

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How's that?

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binaries are controlled. it was the so-called right leading invasions into Afghan and Irag, left in Yugoslavia and Ukrain. What don't you get?

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My point was that entertainers, etc. all, seemingly, buy the lies fed to them by their supposed political heroes. That was all. Nothing about invasions etc.

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I think their point is- "weapons of mass destruction/terrorist/attack on America..." was the same kind of deception/belief dynamic. With subsequent power grabs.

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Weren't the hollywood and music celebraties forced to take these shots? It seems so. I saw many of them advertize telling the population they took the shot, I'm fine, so you should take them too! Look how that all turned out.

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They were told no jab no concerts, not too mention many were coerced with a bit of money whilst they could not perform.

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RemovedJul 6
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Overpopulation is a myth actually. What our beautiful planet has is a corporation, billionaire, and war machine problem hell-bent on poisoning and destroying our shared home because they can't share

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Pearl Jam were all anti establishment & had that image cultivated for years - so when they told everyone to get ‘vaccinated’ they had credibility & probably helped to murder thousands of fans. F them forever.

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All just posers and toadies. Ticket takers for the fame. Now the price is being paid by them.

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I wonder how many bands canceled shows prior to 2021?

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Not like this. So many more. As I like to say to the covidians - "This must be the 'new normal ' y'all were talking about." 😉 They don't know what to say.

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No they sure don’t…because they now have ‘compromised brain function’, if they got the shots.

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A friend of mine is an exceptional guitar player, the band has been playing for 46 years. I went to see them play last week and the guitar player's hand kept "cramping". I heard him complaining about it, as well as watching him constantly trying to shake it off. In the 46 years of seeing him play this has never happened before. I have seen him play until his fingers bleed and he continued to play to finish the gig. All I could think is "oh no, here we go", thought of Eric Clapton. This band pushed people to get the vaxx so life could return to normal. They are all liberal band wagon followers.

The bass player and keyboard player weren't looking so good. Both were extremely thin. The bass player didn't seem aware, seemed to be operating on muscle memory. They already lost their original drummer to tinnitus. This group of people has been part of my life for decades, it makes me sad to witness. Pre-shot they were all healthy for their age.

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And likely they make no ‘connection’ whatsoever, to their declining health and physical abilities and the EUA mRNA Jabs.

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Agree. Last night saw 2 friends who spoke about their and their families 'ailments'. These so called ailments are all from the last 4 years, but they make no connection whatsoever. I just sit there and silently shake my head. I used to think they were quite intelligent...😏

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Join the club. (...sigh... I know what you mean...)

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Nope, nada, zilch connection.

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Maybe someone ought to share the video interviews Eric Clapton has done about his vaxx injury. How it affected his guitar playing.

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Yeah, I didn't get the shot, but get that at times since the reset.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

What an amazing compilation of information. Another amazing report. I would never have learned of any of these people's illnesses without MCM's substack. Thank you.

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I'm old now, but I'm hoping I live to see the day when I can read here (or elsewhere) that Howard Stern and Gene Simmons, among others like Neil Young, are taking a dirt nap. I know I shouldn't wish ill on others, but, being a 'refusenik' on the vaxx, it was clear that their public comments were directed at me and they were hoping to inspire the masses to commit unconscionable abrogations of my civil liberties. I suppose that I have to confess to a degree of human character fault when I say that my feelings of antipathy and repulsion towards these people have not mellowed or diminished by very much over these past several years. But, it still pains me a greatly to read weekly of the innocent infants and small children that have been victims of this satanic plot (operation herod).

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Stephen Colbert 💉

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Cannot watch or stand the sound of his voice. Late night tv hosts were the worst. Their attempts at comedy were so cringe worthy. Karma will get them all.

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Every show should end with him taking another jab to prove how safe and effective it is. If he really believed that he should clearly show it

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People who are still testing and announcing positive results should be institutionalized. As well as entitled millionaires crying about a tumor removal for attention and normalizing disease.

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Hear! Hear!

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All these limp-wristed little commie bootlickers wanted to check mRNA cards to get in their shows, and now they reap the whirlwind. No amnesty, especially for you, Eddie Vedder. Cuck.

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Actually, we don't know that for sure about "ALL these limp-wristed little commie bootlickers." (And isn't it just like a commie to condemn whole groups of people?)

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It's pretty simple, sport: Eddie Vedder (and many of these musicians) chose medical apartheid, separating their audience into clean vs unclean. I didn't. I chose bodily autonomy, not extortion and groupthink. I'll call them commie bootlickers, because that is what they are. Nice reach, though 🙄

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Apartheid isn't particularly commie, is it? Call it what you like if it make you feel good about yourself.

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She tested positive for Covid again and said “y’all be careful being outside” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The willful ignorance of these fuckers

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What do you mean by "willful"? It suggests that she's been (somehow) conscious of the evidence that the "vaccine" is deadly; whereas it's more than likely that she's never even heard of it, much less read it. You blame the victim of the media's blackout on the truth.

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How do you know? It’s likely she just refuses to believe it. People are talking about the vaxx everywhere. People were protesting against the mandates from day one. Yet some decided to take it, believing their government when they said “safe and effective” rather than digging for info. Willful ignorance. Interesting that you’re defending these people.

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“Experts are baffled”. 🤡

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Hasn't Ellen DeGeneres cancelled a huge tour? On AOL News recently.

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Well, she's not really an artist of any kind. She has no discernible talent other than self-promotion for being "LGBTXYZ".

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

And the money just keeps flowing in to big pharma. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving!

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Imagine being a cell in Neil Young's brain! No thanks!

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Well it would be....lonely

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Pink was all in on the Covid propaganda. I wish her the best.

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I do not because she wishes the worst on the unvaxxed!

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I understand your frustration however the divide is what’s keeping us from healing.

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The Divide was created by the Left and the vaxxed!

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correction "faux left". There is no left anymore.

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Dear Neil, I am so sorry to hear that things have been rough.

Didn’t you try to get Joe Rogan cancelled because he had guests on his show who presented information that you didn’t agree with?

Sadly karma’s a B**ch

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