Imagine if the reports went as follows:

[Name] lost consciousness at the wheel after later telling paramedics he felt dizzy and confused prior to the accident. The doctors at the hospital later attributed the patient's loss of consciousness to the spike protein having proliferated in the blood stream and crossing over the blood-brain barrier. The doctors also checked the patient's covid19 injection batch numbers [at howbadismybatch.com] and found a high incidence of serious adverse effects correlating to the batch numbers: [insert here]. The doctors have now recommended a spike protein detox guide [https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide] and are carrying out D-Dimer tests. A D-dimer test is a blood test that measures D-dimer, a protein fragment that the body makes when a blood clot dissolves in the body. D-dimer is normally undetectable or only detectable at a very low level unless the body is forming and breaking down significant blood clots. The test can help rule out the presence of a serious blood clot by checking for certain proteins in the blood to rule out certain clotting disorders. Blood clots can cause health problems, and the D-dimer test is a blood test that requires a blood sample drawn to check for any heartbeat irregularities. [Patient name] later told reporters from his hospital bed "I urge everyone who has taken the covid19 injection to have a full health check, avoiding doctors who are feigning bafflement, and instead finding physicians who live in reality. You may not only protect yourself by taking such precautions, but those around you, especially if you are driving a vehicle day to day."

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Yes, D-Dimer, but also Troponin, PT INR and fibrinogen are good ones to run at the same time!

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Just another day in 'paradise'...

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"Still no certainty" about why he suffered seizure!!! Unbelievable the nonsense they continue to push. Vax Vax Vax Vax Vax DUH.

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I wonder how many pilots had "emergencies" recently that aren't covered by the captured MSM.

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The so called experts will blame it on climate change

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They’re dropping like flies out there

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5G. DEWs. We are primarly electrical beings, easily disrupted by excess electrical energy.

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Or it could just be the result of injecting bad drugs into people

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All 3

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It’s all a conspiracy theory. No one is sick or dying, it’s just an illusion. 🤨🤯😰 The jab pushers need to be in prison. All of them!

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Add another to the early & sudden passing list > seems even "Royalty" being duped by the bugaboo jibbyjabjab > of course the Family asks for privacy during this time ....& we'll likely never hear another word about it.. move it along....nothing to see here >


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Has anyone seen or heard from Damar Hamlin? Tiffany Dover?

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Only by using a Ouija board.

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So they hope it will be accepted, the killings of the death jab, as they slowly adapted us to accept certain atrocities, such as the Catholic child abuse, or the burning of the Jews, or the trans-movement… they will whisper that it’s OK, but only those that hold the highest morals and principals will whisper back, “fuck no!”…

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"Love is love", is another slow adaption to accepting pedofilia.

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I feel like all I hear lately is people in my circle talking about people they know dying and what funerals they are going to!! (Age range 50s-60s). I myself have been to 3 in the last year.

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Mark thank you for your sterling work! I want to send you a photo of a Daily Mail report about a new form of skin allergy noticed by the Mail Doctor (sorry dont have a link). What email address should I use?

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We've just had another frontal car crash i DK yesterday, where a 61 yo man died. That is the THIRD in just a few days! The other two were a 60 yo man, and a 54 yo woman, and in both cases it said that they somehow got over into the oncoming lane.

This is is getting scarier by the day! Fortunately, the ones they crashed into were alright, which makes me wonder if they were already dead and the speed already off. No mention of anything 'medical'!

The recent incidents:




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Just another coincidence. 🤯 Idiots still believe that.

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Only a few percent are lining up for the latest shots, and when is the last time someone posted 'I got my Covid Vax' on SM?. Far fewer idiots than at the roll-out.

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People are waking up. They see so many sick and dying around them. It’s everywhere. It’s about time they woke up….I’m sure many are worried about how the vax will affect them! Scary stuff. I’m confused how so many didn’t see the propaganda when it was so visible. It was always clear to me.

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How many of these reports never make the news? 😭

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Feb 27, 2024. King Harald of Norway rushed to hospital after falling ill while on holiday in Malaysia


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