Mark....Thanks for this article. You are so right in every sense of the way. This isn't going to end well.

What do you think is going to happen? I say something BIG before the 2024 Election. JOEBAMA

is NOT putting me under Martial Law. My husband came from Communist Hungary to the US and became US Citizen. Hungary was occupied by USSR for 45 years. US said they were coming, but

never showed up. Not like they did for corrupt Ukraine. We will do whatever it takes. He has

nowhere else to go. Take Care....God Bless YOU for the work that you do +

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Similar story. My entire family escaped from the eastern bloc. I’ll be damned if I sit and let globalism (aka communism 2.0) engulf us

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You are sooo right :-) My Husband's Mother was a Doctor. She refused to become Communist. His Father was a Developer/Contractor. The Communist nationalized his

Father's business 3 times. The third time he died of a heart attack. Communist gave

his grandparents 24 hours to get off their farm. Luckily, they had an apartment

in Budapest. It was just the 2 of them when they came to the US. She worked

really hard and became a Doctor in the US passing all her exams. I'm happy your

entire Family escaped, too. Same with us. We'll be damned, if we sit and let

Communism TRY and take us over. Thanks for sharing. Take Care ...GOD BLESS +

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It’s notable that every other eastern bloc escapee I’ve met recognized the communist power grab for what it was, right at the beginning of the “pandemic”. Needless to say, we were called baseless conspiracy theorists 🙄

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I will tell my husband what you stated. We researched and made the decision NO

COVID JAB for us. I NEVER wore the ineffective mask either. Take Care :-)

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You made smart choices! Take care😊

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Thank YOU....You did, too.... :-) Be Well....+

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The last 10 minutes or so with Bret taking about the vaccines and IGG4 are a must listen. It's interesting to listen to a scientist who wanted to believe struggle to cross the Rubicon we have all already crossed with these 💉 s. I have a pit in my stomach as I wait for the other shoe to drop. I'm expecting "Disease X" to be the kill shot for many of the vaccinated. They will give up any remaining liberties for a "cure." Also, don't be surprised if the "blame the unvaccinated" campaign starts up again in full force when this happens. Be prepared. My 2c

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They can't pull off a repeat of covid and they know it.

Disease X is just another psyop campaign trying to scare the crap out of people. On par with the grainy videos of Chinese people keeling over in the streets during early covid.

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RE: Disease X is just another psyop campaign trying to scare the crap out of people.

Yes, well so was Covid. It worked pretty well, the Globalists advanced their agenda very quickly and profoundly and are still doing it. Next they won't have the same narrative, they'll do something will get the right wingers too. They just might do something like CHINA HAS RELEASED A GoF VIRAL BIOWEAPON 1000 X MORE DEADLY THAN COVID, GET YOUR JAB ASAP AND ENLIST IN THE ARMY!

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New commercial with Travis Kelce in a US military uniform showing off his two bandaids "I'm doing my part!!"

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He is just disgusting. A total sellout who has no conscience and is promoting the democide all over the world. You can bet he hasn’t taken the bioweapon. It doesn’t go well with playing football.

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Geert says there may be a large wave of covid deaths coming for the vaxxed. If so, I expect the unvaxxed to be blamed again. And they can call it X or whatever.

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They can try. The contrast in health between the vaxxed and unvaxxed is becoming too apparent, like a smoker blaming their cancer on the non smoker.

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Feb 4, 2024Edited
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Also Bert the bandit's dad is heavily involved in patent disputes involving antibodies.

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Or maybe disease X is what is going to be blamed on when the vaccine injuries start in earnest? Every time Mark posts his died suddenly series there are more and more people who died suddenly.

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Feb 6, 2024
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In on what? Weinstein was the host for the first public discussion among scientists of the problems with the official narrative. Carlson was fired from Fox for speaking out too much.

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Even if things change after the election God willing, I don't think we will ever fully recover from this.

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Ordo ab chao .. simply put, "order from chaos". Global chaos by design.

Many eggs must be broken to build the New World Order / Great Reset omelette.

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Checkout the definition of the word reset in the Black's Law Dictionary.


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Wow, that is so interesting. I'd thought it was a mechanical image, like the reset button on my exercycle, but I bet you are right. Check out the etymology of "inclusion"

include (v.)

early 15c., "to shut (someone or something) in materially, enclose, imprison, confine," also "to have (something) as a constituent part," from Latin includere "to shut in, enclose, imprison, insert," from in- "in" (from PIE root *en "in") + claudere "to shut" (see close (v.)). The alleged Sam Goldwyn-ism "Include me out" is attested from 1937. Related: Included; including.https://www.etymonline.com/word/inclusion

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"The receiving or harboring an outlawed person."


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Yes, that seems to be the game they are playing. But what kind of hubris rules these people that they think they can create this level of chaos and successfully exploit it to their benefit? Chaos generally begets chaos until what? War? General destitution?

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An Olympian-level hubris.

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The well only have 500,000 controlled people Ai . Robots do everthing

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A revolution, of which "They" will aspire to "correct." "Order out of Chaos" in its present and very real actuation. They've been awaiting and preparing for this period in history for hundreds of years and are excitedly going about it now with anticipation and throwing much caution to the wind. But the thing is too well-rooted and wide-spread to be attended with any hope, (outside of the Creator's adjustment). And the USA is too proud of a nation to humble herself. She's apostate now. Not to mention that prophecy WILL come to its fruition in its description of "a time of trouble" never before realized, nor, once vanquished, to ever arise again! Praise the Good Lord! Prepare yourself with the Word.


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Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of its heads as it were wounded to death; and its deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Indeed the papal Roman beast's wound is nearly healed

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Correction: IS healed and health and vigor has been hers in the restoration of her former self. Check to see if I lie. Take a look at the ecclesiastical documents signed by most of the world's nations, which clearly give back to the RC church her prideful position of "mother of all churches." The Protestant era is "over." Similarly, the "free" nation of USA is fully over, and the changes which shall follow will be rapid ones, according to the prophet.

Don't be alarmed at anything anymore, since illusions and delusions will be part of Satan's process to bewitch and gain spiritual confidence by. Those who fail to realize the competency of the commander they are up against, will fall easy prey. Make no mistake.


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years ago this happened in Europe. Whole trains of 'Syrian' 'war' refugees flooded into Europe. Most of them young, able men. An older syrian man testified that the young rather than fighting and defending their country, fled to where they were pampered. Now we see how the UK and Ireland defend the illegals against their own people. What is going to become of this? hard to tell, but not much good for sure

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Yes, that is what my friends in Germany report.

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My family is in Belgium. Until last year there were still 'refugees' who refused to move on, and camped in a park in Brussels. They did not want help in Belgium, they all wanted to go to the UK. Last year Mark Steyn made several reports on how they flood everything there, being lodged in luxury hotels etc. sending pics home of how they were treated like princes. And then they wonder why more are coming

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While I 'like' Bret Weinstein, I still do NOT FULLY TRUST HIM, because he was unapologetically a proponent of mandated lockdowns to this day as well as useless masks.

He also took the deadly vaxx or two without hesitation as 'smart" as he appears to be.

Maybe just maybe all these events beginning with the brainwashed student body at Evergreen University that he, a firmer prof there, considered 'his type of people' with no help from administration plus everything going on today will 100% redpill him & his wife.

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Bret did NOT take the vaxx.

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I really thought I heard otherwise from him on a past podcast, but he and his wife have a long way to go to be fully awakened red pilled. They are on video record as proponents of both masking and mandated lockdowns.

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To get the impression that Bret is/was vaxxed means you don't follow Bret and/or Heather to any substantial degree, if at all. They are very public about their status.

That said, you're right when you say that "he and his wife have a long way to go to be fully awakened red pilled." But that could be said about countless people, and to come from where he came (teaching at Evergreen) to where he is now, is an impressive feat in itself.

The only person I know of (public or private) who has, in the span of a few short years, gone from 0% to 100% redpill is Neil Oliver.

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Also Dr. John Campbell (youtube).

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When I say 100% redpill I'm talking awake to ALL the biggies ... climate, 9-11, NWO, JFK, fiat currency, power, war, politics, wokism etc... Neil is awake to all of these — not just the covid con..

What is Campbell's position on these?

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bret still says mrna is wonderful tech

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That is simply untrue. You are mischaracterizing his statement. He did not take the vax, nor did Heather Heying. He tried to make a nuanced point about what he was calling "lockdown," by which he meant "quarantine," and he is a teacher, an academician, an evolutionary biologist, and a dyslexic with celiac disease, so he doesn't automatically think ahead about how his words might be twisted. He was making a theoretical, comprehensive, thinking point, about how we might all agree that if smallpox was crossed with, say, ebola, and that contagion was ripping through the world, he could see, theoretically, that those who didn't want a hypothetical vax might need to be quarantined, or that those with the disease might need to be quarantined. He also made it a point to say that he would not trust anyone in power today to administrate such a quarantine. An academician's honest thinking point. For a very short time, he and Heather Heying, fell for it, as did many people, and he has discussed this as a mistake at length. People make mistakes. His integrity is impeccable. I trust him entirely, like I do RFK jr, to never utter anything he believes to be untrue. Like RFK jr, he has had this role thrust upon him, as so many have, and would be far happier studying tent making bats in the global South than fighting for humanity and the West not to go extinct.

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Maybe I could be mistaken, but to be cautious about someone without giving carte blanche approval or becoming a full apologizing fan of someone without longterm proofs is not who I am.

As I said before, Weinstein is likeable, smart, but not Infallible and my spidey senses say "not to trust this guy 100%" at least not yet.

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he still says mrna tech is wonderful just that pharma got greedy and sold it with little safety testing. he cant be trusted just like dr. campbell who pushed the jab to millions of his boobtube followers making money from scroogle.

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I was unaware Weinstein said this but for as much great material as he and his wife produce, it's not surprising, despite his being a very smart fellow he is still fallible like we all are to a given degree.

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Awaken, for some reason I don't mind hearing that anti-Covid vaxxers have been red pilled, it gives me hope, but to be fair to your point, I didn't jab and I was totally blown away by friends who did... but hopefully they learned a lot about tactics as they travelled a helluva lot further than we had to before arriving at our consensus. In my case, I was suspicious the second Fauci opened his greedy little yap.

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Stealing elections with illegal voters is just a bonus. It’s about destabilizing society and population replacement to ensure western civilization is destroyed. If .gov wanted it to stop it would stop - immediately. The useful idiots and grifters enabling this think they’ll be spared. Won’t they be surprised when the logical outcome arrives.

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The election argument loses credibility when you notice they're doing the same method of attack on Canada, UK, France, Germany, Ireland and Italy.

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Everything is a racket ... and our government took over all the Mob's best rackets.


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Saw and listen to Austin-fits interview with Hunter at USA watchdog. She still looks for missing 21 Triillon$ She says l the Fed govt. is corrupt beyond repair and is the MOB. She works with States now. Please all watch

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If they are not the Mob, the government does a great job emulating the Mob.

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When Bret talks about the possibility of allowing migrants to serve in the US military, well that has been happening already for a long time. Often for their use as cannon fodder. The very first US casualty of the 2003 Iraq war was a young Guatemalan, whose parents had been killed in the US-funded dirty wars of the 1980's. He entered the US illegally at age 20, but because he looked so young could pass as a minor and was placed in a foster family in LA, eventually getting a green card. Though he was an aspiring artist, shy, sensitive and not at all combative, he joined the military to get US citizenship and pay for college. He was sent to Iraq and died there. His remains eventually made it to his only known family member, a sister who lived in a slum on the garbage heaps in Guatemala City. A documentary film was made about this years ago.

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Canada is being overwhelmed also and to make it more interesting, we have a housing shortage. They’ve planned this all so well.

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Relax, everyone. Biden is in control. He's doing what's best for the country. He must destroy it to save it and Build Back Better.

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lf you are serious in your statement that Biden is in control, you are mistaken. Obama is in control, along with Klaus Schwab and the UN President.

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Gary, I believe that's what Blair said, but with the aid of something called sarcasm.

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And above all them

Revelation 13:2.....and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Sits papal Rome

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Said no one ever.

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Blair, I'm not in love with him despite his dreamy contorted papery-flesh face with that red fiery background and those two Marines standing nearby at tense attention, berating me for not getting jabbed. 😁

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I concur, Fred. Despite the appeal of the fiery red background and two Marines standing directedly behind him, I'm not in love with him either. Besides, I doubt he thinks too highly of me since I'm unvaccinated. Thankfully, I didn't take the snake oil sacred miracle elixir he pushed on Americans to keep their jobs. Being an illegal immigrant seems to have more perks nowadays. He didn't even mandate them to be vaccinated.

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Oh I feeeeeel so much better now!

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These invading immigrants will also be used by the globalists as U.N. "shock troops" to physically attack all those who stand for liberty and freedom, and used against all of those who don't bow down to the Satanism taking over "America". Why do you think there are so many Chinese immigrants? Many of them, who have been indoctrinated, conditioned and brainwashed to believe in totalitarian communism since they were little children, are very likely sleeper agents who will be weaponized against all dissenters against the takeover the U.S. by and with evil. Communists and other totalitarian-socialist people who are against the way of life emphasizing liberty, freedom and rights that is supposed to be all that exists in the U.S., are intentionally loading our country with people who only understand control and repression, and profiting off poisoning vast swaths of illegal drug users, and who want to see the world taken over by totalitarian control, subjugation and repression, just as the globalists, who are all totalitarian socialists as well, are feverishly working to bring about. All of these Satanists will be satisfied with nothing less than the eradication of all liberty and freedom.

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This is treason. Treason is a hanging offense.,this madness will not end well. This is catastrophic in every conceivable way.

First they poison you. Then shame you for questioning the medical harms, and deaths.

Second they tell us we are carbon units taking too much space and resources, while they galavant in lear jets.

Third they intentionally Allows invaders unvetted

To take over towns cities schools hotels all the while paying them. While common taxpayers pay for this atrocity before our very eyes.

Nothing stealth here, purely business that seeks to kill, steal, vandalize, rape, to an puppet king that can’t read cue cards. America best wake the Fuck Up. Or we will all go down.

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It's not about voting. That's a Republican myth. Both parties want mass immigration for the same reason that both parties want offshoring. Enrich the rich and ruin the poor.

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Yep this. When republicans start demanding that companies that hire illegal immigrants be arrested for it then we’ll know that they are serious.

How many times have they held all branches of government, but haven’t fixed immigration? Probably as many times as democrats did and didn’t address abortion. Fund raising for both parties who serve the same donors.

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It's treason, pure and simple.

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These are communist tactics of takeover:

• Import military age marxists and radical muslims who will not hesitate to use violence when called to

• Demonize our males

• Demonize our white majority

• Demonize our history

• Promote all manner of sexual perversity in the ranks of government and the military

• Divert the military from actually defending our nation towards useless other battles

• Import essential components of our military's resources such as ammunition, and strategic raw materials from China

We are a few short steps from being taken over as a nation.

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We've already been taken over, as the other "Five Eyes" Western countries have been too... by Ashkenazim (fake "Jews" according to Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) who run all those countries and more. Look at who most of the global(ist) traitors are: Ashkenazim. Look at who most of the Biden administration is made up of: Ashkenazim. Look at who runs "Israehell": Ashkenazim. Look at who (WHO) runs Big Pharma: Many Ashkenazim. We've been completely taken over by fake "Jews", aka Satanists, who encompass the doom of the vast majority of us. They have begun the culling through the present "vaccines" and scamdemics, and they've already mass-murdered millions (and a million in the U.S.). They are looking to exterminate billions, and are well on the way to doing so.

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Wow, that would make the entire nation of Israel the dumbist people on the face of the earth by succombing to coercion to take the jab by their own government who desires to take over the world. You are being lead astray by the same spirit that Ford and countless other antisemites down thru history have been lead down by bolshevik propoganda and jealousy and envy. a Jew named Jesus is coming back to rule from Jerusalem as King of Kings—you should be prepared.

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Take your Zionist counterfeit-"Christian" bullshite and bury it in the backyard! We are all stocked up with the brainwashed craziness of ideologues like yourself. And I'M supposedly one of the ones "lead astray by..." antisemitism! You should look at the FACT that YOU embrace evil in the guise of "the chosen people" who are anything but, and are destroying liberty and freedom globally, and actively seeking to eradicate most of the human population from the face of planet Earth, while monster-, and monstrousness-, supporting people like yourself bury your heads up to your ankles in lies, and falsely claim those who ONLY believe in TRUTH are the victims of "lies".

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